The Apple and The Hero

<p>Forget dusty textbooks! <br><br></p><p>Join me, Dr. Sara Orfali, a Medieval historian with a passion for storytelling, as I peel back the layers of history in The Apple and The Hero.<br><br></p><p>This podcast is your gateway to exploring the captivating myths, legends, and heroes that shaped the foundation of European countries - all through engaging anecdotes, thrilling tales, and insightful analysis.</p><p>So, ditch the dates and delve into the drama, intrigue, and epic sagas that brought history to life.<br><br></p><p>Whether you're a history buff or simply curious about the past, tune in to The Apple and The Hero for a captivating journey through the heart of Europe's legendary past!</p>

025_Roma Aeterna_Fight for the Mediterranean - The Punic Wars (Part 2)

Send us a textDrunk on victories Rome had thought itself beloved by the gods. The young Punic general, Hannibal Barca, though, had demonstrated how far from divine graces the Romans really were. With dwindling legionaries and no experienced commander, could the Romans really rally up once again to destroy their enemy? Will the lead of one single man, as capable as Publius Cornelius Scipio was, be enough to revert the fortunes of the war?


024_Roma Aeterna_Fight for the Mediterranean - The Punic Wars (Part 1)

Send us a textWith the Samnites beaten and their territory conquered, Rome is finally ready to play the big game. Having gained access to the Mediterranean, the previously landlocked Romans are ready to leave their marks on history and win the title of rulers of the sea.The only problem? They will need to fight Carthage for the privilege!


023_Roma Aeterna_Expansionism and Empty Victories

Send us a textNow the undisputed ruler of Latium, Rome is finally ready to confront the enemies lying just over her borders. Can she win, or will the Samnites take everything?And why is Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, suddenly sticking his nose in the Italian Peninsula?


022_Roma Aeterna_Love and Duty

Send us a textDesperate times call for desperate measures and, sometimes, the only thing needed to get out of a situation is a strong leader. In this episode, we'll follow the lives of Cincinnatus and Camillus, two heroes who gave everything to save Rome during its darkest hours.


021_Roma Aeterna_The Courage to stop a King

Send us a textRome has decided: after exiling the last of the kings, the citizens have chosen a republic as their new government. But trouble is on the horizon as Tarquinius the Proud risks everything to get back the throne that was once his. Faced with the might of Etruscan King Lars Porsenna, will the new Roman res publica survive?


020_Roma Aeterna - The Six Kings of Rome

Send us a textLove him or hate him, Romulus started Rome on a path to greatness, but he was only the first one.Six other kings followed him, giving Rome its costumes, culture, laws, and religious ceremonies. The Seven Kings of Rome were much beloved by the Romans, each with their own quirky character. Did they exist? Does it matter? If you want to get a possible answer to these questions, jump aboard as we go meet: Numa, Tullus, Ancus, Tarquinius, Servius, and Tarquinius!


019_Roma Aeterna - The Founding Father

Send us a textCouldn't get enough of Roman history after last episode? Then welcome back!In the last episode we've started our journey on the Roman cobblestones. We've discovered a link between the mighty Troy and the new power in Latium, and we've seen how even blood ties can be broken, when there's the chance of becoming a ruler. In this episode we're following Romulus, watching him as he navigates the complexities of a new city. We'll see how bold, and maybe slightly illegal, thi...


018_Roma Aeterna - The Foundation

Send us a textWe're finally here! This episode marks the beginning of a deep-dive into Roman history!We start, like all good stories, at the very beginning where we'll meet the heroes and heroines who were said to have founded one of the biggest empires in history.Of course, we'll meet the twins, Romulus and Remus, and their furry babysitter, the lupa; but we'll also see how, at the beginning of the Empire, a new story started to circulate, in an effort to nobilitate Augustus' pedigree as he ...


017_The Maid of Orleans - The Birth of a Saint

Send us a textIn this episode we continue with the captivating saga of Joan of Arc.Fresh from witnessing Charles VII's coronation, we now explore the complexities of her continued military leadership.Victories become elusive, political intrigue swirls, and Joan faces mounting criticism. We'll delve into the strategic missteps and shifting tides of the Hundred Years' War. Did Joan lose her divine favor, or was she betrayed by the very king she helped crown?The episode explores the heartbreakin...


016_The Maid of Orleans - The Miracle that saved France

Send us a textThis episode plunges us into the extraordinary life of Joan of Arc, a young woman who defied expectations and changed the course of history.Born a peasant girl, Joan claimed divine visions urging her to lead the French army and crown Charles VII as king. We'll explore her early life and the turmoil of the Hundred Years' War, a brutal conflict that ravaged France.Witness Joan's unwavering faith and her meteoric rise to military leadership. From unconventional tactics to battlefie...


015_The Blood of Bannockburn

Send us a textFrom Outlaw King to King of Scots: The Rise of Robert the BruceThis episode delves into the captivating story of Robert the Bruce, a Scottish nobleman who transformed from hunted outlaw to become King of Scotland and secure the nation's independence. We'll explore his early ambitions and struggles, the brutal defeats he faced at the hands of the English, and his unwavering determination that fueled his unconventional guerrilla warfare tactics.Witness his resilience in the face o...


014_The Hero with a Brave Heart

Send us a textFrom Uprising to Betrayal: The Story of William WallaceIn this episode we will walk into the life of William Wallace, a legendary Scottish warrior who became a symbol of resistance against English rule. This episode explores his rise from a nobleman seeking justice to a fearless leader who united the Scots in the First War of Scottish Independence. We'll witness the pivotal Battle of Stirling Bridge, a decisive Scottish victory that cemented Wallace's place in history. We will a...


013_ A Man with Many Crowns - The End of the World

Send us a text To the Ends of the Earth - Alexander's AdventureIn the final chapter of our Alexander the Great series, we follow the conqueror on his relentless eastward march. Driven by boundless ambition, Alexander ventures deep into India, facing fierce resistance and exotic landscapes. Witness his army's grueling battles, their growing disillusionment, and the mutiny that finally halts Alexander's relentless expansion. This episode explores the complexities of Alexander's legacy: his...


012_ A Man with Many Crowns - The Conquest of Persia

Send us a textFrom Greece to Babylon - Alexander's Conquest of PersiaIn the thrilling second episode of our Alexander the Great series, we witness the clash of empires. Following years of meticulous planning and strategic maneuvering, Alexander embarks on a daring campaign to conquer the mighty Persian Empire. We'll delve into the pivotal battles, including the legendary encounter at Gaugamela, where Alexander's innovative tactics shattered the seemingly invincible Persian army. Discover the ...


011_A Man with Many Crowns - Beginnings at the Macedonian Court

Send us a textIn the first episode of this three-part series, we delve into the formative years of Alexander the Great. Born into the Macedonian court of his ambitious father, King Philip II, Alexander's childhood was anything but ordinary. We'll explore his rigorous physical training, his encounter with the legendary horse Bucephalus, and the profound influence of his tutor, the renowned philosopher Aristotle. This episode lays the foundation for understanding the motivations and skills that...


010_A Heroic Resistance

Send us a textIn this episode, we delve into a thrilling chapter of European history: the defiance of the Swiss people against the Habsburg dynasty in the 13th century. We'll explore the pivotal Battle of Morgarten, where a vastly outnumbered Swiss force dealt a crushing blow to the Habsburg army, marking a turning point in their fight for independence.But this episode goes beyond just tactics and fighting. We'll examine the legend of Arnold von Winkelried, a figure who sacrificed himself to ...


009_The Mystical Pact

Send us a textOn a small piece of parchment and its legend rests the entire country of Switzerland and the mystique which the centuries have afforded to this document have given it almost the same status as a religious relic.Let’s go back to the Middle Ages, when the meeting of three men in pasture started one of the longest alliances in Europe.Welcome, to the Oath of the Rütli!


008_The Irreverent Chieftain

Send us a text“Beware, lest this very spot where we are now encamped get its name from the calamity that shall befall your army and transmit the memory of it to your children’s children!”Bold words, spoken by the chief of a small, almost forgotten tribe to none other than Julius Caesar.It was with such a declaration that Divico, chief of the Tigurini, sealed his fate and that of his people in life, eternalising them all into legend!Let's go meet the ancestors of modern Swiss people, who chose...


007_The Fearless Explorers

Send us a text"Tierra, tierra!"When the lookout from the Pinta yelled that he had seen the coast, little did Columbus and his men know that what seemed 'terra incognita' had been already discovered and colonised centuries before.In this episode we follow the longships of the first people to discover and settle the New World.Welcome, to the Age of the Vikings!


006_The Ruthless Ruler (Part 2)

Send us a textChoices made by someone else have the power to shape our own lives. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. His father's choice had left Vlad III stranded at the Ottoman's court, preparing the soil for the horrors which were to come. In this second and last part, we're going to see how Vlad III gained the bloodthirsty nickname of "The Impaler" and how a simple invention shaped up the image we have of this voivode of Wallachia.


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