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The AC Podcast

Author: Association for Coaching

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Welcome to the Association for Coaching (AC) Podcast Channel.

Immerse yourself in captivating conversations as our hosts connect with coaches, global thought leaders, and academics. These conversations are not only meaningful and inspiring but also wonderfully diverse, amplifying the voice of the coaching profession.

Listen to our weekly episodes to gain actionable tools and practical tips to elevate your personal and professional development, boost your coaching business, and become a better coach for your clients.
196 Episodes
Anna-Marie Watson, coach, supervisor, and podcaster, joins our host, Rob Lawrence, to share her experiences and knowledge of coaching outdoors. Anna-Marie shares her lifelong experiences with nature, the research into this field, and the ways she uses the outdoors to coach her clients. She challenges coaches to consider their own relationships with nature first to create an authentic practice, and discusses the role of movement in coaching outdoors. This is a practical and inspiring introduction to our latest podcast series: Coaching Outdoors.   You will learn:   ·       The practical considerations to coaching outdoors ·       Ethical and safety aspects ·       Integrating technology and coaching outdoor methods   “I think the beauty of outdoor coaching is the diversity within it and the passion that coach practitioners have within this field is huge.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:  
Beth Clare McManus, psychologist, artist, and researcher, joins our host, Sheela Hobden, to bring her unique approach to the final episode of our Research in Coaching series. Currently undertaking a PhD in exploring art-based approaches in supervision, Beth explains why she sees all research as a creative practice.   Beth also carries out regular informal research in her practice and gives real examples of how she does this. She encourages coaches to give a playful spaciousness to research, whilst considering safety and ethics in coaching experiments. Listen for a fresh perspective that makes research accessible to any coach and supervisor.   You will learn:   ·       How to create informal research opportunities in your coaching practice ·       How to be creative and experimental in your research ·       Ethical issues to consider in informal and formal research   “I don't locate all the research thinking or doing under that formalised space. The work out there I've done in art galleries and around the built environment is quite informal.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Dr. Christine Vitzthum, whose pioneering research supports gender-sensitive approaches in corporate settings, joins our host, Sheela Hobden, to share her experiences with research in coaching. Christine demonstrates the huge benefits of overcoming limiting beliefs about research and discusses the potential benefits of integrating research practices into professional coaching accreditation. Discover why she advocates for the value of research in coaching, and encourage coaches to engage in critical reflection.     You will learn:   ·       About Christine’s research on gender sensitivity and the risks within organizational coaching ·       The incredible outcomes of Christine’s research, both personally and professionally ·       Overcoming the challenges of research   “My research led to an approach by my new business partner, and we started a new company, I have published articles and have a book proposal on my desk. So it’s opened up so many doors.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Verity Symcox, psychology doctoral student, award-winning coach, and lecturer at Henley Business School, joins our host, Sheela Hobden to bust the myths and misconceptions about research in coaching. Join this lively, honest conversation to be inspired and learn how accessible research is for any coach.   You will learn:   ·       Verity’s journey with research ·       Myths and misconceptions about research and becoming a researcher ·       Specific key learnings from research that can impact our coaching practice   “I thought I haven’t got enough brown cardigans or elbow patches to do research. But what I see is bright, colourful people with just lots of passion.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Jeremy Lewis, coaching supervisor and practitioner-researcher, joins our host, Sheela Hobden, to share his love for practitioner-led research. Jeremy shares the story that led him to research and the huge impact it has had on his life and practice. He is now on his third piece of research in four years, continuing to explore new frontiers in coaching supervision. His personal journey and real-life examples make research both attainable and inspiring.   You will learn:   ·       The process of becoming a practitioner-researcher ·       Different research models and methods ·       How to implement research findings into coaching and coaching supervision   “If we can research and write it up in a way that is essentially capturing practical wisdom: that is how it relates.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Abhijit Bhattacharya joins our host, Sheela Hobden, to share his perspectives as a coach practitioner who has been an avid consumer of research. Abhijit explains why research should inform practice, how practice informs research, and exposes three core myths about research and coaching. His own passion and real-life examples will inspire you to rethink your own attitude to research, and how to integrate it into your practice.   You will learn:   ·       What makes research important for practitioners ·       Examples of the practical implementation and impact of research for coaching ·       Why you should participate in research and stay informed     “Research cannot happen in isolation. It cannot happen without the participation of the practitioners and people who have received coaching, so I urge everyone to participate.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:  
Professor Rebecca Jones, professor of coaching and behavioural change at Henley Business School, joins our host Sheela Hobden, to share her passion for research. Rebecca describes research as her ‘first love’ and trained as a coach later, so she has a unique way of looking at coaching research. She explains the difference between qualitative and quantitative research, her own journey with research, and imparts some practical words of wisdom for coaches.   You will learn:   ·      How to critically assess the quality of research ·      The blocks to curiosity about research ·      How to choose a topic to research   “Use your coaching skills to approach the research with curiosity and ask how you will use it in your coaching practice.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Dr. Marie Stopforth, chartered coaching and sport and exercise psychologist, joins host Sheela Hobden, to discuss the different ways coaches can access or create research themselves. This wonderful conversation brings research back to earth through real-life examples, myth-debunking and practical advice. Marie also shares information about a new community she has created, The Coaching Psychology Network, which aims to help coaches support, share, and learn more about psychology and research.   You will learn:   ·       Myths around what research is, who can do it, and how ·       How to approach informal and formal research ·       Practical examples of how research can positively impact your coaching     “Nowadays there is a move to open access – shift towards research not just being open to academics or students in university. So, there is lots online…and there are ways to find it for free.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:  
Dr Tünde Erdös, ICF MCC and researcher, joins our host Sheela Hobden, in a passionate and inquiring conversation about research in coaching. Why research in coaching? How do we appreciate research more and in what ways can research help us grow? In this episode, they look beyond the obvious in and around coaching research, inspiring coaches to question what they know about its value for themselves and their clients.   You will learn: ·       The power of participating in research for coaches and also clients ·       To separate the myth from the reality around coaching research ·       Why engaging with coaching research means experiencing expansion as a coach and for clients   “Research – it can transform me as a person in the same way good coach education can.”      For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:  
Maisie Barlow, host of this Coaching Our Future Generations podcast series, joins Maxine Bell for this final episode to bring together the key reflections of her guests, as well as her own thoughts on working with young people.   In this thought-provoking conversation, Maisie reflects on what she learnt from her guests, the power of curiosity, and the need to allow young people more autonomy. Maisie shares her future vision for young people and invites other coaches to consider working in this incredibly rewarding area. It’s a wonderful conclusion to a powerful series.   You will learn: ·       Key qualities required to create a safe and supportive environment for young people ·       The challenges of working with young people ·       Some of the key issues young people are living with in today’s world     “Working with young people is confronting, it’s challenging but the reward goes beyond anything that is tangible.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Katrina Shaw, founder of Grow with Grief, joins host Maisie Barlow to share her personal journey of grief and loss, and how this led to her current work, educating, supporting and normalising conversations about grief and loss.     Katrina highlights that grief can stem from various losses and is a highly individual experience without a set timeline, and the need for creating a safe space for emotional expression. She explains that grief and loss will turn up for anyone working with people and stresses the value of learning about grief, being present and honest. Katrina discusses the misconceptions about the stages of grief and provides practical tips for coaches or anyone else working with people experiencing grief and loss.   You will learn:   ·       The differences in grieving between adults and children ·       The importance of using clear language with young people ·       The importance of self-awareness and boundaries   “When it comes to grief and loss, adults don't know how to talk to young people about that topic, because our processing of grief and loss is very different to a child.”    For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:  
Paul Chambers, speaker, poet and co-founder of PoetsIN, a creative mental health charity, joins host Maisie Barlow to talk about how he uses creativity, writing and poetry in his work with young people and adults.   Paul shares parts of his own story, including his mental health struggles and how a series of events all happening at once allowed him to turn his life around. Learn more about the work of his charity and how he switched from not liking children at all to becoming incredibly passionate about working with them. A wonderfully warm and inviting conversation.   You will learn:   ·       The value of creating a space for honest self-expression ·       Invaluable insights and tips for working with young people ·       The difference between working with children, compared with adults   “We hold space for them, we give them a voice, we give them an ear and we give them support and we don’t judge.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Haleem Clift, filmmaker, producer and speaker, joins our host Maisie Barlow, to discuss his work with young people. Haleem leads with vulnerability, sharing his lived experiences to engage and empower young people as well as provide a positive male role model for young men. In this thought-provoking conversation, Haleem explores the fine line between motivation, mentorship and coaching, and the importance of his own personal development. He talks about the societal and internal pressures faced by men, the need for male healing spaces in a female-dominated industry, and how having a good male role model can change the trajectory of a young man’s life. Diving into the current cancel culture, Haleem and Maisie explore the impact on young people and how vital it is to empower them to develop strong resilient roots within themselves.     You will learn: ·       The power of lived experiences and stories in relating to and engaging young people ·       How to support young men in developing a healthy masculinity ·       The impact of the information age and cancel culture on young people   “Let’s not shame men for being men, for having masculine qualities. It is not a bad thing – you just need to channel it in the right way.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Steven Russell, founder of Elements Support, joins host Maisie Barlow, for our most in-depth, and arguably most inspiring episode to date. With candour and authenticity, Steven shares both his personal and professional encounters with the care system and education. He offers a message of hope to those within the care system, and invaluable advice for professionals, including coaches, on how to work with young people.   Steven shares how the five elements of connection - Patience, Presence, Curiosity, Creativity, and Authenticity - are crucial in meeting the emotional needs of the children we support. He firmly believes that by practicing these elements, we can foster stronger connections. Steven is a natural storyteller and his ability to be real and honest is humbling. He exposes myths and changes perspectives on working with young people, explaining that no matter how much trauma someone has been through, they can thrive.   You will learn: ·       The power of just one person in a child's life ·       The importance of connection before correction ·       The five elements of connection and how to apply them in your professional practice (or personal life!)   “Good teachers turn up to teach. Great teachers turn up to learn.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:  
Felicity Rose Sunderland Hall, a life coach and trainer, joins our host, Maisie Barlow, to share her transformative journey, from burnout in a corporate job, to embracing life coaching. Felicity discusses the profound personal growth she experienced through coaching, leading her to pursue it professionally in the south of France.   Felicity advocates making coaching more accessible to young people, both financially and socially; breaking misconceptions and considering how it is marketed, especially on social media. Felicity shares her experience working in different countries and emphasizes the need for transparency and honesty from the start when working with young people.   You will learn: ·       How culture and technology impact coaching ·       The value and potential long-term impact of coaching people at a young age ·       Key points for coaches to consider when coaching young people   “I think there's a massive amount of work that needs to go in at the very initial stage of where you're explaining to a student or a young person the expectations of what they can be able to expect from coaching and the format that it's going to take.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Ashley Howard, CEO and founder of Forever Young People, joins our host Maisie Barlow, to share his passion for youth work. Ashley recounts his challenging youth, including time in a family refuge, and how mentorship helped him find his passion for working with young people which led to the founding of Forever Young People in 2019, and its evolution and growth since.   Ashley discusses the importance of emotional intelligence, personal growth, and community support. He shares his initiatives for alternative education, youth work, and community groups, including a mum-and-baby group. Discover the importance of authenticity and sensitivity and other practical tips for working with young people. This conversation highlights Ashley's dedication to empowering young people and his inspiring journey of personal and professional development.   You will learn: ·       The challenges and rewards of mentoring and supporting young people ·       The significance of equipping young people with practical life skills ·       The importance of consistency and understanding the individual needs of young people   "People need money to live, 100%, but people need support to live. You need those things put in place for you to feel and have that desire to kind of want to push yourself, want to live that life, chase your purpose."    For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:  
Simone Ujah, youth worker, coach and podcaster, joins our host Maisie Barlow, for the first powerful episode of this series. Simone shares her coaching journey that helped her develop a core sense of self and allows her to work with young people with deep authenticity and honesty.   Simone reflects on the challenges of addressing cultural differences and racism, drawing from personal stories, including her children's experiences with racial incidents at school and the gaslighting she subsequently received. Simone talks about the need for conversations and education around unconscious bias and equality, sharing how world events led her to start her Re-education podcast during lockdown. Simone discusses how culturally, respecting each person as an individual experience is key and we need to empower young people rather than support a victim mindset.   You will learn:   ·       The importance of authenticity and honesty when working with young people ·       The importance of putting young people at the centre of conversations and providing space for exploration and troubleshooting ·       The challenges of guiding (not preaching!) young people, with the need to respect their space and earn their respect   “How and when do we tell our children that they're going to experience some form of racism, whether it's in the workplace, in school? How do I equip my children with the awareness that not all people are like this from any background? But some people have this perception that you are beneath them, and they will do whatever's in their power to continue to make you feel like you are beneath them… And that is not the truth. You’re not.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Anthony Eldridge-Rogers, coach, supervisor, trainer and organizational consultant in human wellbeing and coaching, joins our host, Maxine Bell, for a deep dive into a coach’s practice of self-care. Anthony shares practical tips for integrating self-care into daily routines and the importance of community support.   This episode emphasizes the need for coaches to prioritize their mental well-being and find internal worth, challenging societal norms and fostering a supportive community for sustainable self-care practices. Learn of the impact of societal pressures and the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection. A beautiful conversation that will stretch your perspectives on what self-care really is.   You will learn:   ·       An overview of the components of holistic self-care ·       How self-care is integral to mental health ·       How self-care is not something we only do alone     "Self-care can actually take you forward into a deepening and an expansion of your experience of well-being and thriving, so it's not just a problem-solving tool; it's also a potential building tool."     For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:
Jo Birch, therapist and supervisor, and Professor Andrew Reeves, researcher, therapist and coach, join host Maxine Bell, to explore the sensitive topic of suicide and suicide ideation in relation to coaching and supervision. They discuss the importance of coaches being prepared to support clients having suicidal thoughts, emphasizing the need for clear contracting, professional boundaries and direct communication. The conversation highlights the emotional impact of suicide, the complexity of addressing it, and the significance of transparency and understanding. Jo and Andrew encourage bravery and honesty in conversations about suicide and recommend seeking training and support to navigate these challenges effectively. A highly practical and helpful conversation. You will learn:   ·       How coaches can work effectively with suicidal clients ·       How supervision can be helpful to support coaching with suicidal clients ·       The importance of self-awareness/reflexivity in supporting ourselves in our work      "People who consider ending their life are ordinary people; they look like you and me and Andrew. You can't tell when you enter a coaching agreement with someone."   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:   EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS: ·       WhatsApp Global Resources for Suicide Prevention ·       Samaritans UK: Tel: 116 113 – Emergency helpline and suicide support ·       Samaritans Ireland  Tel: 116 123 ·       SHOUT       Text SHOUT TO 85258  - A UK-based emergency mental health text helpline ·       UK Helplines ·       Find a Helpline Worldwide – just type in your country and topic
Kate Brassington, trauma-informed coach, joins host Maxine Bell, to challenge the misconception that clients with trauma would not be present in a coaching session. Kate shares what coaches can do to become more trauma-aware and trauma-informed, to better serve clients and create a safe coaching environment. Learn the difference between PTSD and complex PTSD, the importance of staying present and curious in coaching, and the implications for ethical and safe practice. Kate tackles the fears and anxiety surrounding this topic and encourages coaches to seek supervision, and to continue educating themselves on trauma-informed practices.   You will learn:   ·       What trauma is and what trauma isn’t ·       The need for coaches to be trauma-informed and the value of mental health first aid training ·       Tips and ideas on how to look after yourself and your client   “A trauma-informed world is good for everyone. It’s a kinder, better place for everyone.”   For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:   EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS: ·       WhatsApp Global Resources for Suicide Prevention ·       Samaritans UK: Tel: 116 113 – Emergency helpline and suicide support ·       Samaritans Ireland  Tel: 116 123 ·       SHOUT       Text SHOUT TO 85258  - A UK-based emergency mental health text helpline ·       UK Helplines ·       Find a Helpline Worldwide – just type in your country and topic