The ACID Capitalist Podcast

<p>Gonzo Finance!<br><br></p><h1>Hugh Hendry is an Award Winning Hedge Fund Manager, Market Commentator, Thought Leader, St Barts Real Estate Investor & Surfer.</h1><p><br>Full episodes are available at and<br><br><br></p>

Fools Gold: The ACID Capitalist Reveals How to Trade Gold

Welcome to a journey into the gold markets on today’s podcast, where I, alongside a valued member from the John Galt community, dive deep into the glittering realms of gold trading. For the next 50 minutes, we’re going to tackle some burning questions, slicing through the noise with sharp insights and fearless forecasts. Whether you're a battle-hardened trader or a curious onlooker ready to dip your toes into the gold rush, strap in. We're set to explore everything from market dynamics to cunning trading strategies, ensuring you walk away with a treasure trove of knowledge. Let the gold games begin! And dear John Galts, line-up, let’s do more…⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Les Étoiles Vagabondes

Step off Wall Street's grimy sidewalks and plunge into the wilderness with the ACID Capitalist as your guide on another mind-bending journey. We've connected with Tom Morgan, a standout from this year's Ira Sohn conference and a fellow traveler lost in the financial wilds. Tom tells me that it's fantastic being telepathic, that he’s read my mind, that things are really drastic…With Tom as our wandering star, we explore the possibilities of finance's future, navigating the abstract without seeking anything specific. We're the shamans of finance, venturing into risk, creativity, and the art of foresight, our vision blurred by last night's tequila.We share stories of profound revelations and the rare, gonzo path less traveled, challenging the monotony of corporate life. This journey is not just another finance podcast; it's an exploration of curiosity's core.We delve into the brain's right hemisphere, we’re out there on the perpendicular, not searching for anything in particular, maybe seeking life's meaning, syncing with Jung's synchronicity, and pondering the ego's demise. Is our spiritual quest merely a competitive climb, an infinite loop ?Here's the paradox: As AI challenges the left hemisphere's relevance, might the shamans, the daring outsiders, become finance's new deities ?Dare to listen and let your mind wander the fringes of finance's future.Also, be sure to watch Tom's 5 minutes of wisdom:⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


The Path to Serfdom

Dive into the vaults with the ACID Capitalist, as I resurrect a mentoring session from July '23, "The Path to Serfdom". The young Padawan and I dissect the how and why of the financial depression gripping the majority, questioning the orthodoxies that pin us down in a world seemingly designed by and for the elite. This isn't a chat; it's a rebel yell, seeking to redefine what we accept as economic 'normalcy'. Gear up for a discursive journey through the financial wilderness, where no question is too sacred, no theory too outlandish. We don’t like slavery, we won’t beg but with a rebel yell, we’ll take more, more, more.⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Acid Therapy - Episode 3

Welcome back, my enlightened audience, to another episode of Acid Therapy, where yours truly, The Acid Capitalist, delves once more into the mental maelstrom with Denise Shull's guidance.This episode serves as a serenade to the chaos of existence, exploring a myriad of topics from the rollercoaster of my personal life to the philosophical musings that keep the midnight oil burning. Denise skillfully prods and pokes at the fabric of my psyche, unraveling threads of my past, my dance with financial peril, and my unwavering quest to find meaning in the madness. From the stress of nearing completion on a villa project to childhood recollections shaping my adult anxieties, each moment leads us closer to unraveling the enigma of The Acid Capitalist.So, brace for impact; this one cuts deep.⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Acid Therapy - Episode 2

Ladies and gentlemen, daredevils of the financial markets, connoisseurs of the unconventional, welcome back to what I've cheekily dubbed "Acid Therapy" with the indomitable Denise Shull. If you thought our first Tango-in-Paris was a trip down the rabbit hole, brace yourselves for a sequel that delves deeper into the psyche of trading, investing, and the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies the pursuit of pecuniary success.In this episode, we peel back the layers of the market's psyche with Denise;  tackle the taboo, the unspoken truth that emotion is not just a part of decision-making; it is the cornerstone. Forget the mantra of the suits, that its cold, calculated logic. Nah, that's subterfuge, throwing you off the money trail. I'm here to tell you that to navigate the tumultuous seas of the market, you need to embrace the storm within.Denise challenges the notion that emotion and reason are at odds. Instead, she proposes that they are the yin and yang of successful trading. We explore the idea that your gut feeling isn't just old pizza acting up – it's your brain's way of pattern recognition, an unconscious intuition honed by experience and expertise. We dive into the controversial, discuss how the very emotions we're told to suppress could be the compass guiding us through the market's treacherous terrain.We also confront the uncomfortable, admitting that sometimes, despite our best analysis and emotional intuition, the market can still blindside us. It's a humbling reminder that we're playing a game with no guarantees, only educated gambles. It's absolutely orgasmic.And for those of you who are as intrigued by these conversations as I am, I invite you to join the Acid Capitalist Tribe on Patreon. There, you'll get the full-length versions of all my podcasts, including this eye-opening dialogue with Denise, and other exclusive content that's too hot for the mainstream. Dive into the deep end with us, subscribe to me on Patreon to listen to the full episode.⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Acid Therapy - Episode 1

Switching it up with a throwback from the archives. About a year ago, I had a series of 3 interviews with Denise Shull. She's a certified pro, cut from the same cloth as Wendy from Billions – you know, that HBO show about Bobby Axelrod, the hedge fund big shot. Denise even took a swing at the show's creators, claiming they owed her royalties for using her likeness in Wendy's character. She lost that one. Tough cookie, but sharp as hell.I hesitated about putting this out. It's not your usual investment talk, but maybe it's got something to say about our crazy world. Beyond that, it gets real personal. Last year was a deep dive into hurt for me, going through a separation with my life partner. Yeah, I'm the guy who married his first date. Who does that, right? Anyway, I've had time to think, and one thing missing from public life is laying it all out there. I felt the sharp pain that the chaos life sometimes throws at us. Figured maybe it's better out in the open.Most times, I'm cruising around playing the king-of-St-Barts, but reality is a whole lot more complex. To understand me better, I wanted to share. 'Cause we're all on this journey, and you've got to believe that open talks and exchanges are what helps us along the way. Anyway, enough rambling. Here's the first episode, just for you.⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Is Softbank Crazy Bust?

In this week's episode Nick Searle the from ADP podcast interviews Hugh Hendry.Nick and Hugh talk through Hugh’s thoughts on the outlook for 2024 and go on a macro Acid Capitalist trip along the way.They discuss when will the Fed cut interest rates, the 1970s and Hugh's white paper on the parallels between the monetary landscape and the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, suggesting that attempts by central banks to control economic temperature may lead to unintended consequences. They also cover Hugh’s view of Japan, Greyscale, Bitcoin and the price of Gold. Hugh also discusses arguing with his 'AI version of himself'.Nick's book suggestion is The Creative Act by Rick Rubin⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Is The 40 Year Bond Bull Market OVER? Jeffrey Gundlach & The Acid Capitalist Discuss.

Here is a sneak peak from my 38 minute full video that I dorpped on my Patreon last week.To get exclusive access to all of my content as soon as it´s released, sign up today and I´ll see you in there.THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


What Do I Think Of Bitcoin?

Here is a behind the scenes interview I gave at the Bitcoin conference in Amsterdam with Isabella from Bitcoin Magazine.I've dropped a couple of short videos from this interview, but here you can enjoy the full audio.In this interview we discuss why I don't believe Bitcoin is going to fix every issue the current system has, as well as so much more.⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Trading The End of the Cycle And Generating Equity Risk Premium.

This video was originally released on my Patreon. To get exclusive access to all of my content as soon as it´s released, sign up today and I´ll see you in there.⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ randomly managed to watch a recent interview on Bloomberg with a talking head from Invesco.I found it priceless. The nonsense that's spoken by the biggest investors. Words, endless words, jargonA science of profanities.But hat tip to the Bloomberg anchor, Tom Keane, for asking the most pertinent question,"Aren't you just making this up as you go along ?"A lot of the interview discusses investment strategy at the fabled end of the cycle. What cycle you might ask. The rates cycle ? The Fed seems to have indicated that hikes are ending.Will the US economic cycle end ? It continues to surprise on the upside but surely its days are numbered ? There's a discussion about the equity risk premium. A means of considering the relative attraction of stocks versus bonds. Everyone is against the Treasury market currently. But the equity risk premium is urging caution on equities.We discuss.⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


The World´s #1 Bond Trader Reveals His Next Money Making Trade. Exclusive Interview With Bob Treue

Watch the entire conversation at **THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!**⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Acid Capitalist Summer Camp Roundtable with Brent Johnson, George Gammon, Hugh Hendry & Jeff Snider

Brent, George, Hugh and Jeff sit down to discuss FX and the Japanese Yen and Chinese Yuan devaluation, monetary policy, Fed actions and the yield curve.Watch the entire conversation at **THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!**⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Macro Musings with Jim Bianco (preview)

Listen to the entire conversation at ***THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!***⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


The Approaching Macro Shock Wave with Skanda Amarnath (public preview)

The Approaching Macro Shock Wave with Skanda Amarnath (public preview)  ***THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!***⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Inflation Collision Course with Bob Elliot (Preview)

Inflation Collision Course with Bob Elliot (Preview)***THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!***⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Acid Capitalist meets Real Vision Mashup with Andreas Steno (Preview)

Acid Capitalist meets Real Vision Mashup with Andreas StenoListen to the entire conversation at ***THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!***⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Macro Jiving: Inflation? Sticky or Slip, Sliding Away with Tom Roderick

Listen to the entire conversation at ⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


PREVIEW: Anarchists at the Fed with Steve Hanke

PREVIEW: Anarchists at the Fed with Steve Hanke ⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Preview: Venturing Across the Abyss: The Bridge of Hope w/ George Magnus

Venturing Across the Abyss: The Bridge of Hope w/ George Magnus***THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!***⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


Preview: PART II The Future of Money with AllinCrypto

To hear the entire conversation sign up at***THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!!***⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!


laurie smith


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