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The Airbnb Nomads

The Airbnb Nomads

Author: Alex Mannock

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Welcome to "The Airbnb Nomads," the podcast that guides you on a journey to create a life of freedom on your own terms. Hosted by Alex Mannock, this show is your ultimate resource for building a profitable and leveraged Airbnb business. Discover the secrets to successful property management, effective marketing strategies, and how to optimise your listings for maximum bookings.

Each episode features insightful interviews with experienced hosts, industry experts, and business leaders, sharing their valuable tips and stories of triumphs and challenges in the world of short-term rentals. Whether you're a seasoned host looking to enhance your business or a newcomer eager to embark on this exciting venture, "The Airbnb Nomads" equips you with the knowledge and inspiration needed to thrive in the booming sharing economy
23 Episodes
Guest Alice Dartnell shares her journey of overcoming adversity and turning pain into power. After a traumatic divorce, Alice transformed her life by building a successful time management coaching business that she now runs from around the world. Discover how you can maximise your time, manage your energy, and create a life by design in this fun and informative interview. KEY TAKEAWAYS Time management isn't just about managing time, it's also about managing you and your energy to avoid burnout and live a life aligned with your values. Life by design is about being intentional with your time and making choices that benefit your future self, not just instant gratification. Reframe "time off" as "R&R time" to make it feel valuable and productive for restoring your body and mind. Fitting in healthy habits and self-care doesn't have to be perfect; do your best and be practical within your busy life. Regularly zoom out to reflect on whether you're moving towards your goals and living by your values, not just being productive on the hamster wheel. Change what doesn't make you happy, even if it means making drastic moves like changing countries. You can create a business that fits your desired lifestyle, not just aim for maximum success and retirement. Time is finite and the only thing we can't replace, so prioritise it above money and materialistic measures of success. BEST MOMENTS  Busy was a badge of honour and just because you clock off work at 5 p.m. doesn't mean your pot of energy magically renews and then you can go like do other stuff." "It isn't about squeezing every minute out of your day. It is about your energy. It's about you. It's also about your values." "If you're not happy with something, change it. Might not have to be as drastic as like move country, but that's where I was originally obviously going." "Every single time you're sitting there spending two hours going down the, you know, the scroll hole on social media. All right, do a little bit of it, right? There's nothing wrong with doing a little bit of it, but, but have a cap, have a limit, realise that that time's finite, realise that you could be doing something productive with that time to move you closer to your goals and turn it off and move on." "Time needs to be number one. It's the only thing that we can't replace. The only thing that we can't buy. So you need to prioritise it." ABOUT THE GUEST Alice Dartnell HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Ben Lutz shares his incredible journey of breaking free from the corporate rat race and travelling the world with his wife and two young children for the past six years. Ben proves that it's possible to live a fulfilling, nomadic lifestyle while prioritising family, education, and mental health. Listen to this episode to discover the blueprint for making the break and embracing a life of adventure and memories. KEY TAKEAWAYS Quitting a comfortable corporate career to pursue a nomadic lifestyle is possible with careful planning and a strong desire for change. Travelling with young children can enhance their adaptability, social skills, and curiosity while providing a unique educational experience. Documenting your journey on social media can inspire others and potentially fund your nomadic lifestyle through brand partnerships and content creation. Slow travel, staying in local accommodations, and embracing a minimalist mindset can make long-term travel more affordable than living in the U.S. Prioritising mental health and happiness is crucial when making lifestyle changes, and a nomadic lifestyle can significantly improve wellbeing for some individuals. Identifying roadblocks and addressing them one at a time can help you gradually transition to a nomadic lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed. Alternative education options, such as world schooling and project-based learning, can provide children with valuable life skills and experiences beyond the traditional classroom setting. Pursuing passions and monetising skills online can create opportunities for remote work and sustainable income while travelling. BEST MOMENTS  "This version of the American dream is not our version of the American dream. We're flipping it on its head." "The adaptability they've gained is absolutely priceless” "There are more structured opportunities like what we're going through, and so far, we love it." "Our mental health in this lifestyle has allowed us to improve in ways that we never thought possible." "Planning and taking it baby steps. If you just look at the entire picture, it doesn't happen overnight." ABOUT THE GUEST Ben Lutz, is the dad of the social media account “The FUNemployed Family” and for the past 6 years his family has been on a digital nomad journey traveling around the world full time working remotely and world schooling the kids along the way! He shares family travel tips and advice, destination insights and real life snippets of raising kids around the world. All of that with a dash of dad humour and a sprinkle of encouragement to get out of your comfort zone and bond with your kids through travel! You can find him at @TheFUNemployedFamily on Instagram (and TikTok and FB) where he shares my family’s journey on a daily basis. HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Alex interviews Nalasa Cutler, who brings a unique and transformative approach to the serviced accommodation and Airbnb market. Through her profound insights and innovative techniques, Nalasa demonstrates how aligning the energy of a space can lead to increased bookings, improved reviews, and a more fulfilling experience for both hosts and guests. Join Alex and Nalasa as they explore the fascinating world of energy healing for properties, discussing the power of intention, the importance of creating a harmonious environment, and the transformative effects of Nalasa's work. KEY TAKEAWAYS Nalasa Cutler offers a unique service that combines energy clearing and design to optimise Airbnb listings and create high-frequency spaces that guests love. Clearing negative energy from a property can lead to increased bookings, improved reviews, and a more positive experience for both hosts and guests. Everything, including walls and physical objects, is made up of energy and can benefit from receiving love and positive intention. Nalasa's techniques can be applied remotely, making it accessible for hosts worldwide to benefit from her expertise. Creating a space that aligns with the host's intentions and the property's surroundings can greatly enhance the guest experience and the overall success of the listing. Trauma and negative experiences can leave an imprint on a property, affecting the energy and the way guests feel in the space. Hosts who are sensitive to the energy of their properties and invest in creating a harmonious environment are more likely to attract the right guests and achieve long-term success. Incorporating elements of nature, such as salt breezes or the essence of a nearby forest, can help to create a more balanced and inviting space for guests. BEST MOMENTS  "Places want to be loved. They want to be used. They want to feel cared about." "When you clear an energy of a place, often things will feel more vivid. It will feel brighter." "Whether that comes from the person doing the work there definitely plays a role. And then there's also the subtlety of the history of the place." "When travelling, you're in the complete unknown and so, all of your senses, all of your aliveness, all of your ways of exploring are heightened." "I love what I do. I love what I feel like I ultimately give people - a way for them to settle into their body and settle their home and feel connected and calm and collected." ABOUT THE GUEST Website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Book a 15 minute connection call: Trusted Housesitters 25% off: link HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Kate Carmichael shares her incredible journey from losing her high-flying corporate job to building a thriving serviced accommodation business. With determination and hard work, Kate has grown her portfolio to 22 properties, offering fully furnished turnkey projects to overseas investors. Tune in to learn the secrets of her success and discover what's possible when you believe in yourself and take action. KEY TAKEAWAYS Consistency and persistence are key when seeking rent-to-rent deals from estate agents. Systemising and automating processes early on is crucial for scaling a serviced accommodation business. Having a supportive partner who complements your strengths and weaknesses is invaluable in building a successful business. Outsourcing tasks to a reliable team is essential for growth and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Focusing on interior design and creating a strong brand identity can set your properties apart in a saturated market. Taking calculated risks and stepping out of your comfort zone is necessary for achieving your dreams. Serving yourself first, then your business, by prioritising health and making time for joy is vital for avoiding burnout and resentment. Stop procrastinating and start taking action, even if you make mistakes along the way. BEST MOMENTS   "Every failure is a success at the end of the day." "Going in and just showing up, estate agents will appreciate that far more than you just ringing." "If you don't make time for those things, it will just run away with you." "The biggest risk is not taking any risk at all." "Stop procrastinating and go out and get shit done." ABOUT THE GUEST Kate Carmichael HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
In this episode, Alex sits down with the incredible Jess Olsen Zabel. Despite a traumatic upbringing, Jess has found success in property and personal development. She shares her journey of healing, the importance of self-love, and her exciting new venture in neuroscience. Tune in for life-changing insights that will help you become the best version of yourself! KEY TAKEAWAYS Trauma, even seemingly small events, can create patterns that impact our lives. Healing involves taking responsibility and working on ourselves. Perfection doesn't exist; striving for it leads to unhappiness. Focus on feeling good enough and letting go. Gratitude, positive self-talk, and living in the present moment are key to happiness and success. Remote property investing can be challenging, consider investing closer to home for better control and less stress. Partnerships in business should complement each other's skills and align with personal values. Jess' new neuroscience-based program combines self-love, nervous system regulation, and tangible practices to help people release trauma and maximise their potential. Happiness comes from within, not from external factors. Living with joy and fulfilment attracts positivity. Authenticity in business and personal life is crucial for genuine connections and success. BEST MOMENTS   "It's that we have to reflect on ourselves, look ourselves in the mirror and say, what can I do to enhance myself?"  "Perfection is something we just made up. And we, we're striving towards perfection, but perfection doesn't, doesn't exist."  "Happiness doesn't come from you having everything you dream of. It comes from you living every day with joy."  "When you feel fulfilled, it comes to you. You don't have to worry about chasing everything."  ABOUT THE GUEST Jess Olsen Zabel HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Alex welcomes the incredible Brooke Bownes, who shares her journey from experiencing childhood abuse and narcissism to becoming a successful coach and therapist. Brooke's story is one of resilience, determination, and the importance of breaking free from toxic relationships to live your best life. KEY TAKEAWAYS Narcissistic abuse can have a profound impact on one's self-esteem and ability to set boundaries, often leading to a pattern of attracting similar relationships in adulthood. Breaking the cycle of abuse requires self-reflection, therapy, and a determination to create a better life for oneself and future generations. Setting boundaries is essential for personal growth and can serve as a filter to identify true friends and supportive relationships. Failure is a necessary part of success; embracing mistakes and learning from them is crucial for personal and professional development. Pursuing happiness and fulfilment should be a priority, even if it means leaving familiar but unhealthy situations behind. Helping others heal from trauma and live their best lives can be a deeply rewarding purpose. It's never too late to start living the life you want; taking action and putting your desires out to the universe can open unexpected doors. Surrounding yourself with supportive, positive people is key to achieving your goals and living your best life. BEST MOMENTS  "Setting boundaries is a really great filter to find out who your real friends are and those that are just using you for what they can get out of you." "I believe that everybody's a diamond. They're just buried under layers of different beliefs and stories that they've inherited from other people." "I purposely created the life that I wanted to live. I live in a gorgeous home that I want to live at in the country, right by the woods, you know, living with a very supportive partner, husband." "The only way that you're going to go through life without having failures, making mistakes, losing things, gaining it again, is if you don't try." "You've got to look after yourself first. When you succeed, when you're happy, whether that's in a financial sense or just, you know, in, in your heart, then you can start to help everybody around you." ABOUT THE GUEST Brooke Bownes is an accredited trauma coach, therapist & global No.1 bestselling author I work ambitious women who struggle with inner child wounds so they can find their power, confidence and release their trauma so they can go for their goals. Email:                                                Calendly link: You Can Have It! How to breakthrough the self sabotage cycle: HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Alex chats with Lisa O'Reilly, who shares her incredible journey from a high-flying corporate career to building a successful HMO and serviced accommodation portfolio. Lisa's story proves that with determination, education, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, you can achieve financial freedom and live life on your own terms. KEY TAKEAWAYS Transitioning from a corporate job to property investing requires a mindset shift, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from failures. HMOs and serviced accommodations can provide high yields and cash flow, especially in areas with housing shortages and strict tenancy laws. Raising private finance is achievable by finding great deals, presenting a well-researched investor pack, and leveraging existing relationships built on trust. Systems and processes are crucial for scaling a property portfolio and leveraging time effectively. The current era offers numerous opportunities for entrepreneurship and creating multiple income streams, thanks to the internet and access to global audiences. Pursuing entrepreneurship allows for greater control over one's life and the potential to achieve financial freedom much earlier than in a traditional corporate career. The knowledge-based industry may face significant changes due to the rise of artificial intelligence, making it essential to adapt and find ways to provide value to a larger audience. Happiness and mental well-being are not guaranteed by success or material possessions; it's important to practice gratitude and maintain a balanced perspective. BEST MOMENTS  "I love my autonomy. I love my control now. I've managed to replace my income. So I don't need to go back to the corporate world now." "If you can just believe that you can trust in your own self, even if you're only believing that you're only going to do the next two steps. And then after that, it's going to be another two steps. Eventually [you build] that portfolio." "I think if anyone tells you that they have their mental health issues kind of sewn up, I don't believe so, I think that our brain is so complex and I think, just because they're driving a Lamborghini doesn't mean they're happy, right?" "The biggest regret, the thing that scares the life out of me, and we read about it, we hear it all the time is the person on their deathbed saying, fuck. You know, I, now I'm just realising that I had one shot and I blew it cause I, cause I was scared." ABOUT THE GUEST Lisa O’Reilly I’m a Big 4 trained Chartered Accountant and property investor based in Waterford in Ireland. I work with Private Lenders i.e. people who have money on deposit in their banks, and teach them how to provide loans that are secured in property and achieve a much higher rate of interest than bank interest. My Private Lenders have lent over €2m in property loan notes over the last 2 years, they have received a minimum of 6% per annum on their investments and have enjoyed monthly interest payments. They have received 100% of their capital back.     This money is used to purchase & refurb property and our strategy is Co-living for young professionals. Our mission is to bring over 200 rooms to the rental market over the next 3 years. If you have cash sitting in a bank earning less than 6% per year and would like to find out how private lending works, I'd love to hear from you. HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Chris Cassidy joins this episode to talk about how accepting redundancy helped him create his dream life in property. Chris changed from working a 9-5 salaried job to taking the chance to start his own serviced accommodation investment portfolio, he is now living in Spain selling million-pound properties! Alex and Chris talk about joint ventures, networking, goal setting and how to manage a side hustle. Chris also talks about how he recently made the move to live in Spain. Listen to this episode to hear how determination and hard work can get you the life you have always desired! KEY TAKEAWAYS A good mentor or mentor programme should be asking you where you want to be and how long you want to take to get there, to help you build the steps you need to take to achieve your end goal. Whilst Chris enjoyed his job, he knew he wanted more. Leaving his job allowed him to seize opportunities to build the life he wanted. Chris initially created a property-sourcing business but there wasn’t enough capital in it for him. Although Chris didn’t have much external support in his business ventures, he knew he was the only one who could improve his own life. He was miserable and this was impacting every other area of his life. Having a partner, wife or family that isn’t supportive can be one of the main reasons individuals don’t take the steps needed to improve their lives. Taking action, being consistent and then showing people what you’re doing are the key elements to building a property business, regardless of the strategy you use. You don’t need to use your own cash to build a property business. If you find the deals, you’ll attract the people with the money. BEST MOMENTS  "I’m a big fan of anyone who has carved a life out for themselves outside of the UK” “I knew what I was capable of” “If you want to change you need to be with someone who has your back” “No not lucky me, I got here through hard work” “One chance, one opportunity and I’m not going to use it in a job that doesn’t serve me” ABOUT THE GUEST Chris Cassidy Managing Director nusun realty Podcast: Nusun Network: Buyers guide to Marbella & BEYOND HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Join Alex as he interviews communication expert Rob McPhun in an episode all about the power of conversation. Rob shares his journey from the police force to becoming a best-selling author and coach, and talks about the importance of effective communication in all aspects of life, especially in property. Packed with valuable insights and practical tips, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to improve their relationships and achieve success in the property world and beyond. KEY TAKEAWAYS Effective communication is the foundation of success in business, relationships, and life. Property is a people's business; building trust, rapport, and finding common ground are essential. Mindset shifts, such as understanding good debt vs. bad debt and leveraging time and cash, are crucial for property investors. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people, having a clear vision, and taking action steps are key to achieving your goals. Life skills, such as the ability to hold conversations and make people feel comfortable, are more valuable than academic qualifications. Being curious, finding common ground, and making connections are the three C's of building rapport quickly. Planning, preparing, and practising before important conversations can significantly improve outcomes. Mental health and happiness are important, and it's okay to be vulnerable and admit that life isn't always perfect. BEST MOMENTS  "Property is a people's business. All business is a people's business, but property even more so because, you know, someone wants to do a deal with you because of you." "Unless you start thinking and acting like the person you want to become, then you are really putting challenges and barriers in the way." "I think once you understand, for example, that you can use other people's money, other people's time, other people's knowledge, it opens up a whole new world." "If you can get those foundations and everything else you build on, it's just going to blow up." "I am happier than ever been in my life. Cause you know, we have this lifestyle, but I, you know, am I a work in progress? I think we're all a work in progress because life throws you curve balls as well." ABOUT THE GUEST Rob McPhun Books on Amazon - Facebook - LinkedIn -   HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Alex interviews Julie Talbot, who shares her incredible journey of building a passive and hands-off property portfolio in the UK while travelling the world with her family. Julie's story proves that it's possible to blend property investment with living your best life, and her experiences will motivate listeners to pursue their dreams. Tune in for valuable insights and practical advice on remote property investing and living a nomadic lifestyle. KEY TAKEAWAYS It's possible to build a successful, hands-off property portfolio while living a nomadic lifestyle, as demonstrated by Julie's experience. When facing challenges or setbacks in remote property investing, it's crucial to maintain a positive mindset, learn from mistakes, and quickly find solutions to move forward. Creating a well-designed process and building a reliable team are essential for managing properties remotely and ensuring a scalable, hassle-free investing experience. Living as an expat can provide opportunities to explore different parts of the world and serve as a transitional step towards a fully nomadic lifestyle while growing a property portfolio. Having a clear purpose and a strong "why" is vital when pursuing unconventional life choices, as it helps you stay motivated and overcome obstacles. It is possible to balance remote property investing with family life and create memorable experiences through slow travel and home schooling. Maintaining a consistent daily routine, practicing gratitude, and setting small, achievable goals can help you stay focused, happy, and make steady progress towards your vision. When starting with remote property investing, it's important to educate yourself, find the right funding options, and build a portfolio that aligns with your long-term lifestyle goals. BEST MOMENTS  "I didn't want to fly back to the UK. So, I just decided that I just had to find a way to make it work." "Things are going to go wrong. I've had things go wrong and I suppose I've let things stop me before, but now I realised when things go wrong, you've just got to move to finding a solution quickly." "I think with this and I think with any business, any change, right. It just takes guts and you've got to say,  if I don't try this as difficult as it may be, I'm always going to have that regret." ABOUT THE GUEST Julie Talbot Instagram   Facebook    Jump in for my regular emails, and get a free PDF on 3 simple steps to growing a UK portfolio with location freedom  here   HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Alex and Pooh share their inspiring journey from corporate life to building a successful serviced accommodation business. Discover how they've created a lifestyle by design, allowing them to live life on their own terms. Packed with valuable insights and actionable advice, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking financial freedom and a better work-life balance. KEY TAKEAWAYS Building a business with clear vision, systems, automation, and a strong team is crucial for success in serviced accommodation Focusing on maximising profits and optimizing costs is key to running a profitable serviced accommodation business Educating yourself and working with the right people who are relatable and slightly ahead of you can help you navigate the challenges of starting a business True wealth is about freedom, health, experiences, and being able to spend time with family and loved ones Upcoming changes in legislation and regulations will create more opportunities for those who are committed, educated, and doing business properly in the serviced accommodation industry Getting started in serviced accommodation doesn't require a lot of money, mortgages, deposits, or great credit; it just takes the desire to get started and the willingness to learn and work hard Building a long-term, sustainable, and systemised business in serviced accommodation can significantly change your life and your family's life in a matter of months BEST MOMENTS  "True wealth for me is freedom. It's health, it's experiences. It's being able to spend time with family and go to these important events when you need to." "I want to see that smile every single day. It's like a drug for me that I need to see the smile. And it keeps you pushing forward and keeps you growing." "You can't serve everyone because they, you know, you have to be really niche to your market. And that's where the money is” "As things tighten, as legislation comes in, things get better. Opportunities come. And it's good for the whole industry as well." "If you are committed, educated, and driven, and you are getting up and pushing forward every single day, all that's going to do is see demand, you know, is the supply is going to drop and the demand is going to skyrocket." HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
This episode features Jurrien and Sara, a Dutch couple living their dream of travelling Europe in a self-converted electric camper van. Listen in to learn how they transitioned from a traditional lifestyle to a nomadic one, navigating the challenges and reaping the rewards of slow travel, remote work, and minimalism. KEY TAKEAWAYS Jurrien and Sara traded their steady jobs and apartment for the freedom of van life, funding their lifestyle through freelance travel writing and photography. Traveling slowly allows for deeper connections with places and people, and a more sustainable way of living. Living in a van forces minimalism and reduces expenses, enabling a simpler, more experience-rich life. Remote work and a strong internet connection make long-term van life possible, with the flexibility to balance work and exploration. Europe's diversity and ease of travel between countries make it an ideal continent for van life. Pursuing an unconventional lifestyle opens doors to new opportunities and connections with like-minded people. Finding happiness requires living authentically and making choices aligned with your values, even if they go against societal norms. Van life intensifies both the highs and lows of life, fostering personal growth and resilience. BEST MOMENTS  "It's just a matter of thinking where your priorities lie." "You can always work more, right? But what you can't get more of is time." "Friends and family, they love you, right? But they want the best for you. And to them, the best is often keeping things as they are." "I'm going to live my life, and other people are invited to join in, but it's my life." "In this life on the road, the highs are higher, which is amazing, but the lows are also lower." ABOUT THE GUESTS Jurrien and Sara HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
This week Kelly Maxfield joins the podcast as she shares her journey from corporate redundancy to building a thriving short-term rental business. With determination fuelled by her clear "why" of more freedom and family time, Kelly and her husband built a 6-figure portfolio within just 2 years - all while continuing to travel the world. Learn Kelly's key strategies for acquiring properties, automating and systemising processes, and designing memorable guest experiences without breaking the bank or burning out. KEY TAKEAWAYS Making strategic moves early in life like investing in property can have massive compounding effects over time. Kelly bought her first house at 17 through creative financing. Work cultures can easily turn toxic. Kelly left her stable corporate role after 13 years due to new management and policies. Major setbacks often open new doors. Kelly was made redundant but saw it as the perfect opportunity to focus on building her short-term rental business. You don't need huge capital or in-depth training to start in property. Kelly started small with her own cash and learned key concepts through online research. Systems and support staff like housekeepers are vital so the business can run smoothly with less owner involvement. Consistent cash flow funds Kelly's nomadic lifestyle but legacy wealth for her kids via property is still her long-term "why". BEST MOMENTS  "We get a lot of contractors. We’re about 50 per cent direct booking contractors, which I love, I love. Contractors are the best." "This is another reason why we took on the rent to S8. We ran out of properties she said, have you got anything else? She'd filled all three of our houses. Constantly!”   "Just, just do it. Just jump in and do it. As long as you've got, because we didn't do it completely blind of like no, you know, no financial knowledge at all." "We lived in rubble for such [a long time], and that's just not us at all, but it's quite funny, we've never ever looked back and missed that lovely comfy house that we had." "I always say I'm very local to the property, so if there's anything you need just let us know. And quite often we don't hear a thing, and I don't mind not hearing a thing." ABOUT THE GUEST Kelly Maxfield LinkedIn: Mobile/WhatsApp: 07530420542 Email: HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA. CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Pooh and Alex chat with renowned mental health expert Rae Smith about how to improve your life and business. They dive into crucial topics like handling stress, managing time, sharpening your mind, and leading a happier life. Alex shares how Rae has helped him personally to overcome hurdles and build his business more efficiently. Listen in as Rae guides the audience through a visualisation breathing exercise to demonstrate the power of the mind. You won't want to miss her concrete advice on establishing empowering habits, securing your mental health, and achieving your ultimate potential. KEY TAKEAWAYS Mental health issues often go unnoticed until pointed out by others who care about you. Stay connected. Structure your life around your core values and morals to understand motivations and align with suitable people. Make unfamiliar routines familiar through small, daily steps over 21+ days until ingrained as habits. Stress impacts rational thinking. Use breathwork techniques to self-regulate emotions and physiology. Your body responds to mental imagery as if it's physically real—leverage visualisation. Social media depicts an incomplete picture of people's realities. Avoid false comparisons. Seek personal referrals to find a qualified therapist or mentor you can trust. BEST MOMENTS  "When you can't control the outcome to get exactly how you want it, we usually go into that fear state and stress starts." "Your body doesn't know what's real. It only knows what you tell it." "How amazing we are when you want to make changes. You want to change habits. That's where you have to start." "The human connection. The human connection. It's the speech, the speaking, the hearing someone's voice that holds power." "Don't fall in love with looks. Don't fall in love with how they make you feel giddy...Fall in love with the character of the person." ABOUT THE GUEST Rae Smith Psychotherapist Hypnotherapist Mobile: +61 408098226 Email: HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA.   CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Alex and Pooh are joined by real estate investor and entrepreneur Katy Tyler for a fun and inspirational conversation on what it’s really like juggling a growing family with running a successful Airbnb business. Hear the ups and downs of mixing family and business, the importance of honesty and authenticity, plus tons of practical advice on getting started with short term rentals. An eye-opening inside look at the world of serviced accommodations from a dedicated superhost mum. KEY TAKEAWAYS Going "all in" on a business venture can provide an essential distraction when dealing with grief or other trauma. Consistency and small steps are key when learning a new business, don't put too much pressure on yourself starting out. One bad review won't kill your vacation rental business, be level-headed responding to any negative comments. Achieving a big goal doesn't necessarily equate to long-term happiness, re-evaluate priorities over time. Speaking openly about the highs and lows of business ownership creates realistic expectations. Renting out property you own outright is lower risk than rent-to-rent long term. Serviced accommodations can work well mixed with other strategies like flips or HMOs. Training courses tend to only cover the "fun" parts of the business, running it day-to-day is another matter. BEST MOMENTS  "It was either sink or swim for me at that time. And I chose to swim." "You can always make money. There's always time to make money, but there's never time to get the first few years back with a baby." "I've had worry and worry in the last few weeks and yeah. So honestly, at the moment, probably, probably I'm not at my best." ABOUT THE GUEST Katy Tyler contact   HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA.   CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Alex is joined by fire risk expert Steve Hearn in a fire safety masterclass you can’t afford to miss. Learn what you need to do to get compliant and protect your business and clients. From fire alarms to emergency lighting, Steve covers the key requirements in simple terms that even beginners can grasp. Don’t let the changes scare you off—with the right knowledge, you can implement the necessary precautions without breaking the bank. Steve even shares clever hacks to work around tricky compliance issues. Whether you’re an experienced host or just getting started, this episode delivers the clarity you need on critical but oft-ignored fire safety rules. KEY TAKEAWAYS The recent Section 156 legislation requires all hosts, even small operators, to fully document fire risk assessments and precautions. To be compliant, you need proper fire alarms, emergency lighting, escape routes, maintenance logs, and emergency plans. Work with qualified professionals like Steve to ensure you correctly implement precautions and manage fire safety. When sourcing properties, carefully vet them for any existing or potential fire safety issues before signing contracts. Update booking terms and conditions to forbid guests from using unapproved electrical devices that increase fire risk. Long-term rentals require extra vigilance as guests often try converting units into homes. Digitise all fire safety documentation so you have records if ever needed for insurance claims. Educate yourself on requirements through specialised training to confidently self-manage precautions. BEST MOMENTS  "Cost is not an influencer on whether you comply with fire safety, one property or 100." "Your homework again is really important... Do the due diligence on the deal." "Take action. Don't do nothing. Don't sit on it because the fire service are auditing this now." "This stuff isn't going away... You've got to be prepared." "Recognise your own limits of what you can do. Seek help when you need it." ABOUT THE GUEST Steve Hearn Web:  Email:    HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA.   CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Alex welcomes hospitality expert Daniela Iannelli to discuss how to excel in the service accommodation business. They dive into Daniela's background working her way up in the hotel industry and eventually starting her own service accommodation company with her dad during COVID. Daniela explains how they grew the business to 20 units before selling it to start her own hospitality consultancy. She shares invaluable tips on providing exceptional customer service, driving bookings through strategic relationships, and the importance of mental health as an entrepreneur. KEY TAKEAWAYS Start from the bottom to gain respect for all roles and understand hotel operations. Getting rejections brings you closer to a "yes" - persisting through no’s is a numbers game. Build strategic relationships with long-stay guests to drive direct bookings. Meeting guests in person and resolving issues well saves bad reviews. Stop caring what people think, get imperfect, and remove toxic people to find confidence and happiness. Invest in mental health as running a business can trigger anxiety. Specialise in an area you're passionate about to provide unique value. Secret shopper feedback identifies hospitality issues to fix. BEST MOMENTS  "I used to sell my sandwiches at school. I used to do a lot of competitions at school." "The main two roles are housekeeping and pot washing because you can survive without a general manager but you can’t operate without housekeepers or people washing the dishes." "I worked my way up, I worked in pretty much every area of the hotel. If not, if I didn’t work in it, I made sure I did cross experience in it." "Just stop caring. Just, honestly, who cares about anyone, anything?"   GUEST LINKS Instagram - the_hospitality_CEOLinked in - Daniela iannelli Contact -   HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA.   CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Join host Alex and his inspiring guests, best friends turned business partners Fatima and Laura, for a raw and candid conversation about their journey in the service accommodation industry. From a chance gym encounter to trailblazing property pros, hear how they leverage their complementary skillsets while tackling the real struggles women face in business. Learn about sourcing high-end corporate rentals and managing an empire fuelled by drive and transparency. Between juggling kids and early mornings, they share their wisdom on time management, mindset shifts, and supporting each other. KEY TAKEAWAYS Complementary skills lead to success. Recognise your weaknesses and find a partner who can fill those gaps. It's not about being good at everything. Transparency and authenticity set you apart - don't try to be someone you're not. Agents and landlords value real over scripted. Go all in locally at first in property. When first starting out, focus on your immediate area to leverage connections and manage issues hands-on. Outsource what doesn't drive you. Block your calendar ruthlessly including non-negotiable self-care rituals like the gym. Scheduling brings sanity. Talk about the tough stuff with your business partner learn how to voice overwhelm and get back on track. Skill beats script, you can learn systems but not innate personality. Play to your natural strengths. BEST MOMENTS  "People perceive us in a certain way, and I think even our friends and family, it wasn’t until we hosted a New Year’s Eve party at our penthouse that people actually turned up and they were like, oh." "Just go into the shop be confident strong handshake have a business card be prepared” " I have self-respect and I have morals and I have ethics and that means so much more." "I think I was slightly perimenopausal last year as well because there was something going on where I was getting up from bed and I was tired." "We literally just pick each other up and just sit in the car crying, wouldn't we, for ages. And the other one would just be like just hold space."   HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA.   CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Heidi joins the podcast to share her motivating journey from working in prisons to becoming a full-time property investor. She details how she built profitable HMO and serviced accommodation businesses despite having little money, using strategies like rent-to-rent. An expert on homelessness, Heidi explains her bigger vision to provide housing for marginalised groups. Her tips: graft hard, be consistent, focus on one strategy, leverage social media, and don't be afraid to ask for help. KEY TAKEAWAYS Heidi rented out rooms in her landlord's HMO to save for a deposit on her first investment property, proving you can start with little money. To succeed, graft hard, especially on difficult days, stay consistent, and focus on mastering one strategy before expanding. Heidi decorates her properties to appeal to both contractors and leisure guests, maximizing occupancy and income. Guest issues must be addressed instantly in serviced accommodation unlike regular lets, so have strong processes and teams in place. Heidi's bigger vision is to provide housing for marginalised groups like prisoners and veterans by bringing together investors, landlords and the government. Mindset is key - view every setback as a learning opportunity to keep you motivated. BEST MOMENTS  "I lived in a HMO, calculated what they was getting and I was like, I'm gonna be a millionaire” "You can't teach tenacity and consistency...battling through on the shit days - that's what property and business is." "I pay for Guesty and Pricelabs because time is really valuable for me." "The schemes need to be available to pay for any damage because inevitably there will be at some point." "Have something to motivate yourself every year...there's no way I'm passionate about folding towels into swans for life." ABOUT THE GUEST Heidi Louise HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA.   CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
Join Alex and Pooh for a marketing masterclass as they welcome marketing expert Claire Payne and property tradesman Terry Payne. Learn how to build your personal brand and social media presence in 2024 from marketing pro Claire. Plus, Terry shares invaluable do's and don'ts for your own property renovation projects. With decades of combined experience, Claire and Terry provide key strategies to level up your property game. Tune in for practical tips you can implement right away. KEY TAKEAWAYS Capture guests' contact info to market directly and build repeat business Be consistent in posting valuable content daily rather than seeking quick virality Surround yourself with others on the property journey to grow confidence Property marketing requires evaluating what works; never rest on laurels Achieve high guest ratings by leading with great service and experience Make significant property improvements despite unforeseen costs and issues Recognise challenges are common - no one feels happy and has "made it" all the time BEST MOMENTS  "You can't just go out and chuck stuff out there on a whim. You've got to have a bit of a plan." "If we don't have emotions and feelings, we're psychopaths." "Where else is better to invest your money than in property?" "People buy from people. That will never change." "It's not the Field of Dreams. It's not 'Build it and they will come.'" ABOUT THE GUESTS Claire and Terry Payne XPlus Stays Email Instagram @xplus_stays / @claire_xplus / @terry_xplus Facebook   HOST BIO Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.  This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor made ‘lifestyle by design’. Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer in order to spend his time at home with this young ever growing family and Alex can be found spending most of his time overseas in the mountains of sunny Mallorca enjoying his love of road cycling or possibly even hanging out with close friends over in USA.   CONTACT US Facebook - Instagram - TikTok -
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