The Andrew Lawton Show

The Andrew Lawton Show is Canada's most irreverent talk show, hosted by veteran broadcaster Andrew Lawton. With hard-hitting analysis and in-depth interviews, Lawton takes on the stories that matter.

Can wokeness be defeated?

Wokeness – or cultural socialism, as Prof. Eric Kaufmann puts it – is destroying Western civilization. The ideology has taken hold of almost all Western institutions, instilling identity politics and DEI in the place of freedom and pluralism. The dire nature of the situation is explored in a new book by Kaufmann, “The Third Awokening: A 12-Point Plan for Rolling Back Progressive Extremism.” He joins True North’s Andrew Lawton in today’s edition of The Andrew Lawton Show for an in-depth look at where we are, how we got here, and, more importantly, how we fix it.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


How did things get so bad for Justin Trudeau?

Justin Trudeau coasted to victory in 2015 with a promise of “sunny ways.” Now, almost a decade letter, defeat looks inevitable after three terms rocked by scandals, ethics violations, and a cost-of-living crisis pushing Canadians to seek change. A new book by journalist Stephen Maher chronicles Trudeau’s “turbulent reign.” Maher joins Andrew Lawton to discuss Trudeau’s cult of personality, contempt for his critics, his relationship with the media, and other themes explored in Maher’s book, “The Prince.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Liberal MP pushing Trudeau to recognize “Palestinian state”

After several European countries announced their recognition of Palestine as a state, Liberal MP Salma Zahid now says she’s pushing Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to do the same. True North’s Andrew Lawton explains why this isn’t the path to peace that activists think it is. Also, Ontario Premier Doug Ford is pushing beer and wine sales into convenience stores ahead of schedule, challenging the Beer Store’s retail monopoly. Grant Dingwall of Free My Booze joins to discuss. Plus, despite Trudeau’s promise that “Canada is back” on the world stage, American lawmakers have reprimanded Canada for falling short of its NATO-committed defense spending. Does this matter? Andrew chats about it with Macdonald-Laurier Institute senior fellow Richard Shimooka. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Liberals might let illegal immigrants stay in Canada

The Liberal government is mulling a plan to be put forward by Immigration Minister Marc Miller to give legal status to people in Canada illegally. This comes after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau conceded that Canada’s immigration system has allowed in more people than the country has been able to “absorb” in recent years. True North’s Andrew Lawton weighs in. Plus, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation is taking CBC to task over its unwillingness to disclose the details of executive bonuses. Kris Sims returns to give the low-down. Also, law professor Bruce Pardy has written a thoughtful essay in C2C Journal about how the rule of law has given way to the managerial state in Canada and other liberal democracies. He joins the show to explain what this means for liberty. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Canadians reject Freeland’s capital gains tax hike

Andrew is away this week, so Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation Alberta Director, Kris Sims, will be hosting the show! A new survey reveals 58% of Canadians are aware of the proposed capital gains tax changes, but only 24% view them favourably, with 35% opposed. Kris explains why Canadians are concerned about these proposed changes. Also, if current trends persist, by 2030 nearly all legacy newsroom salaries will be funded by the government. Former CRTC vice chair Peter Menzies joins the show to discuss. Plus, while Canadians are feeling the strain of increased government spending, how are our British counterparts faring? Kris Sims takes a look across the pond with Elliot Keck of the U.K. Taxpayer’s Alliance. And finally, Parks Canada is spending $12 million on a program to eradicate European fallow deer on Sidney Island, B.C., employing foreign sharpshooters rather than local hunters. Carson Binda of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation joins to explain. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Conservatives push to remove House Speaker Greg Fergus

Andrew is away this week, so Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation Alberta Director, Kris Sims, will be hosting the show! On this special edition of The Andrew Lawton Show, Kris looks at the Conservatives latest push to remove House Speaker Greg Fergus, after he reportedly included a partisan attack in an advertisement promoting an upcoming event. Will the Liberals continue to defend him, or will they finally give in? Plus, a daunting report from Food Banks Canada reveals that Canada is at “a critical turning point,” as 1/4 of people aged 18 to 24 are using food banks and visits to the food banks are up 50%. Also, the federal government is planning to launch its mandatory buyback program for “military-style” firearms in 2025, turning it into an election issue. Tracey Wilson of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights joins to discuss. Plus, the Trudeau government’s plan to ban new gas and diesel vehicles by 2035 may overwhelm Canada’s power grid. Former Liberal MP Dan McTeague returns to explain. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Life in Canada keeps getting harder

Andrew is away this week, so Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation Alberta Director, Kris Sims, will be hosting the show! On this special edition of The Andrew Lawton Show, Kris takes a deep dive into Canada’s cost of living crisis, examining how despite a slight slowdown in inflation, rising gas prices continue to worsen. At the same time, Canada is set to refinance one-third of its $1.4 trillion debt this year at higher interest rates, significantly increasing costs for taxpayers. Will there be any relief for Canadians? Also, newly released documents show Canada spent almost $3 million to send a delegation to COP28 in Dubai, nearly double what was initially reported. Franco Terrazzano of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation joins to discuss. Plus, the Trudeau government’s proposed ban on new gas and diesel vehicles by 2035 may overwhelm Canada’s power grid. So why are they still pushing this agenda? Tune into The Andrew Lawton Show, guest hosted by Kris Sims! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Online streaming regulations kicked back to after election

The CRTC has delayed implementation of its Online Streaming Act – the law that allows the government to control what you see on platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, and podcast databases – until “late 2025,” a postponement that more than likely kicks it to after the next federal election. True North’s Andrew Lawton says this might be a bit of a reprieve for Canadians who want the governments hands off their content. Also, while healthcare is in the provincial domain, it’s federal gatekeepers who are preventing Canadians (except those living in Quebec) from accessing healthcare choice. president Colin Craig says this is an opportunity for federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. He joins the show to discuss. Plus, Saskatchewan’s court of appeal has upheld the government’s former restriction on outdoor gatherings. This comes the same week as British Columbia’s Supreme Court upheld B.C.’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. Charter Advocates Canada litigation director Marty Moore returns to weigh in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Trudeau still thinks he’s not going anywhere

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tried to deflect a feisty question from a reporter wondering why he’s still there when he and his party are so dismally unpopular in the polls despite throwing everything at the wall to turn things around. He insists he is delivering for Canadians and isn’t the problem. True North’s Andrew Lawton weighs in. With auto thefts at an all-time high, Ontario is moving to revoke driver’s licences from repeat car thieves. Criminal lawyer Ari Goldkind joins to discuss. Plus, Alberta under Premier Danielle Smith has put its own sovereignty and jurisdiction front and centre in a way the province hasn’t in recent memory. Professor Barry Cooper, one of the architects of the province’s sovereignty act, joins to discuss Alberta’s present and future place in Confederation, which he expands on in a new essay for C2C Journal. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Liberals misrepresented police intel to justify Emergencies Act

The RCMP’s long-awaited review of its response to the Freedom Convoy is out, showing that officers were concerned they had been politicized by the federal government’s handling of the protest. Crucially, the RCMP has called out the government for “misrepresenting” police information, or claiming information came from the police when it didn’t. True North’s Andrew Lawton weighs in. Also, the Ontario government is cracking down on cell phone use in classrooms, but education advocates say the ban doesn’t go far enough. Fraser Institute researcher Paige MacPherson joins to discuss. Plus, young Canadians are less likely to couple up and the ones that do are having fewer and fewer children. Dr. Tim Sargent of the Centre for the Study of Living Standards joins to unpack Canada’s fertility crisis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Are anti-Israel encampments a free speech issue?

Police in Calgary and Edmonton moved in on anti-Israel encampments at the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta on the weekend, while McGill University in Montreal is fighting in court today for an injunction to clear the occupation on its campus. More than two years ago, the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act to clear out Freedom Convoy demonstrators in Ottawa – a decision that has since been ruled unconstitutional by the Federal Court. Where is the line between a legitimate (albeit disruptive) protest and an illegal occupation? True North’s Andrew Lawton discusses with Canadian Constitution Foundation lawyer Josh DeHaas. Weeks after the federal government finally conceded there might be too many temporary foreign residents in Canada, Immigration Minister Marc Miller has suggested one way to decrease the numbers – convert them to permanent residents instead. Also, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s annual Teddy Awards – honouring the very worst in government waste – have been released, with a federal agency a lifetime achievement award for paying seniors to talk about their sex lives and CBC being honoured for paying millions of dollars in executive bonuses. CTF federal director Franco Terrazzano joins the show to discuss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Poilievre kicked out of Parliament for calling Trudeau a “wacko”

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was ejected from the House of Commons yesterday after refusing to withdraw a comment that Justin Trudeau was a “wacko” (although he offered to replace it with “extremist” and “radical”). The pearl-clutching Liberals and journalists should be less focused on tone-policing and more on governing, True North’s Andrew Lawton says. Plus, a new documentary, Covid Collateral, exposes the harms of lockdowns and the censorship of scientists throughout the pandemic. Filmmaker Vanessa Dylyn joins to discuss. Plus, it’s the four year anniversary of the order-in-council that prohibited over 1500 types of firearm and promised a two year “buyback” that has so far never materialized. Rod Giltaca of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights weighs in on where things stand. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Poilievre hints at using notwithstanding clause to pass tough-on-crime laws

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has vowed that his efforts to keep criminals behind bars will be constitutional, telling the Canadian Police Association he will “make them constitutional using whatever tools the constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean.” It looks like he’s teasing the first ever federal use of the Charter’s notwithstanding clause. True North’s Andrew Lawton weighs in on why that matters. Also, the capital gains tax hike proposed in the federal budget is the ‘final nail in the business investment coffin,’ one economic analyst says. Jake Fuss from the Fraser Institute joins to explain why. Plus, British Columbia has asked the federal government to reverse its pilot project on decriminalizing drug use in public spaces just one year into the three year trial. Is this finally a recognition of failure on the part of the drug-permissive B.C. government? Centre for Responsible Drug Policy founder Adam Zivo joins to discuss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Trudeau tells Liberal MPs not to worry because everything is fine

According to a Hill Times report, Justin Trudeau has told Liberal members of Parliament not to worry, because despite the Conservatives’ large lead over the Liberals, this will all get sorted out next year. True North’s Andrew Lawton says any Liberal MPs serious about their political futures should be showing Trudeau the door right about now. Also, anti-Israel protesters at McGill University in Montreal have established an encampment to demand the university divest endowment funds from Israel and cut ties with Israeli academic institutions. Columnist and Montrealer Barbara Kay joins the show to discuss. Plus, new data show that carbon emissions in British Columbia have continued to rise despite the province’s long-running carbon tax. Why should Canadians keep going along with this? Kris Sims from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation weighs in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Liberals claim their big-spending, tax-hiking budget is about “fairness”

As more and more people sound alarms about the implications of the Liberal government’s latest budget, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are still saying it’s a budget that injects “fairness” into the Canadian economy. This comes as the Canadian and Ontario governments each pony up $5 billion to create 1,000 jobs creating electric vehicles and batteries for Honda. True North’s Andrew Lawton digs in with Aaron Wudrick of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. Also, activists and the government say extreme weather events are the fault of climate change and justification for aggressive environmental policy – but according to the data, this just isn’t true. Andrew unpacks with Dr. Kenneth Green from the Fraser Institute. Plus, what should government do – if anything – about Canada’s low birthrate? Andrew sat down with Crestview partner Ginny Roth at the Canada Strong and Free Network conference in Ottawa to discuss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Justin Trudeau thinks Canadians need more of him

As the Liberal government continues to drag in the polls, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has set out to put himself out in front of more Canadians – evidently of the mind that he’s the solution and not the problem. In one podcast interview this week, Trudeau accused Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre of feeding into angry populism rather than providing solutions. True North’s Andrew Lawton weighs in. Also, Canadian Armed Forces soldiers who were expelled because they didn’t get vaccinated against COVID-19 have received waivers allowing them to return to work. Is this a step in the right direction or too little too late? Lawyer Catherine Christensen of Valour Law joins to discuss. Plus, the federal government says plastic is a toxin – using that argument as a rationale to regulate and restrict plastics. This comes as a massive U.N. summit convenes in Ottawa with the goal of setting up a “plastics treaty.” Andrew unpacks with plastics scientist Chris DeArmitt of Phantom Plastics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Even Canada Post wants nothing to do with the Liberal gun grab

It’s been nearly four years to the day since the Liberal government prohibited more than 1,500 types of firearms and set in motion a “buyback” to confiscate the lawfully-owned guns from their owners. Since then, not a single gun has been acquired. In fact, Alberta and Saskatchewan have put up roadblocks making it next to impossible for the government to confiscate guns in those provinces, and now Canada Post has said it wants nothing to do with the buyback, dashing federal hopes that the Crown corporation could manage the firearm pickups and transfers. True North’s Andrew Lawton weighs in. Also, a massive U.N. summit has convened in Ottawa with the goal of setting up a “plastics treaty.” Andrew discusses with Chris DeArmitt of Phantom Plastics. Plus, is defunding CBC as easy or desirable as it sounds? Andrew shares an interview with Jen Gerson, co-founder of the Line, recorded at the Canada Strong and Free Network conference. Antisemitism has become the new normal in Canada with the tacit or even explicit endorsement of political leaders. Andrew talks about it with author and broadcaster Dahlia Kurtz, author of the new book “Dear Zionist, You Are Not Alone.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Pro-Hamas protesters are openly glorifying October 7 murders

Footage from a weekend anti-Israel rally shows protesters openly cheering for Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, referring to it as a sign that Palestinians are almost free and calling for Oct. 7 to become “every day” for Israelis. Antisemitic protesters feel safe enough in their views that they no longer feel the need to mask their Jew hatred with terms like “anti-Zionist,” True North’s Andrew Lawton points out, noting that calls for dead Jews should terrify, but not surprise, us. The federal government spent $2.2 million in legal fees trying to defend its use of the Emergencies Act in Federal Court, only to get a decision that broke the law in doing so. Also, CBC is getting tens of millions of dollars more from the feds but the president of the state broadcaster won’t even do an interview with a CBC journalist. Kris Sims from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation joins to weigh in. Plus, a United Nations summit taking on plastic is starting up in Ottawa this week. What does this mean for Canadian consumers and businesses? Vinyl Institute president Aiñe Curran joins to discuss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Calgary’s mayor wants you to own nothing and be happy

An increasing number of young Canadians can’t afford to buy a home, but Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek says not to worry: a lifetime of renting can give “more freedom” and make people feel “liberated,” calling home ownership an outdated concept. True North’s Andrew Lawton says it’s a convenient way to avoid solving the housing crisis, and also markedly similar to the controversial “own nothing and be happy” trope advanced a few years back by a World Economic Forum author. Also, Andrew shares his full fireside chat with Premier Blaine Higgs about federalism, conservatism, and parental rights, filmed live at the Canada Strong and Free Network’s annual conference in Ottawa last week. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


No end in sight for Trudeau’s spending

The federal government unveiled its latest budget yesterday and, surprise surprise, it’s full of big spending with no plan to balance the budget. But the Liberals did find room to shovel more money to CBC and over a billion dollars to “combat hate.” True North’s Andrew Lawton unpacks it with Franco Terrazzano of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and Catherine Swift of the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada. Plus, Andrew shares his interview with Christine Van Geyn of the Canadian Constitution Foundation from the Canada Strong and Free Network conference about the dismal state of civil liberties in Canada. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Ethan McCulloch


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Ethan McCulloch


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