The After Thought/Maurice Fuller

This Podcast entails thoughts from previous sermons. Some notes will be given that were not in the sermon and some previously shared information. This podcast will help us remember the excitement of our worship while understanding the meaning of the sermon.

The Eulogy of Aretha Franklin

So the question was asked can a woman raise a boy to be a man? Listen to this


Adam and Eve Exposed

Adam was hiding while God was searching for him. God search was clearly because Adam moved and Adam move wasn’t physical but spiritual. Adam “where are thou”?


The Accusers of the Adulterous Woman

When people are bringing accusations and waiting to hear an answer, what does Jesus do? Jesus dismissed the whole trial by asking one question, who is without sin, let him cast the first stone! Trial Dismissed


The Danger of Exposure

Exposing other will never show how strong you are. But negative exposure shows weaknesses of us all.


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