The Aftermath

<p>Welcome to our after movie review show! This is a podcast where two friends sit down and talk about movies or TV shows directly after we've watch them. Ian and Dylan are the regular hosts, and sometimes we invite our friends on to help us spice it up a little.</p>

Based, In A Cringe Kind Of Way - Dylan | ‘Bout Nothin’ Ep.11

Send us a Text Message.On this episode of the ‘Bout Nothin’ Podcast I’m joined by Dylan once again. We talk ‘Bout Golden Boy, Video games, and the ever growing anime watchlist Dylan is developing for me.Our Links:‘Bout Nothin’


The Genocider Of Venus - Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster | The Aftermath Ep.220

Send us a Text Message.Welcome back to Dylan and I slowly making our way through the Godzilla film, this one me locked in at first, confused in the middle, and completely baffled at the end. Godzilla fights Rodan just to be best buds after all that to drive off Ghidorah. Sending out mad bonks his way with those boulders. Get out and stay out! Don't come back around these parts. No three headed golden dragons allowed.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Three Of A Kind - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | The Aftermath Ep.219

Send us a Text Message.In a movie with a title like this you would think that “The Good'' would be the main character of this film, but you would be wrong. It’s “The Ugly” that is the main character of this adventure, and I had no idea until halfway through. In fact, I spent the beginning of this film hating him and trying to ignore him. At the very end though my thoughts on him changed, and I realized that he’s just a man trying to make his way in the world. Also, no matter how things may ha...


When Pigs Fly - Porco Rosso | The Aftermath Ep.218

Send us a Text Message.My boy Marco is a simple man, who happens to be a pig. He chills out on his secret island and flies planes for a living as a bounty hunter. It doesn’t get much better than that. Except for after a bad crash where he has to take on a copilot to help pay off his debt, and she gets him into a fist fight in the ocean.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Willem Dafoe Jumpscare - The Boondock Saints | The Aftermath Ep.217

Send us a Text Message.In the mean streets of Boston, two brothers single handedly take down all the mobs, by accident. Then eventually on purpose, and get reunited with their long lost father. It was a beautiful story of love and friendship. Except for the Willem Dafoe jump scares.There was a firefight!Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Bad Protagonists - Dylan / Ian Wolffe | ‘Bout Nothin’ Ep.10

Send us a Text Message.On this episode of the ‘Bout Nothin’ Podcast I’m joined by Dylan and Ian (this time for real). We talk ‘Bout anime, well written stories we’ve loved, and my dislike for main characters that are terrible people.Our Links:‘Bout Nothin’


Catbus Body Horror - My Neighbor Totoro | The Aftermath Ep.216

Send us a Text Message.You can’t go wrong with Totoro, it is such a feel-good film. The best Dad and his two daughters move into a supposedly haunted house, but it was actually just dust devils. Then come to find out there is a giant fuzzy forest guardian that lurks about. No big deal though, he’s chill.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Ani-May | The Aftermath Ep.215

Send us a Text Message.Dylan and I got Ethan back on the show and our plan was to talk about Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, but this episode went in a different direction. We talked about all the shows we've been watching together recently, and more importantly, our spreading of Managed Democracy in Helldivers.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Cal’s Moving Hassle - Howl’s Moving Castle | The Aftermath Ep.214

Send us a Text Message.So I says to her, I says: Hold on tight, and don’t look down. We bout to fly above the town. Next thing you know, she’s stoking my fire demon and cleaning my moving castle, if you know what I mean! Now she’s the love of my life, and we’re living the dream in our flying castle with the apprentice, our pet dog, and the old hag. Happily ever after.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Can You Dig It! - The Warriors | The Aftermath Ep.213

Send us a Text Message.It’s all about territory control. Join our band of leather vest wearing boys as they journey to get back to their home turf. They meet a real tough chick in their travels, and lose a few companions along the way. But nobody can beat the Tunnel Snakes, Tunnel Snakes rule!Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Whiskeycast 3: Scotland Forever - Cade | ‘Bout Nothin’ Ep.9

Send us a Text Message.On this episode of the ‘Bout Nothin’ Podcast I’m joined once again by Cade. We talk ‘Bout our vacation, Islay, and the time he ran in to the Sea (Briefly)Our Links:‘Bout Nothin’


Full Middle Malcomist | The Aftermath Ep.212

Send us a Text Message.In this episode Dylan and Ethan talk about their romp through Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood, as well as a little bit of Ethan’s trip to Scotland he just got back from. Then, Ethan and I go off on a tangent about music and, as a surprise to no one, I rambled on about that for a long while.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Megafauna Marriage Counseling - Jurassic Park III | The Aftermath Ep.211

Send us a Text Message.I can’t even begin to put into words all the feelings this movie gave me, not good feelings mind you. I thought that there were some poorly written character moments and some really big missed opportunities. All in all it was actually very nice to have a film that Dylan and I disapproved of and just let ourselves go wild on it.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Mulligan’s Mishaps - Kelly’s Heroes | The Aftermath Ep.210

Send us a Text Message.Just a bunch of dudes being guys on a treasure hunt for the secret gold. Watch as our fearless cowboy protagonist stands off against a lone Tiger Tank, and rallies his misfits for the perfect caper. If they don’t get blown up by Mulligan first!How much gold would it take you to commit war crimes? Ruff ruff.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Whiskeycast 2: The Busch Light of Bourbon - Cade | ‘Bout Nothin’ Ep.8

Send us a Text Message.On this episode of the ‘Bout Nothin’ Podcast I’m joined by my whiskey partner and current roommate Cade. We talk ‘Bout whiskey (again), vacation, and the time he almost blew his shoulder off with fireworks.Our Links:‘Bout Nothin’


Me When I Get You - Outlaw Star | The Aftermath Ep.209

Send us a Text Message.Let’s get right to it, space treasure, and the only way to access it is with an android girl. It’s not weird though I promise, she’s part of the crew. There is the young boy who’s the operations manager, the samurai woman, the indestructible cat girl, and the totally normal gun toting outlaw. See not weird at all. Now you just have to fend off the government, some pirates, and most of all MacDougall…She be Ctarl on my Ctarl until I Clanclan.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Cram School | The Aftermath Ep.208

Send us a Text Message.It has been a crazy busy week for me, so here we are. I got the chance to ramble about J.R.R. Tolkein and how I recently finished reading The Hobbit again. While Dylan got the chance to ramble about his recent adventures in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. I also apologized for hyping Star Wars: Battlefront Classic collection, how was I supposed to know…Our Links:Ian Wolffe


Third Eye Cliboris - The End Of Evangelion | The Aftermath Ep.207

Send us a Text Message.Welcome back to the Geofront, didn’t think we would be back here huh? After Dylan and I had our deep dive into the Rebuild of Evangelion series, I didn’t think we would be here either. Much to our surprise a local theater was running this film, and the boys and I couldn’t pass it up. So here we are, back with our obnoxious friend Shinji as everyone around him dies and he sits idly by. Then, when he does act he brings about the end of the world again, stop me if you’ve h...


Floating Fat Man - Dune (1984) | The Aftermath Ep.206

Send us a Text Message.So there are these space witches, they can basically mind control you. Well one of them had a son when they shouldn’t have and everyone thinks he’s important. Is he the one, is he him?Fear is the mind killer. Dune is the sand worm.Our Links:Ian Wolffe


The Royal Rat Authority - The Rescuers | The Aftermath Ep.205

Send us a Text Message.So, check this out. A woman, named Medusa, kidnaps a little girl from an orphanage and sends her into the mines to recover the biggest diamond, The Devil’s Eye. There’s alligators, an old busted up steamboat, and a creepy guy named Snoops, but don’t worry two mice save her with a bunch of other woodland creatures. I would like to say I’m exaggerating, but I’m not, that’s the film. Also, she can talk to animals and I don’t believe anyone else can. Do with that what you w...


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