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The Anything Goes Podcast
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The Anything Goes Podcast

Author: Anna Rose

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A podcast whereas the name suggests - Anything Goes. Hosted by Anna Rose who navigates life, love, & business with a cheeky sense of humour, who isn’t afraid to say it how it is & leave nothing off the table.

Bringing you interesting & in-depth conversations from fascinating individuals on every subject, from all walks of life the podcast aims to help you push boundaries & challenge the status quo.
77 Episodes
This week on the podcast I discuss with you how your habits are your identity and they will be what fundamentally support you through the ups and down of life. I share with you how my habits and commitments to myself are what ensure I am a woman of my word and my habits are my integrity. It is always a choice, you always get to choose how you respond to the adversities of life and how you show up for yourself and who you aspire to be. Find me on socials: Personal: @thereal_annarose TAW Collective: @taw_collective Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman NFT: @theawakenedwoman_nft
This week on the podcast I share with you my recent epiphany I personally had on self-worth vs. self confidence as I was working through my own upper limit and how you powerfully need both.    I discuss the difference between them and setting up the strong foundation of self-worth to build your framework on top of which is driven by your self-confidence.   I bring you on the journey of the 24 hour period where I was feeling and processing the big emotions of me stepping out of working ‘IN’ my companies for the last 13 years to now making my biggest hire yet and moving into working ‘ON’ my businesses.  New levels = New Devils, the inner work never ends.   Find me on socials: Personal: @thereal_annarose TAW Collective: @taw_collective Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman NFT: @theawakenedwoman_nft
This week on the podcast I finally sat down to record the episode on the dream bucket list trip Ryan & I got to take to Brazil to be IN Rio Carnival. The entire experience was one of the biggest pinch me & surreal of my life & how it all came to be is the truest example of manifesting your dreams. The company that organised the entire thing is one run by besties Helen & Samantha from @experiencecarnivalrio and organised not only our float experience in Rio but the samba dancing lessons, the tours, the helicopter ride, the photoshoots - and even organised reservations for us at restaurants. That's all to say, if you're EVER thinking of having a carnival experience .. use them. Find me on socials: Personal: @thereal_annarose TAW Collective: @taw_collective Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman NFT: @theawakenedwoman_nft
On this episode I share with you the why the how and the what behind the new way you can work with me by joining 'My inner circle'. Until now, the only way you've been able to be coached / work with me is in Self-Love School, which only opens its doors once a year (in February). But that's all changed. I started 'My inner circle' to give high level coaching monthly at a price that everyone can afford, to make that level of coaching affordable for women at all stages of life, love & business. But tune in to hear a more in depth why & power behind the transformation I believe you'll have by becoming a part of it. FIND ME: Personal: @thereal_annarose TAW Collective: @taw_collective Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman NFT: @theawakenedwoman_nft
On this episode I kick off relaunching Anything Goes with a bang answering several of the questions you as listeners had asked. The questions range from deep to raw to honest to spicy - and I get to do it all by the side of my bestie Katy (who offers her own insights & take on some of them). Questions I answer (+ a few more thrown in): 1. "Do you ever plan on having children - we need Anna to live on n the next gen!" 2. "Did you ever blame your parents for your sexual abuse as a child?" 3. "Are you still planning to prosecute those terrible trolls & the ex? I feel if anyone can do it it’s you." 4. "For someone who is wanting to up level their finances as a woman what’s your first piece of advice." 5. "What is your minimum limit sexually with your partner? Once a fortnight? Once a month?" 6. "Please talk about being brave - walking away even though it’s terrifying." 7. "How did you show up daily during the pandemic given the DV behind closed doors." Find me online:  Personal: @thereal_annarose TAW Collective: @taw_collective Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman NFT: @theawakenedwoman_nft Katyln's IG: @katyln_judd
Although this episode has technically been 3 years in the making as it's the entire story behind why I started Self-Love School, but in reality it has been my LIFE in the making, because that's what the story is about; my life. The episode comes with a trigger warning, I share my own stories of sexual & physical violence I endured as a young girl, but that's obviously not how my story ends. It's a love story, MY love story, a story of how my night of rock bottom turned into my greatest journey back home to myself and how I went from hating myself - to loving myself unconditionally instead.  This story is WHY I started Self-Love School - there's more to come in future episodes on the last few years of my life, but for now, this is the first book & I'm the main character taking you on my journey back to Self-Love.  Find me online:  Personal: @thereal_annarose Self-Love School: @selflove_school TAW Collective: @taw_collective The Awakened Woman: @theawakenedwoman_nft
In this episode I share the current reality of my life, being 5 days out to tick off one of the biggest bucket list goals of my life with the love of my life, and launching my 2nd collection for TAW Collective whilst I'm there. Why that matters though is all of these things are happening in this moment in time because I knew what I wanted, I declared them as holy desires & dreams & then went after them without knowing how or when I was going to do it. I speak into where I see most getting stopped in their own dreams & how to change that so you start to magnetise all of your deepest desires.  SOCIAL LINKS: Experience Rio Carnival IG: @experiencecarnivalrio COME & JOIN ME ONLINE:  Personal: @thereal_annarose TAW Collective: @taw_collective Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman (NFT): @theawakenedwoman_nft
In this episode I go wide & deep on the potent power of beginning with the end in mind when it comes to ALL areas of your life. Instead of thinking small so acting small, what if when it came to your health, finances, spiritual practice, relationships, business & personal goals you had the bold vision, & acted & showed up for those areas though ALREADY AS THE PERSON WHO HAD ACHIEVED IT. I go into (lot's of!) real world examples in my own life where this has become central & pivotal to my success. Come & join me online: Personal: @thereal_annarose TAW Collective: @taw_collective Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman NFT: @theawakenedwoman_nft Personal Website:  NFT Website: 
In this episode I speak into my current observations of the ‘the burned out woman’. For many of us, we have been in a decades long journey of operating in our Masculine, & burned out, overwhelmed & over it - the pendulum has swung very much back into the feminine, but is the extreme swing I have observed the true repair to the rupture we have been in. My voice on it is it’s not the true repair. Join me as I dive into the reasons why I believe the extreme swing the other way isn’t ‘the’ way for all women & then my advice on how to find YOUR true middle.   Come & join me online:  Personal: @thereal_annarose TAW Collective: @taw_collective Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman (NFT): @theawakenedwoman_nft
On the 9th day of the 9th month, my global Athleisure wear company TAW Collective was launched into the world and it has been a WILD 7 weeks since that time. In this episode I share the stories so far that I've encountered launching a company in an industry I knew nothing about a year prior and how it's all transpired since (clue: Amazingly). The idea with me sharing the journey of being a woman in business is you get a look behind the curtain of the companies and brands, see the why behind many of my decisions, learn how I am building the company and so much more. 
In this episode I share my story & journey to officially becoming a solo skydiver, meaning as of now, I am allowed to throw myself out of planes at 15,000 by myself which even writing that still feels wild. My WHY behind choosing to go after & achieve this goal is to me, as important as the lessons and journey itself so strap in as I speak you through all my feels from Jump 1 (eek!) to where I'm at as of publishing this episode which is 18 solo skydives to date.   CONNECT WITH ME:  Personally: @thereal_annarose Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman: @theawakenedwoman_nft
13 years ago, at my rock bottom I picked up my first book, Awaken the Giant within by Tony Robbins. In that book, was a chapter on values, a chapter which indadvertedly changed my life. Back then I got to work on creating my first list of values, which was a huge 14 of them (which I go through in this episode). The last 10+ years though since I have lived, breathed & die by my top 3 values (which I also go through in this episode) & explain to you how to create & live by your own values which creates your most aligned & successful life. CONNECT WITH ME:  Personally: @thereal_annarose Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman: @theawakenedwoman_nft
The gift of the feminine is our deepest radiance, the gift of the feminine is us living a life where we get to live out our deepest desires, and yet, so many of us are NOT living with radiance & NOT living our truest desires. In this episode I go deeper into HOW to start to access your radiance & how to start living more of your truest desires and it is all to do with your  .. PLEASURE.    The book I refer to in the episode is "Pussy, a reclamation" by Regena Thomashauer, & is a book I cannot recommend highly enough to every woman on this earth.    CONNECT WITH ME:  Personally: @thereal_annarose Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman: @theawakenedwoman_nft  
The episode where my intention is to light your heart & soul on FIRE to run towards the life of your dreams like your life IS on fire. It's a bite sized episode (by my standards) to try to get across as succinctly as possible as to why you MUST stop being addicted to the cheers & crippled by the boo's, as that is what is stopping you living your MOST bold, brilliant, aligned & truest life. I speak into that tomorrow isn't guarenteed (ever) and if today WAS your last day on earth, & you didn't live it being EXACTLY who you wished to be, you need to draw a line in the sand & put a stake in the ground & begin the work on your becoming TODAY.    CONNECT WITH ME:  Anna: @thereal_annarose Self-Love School: @selflove_school The Awakened Woman: @theawakenedwoman_nft 
In this episode the unlocking of my own voice on these INCREDIBLY important conversations begins, the power of our sex energy, the power of our Yoni's & the sacredness that is holding that energy potently, & not allowing any man to receive it. (Basically, as I say on the podcast "why I don't f*ck with casual sex). This is a conversation whether you're single OR in a short or long term committed relationship as I give voice to women's deepest sexual desires, and why you might not be allowing that in your life (& how to access it powerfully).   CONNECT WITH ME:  IG: @thereal_annarose TAW: @theawakenedwoman_nft SELF-LOVE SCHOOL: @selflove_school
In this episode, I give you the simple language shift which can (& will if implemented) change your life. If you're walking around still saying the disempowering sentence "I don't have time", this episode is for you. We come from where time itself exists and have the power to expand or contract it at any point. You're just not clear on your priorities & that's not times fault. Listen in to be (I hope) simultaneously challenged & inspired. CONNECT WITH ME: IG: @thereal_annarose TAW: @theawakenedwoman_nft
As we go about this one wild crazy life, BIG things happen, stressful things happen & feelings and emotions come up. Our job, is to FEEL them. To acknowledge them, process them, and let them pass. That’s all feelings ever want. But what’s happening instead is people are suppressing them, ignoring them & numbing them, and then wondering why their anxiety & overwhelm is at an all time high.   In this episode I talk about how to FEEL your feelings, how to not be scared of big emotions and how you can turn your pain into power instead of numbing them away.   CONNECT WITH ME: IG: @thereal_annarose TAW: @theawakenedwoman_nft
In this episode I explain the vision of The Awakened Woman (TAW) the NFT Project I founded back in August 2022. From explaining what 'utility' is, to going into more detail on the plans for 'The Awakened Woman Hub' and especially & most importantly, the company launching called 'Taw Collective' where TAW Holders pull profits from. I also go into 'how to mint' a TAW and what that even means.   MINT A TAW: TAW ON OPENSEA:  TAW IG: 
On 8/8/22 the biggest project & vision of my life was born and birthed; The Awakened Woman, or TAW for short. In this episode I go deeper into why I chose to go all in on a space no one even understood yet, and take the risk to be a woman in business pioneering in Web3 before people even 'get it' yet. I have never been so proud in my entire Entrepreneurial journey than I am of what has already been achieved with TAW, and what I know will continue to be and in this episode I explain just how big my vision is and why I am so damn passionate about the entire space.    MINT A TAW: TAW ON OPENSEA:  TAW IG: 
On 8th December 2022 the High Courts of NZ took medical guardianship of a 6 month baby boy so his heart operation could proceed because his parents had reasonably requested the blood transfusion he will require in the operation come from ‘unvaccinated blood’. I could have left this (probably not), except watching the video, linked below, where 4 armed police are in the room with Baby W & his parents, and I watch as they guard the cot as a nurse grabs Baby W against the parents wishes & takes him away, against their will, will NEVER sit ok with me.   What sat so unbelievably wrong with me other than everything, was having had my own planned operation a decade ago I was asked to donate my own blood pre op, so ‘being able to request where blood comes from’ when there are matches who come forward, which was the case in this case, should never have ended in 4 armed police guards & a nurse snatching a baby away.    I also go into the Pfizer documents that were released that had initially been protected privately by the FDA. These documents, an estimated 450,000 pages of material about the vaccine weren’t set for release for 75 years, but a group of some 200 Dr’s, Scientists, professors and public health professionals, requested an FOIA request (freedom of information act) to the FDA & won. The court & U.S District Judge Mark Pittman who was the Judge on the case concluded that “this FOIA request is of paramount public importance,”. Uhhh yes, yes it was.   I read just a minute few of the KNOWN & reported adverse side effects of the Vaccine in this episode, pulled from a few pages of ONE of the 455 documents. So if you want to really do your head in like I have earlier, download and read tens of them.    So yes, I spoke up on this matter, because yes, I do believe that in 2022 & beyond, thanks to Government incompetence & lies, if those vaccinated want to choose to only get vaccinated blood - they can, but if those of us who chose to not get vaccinated request blood from the unvaccinated, we should be able to because of the KNOWN & proven health implications of the vaccine now.   And never do I ever want to watch medical tyranny go down over this subject - especially involving our babies, but somehow, I have a feeling this may just be the beginning.   PFIZER DOCUMENTS HERE:  VIDEO OF BABY W TAKEN HERE: NEWS ARTICLE ON STORY HERE: 