The ASEAN PodQuest

ASEAN PodQuest is a platform provided by ASEAN Studies Center Universitas Gadjah Mada to discuss questions also to answer, also in the same time it's a quest for information, engagement to get more understanding about issues in ASEAN region and member countries.

Eps. 8 Film horror sebagai Katalis Kemiripan Budaya di Asia Tenggara

Recently, a lot of horror movies—especially those made in Southeast Asia—have topped lists of people's favorite shows. Some of them are Pengabdi Setan (Indonesia), others include The Medium (Thailand), Danur (Indonesia), Shutter (Thailand), Pee Mak (Thailand), and Munafik (Malaysia). When investigated in socio-cultural studies, horror films that depict the horrifying experience of the emergence of non-human beings can be associated with the apparent cultural commonalities of each country in Southeast Asia in addition to being a popular form of entertainment. It is not surprising that socio-cultural studies in Southeast Asia can also be examined from spooky horror stories from each region that exhibit parallels in stories and patterns as people from Southeast Asian countries generally do have roots that are near to or even the same. In episode 8 this time, Lucky Kardanardi, ex-Programme Intern at ASC UGM together with Natasha Kuswanto who is a movie enthusiast, and also experienced as a Data Administrator at the Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, discusses how horror films can be an aspect in the study of social behavior and behavior. culture in Southeast Asia. This 7th Episode of The ASEAN PodQuest is broadcasted in Bahasa Indonesia and can be listened through Spotify, Anchor, and Apple Podcast. #ASEAN #SoutheastAsia #ASEANStudiesCenter #ASC #UGM#Horror #Movie #SocioCulture


Eps. 7 Bubble Burst Start-up: Bagaimana Harapan Pasar Digital di Indonesia?

Many start-up companies have recently gone out of business, but there are also stories of start-ups that have grown into unicorn and even decacorn companies, which are examples of successful start-up companies. As one of the world's leading centers of digital economic growth, Southeast Asia is of interest to us. I#ASEAN #SoutheastAsia #ASEANStudiesCenter #ASC #UGM #StartUp #DigitalEconomy #DigitalIndustry #IndustrialRevolution #Technology #Economyn this 7th episode of the ASEAN PodQuest Tunggul Wicaksono (Research Manager at the ASEAN Studies Center Gadjah Mada University) and Taufik Fitriyanto (Start-Up Enthusiast) will discuss the phenomenon of economic development and the digital industry in Indonesia and Southeast Asia with all the opportunities and challenges faced to move into the future. This time the ASEAN PodQuest is broadcast with an Indonesian introduction, and can be listened to on Spotify, Anchor, and Apple Podcast #ASEAN #SoutheastAsia #ASEANStudiesCenter #ASC #UGM #StartUp #DigitalEconomy #DigitalIndustry #IndustrialRevolution #Technology #Economy


Eps. 6 AUKUS dan Masa Depan Geopolitik Asia Tenggara

AUKUS merupakan pakta kerjasama dalam bidang pertahanan antara tiga negara yaitu Australia, Kerajaan Inggris (United Kingdom), dan Amerika Serikat (United States). Beragam reaksi dari berbagai negara seperti China, Prancis, dan tentu saja negara-negara anggota ASEAN yang mana wilayah operasi kerjasama dalam pakta ini secara geografis berdekatan dengan wilayah Asia Tenggara. Pakta kerjasama pertahanan antara tiga negara tersebut tergolong sangat baru, yang mana terbentuk pada bulan September 2021 lalu dan berisikan kerjasama pengembangan teknologi kapal selam bertenaga nuklir dari UK dan US untuk Australia. Selain itu, kerjasama ini juga memiliki kesepakatan dalam pengembangan artificial intelligent, quantum capabilities, dan kecakapan pertahanan dan keamanan di bawah air. Dalam Episode 6 ASEAN PodQuest kali ini, Ayu Kartikasari (Research Analyst ASEAN Studies Center Universitas Gadjah Mada) bersama Rafyoga Jehan Pratama Irsadanar (Ph.D Student at Kobe University, Japan) akan membahas dan mendiskusikan pakta kerjasama pertahanan tersebut, serta memetakan potensi masa depan situasi geopolitik di Asia Tenggara.


Eps. 5 Melampaui Tapal Batas Demi Kemanusiaan: Menelusuri Upaya Relawan Kemanusiaan di Rakhine

Konflik antar etnis yang terjadi di negara bagian Rakhine, Myanmar merupakan kontributor utama dari banyaknya jumlah pengungsi di Asia Tenggara. Dibandingkan wilayah lain di Asia, Asia Tenggara telah tercatat sebagai penghasil jumlah pengungsi terbanyak. Status tersebut kemudian diperjelas dengan adanya krisis pengungsi di wilayah Asia Tenggara yang dilaporkan oleh UNHCR. Krisis pengungsi ini berakar dari masifnya skala dehumanisasi terhadap kaum etnis Rohingya yang kemudian menuai respon dari komunitas internasional. Berbagai institusi pemerintahan dan nonpemerintah berupaya untuk membantu kondisi kehidupan di Rakhine, yang semua bantuan tersebut dapat disatukan dalam terma bantuan kemanusiaan. Bantuan yang berdasar dari kekuatan imperatif kemanusiaan pun dituntut untuk turut berkembang seiring berkembangnya konflik yang terjadi di Rakhine. Perkembangan konflik yang kemudian diikuti pula oleh perkembangan misi kemanusiaan pun akhirnya turut bermuara pada pembangunan fasilitas kesehatan berupa rumah sakit di Rakhine oleh MER-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Committee). Pembangunan rumah sakit tentu hanyalah satu dari beragam misi kemanusiaan MER-C di Rakhine. Beragam bentuk misi kemanusiaan yang diinisiasi oleh MER-C kemudian menjadi hal general yang ingin disorot di dalam podquest kali ini, dengan hal spesifik yang mengudian adalah pengalaman yang dialami oleh relawan bantuan kemanusiaan di Rakhine.  Lalu, bagaimana bantuan kemanusiaan, yang notabene melampaui batas wilayah kedaulatan negara ini, berhadapan dengan situasi politik yang mungkin tidak mengizinkannya untuk ikut campur dalam ranah politik domestik? Mari simak ASEAN PodQuest episode 5 kali ini!


Eps. 4 #ASEANPride: Paving the Way for ASEAN Identity Building

The hashtag #ASEANpride was buzzing on social media during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics to support ASEAN athletes. It is undeniable that this hashtag has the opportunity to become one of the utilization tools in the ASEAN community and identity building of its citizens. To the extent that it is a contrived but meaningful notion, ASEAN identity is also subject to challenge and change due to changing political, strategic, and economic currents in the region and beyond. In this fourth podcast episode of ASEAN PodQuest, the topics of #ASEANPride: Paving the Way for ASEAN Identity Building are discussed comprehensively. In this episode, Tunggul Wicaksono, the Research Director of ASEAN Studies Center UGM, directs as the host of the podcast's discussion. Along with him, this podcast episode invited Mr Yoong Yoong Lee as the Director of Community Affairs directorate of the ASEAN Secretariat based in Jakarta, to join the discussion and give several perspectives on the issue related to ASEAN identity building. Mr Yoong Yoong Lee managed the daily operation community relations division and information resources management division in the ASEAN Secretariat. The discussion brings several issues on how the #ASEANPride can be ASEAN's identity and community-building tool. In this episode, we also discuss the utilization of social media and grassroots communities in building the ASEAN identity. Intriguingly, it has given a new insight into several efforts to bring back the ASEAN commitments and actions in creating people-centric regionalism through the ASEAN as one vision, identity, and community. The discussion has also engrossed several measures to strengthen the ASEAN community, as we live under one identity. This podcast episode is expected to bring new perspectives in adopting technology, utilizing the internet and social media to pave the way for strengthening ASEAN identity in the future.


Eps. 3 Economic Development in Southeast Asia: Surviving in the Midst of Pandemic

Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia has experienced enormous economic development in the past few decades as a developing and rising country. It is undeniable that Indonesia possesses several features that situate the country well for advanced economic development. In recent years, the central government has expressed significant support for reducing Indonesia's traditional reliance on commodities exports while increasing the importance of the technology industry in the economy. This third podcast episode of ASEAN PodQuest discuss several economic development issues in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia. This podcast invited Dr. Gedeon Lim from the University of Hong Kong to join the discussion and give several perspectives on the issue related. Dr. Gedeon Lim is a professor and researcher from the University of Hong Kong who focuses on economic development in Indonesia. His main research interests are in development economics with a particular focus on Southeast Asia. His recent projects study how higher remuneration affects political selection and economic development in Indonesian villages and the long-run effects of intergroup contact on the formation of identity politics. This time, the ASEAN PodQuest was conducted by the interns at ASEAN Studies Center Universitas Gadjah Mada, they are Kieta Mueller Grace and Martin Quik Alstair from the University of Hong Kong. This discussion start with how the Indonesian economy has developed in recent times and discussing how the pandemic situation affects the stability of economic activity in Southeast Asia region. Not only that, this episode discussed the broad impact of COVID-19 on Indonesia's and Southeast Asia economic development and how to rebuild from its effects. This episode will interestingly give a new insight into how economics has evolved in Indonesia and Southeast Asia as a whole.


Eps. 2 Pageant dan Advokasi

Umumnya kontes pemilihan ratu kecantikan, seperti Miss Universe, berfokus pada keindahan atau kecantikan, kepribadian, bakat, serta kemampuan peserta kontes dalam menjawab pertanyaan juri yang menjadi kriteria penilaian. Namun, beberapa waktu lalu, ajang kecantikan Miss Universe dimanfaatkan beberapa delegasi untuk mengkampanyekan isu sosial, politik, dan perdamaian. Episode kedua dari ASEAN PodQuest ini mendiskusikan tentang beberapa delegasi Miss Universe yang tak hanya cantik dan percaya diri, namun juga bernyali besar untuk membela kaum-kaum yang tertindas. Dimulai dari Bernadette Belle Ong (Singapura) yang mengangkat isu #StopAsianHate yang belum lama ini menjadi permasalahan serius di Amerika Serikat, tempat dimana Miss Universe diselenggarakan. Kemudian, Lola del los Santos (Uruguay) yang menyuarakan dukungannya pada komunitas LGBTQ+ melalui busana yang bertuliskan “No More Hate, violence, rejection, discrimination”. Namun yang paling mencuri perhatian adalah Thuzar Wint Lwin (Myanmar), yang membawa spanduk bertuliskan “Pray for Myanmar”. Dimana Myanmar saat ini sedang mengalami kekacauan yang disebabkan kudeta militer yang menuai protes masyarakat pro-demokrasi Myanmar. Hingga kini, konflik internal tersebut telah menelan lebih dari 800 korban jiwa, dan tentunya menimbulkan ketegangan di kawasan ASEAN. Fenomena pemanfaatan ajang kecantikan sebagai platform advokasi isu sosial bagi para delegasi ini sangat menarik. Selain itu, hal tersebut dinilai sebagai langkah cerdas untuk menarik kepedulian masyarakat dunia yang tentunya dapat memberikan dampak bagi isu-isu tersebut.


Eps. 1 Myanmar Unrest

Since its outbreak in February, the political crisis in Myanmar has yet to come to a halt. Recent reports mention the intensification of civil disobedience despite the deadly crackdown on protesters leading to hundreds of them killed. In such situation, the coup could undermine the stability of democracy and national security, not to mention the clash that is likely to lead to a civil war. Moreover, the regime arrests, harasses, and assaults towards pro-democracy activists for organizing or participating in peaceful demonstrations have the potential to affect regional stability. ASEAN is now facing tremendous pressure by the international community who are criticising it for not issuing a fast enough response, despite the open conflict, aggressive use of force, and violation of human rights happening within its own backyard. Two months after the tensions, ASEAN member states plan to engage in a crisis meeting in the upcoming weeks. With casualties and fatalities rising, member states must act fast. This first episode of ASEAN PodQuest invited Thiha Wint Aung. Thiha was originally trained as a medical doctor with a degree from University of Medicine, Mandalay and he was active in student politics during his university years. In 2019, he studied Master’s degree in Public Policy in National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo, Japan. His thesis was on 1962 military coup d’état in Myanmar. After he graduated from GRIPS, he rejoined Forum of Federations as Senior Program Manager. Just like every young people in Myanmar, now he is passionately resisting another military coup d’état that happened on February 2021. His main interests are nation building, South East Asian studies and technology and politics.  This episode is expected to delve into the ongoing crisis in Myanmar and discuss urgent topics related to the recent coup from a human rights perspective.


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