Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with Anduril’s Steve Milano—from their Strike and Air Dominance Sector—and our very own Maj Gen (Ret) Larry “Stutz” Stutzriem about what it means to deliver enhanced munitions capabilities at scale. Anyone who has watched security developments around the globe knows that we’ve got serious issues that risk us being out produced on the war materiel front, especially when it comes to munitions. How the U.S. industrial base can expand its production capacity, while also working to deliver new capabilities that allow air crew the ability to secure a broad range of combat effects? We can’t be complacent building a few hundred munitions a month when the air tasking order will call for tens of thousands over the same period. We all know our stockpiles are at record low levels…so we need to get real about rebuilding and sustaining to meet the new demand signal. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Steve Milano, Anduril Guest: Maj Gen Larry Stutzriem, USAF (Ret.), Director of Research, Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #munitions #industry Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell team about some of their most memorable experiences from their time in uniform. You normally hear us talking about policy and budget issues, but over the holiday season, we decided it was time to kick back and reflect upon the high adventures of past years. JDAM recounts an ill-conceived field trip to Croatia, Sledge tempts single-engine fate, JV recalls a Christmas story from the desert, Slider tells a “there I was in the control van,” and Boots receives a nuclear missile launch notification. Finally, the team learns a surprising secret about one of our members! (Harumph) These are some fun stories you won’t want to miss. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Brig Gen Houston Cantwell, USAF (Ret.), Senior Resident Fellow for Airpower Studies, Mitchell Institute Guest: Jennifer Reeves, Senior Resident Fellow for Space Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE) Guest: John Venable, Senior Resident Fellow, Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: John Michael Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow for Aerospace and China Studies Guest: Todd “Sledge” Harmer, Senior Vice President, American Defense International Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #stories #holidays Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney and members of the Mitchell Institute team discuss allied spacepower with French Space Command Commander Major General Philippe Adam. We talk about it all the time: the U.S. will always operate with allies and partners. With space now standing as an ever-crucial domain and with our adversaries seeking to contest it—the notion of allies and partners working together on orbit is fast becoming a new, essential baseline for successful military operations. With France having expanded its Air Force to an Air and Space Force the same year the U.S. created Space Force, our two nations have embarked on a similar parallel journey. Join us as we learn more about French spacepower and what it means for U.S. operations on orbit. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: M.G. Philippe Adam, Commander, French Space Command Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Charles Galbreath, Senior Resident Fellow for Space Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE) Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #space Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney explores space launch operations, infrastructure, and technologies with Brad Appel, the Chief Technology Officer of Ursa Major, and Mitchell Institute’s Charles Galbreath. Today, all U.S. military operations rely on space capabilities and effects delivered from the on-orbit architecture. Assured access to space and robust launch infrastructure are foundational for mission success—especially given growing demand and the realities of a burgeoning threat environment. Launch operations remain a technically challenging mission and must not be taken for granted. Factors like confidence, capacity, cadence, and cost are hugely important for future launch solutions. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Charles Galbreath, Senior Resident Fellow for Space Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE) Guest: Brad Appel, Chief Technology Officer, Ursa Major Papers and images listed on our site, here! Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #space Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell Institute team about President Elect Trump’s defense vision and what the DOGE might mean for national security. We also discuss the latest developments in Chinese air and space power, while considering Elon Musk’s comments questioning the need for manned combat aviation. We wrap with a review of the Mitchell Institute’s Airpower Futures Forum. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Jennifer "Boots" Reeves, Senior Resident Fellow for Space Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE) Guest: J. Michael "JDAM" Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow for Aerospace and China Studies, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Anthony “Lazer” Lazarski, Principal, Cornerstone Government Affairs Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #rendezvous #election Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this Aerospace Advantage episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney discusses one of the coolest aircraft to ever fly, the B-2, with Northop Grumman’s Doug Young, the leader in charge of modernizing the B-2, while also overseeing the B-21. Hands down, the B-2 is one of the most capable aircraft ever invented. It’s hard to believe that it first flew over thirty years ago—in 1989. The aircraft that is on the ramp today is a far cry from the one Northrop Grumman built three decades ago. They’ve teamed with the Air Force to continually modernize the aircraft to ensure it remains relevant and viable in the modern operational world. We explore this modernization process by discussing the various hardware and software improvements that allow the aircraft to remain a cutting-edge airpower asset. An open mission software approach is a key element of this initiative. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Doug Young, Sector Vice President and General Manager, Strike, Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #rendezvous #election Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this Aerospace Advantage episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats about how we gain the combination of advanced capabilities and necessary mass for tomorrow’s munition’s inventory with Jeff Peters and Dr. Kathy Bihari of BAE, plus Mitchell Institute’s JV Venable. There’s no question about it: America requires a large inventory of precision strike munitions to successfully deter opponents, and, if necessary, execute a sustained, high intensity conflict against a peer adversary. The ability to rapidly hit thousands of enemy targets with precision munitions in hundreds of hours is essential to secure victory in the modern era. A variety of factors, especially limited budgets, have long curtailed Department of Defense efforts to secure ample munitions stocks. This is particularly problematic for the Air Force given its responsibilities for projecting the preponderance of striking power over long ranges and behind enemy lines. It’s also important to recognize that all munitions are not created equal. There are various classes and quantities of targets that shape different munitions requirements and costs. This episode will focus on how the Department of Defense and the Air Force work to field a munitions portfolio that provides the necessary mass and achieve the low cost-per-kill and high kills-per-sortie via penetrating aircraft required to defeat peer aggression. Join us to learn from those innovating tomorrow’s solutions. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Jeff Peters, Deputy Vice President & General Manager, Precision Strike & Sensing Solutions, BAE Systems Guest: Dr. Kathy Bihari, Technical Director for Precision Guidance & Sensing Solutions, BAE Systems Guest: John "JV" Venable, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #rendezvous #election Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this Aerospace Advantage episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney continues the electronic attack conversation with Dave Harrold and Duane Beaulieu of BAE, plus Mitchell Institute’s Mike Dahm. Electronic Attack is an essential twenty-first century mission capability. The ability to disrupt enemy command, control, communications, radars, and navigation systems allows U.S. forces to maintain a decision advantage, while denying one to the adversary. It all comes down to maintaining a leading electromagnetic-based battlespace capability. The Compass Call system, currently hosted on the EC-130H, executes this mission. It will soon migrate to the EA-37B. We explore this transition by discussing where the mission has been and where it’s going from a technical perspective. We also explain what it means to secure an electronic attack advantage in the modern era and why this is imperative. Learn more about this crucial mission from the experts developing the essential technology. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: J. Michael "JDAM" Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow for Aerospace and China Studies, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Dave Harrold, Vice President & General Manager, Countermeasure & Electromagnetic Attack Solutions, BAE Systems Guest: Duane Beaulieu, Tech Director, BAE Systems Testimony transcript Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #rendezvous #election Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell Institute team about the what the 2024 election results will mean for spacepower and airpower. Elections always matter, especially given the national security issues currently in play. The world is an incredibly dangerous place: Russia continues its war in Ukraine, China is pressing hard in the Pacific, Iran continues to destabilize the Middle East and shares nuclear ambitions with North Korea, plus terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis pose serious challenges. On top of this, the Air Force is undergoing a historic level of modernization—ranging from two legs of the triad to the B-21, F-35, CCA, KC-46, T-7, and more. Major questions loom for programs like NGAD and NGAS, and things not simple in the Space Force either, as leaders in that service seek to build a new set of capabilities given that the domain is now contested. Mission migration from the air to space also continues, especially or things like ISR. The vector set by Donald Trump and members of Congress in the coming years will shape options available to leaders for decades into the future. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Charles Galbreath, Senior Fellow for Spacepower Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE) Guest: Todd “Sledge” Harmer, Senior Vice President, American Defense International Guest: Jeff "Rowli" Rowlison, VP, Space & Intel Programs, American Defense International Guest: Anthony “Lazer” Lazarski, Principal, Cornerstone Government Affairs Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #rendezvous #election Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this Aerospace Advantage episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats about electronic attack with Col JR Smith, commander of the 55th Electronic Combat Group. Maintaining an electromagnetic-based battlespace advantage is essential for twenty first century mission success. That’s why the EC-130H and the new EA-37B are so important. They execute a mission the Air Force calls Compass Call: disrupting enemy command, control, communications, radars, and navigation systems. This allows U.S. forces to maintain a decision advantage, while denying this to the adversary. Nor is Compass Call just about the aircraft and mission systems. Highly trained airmen are key. Compass Call assets also partner with EA-18Gs and F-16CJs as part of a team to facilitate the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD). This episode will explore this mission—how it has developed, current considerations, and where it is going from an operator perspective. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Col Jeremy R "Smitty" Smith, Commander, 55th Electronic Combat Group Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #EW #combat #leadership Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats about a key component of the nuclear triad with Chris Adams, sector vice president and general manager for Strategic Space Systems at Northrop Grumman, and Jen "Boots" Reeves, Senior Fellow for Space Studies at Mitchell Institute. The nuclear triad forms the bedrock of America’s national security. The idea is simple: to hold enemy nations at risk to such a degree that they will never cross certain lines. For this to work, our nuclear enterprise needs to be highly resilient, dependable, and zero fail. We normally focus on the weapons portion of the enterprise: ICBMs, SLBMs, and air launched weapons from bombers and certain fighters. And while those technologies are obviously critical, the ability to use them demands an incredibly safe and secure command and control system—what we call nuclear command, control, and communications—or NC3 for short. People often take that part of the enterprise for granted because it’s largely invisible. Chris and Jen talk about the NC3 enterprise—outlining why it’s so important and explaining why it must be modernized. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Christopher Adams, Sector Vice President and General Manager, Strategic Space Systems division (SSSD), Space Systems sector, Northrop Grumman Guest: Jennifer "Boots" Reeves, Senior Resident Fellow for Space Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #space #deterrence Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats about the evolution of air battle management with two highly experienced airmen, Lt Col Alex Wallis of the 728th Battle Management Control Squadron at Robins AFB and Lt Col Grant “SWAT” Georgulis, who just wrapped up a stint as the commander of the 965th Airborne Air Control Squadron at Tinker AFB. Air battle management is an essential mission: the combination of highly trained personnel and technology that makes sense of the combat environment. They do more than just help teams on the ground and airmen in the sky find targets – battle managers orchestrate and maneuver a diverse array of capabilities to maximize logistics, mission effects, and survivability in pursuit of air superiority and air operations within dynamic and contested theaters. We often recognize the battle management community through their aircraft and ground systems—the E-3 AWACS, the CRC, BCC, and the recently retired E-8 JSTARS. However, changes are underway in this mission given the on-ramp of the E-7, TOC-Enabled CRC with "three dealer" and space-based ground moving target indicator system. The operating domain is also evolving given the focus on China and the realities of operating in a domain as large as the Pacific. We’ve also got to think about how the rise of artificial intelligence, collaborative combat aircraft, and multi-domain teaming will impact the mission. So, what tenets of the air battle management mission will hold constant? What elements will change? We explore these questions with two highly experienced operators. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Lt Col Grant "SWAT" Georgulis, Air Force Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Lt Col Alex "Big Bobby" Wallis, 728th Battle Management Control Squadron, Robins AFB Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #BattleManagement Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with China expert Mike Dahm about an important aspect of China’s military modernization: how we perceive such developments. Given the restricted nature of China’s security complex, plus different cultural and political factors between our nations, those in the West must often rely on conjecture and partial information to arrive at various conclusions regarding the scale, scope, and vector of this buildup. This oftentimes sees individuals arrive at false conclusions, while failing to observe crucial nuances that should inform how the U.S. and its allies are building their corresponding military capabilities. We explore this challenge, while also providing an overview update regarding key Chinese military developments. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: J. Michael "JDAM" Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow for Aerospace and China Studies, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #air #China Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell Institute team about the latest defense news from the Beltway and the broader national security community. The Air and Space Forces Association just wrapped up their Air, Space, and Cyber Conference and Mitchell Institute was incredibly engaged. It’s a major annual milestone in the air and space power dialogue. We explore what leaders said and why it matters. This includes a major discussion on the future of air superiority, collaborative combat aircraft, and the next-generation air dominance program. We also talk about the Secretary of the Air Force’s blunt statement regarding the Space Force’s requirement for additive resources given the scale of the mission demands facing them. Additionally, the group assesses the implications of China’s recent ICBM test and why Lockheed Martin’s delivery of the 1,000th F-35 is a major milestone. We round it out with an assessment of the latest defense developments in Washington DC, including the impact of the newly passed Continuing Resolution and where the defense bills currently stand. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Jennifer "Boots" Reeves, Senior Resident Fellow for Space Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE) Guest: Todd “Sledge” Harmer, Senior Vice President, American Defense International Guest: Jeff "Rowli" Rowlison, VP, Space & Intel Programs, American Defense International Guest: Anthony “Lazer” Lazarski, Principal, Cornerstone Government Affairs Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #air #space #rendezvous #capitolhill Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Heather “Lucky” Penney of the Mitchell Institute team chats with Colonel Jason Herring, commander of the 621st Contingency Response Wing about sustaining airpower at the edge. Whether responding to a humanitarian disaster or facilitating distributed air operations via the ACE construct, success comes down to the airmen facilitating expeditionary operations. This demands special training, a can-do attitude, and the ability to navigate the unexpected when handling functions like quick-turn maintenance, airfield management, passenger and cargo movement, on-site command and control, force protection, and whatever else is required to sustain air operations in austere locations. Airpower is a fundamentally agile, dynamic force. That requires a highly skilled, team-oriented set of capabilities. Join us to learn more about contingency response airmen are at the heart of the effort. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Col Jason Herring, Commander, 621st Contingency Response Wing (CRW) Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #air #CRW #leadership Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In episode 200 of the Aerospace Advantage, Spacepower Roles and Missions Debate, Washington Update, and EA-37B Hits the Ramp: The Rendezvous, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell Institute team about the latest defense news from the Beltway and the broader national security community. It’s September and D.C. is back in action. We explore what’s next for the defense bills in Congress, a debate that is playing out regarding spacepower roles and missions between the services, and the Secretary of the Air Force’s direct appeal for more Space Force funding. We also discuss why it’s such a big deal that the Air Force just accepted its first EA-37B Compass Call aircraft and whether there will be any long-term ripple effects given the F-16 loss in Ukraine. We wrap by discussing Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen David Allvin’s frank remarks about the need for increased attention for airbase defense and we also consider what the results of the Presidential election might mean for defense spending. These are significant issues, so join us to learn more! Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Charles Galbreath, Senior Fellow for Spacepower Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE) Guest: Todd “Sledge” Harmer, Senior Vice President, American Defense International Guest: Jeff Rowlison, VP, Space & Intel Programs, American Defense International Guest: Anthony “Lazer” Lazarski, Principal, Cornerstone Government Affairs Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #air #space #rendezvous #Army #AirForce #SpaceForce Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In episode 199 of the Aerospace Advantage, Winning Tomorrow’s Fight: Airpower Must Maximize Electronic Attack, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with long-time F-35 pilot and 188th Wing commander Col Jay Spohn, Josh Niedzwiecki of BAE, and 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing commander Col Larry Fenner Jr. about this key aspect of warfighting. For too long, individuals regarded electronic attack as a bolt-on effect—an afterthought. Traditional forms of kinetic combat airpower—things like missiles and bombs— dominated capability development, integration, and execution efforts. However, given the nature of the modern threat environment, it is clear that electronic attack will be crucial for both projecting power and helping ensure the survival of the force. This requires a holistic approach to integrating electronic magnetic spectrum operations (EMSO) with traditional airpower assets like fighters and bombers The F-35, as a 5th generation information-centric aircraft, stands uniquely situated in this realm. It was designed from day one to maximize EMSO functions. Its sensors, processing capability, ability to integrate offboard inputs, and ability to derive electronic attack effects from a number of onboard technologies that will help U.S pilots meet the challenges of tomorrow’s battlespace. But maximizing the potential designed in the F-35 demands approaching EMSO in a whole new way. We explore this topic with leaders who develop the technology, innovate on the warfighting edge, and execute the missions. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Col Larry Fenner Jr., Commander, 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing Guest: Joshua Niedzwiecki, Vice President & General Manager, Electronic Combat Solutions, BAE Systems Guest: Col Jay "Evil" Spohn, Commander, 188th Wing Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #air #space #multidomain #AirForce #SpaceForce Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In episode 197 of the Aerospace Advantage, Mission Command: Leveraging the American Cognitive Advantage, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with Lt Col Fritz “Plugger” Glojek, recent fellow at the Mitchell Institute, and Lt Col Nicholas “Badger” Underwood of Air University’s LeMay Center about how we can best empower Airmen to fly and fight. Conflict in the Western Pacific will challenge US Command and Control. Despite significant effort and progress with efforts like Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control and the Advanced Battle Management System, China will exploit the electromagnetic spectrum to contest, degrade, and deny communication. Mission Command—a philosophy of leadership that empowers Airmen to operate in uncertain, complex, and rapidly changing environments through trust, shared awareness, and an understanding of commander’s intent—offers resilience to the physical command and control structure. Without a numerical advantage or a technological advantage, Americans will need to exploit their cognitive advantage and continue to make decisions when temporarily disconnected from their leaders. We discuss the necessity of mission command in a complex, dispersed, multi-domain fight in the Western Pacific. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Lt Col Fritz “Plugger” Glojek, Air Force Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Lt Col Nicholas “Badger” Underwood, LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education, Air University Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #leadership #AirForce Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In episode 196 of the Aerospace Advantage, What’s Up With NGAD? Understanding The Stakes, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell Institute team about the Air Force’s recent pause for its future air superiority program. What does this mean? Why does it matter? What possible courses of action might the Air Force might pursue? Whether talking about long-range strike, airborne ISR, electromagnetic spectrum functions, or air superiority—all of this will be impacted depending on what course the service takes on NGAD. This isn’t just an Air Force issue—it impacts the entire joint force and national security writ large. Victory demands taking the fight to the enemy on a decisive scale and scope. We can’t achieve that through standoff capabilities alone. It is crucial to fly and fight inside an enemy’s defended airspace. That requires air superiority. Join us for this crucial conversation. Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Mark "Gonzo" Gunzinger, Director of Future Concepts and Capability Assessments, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: J. Michael "JDAM" Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow for Aerospace and China Studies, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: J.V. Venable, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Douglas Birkey, Executive Director, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #NGAD Thank you for your continued support!
Episode Summary: In episode 195 of the Aerospace Advantage, E-7 on Contract, Space Force Reorg, F-35 Deliveries Resume: The Rendezvous, Heather “Lucky” Penney chats with members of the Mitchell Institute team about the latest defense news from the Beltway and the broader national security community. Recent weeks have been a whirlwind. F-35 deliveries resumed, the commander of Air Combat Command backed F-22 Block 20s, and NGAD is paused…for now. The Sentinel program also moved forward after the Nunn McCurdy breach, but with some new guidance. Developments have also occurred in the Space Force. This includes Space Systems Command, Space Development Agency, and Space Rapid Capabilities Office merging into a single entity and Chief of Space Operations General Saltzman appointing Air Marshall Paul Godfrey as his Assistant CSO for Future Concepts and Partnerships. Added to this, our panelists discuss the latest defense developments in Washington D.C. and beyond. These are huge issues, so join us to learn more! Credits: Host: Heather “Lucky” Penney, Senior Resident Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Producer: Shane Thin Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey Guest: Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Jennifer "Boots" Reeves, Senior Fellow for Spacepower Studies, The Mitchell Institute Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE) Guest: Mark "Gonzo" Gunzinger, Director of Future Concepts and Capability Assessments, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Guest: Todd “Sledge” Harmer, Senior Vice President, American Defense International Guest: Jeff Rowlison, VP, Space & Intel Programs, American Defense International Guest: Anthony “Lazer” Lazarski, Principal, Cornerstone Government Affairs Links: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3GbA5Of Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MitchellStudies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell.Institute.Aerospace LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3nzBisb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitchellstudies/ #MitchellStudies #AerospaceAdvantage #aerospace #connectivity Thank you for your continued support!