The Angel Mystic Podcast

<p><strong>Introducing "The Angel Mystic Podcast," where spiritually open minds come together to explore the the wonders of Angels, Spiritual connections, and the art of manifesting.</strong></p><br><p>Hosted by Amanda Tooke “The Angel Mystic” your spiritual midwife to help you on your journey to a fulfilling and happy life as seen on ITV & Channel 4 and writer for Fate & Fortune Magazine.</p><br><p>Each episode we will delve into the mystical world of Angels, offering insights, guidance, and practical tools to deepen your connection with “The Upstairs” so you can find inner peace, happiness and joy and create the life you want, finding that missing piece! peace.</p><br><p>This Podcast is your go-to resource for navigating life with more ease and flow. Whether you're a beginner on the spiritual path or a seasoned practitioner, join us as we unlock the secrets of the Universe and harness the power of manifestation to create the life you desire.</p><br><p>Tune in weekly for inspiring fun conversations, and transformative insights that will elevate your spiritual journey and awaken your inner mystic.</p><br><p><br></p><p>‌</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p>

Becoming a Successful Manifester

Title: Becoming a Successful ManifesterWelcome to the Angel Mystic Podcast with host Amanda Tooke, the angel mystic, offering insights, guidance, and practical tools to enhance your connection with Angels and manifest the life you desire. In this episode, Amanda shares valuable insights on becoming a successful manifester by consciously aligning thoughts, beliefs, and actions with desires.Key Takeaways:1. Conscious Manifestation: Amanda emphasizes the importance of transitioning from unconscious manifestation to conscious manifestation. Becoming aware of negative patterns and altering thoughts and words to change manifestation dynamics.2. Mindset and Clarity: The significance of an abundant mindset, intention setting, and the power of clarity in manifesting one's desires is highlighted. Overcoming doubts and limiting beliefs to pave the way for conscious manifestation.3. Inspired Action: Amanda stresses the necessity of taking inspired action aligned with one's desires, embracing trust, and understanding that manifestation is a journey, not just a destination.4. Daily Practice: Exploring the elements of a daily practice, including gratitude, affirmations, and visualizations, to keep energies aligned with desires and elevate the manifestation process.5. The Power of Gratitude: Gratitude as a transformational tool for experiencing happiness, being present in the now, and unlocking the true potential of manifestation. Acknowledging the role of gratitude in manifesting abundance.Fun Facts:1. Manifestation Principle: Law of attraction functioning as a magnet for energies, ensuring that what one focuses on is attracted back in reality.2. Manifesting Significance: Understanding that manifestation involves feeling and action, not just positive thinking to align energies with desires.Keywords:Angel Mystic, Amanda Tooke, spirituality, manifesting, Angels, conscious manifestation, mindset, abundance, manifestation journey, daily practice, gratitude, law of attraction, intention setting, inspired action, manifestation mastery, limiting beliefs, feelings, energy alignment, manifestation process.Host Bio:Amanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Amanda’s engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests, and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting.LinksFind Amanda's Facebook - website  - Abundance Club - Free Training Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


What's Stopping You from Creating Your Dream Life

In this enlightening episode of the Angel Mystic Podcast, host Amanda Tooke delves into the subconscious barriers that prevent us from achieving our dream lives. Drawing from her extensive experience as a manifestation teacher and spiritual coach, Amanda takes listeners on a journey of self-discovery, helping them identify and overcome fears, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt. By addressing these mental and emotional obstacles, Amanda shows how we can all step into a reality where our dreams are not only possible but inevitable.Key Takeaways1. Self-Doubt and Fears: Amanda highlights how fears, whether they be fear of failure, success, or the unknown, play a significant role in holding us back from manifesting our dream lives. The first step to overcoming these fears is to identify them.2. Limiting Beliefs: These are often formed in childhood and continue to influence our adult lives. Amanda discusses how these outdated beliefs can be dismantled through journaling and self-reflection.3. Mindset Matters: The power of the mind cannot be overstated. Amanda stresses the importance of cultivating a positive mindset to align with your dreams and manifest them into reality.4. Positive Affirmations and Visualization**: Amanda advocates for the use of these tools to reprogram the mind, emphasizing that they should evoke positive emotions and a sense of certainty.5. Taking Inspired Action: Manifestation doesn't end with positive thinking. Inspired action, ignited by intuition and visualization, is crucial for bringing dreams into reality.Fun Facts1. Johnny's Story: Amanda shares a compelling story about a boy named Johnny and how a simple misinterpretation in childhood can create a limiting belief that persists into adulthood.2. Generational Beliefs: Amanda explains how limiting beliefs are often passed down through generations, highlighting the significance of breaking these ancestral chains.3. Universal Laws and Abundance: Amanda reminds listeners that the Universe is abundant and that there’s enough wealth and happiness for everyone. Aligning your beliefs with this notion can open the floodgates to endless possibilities.Host Bio**Amanda Tooke** renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life. Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group on Facebook Check out more free resources on the website Join the upcoming FREE training - Activate Your Dream Life Join Read Angel Cards LIVE Masterclass for just £33 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Navigating Manifestation When You Can't Visualise

Show Notes: Angel Mystic Episode 10: Navigating Manifestation When You Can't VisualizeWelcome to episode 10 of the Angel Mystic podcast, titled "Navigating Manifestation When You Can't Visualize." Host Amanda Tooke, also known as the Angel Mystic, delves into a common dilemma faced by many on their spiritual journey: the difficulty of visualization during the manifestation process. This episode is particularly valuable for those who feel hindered because they can't conjure vivid mental images. Amanda's aim is to empower listeners to become amazing manifestors, regardless of their visualizing abilities.Key Takeaways1. Visualization is more than just seeing images; it's about engaging all your senses and creating the intense emotion that builds the vibration for manifesting your desires.2. The feeling of joy is your compass; if it doesn't feel good, you may need to adjust your approach.3. There are multiple techniques to aid visualization, including writing about your desires as if they've already manifested or conversing with an imaginary friend about your successful manifestations.4. Avoid the trap of replaying negative events or problems and focus instead on what you desire, not what you don't want.5. Daily practice and patience are key; use tools like vision boards or tangible objects to help anchor the feeling of achieving your dreams.Fun Facts1. Amanda Tooke has appeared on ITV, Channel 4, and in Fate and Fortune magazine.2. The host believes we manifest in our minds first before reality reflects this vibration.3. Amanda recalls events through the lens of food, indicating how personal and unique visualization can be for everyone.Keywords:- Angel Mystic- Visualization- Manifesting- Spiritual Connections- Law of Attraction- Inner Peace- Joy- Happiness- Manifestation Process- Manifesting Mastery- Vibrations- Trust the Universe- Abundance Club- Guided VisualizationsQuestions1. Why does Amanda Tooke emphasize the role of emotions over visual clarity in the process of manifesting desires?2. Can sharing and reviewing our manifesting practices with others enhance our ability to visualize? How should we balance outside guidance with personal intuition?3. How can incorporating touch, taste, smell, and sound into our visualization process deepen our manifestation abilities?4. In what ways can we ensure our manifesting activities remain fun and effective, particularly when faced with repetitive negativity?5. What methods can we use to shift our focus from past negative experiences to the positive future we wish to manifest?Host BioAmanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group on Facebook Check out more free resources on the website Join Abundance Club  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Business Done Differently - with guest Joanna Hunter

Show Notes for Angel Mystic Episode 9: Aligning Your Business with Angels and AscensionWelcome to Angel Mystic Episode 9, where our host Amanda Tooke welcomes the spiritually savvy business queen Joanna, who brings a galaxy of insights on inviting Angels into our personal and professional lives. Dive into a soulful conversation that interweaves spirituality and business success, the power of gratitude, and the fascinating light web technology. Key Takeaways1. Understanding the Significance of Gratitude: Discover how gratitude practices can anchor us in the present moment and invigorate our energy levels.2. The Role of Ascension in Personal Development: Learn about the concept of ascension and how raising consciousness can impact our lives and businesses.3. Angels in Business: Explore Joanna's journey of incorporating Angels into her business practices, enhancing her success and client experiences.4. The Light Web Revealed: Be amazed by Joanna's profound encounter with Archangel Metatron and her download of the light web technology, which enhances planetary communication and connections.5. Soul-Aligned Business: Delve into the philosophy of serving over selling and how success should be measured by impact and energetic resonance, not just sales figures. Fun Facts1. Joanna's Favourite Space for Downloads: Learn about Joanna's intimate morning routine that connects her with spiritual energy for powerful insights.2. Symbolism in Branding: Discover the deeply rooted symbolism of Joanna's logo and the essential role of feminine energy in her work.3. Metatron's Cube: Peek into Joanna's spiritual past lives and how kinesiology helped her uncover her soul's story with Archangel Metatron. Keywords- Angel Mystic- Spiritual Business- Ascension- Consciousness- Gratitude Journal- Angel Intervention- Archangel Metatron- Light Web Technology- Manifesting Guidance- Energy Conserve- Light Web Activation- Spiritual Practice- Soul-Aligned Business- Energetic Success- Morning Spiritual Routine Questions1. How can integrating the practice of gratitude impact one's energy and attention in daily life?2. In what ways can Angelic guidance contribute to the success and authenticity of a spiritual business?3. What is the light web technology, and how does it facilitate interconnection and communication across the planet, according to Joanna?4. How does Joanna's experience with reactivation into the light web shed light on personal transformation?5. Can you discuss the significance of feminine energy in business and spiritual practices as highlighted by Joanna's brand symbolism? Host BioAmanda Tooke, renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests, and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality, and Manifesting.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group on Facebook Check out more free resources on the website Join Abundance Club  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Discovering Your Life Purpose

Show Notes: Angel Mystic Episode 8 - Discovering Your Life's PurposeIn this episode, Amanda Tooke delves into the profound question of discovering your life's purpose. She tackles the idea of life's purpose being a journey of self-exploration and finding the meaning of daily life. Amanda challenges the overthinking and pressure associated with this concept, offering a new perspective on life's purpose.Key Takeaways:1. Life's Purpose is About Having Fun: Amanda shares the insight that everyone's life purpose is simply to have fun, reframing the traditional notion of a grand purpose.2. Monetizing Your Fun: She emphasizes the importance of monetizing your talents and passions, and not underestimating the value of your skills.3. Meaningful Experiences: Amanda encourages reflection on meaningful experiences and the fulfillment they bring, as they provide valuable insights into one's values and principles.4. Trusting Intuition: Taking time to quiet the noise of the world, trusting intuition, and following inner guidance are crucial for finding fulfillment and purpose.5. Manifesting a Fulfilling Life: By focusing on gratitude, intentionality, and pursuing what brings joy and fulfillment, one can create a truly rich and meaningful life.Fun Facts/Recommendations:1. Amanda's journey from a bed and breakfast owner to a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach.2. Exploring the concept of universal laws and energy to unblock fears and limiting beliefs.3. Join Amanda's free group "Abundance Manifesting" to connect and further explore spiritually connected and abundant living.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group over on Facebook Check out more free resources over on the website Host Bio:Amanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Greatest Things Angels Told Me

Show NotesIn this episode of the Angel Mystic podcast, Amanda Tooke shares two profound messages that she received from the Angels, which transformed her life. Initially skeptical, she learned the incredible power of forgiveness and unconditional love in dealing with challenging situations. Amanda recounts her personal journey and reveals how these simple yet profound principles have the ability to dissolve negativity and bring harmony into relationships.Key Takeaways1. The transformative power of forgiveness and unconditional love in dealing with difficult situations.2. Understanding the difference between conditional and unconditional love and how it can positively impact relationships.3. The concept of forgiveness as a way of releasing oneself from the past, not necessarily involving direct communication with the other party.4. The role of Angels in providing inner strength and guidance in the process of forgiveness and unconditional love.5. The facilitation of forgiveness and unconditional love through meditative practices and angelic assistance.Fun Facts/Recommendations1. Amanda offers meditations on forgiveness and unconditional love in her abundance club and through mp3s available on her website.2. The episode emphasizes the role of Angels in providing guidance and strength in the process of forgiveness and unconditional love.3. Listeners are encouraged to explore the resources and community offered by Amanda in her Abundance Club for further support and guidance.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group over on Facebook Check out more free resources over on the website Join Abundance Club Angel Shop - Rainbow Healing MP3Opt-in Link: BioAmanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Navigating Manifestation Setbacks

Show Notes: Angel Mystic Episode 6 - Navigating Setbacks in ManifestationIn this episode of the Angel Mystic podcast, Amanda Tooke explores the topic of navigating setbacks when manifesting, inspired by the questions from her free community group. She discusses practical strategies and shares insights from her personal journey from financial struggles to abundance.Key Takeaways:1. Manifestation is a process of creating with thoughts and feelings that match a vibration the Universe delivers against.2. Trust and belief in deserving what is desired is essential for successful manifestation.3. Daily practice, including affirmations, visualizations, and gratitude, helps maintain alignment with manifestation goals.4. Setbacks are part of the journey toward abundance and can be overcome by challenging limiting beliefs and celebrating small wins.5. Manifestation is a continuous process that requires consistent effort, clearing blocks, and evolving beliefs.Fun Facts/Recommendations:1. Amanda suggests creating a daily practice that feels exciting and aligns with personal goals.2. Joining abundance club is recommended for those seeking guidance in unblocking fears and limiting beliefs to achieve abundance.3. Amanda emphasizes the importance of gratitude as a powerful tool in attracting positivity into one's life.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group over on Facebook Check out more free resources over on the website Opt-in Link: Bio:Amanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Manifesting Happiness

Show Notes: Angel Mystic Episode 5 - Manifesting HappinessIn this episode of Angel Mystic, Amanda Tooke delves into the powerful topic of manifesting happiness. As a Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach, Amanda draws from her personal experiences and expertise to guide listeners through the journey of finding true happiness and fulfilment.Key Takeaways:1. Clarity is the first step in manifesting. Being specific about what you want allows you to align your energy and open yourself to receiving it.2. Spiritual connection is essential in the pursuit of genuine happiness. Connecting with Angels and delving into one's spiritual side aids in filling the void and rediscovering oneself.3. Gratitude is a game changer. It's about finding gratitude in every moment, even when life doesn't go as planned.4. A daily spiritual practice keeps your energy in alignment with your desires and strengthens your connection with the non-physical.5. Manifesting happiness involves breaking down what happiness means for you, aligning your energy to that end goal, and taking inspired action to manifest it.Fun Facts & Recommendations:1. Amanda's "Abundance Club" offers a blend of manifesting and spiritual development practices for individuals striving for abundance and spiritual fulfillment.2. Amanda's ability to manifest her desires, including her Range Rover, serves as an inspiring testament to the power of clarity, alignment, and inspired action.3. For those seeking to deepen their spiritual connection and learn from Amanda's teachings, joining the free group is encouraged as a way to engage and share experiences.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group over on Facebook Check out more free resources over on the website Join Abundance Club Opt-in Link: Bio:Amanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Stop Procrastinating - with guest Yvonne Pritchard

Show Notes The Angel Mystic Podcast: Episode 4 - Stopping Procrastination with Guest Yvonne PritchardWelcome to the fourth episode of the Angel Mystic podcast, where episode host Amanda Tooke with guest, Yvonne Pritchard—a transformational mind and personal development coach—delve into the persistent issue of procrastination which affects so many of us in various aspects of our lives. From identifying types of procrastinators to actionable tips on overcoming the delay-demon, this episode is packed with insights and strategies to help you break the cycle of procrastination.5 Key Takeaways:1. Understanding Procrastinator Types: Learn about the four types of procrastinators—performer, self-deprecator, overbooker, and novelty seeker—and how to tackle procrastination tailored to each style.2. Practical Strategies to Beat Procrastination: Discover the 5-4-3-2-1 method, the benefits of breaking tasks into small chunks, and the power of list-making to enhance productivity.3. Emotional Impacts of Procrastination: Grasp the deeper emotional consequences of procrastination, such as anxiety and depression, and how to mitigate them by achieving balance and practicing self-care.4. "Female and Fabulous": Yvonne's newly launched membership is designed to empower women, focusing on understanding the mind and addressing female-centric topics with expert insights.5. The Dual Nature of Procrastination: Exploring both the negative and positive sides of procrastination, where it can be a sign of creativity but also a source of self-criticism and energy depletion.Recommendations:1. **Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Method**: Use this technique to kickstart action on your most dreaded tasks.2. **Embrace List Making**: This organization tool isn't just practical; ticking off tasks provides a psychological boost.3. **Consider Membership in "female and fabulous"**: Especially if you're a woman looking for empowerment and growth, check out Yvonne's new program.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group over on Facebook Check out more free resources over on the website Connect with YvonneHost Bio:Amanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Spiritual Ascension Symptoms

Show NotesAngel Mystic Episode 3 - Spiritual Ascension SymptomsWelcome back to the Angel Mystic podcast! In this episode, Amanda Tooke delves into the intricacies of spiritual awakening, breaking down the confusing messages and helping listeners understand the true nature of spiritual awakening. Amanda shares a captivating story where the Angels showed her a metaphorical ladder of spiritual ascension, which illustrates the different stages and challenges present in the spiritual journey.Key Takeaways1. Spiritual awakening is a journey of self-discovery, leading to a deeper understanding of one's true nature and purpose.2. From emotional and physical symptoms to a loss of identity, spiritual awakening can be unsettling but ultimately leads to inner peace and alignment with higher energies.3. The process of spiritual ascension involves letting go of ego, connecting with higher states of consciousness, and embracing self-realization.4. Awareness of subtle energies, heightened intuition, and increased sensitivity are common signs of spiritual awakening.5. Seek guidance from Archangel Metatron, known for specializing in the ascension path and manifesting, to aid in the spiritual journey.Fun Facts and Recommendations:1. Practice good self-care and listen to your body as you navigate through the physical and emotional symptoms of spiritual awakening.2. Explore alone time as an opportunity to connect with higher vibrational energies, leading to a deep sense of peace and alignment.3. Embrace profound clarity and oneness experienced in moments of connection to the Universe, recognizing the benefits of kindness and understanding.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group over on Facebook Check out more free resources over on the website Host Bio:Amanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Manifesting a Cheap Holiday

Manifesting a Cheap HolidayIn this episode of Angel Mystic, Amanda Tooke shares a captivating story about manifesting a cheap holiday to Spain with her children. She emphasizes the power of working with Angels for manifesting and creating ease and flow in our lives.Key Takeaways:1. Utilizing angels for manifesting: Amanda highlights how Angels are incredible at manifesting and bringing magic and miracles into our lives when we ask for their help.2. Openness and trust: Asking for what you want and staying open to the ways in which it can manifest is key in working with Angels.3. Angels and good times: Amanda stresses that angels are not just for moments of crisis but also for the good times, holidays, and laughter.4. Building a relationship with your Angel: Amanda encourages connecting with your Guardian Angel through meditation and daily communication to strengthen the relationship.5. Life with Angels: Amanda shares her personal mission to help others connect with their Angels to experience profound positive transformations in their lives.Fun Facts/Recommendations:1. Amanda recommends using meditation to connect with your Guardian Angel and shares a meditation for listeners to download from the show notes.2. Listeners can share their journeys with Angels and manifestation in Amanda’s free community group, Abundance Manifestation, for a supportive and collaborative space.3. As an added takeaway, Amanda encourages listeners to incorporate openness and trust into their daily interactions with Angels.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group over on Facebook Check out more free resources over on the website Download Meet Your Guardian Angel Meditation here.Host BioAmanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Finding My Angels

Episode 1: Finding My AngelsHost: Amanda TookeSummary:In this first episode of the Angel Mystic podcast, host Amanda Tooke shares her personal journey of finding her angels and embracing spirituality. She emphasizes that everyone has the ability to connect with Angels and offers personal anecdotes of how her angels have guided and supported her through difficult times. Amanda stresses the importance of asking for help from Angels and being open to their subtle signs and guidance.Key takeaways:1. Embracing spirituality: Amanda emphasizes that everyone has the ability to connect with their angels and embrace spirituality.2. Angels provide strength: Amanda shares how angels provided her with inner strength during a difficult period in her life and how they can do the same for others.3. Connecting with Angels: Amanda highlights the importance of asking for help from angels and being open to receiving their guidance, which can manifest in various subtle signs.4. Overcoming fear of judgment: Amanda shares her personal journey of being hesitant to openly discuss her connection with angels due to fear of judgment, which resonates with many people navigating their own spiritual paths.5. Embracing angelic support: Amanda encourages listeners to invite angels into their lives and trust in their ability to help and guide through various challenges.Fun facts & recommendations:1. Amanda discusses how she communicates with her Angels, which can vary from meditation to swimming or even while driving her car, showcasing the diverse ways in which one can connect with Angels.2. Listeners can look forward to a future episode dedicated to discussing Angel signs, providing more insights into the various signs of angelic presence.3. Amanda's personal ritual of conversing with her angels at least twice a day, be it during a shower, before bedtime, or while walking the dog, offers a practical approach to incorporating Angel communication into daily life.LINKS: Join Amanda's Free Group over on Facebook Check out more free resources over on the website Host bio:Amanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Angel Mystic

Show Notes for Episode: Introduction to the Angel Mystic PodcastWelcome to the inaugural episode of the "Angel Mystic Podcast," a haven for open-minded individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment and guidance! Join your host, Amanda Tooke, also known as The Angel Mystic, on an extraordinary journey into the realm of angels and manifestation.In this episode:Discover what makes "The Angel Mystic Podcast" a unique platform for those looking to enhance their spiritual path.Get acquainted with Amanda To, your spiritual midwife renowned for her appearances on ITV, Channel 4, and featured in Fate & Fortune Magazine.Explore how each weekly episode will dive deep into angelic wisdom providing you with transformative insights and practical tools.Learn about manifesting happiness, inner peace, joy, and creating the life you desire through a stronger connection with celestial beings.Expect engaging conversations filled with actionable advice that promise not only to enlighten but also elevate your entire spiritual experience. Don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss out on any part of this transformational adventure!BIOAmanda Tooke renowned Spiritual Teacher and NLP Manifestation Coach is the host of the Angel Mystic Podcast. With a passion for helping women experience happiness and fulfilment by connecting with their Angels, manifesting their desires, so they can live with daily ease and flow for an abundant life.Her engaging storytelling and valuable insights make her podcast a captivating listen. As she shares her own stories, interviews inspiring guests and answers your questions around Angels, Spirituality and Manifesting.Join us now by hitting subscribe as we set forth together on this uplifting quest with The Angel Mystic. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Perdy Boo

Amanda is authentic and highly accessible in how she guides you on your journey. I am so happy she has finally got into podcasts. Check all her stuff out!! #recommended #angels #spirituality

04-02 Reply

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