The Akashic Reading Podcast

Before you can read an Akashic Record for others it's helpful to know what the Akashics is, how to navigate through it, and how to read your own. Each episode will explore an aspect of the Akashics ranging from general information on how to access it, discussions of beings who reside there and how to interact with them, tours of unusual or lesser known areas of the Akashics, healing practices, Akashic meditations, and of course discussions about the Akashic Library and your soul book. These discussions are focused on how to help you use the wisdom you gain in the Akashics to create the life you desire and deserve.

Reconnecting with Your Soul Group

Looking at what soul groups are, how we work with them, and how we can connect with them consciously in real time in the Akashics.


How to Build Trust and Self-Confidence in Yourself and the Akashics

Take a deep dive into how trust is not a thing but a skill, knowing is the active or outward moving side of Akasha, and self-confidence comes from existing not only in your head and heart, but also in your pelvis, thighs, knees, ankles and feet.


The Grace Point for Asking Important Questions

Discussing how working with a grace point pause before asking your important or emotionally impactful questions in the Akashics allows the answers you receive to be complete, complex, and on all levels of experience, not just intellectual.


One Easy Method to Communicate with Spirit Guides

Going through the easy process of communicating directly and conversationally with spirit guides by inviting them to your Akashic Room. Meeting Your Guide Meditation:


Befriending Your Shadow Self

Talking about how our shadow self is not a demon in the dark trying to destroy us, but is in reality our own wounded wisdom.


The Traps of Can, Should, and Best & Highest Good

Looking at how the terms Can, Should and Best & Highest Good may have unintended consequences if don't examine their full meanings and/or we aren't aware of why we're actually using them.


Working with the Dark Moon - Living In the Now

Digging into how working with Moon energy doesn't call us out of our bodies but rather to be fully present in them by offering a means of expanding our experience of ourselves here.


How to Read a Person's Energy Field

Discussing how to look past auras and the electromagnetic field to the practical life force energy of a person in order to understand more fully who they are and what they are manifesting into the world.


Working On Relationships In Your Akashic Relationship Book

Looking at how your Akashic relationship book can help you understand the full spectrum of purpose and lessons for a given event or relationship, or even lead you to realize there weren't any at all.


Empowering Your Life In Relationships

Discussing how relationships are an ongoing conversation/negotiation of our personal power in interconnection with another and how to wield it, and ourselves, with gentle grace.


Don't Imagine but Daydream Your Way Into the Akashics

Looking at how daydreaming is a form of Akashic meditation and how to use it.


Eldership is Leveling Up

Looking into how eldership is when we have the opportunity to shine most brightly as our essential selves.


Using Past Lives for Healing

Talking about how Past Lives are a way to navigate our previous experiences and wisdom so we can use them to unfold our best self now. Akashic Classes:


Let Go of Releasing and Reclaim Your Life

Taking a close look at the spirituality fad of releasing everything to the point of self harm and how reclaiming, nurturing, and enhancing might be better options or even solutions to the problem.


How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Read Your Akashic Record

Talking about how to use the skills you already have, via day dreaming and meditation, to access the Akashics consciously.


Setting Themes and Seasons for 2024

Walking through how to use Themes and Seasons, rather than Resolutions, to engage positively with 2024.


Unsticking the Stuck Spots

Digging into how to determine what is actually stuck when you experience stuck behaviors, where they are stuck, and how to unstick them.


2024 Year of the Wood Dragon

Talking about the energies of this coming year, the change over from Rabbit to Wood Dragon, and what it means for each of us.


Manifest Healthy Partnership Like Baking A Cake

Looking deeply into how manifesting a healthy and loving partner is like baking a cake rather than aiming at the right target or having good luck. You probably have all the right ingredients, but how you add them, when, and how much matters on whether this cake this time will be edible or a tragic mess.


What Does It Mean to See Energy

Looking at how seeing energy is a bit like watching a movie. There are various genre's and what they have to say varies even within that genre so it's helpful to be able to recognize which one your seeing and learn some of the more common tropes.


Krista Phipps

Hello Teri, I would love to give your podcast several million thumbs up but have no idea how, as I use an Android phone & PC laptops. Thank you so much for all this education. I have an appointment to talk with you, so, if you would like to answer this then, it would be okay with me. Respectfully, Krista Phipps

08-28 Reply

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