The Alchemy Lab with Colm Holland

<p>Welcome to The Alchemy Lab with Colm Holland, writer, mentor, speaker, alchemy trainer and adventurer. For the last 50 years I have been on my alchemist journey and am learning something new everyday about how Love can turn the ordinary in our lives into gold. Once we find our treasure it is vital that we give it away to the benefit of our world. This is true empowerment and the path to the gold is personal transformation.Join me as we make the journey together so you can be the alchemist in your world. ~ Colm</p>

The Alchemy Lab - Colm Holland with Special Guest David Young

In The Alchemy Lab - David Young,Grammy - nominated musician, author, public speaker, meditation teacher, visual artist, and intuitive channeller. He has recorded 60 albums which have sold over a million copies. David’s music is revered for its soulful, soothing sounds and transforming properties.#Alchymystic: special events feature original music with divinely deep and meaningful lyrics, David’s signature tri-harmonic flute meditations along with his original art – which bring messages of hope, positivity, love and healing, leaving listeners with a deep sense of wellness, peace and tranquility.Imagine going into another dimension at a creative presentation where live music soothes the soul and inspires art surrounds you. Where this magnificent dimension becomes reality. Join David Young in Glastonbury for an experience that will transform your mind, body and soul, empowering listening with the wisdom that this still is a beautiful world.Channeling Harrison – Illustrated by David Young Young: Holland: #Authors #Books #Music #InterviewSupport the show


The Alchemy Lab - Colm Holland with guest Christina Helena

I am thrilled to welcome to the Alchemy Lab today the amazing and unique Christina Helena - popular speaker, writer, performer and coach. She is redefining and modernizing the stigma behind trauma and pain with one simple thought: Your scar is the sexiest thing about you.       At nineteen years old, she became one of the youngest pancreatic cancer survivors. With a thirteen inch scar across her abdomen, Christina knows the physical and emotional toll that our scars have on our self-worth and ability to love ourselves. Her story is currently in development as an off-Broadway, autobiographical solo show entitled SCAR to be directed by the award-winning director Larry Moss.Support the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest Vinh Giang - Part 2

More magic on The Alchemy Lab with guest Vihn Giang - entrepreneur, keynote speaker and magician. Vinh Giang: #Magic #Podcast #VinhGiang #ColmHolland #Australian #Magician #Speaker #TedX #Author #Books #SelfHelp #Transformation #Interviews #PauloCoelhoSupport the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest Vinh Giang

Today on The Alchemy Lab I am joined by the amazing Vinh Giang - entrepreneur, keynote speaker and magician. Vihn is wise and inspiring and in this episode we discuss how the book 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho has influenced both our lives. the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest Alexandra Wenman.

It is my immense privilege to have wondeful Alexandra Wenman as my guest on The Alchemy Lab. As a pioneer of Precious Wisdom and Archangel Alchemy, and priestess of the Divine Feminine, Alexandra is the go-to voice for the cosmically curious. In this episode we learn more about her fascinating personal journey and her books of divine poetry. https://www.alexandrawenman.comSupport the show


The Alchemy Lab - with guest Martin Wells.

Martin Wells, the author of his latest book Sitting In The Stillness, is my wonderful guest in The Alchemy Lab today. We discuss personal transformation from his specialist standpoint as a teaching and supervising transactional analyst who has been studying meditation for over 30 years. He has dedicated his life to working within the NHS in the UK, as a consultant psychotherapist, where he integrates non-dual teachings with psychotherapy. This is a powerful conversation you will not want to miss. the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest Dr Amy Robbins

Today my very special guest in The Alchemy Lab is Dr. Amy Robbins. Amy is a doctor of clinical psychology, wellness speaker and podcaster. We will be talking about Life, Death, and the Space Between, a place where Amy says we struggle to seek the most important answers. This is an amazing conversation. the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest David Berner

I am thrilled to welcome David Berner to The Alchemy Lab today. David is Chicago based and the award-winning author of A well-Respected Man, Accidental Lessons, and Any Road Will Take You There and his latest book Walks With Sam. Whether you have a pet dog or not you will love what David has to say about mindfulness and personal transformation. the show


The Alchemy Lab - with guest Keith Anthony Blanchard

This episode of The Alchemy Lab with Colm Holland features a real live alchemist, the amazing Keith Anthony Blanchard. Based in Memphis Tennessee, Keith is a musician and songwriter, and the author of many best selling books and podcaster on the topic of how to live a life full of love and light! This podcast you won't forget!Support the show


The Alchemy Lab - with guest Geoff Thompson (part 3)

Welcome back to the third in this three part series of The Alchemy Lab with the awesome Geoff Thompson. Geoff and I have been exploring the paths we each have followed to reach the same destiny, which is unconditional Love. Join us in this episode and in the journey we are all taking together.Support the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest Geoff Thompson

This is the first enlightening episode in a fabulous three part series entitled: Two ordinary boys living two extraordinary lives! Colm is in conversation with the famous Geoff Thompson about personal transformation and true empowerment. Geoff is a successful BAFTA winning screenwriter, film maker, author and teacher. His latest book, The Divine CEO - Creating A Divine Covenant with miraculous everyday outcomes. Support the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest Katie Oman

In the Alchemy Lab this week I have the marvelous Katie Oman talking with me about her new book Self-Love Pledge - that guides the reader to the most important journey of all, that of loving yourself. This opens the doors to a real sense of happiness and fulfilment, and yet it's one that most people struggle with.  In addition to writing Katie is a psychic worker and teacher and you will love listening in on our conversation.Support the show


The Alchemy Lab - with guest David Ditchfield.

On today's podcast I have the immense privilege to speak with David Ditchfield - the author of Shine On - his unforgettable story of his near death experience -  to be published later this month.I talk to David about his incredible transformation as a result of his near death experience that means, despite no previous skills, he is now a successful painter and composer. You will love this episode.Support the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest Anne Egseth.

I am privileged to speak with Anne Egseth, author of the story of Luna, the central character in her recently published novel ' This Is All He Asks of You'.Anne brings a unique and entrancing voice to the central character, a small girl named Luna who sees the world differently to those around her. I could not put this book down and in this podcast I quiz Anne about her own life and experiences that she brings to this magical novel. I can't wait for her next book! Support the show


Colm Holland - The Alchemy Lab - with guest Emma Disney

Emma Disney has been a psychotherapist for the past twenty years specialising in working with teenagers - helping with their mental health and emotional well-being. Her book, Teen-A-Pause, will be released at the end of May 2020 and challenges everyone raising teenagers to think about conscious parenting while learning to re-parent themselves.Support the show


The Alchemy Lab - with guest Ryan Foland.

My guest today is @ryanfoland - Ryan Foland.Ryan is a lecturer at UCI, TedX keynote speaker, YouTube star based on the coast south of L.A., USA. Ryan is also a podcaster and author of ‘Ditch The Act - Reveal the Surprising Power of the Real You for Greater Success.’Ryan talks about how, if we have a message we are trying to convey to our audience, we think they want to hear about how successful we are - then we wonder why no one is listening! What we all really want to hear, explains Ryan, is how like me is this speaker or writer and does their experience resonate with me? Only when we reveal our true selves, together with our failures, fears and weaknesses will people start listening.Support the show


The Alchemy Lab - with guest Bryony Brook.

My first guest is @ForgottenBee - Bryony Brook  - a professional counsellor and therapist based near magical Glastonbury, England. She is also a local radio broadcaster and has set a personal 365 day challenge to write a poem a day on her blog. Bee tells the moving story of nursing her late famous artist husband for seven years after his stroke, to his passing at a very early age and then coping with the effect that experience  had on her daughter, who also came close to death. We talk about facing fear, resurrecting dreams and living an abundant life against the odds.(Duration 40 mins.)Sign up here for notifications about future Podcasts: the show


The Alchemy Lab - Colm Holland with guest Lionel Friedberg.

Please join me in welcoming to The Alchemy Lab today the award winning filmmaker Lionel Friedberg - who is also the author of his latest book: FOREVER IN MY VEINS. Lionel is based in Los Angeles and his story covers the globe and his fascinating magical life.Support the show


The Alchemy Lab - Colm Holland with guest Brendon Lemon

On the Alchemy Lab today I welcome Brendon Lemon - comedian and co-author of The Power Bible - how to light the mastery and confidence in yourself, at a deep internal level. Then using that confidence outwards to clearly see the various power frames and agendas being used by the people around you.Support the show


The Alchemy Lab - Colm Holland with guest Shelley F. Knight

It's an honor to welcome to the Alchemy Lab today the amazing Shelley F. Knight - a once upon a time nurse turned writer who provides an eclectic blend of clinical, holistic and spiritual expertise in her specialist subjects of Positive Changes, Spirituality, and Grief. Shelley F Knight: media links - Channel - the show


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