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The Archers
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The Archers

Author: BBC Radio 4

Subscribed: 31,748Played: 2,549,229


Contemporary drama in a rural setting.

26 Episodes



WRITER: Katie Hims DIRECTOR: Dave Payne EDITOR: Jeremy HoweLilian Bellamy…. Sunny Ormonde Harrison Burns…. James Cartwright Alice Carter…. Hollie Chapman Neil Carter…. Brian Hewlett Susan Carter…. Charlotte Martin Justin Elliot…. Simon Williams Emma Grundy…. Emerald O’Hanrahan George Grundy…. Angus Stobie Brad Horrobin…. Taylor Uttley Tracy Horrobin…. Susie Riddell Joy Horville…. Jackie Lye Alistair Lloyd…. Michael Lumsden Kate Madikane…. Perdita Avery Dr Azra Malik.... Yasmin Wilde Fallon Rogers …. Joanna Van Kampen Laura… Claire Cage



Clive chats affably with Joy in the shop – he’s all charm as he ponders whether to buy chocolate or ciggies. He reveals he used to be local but doesn’t give details. Clive decides to try some real ale and lager. As he’s selecting crisps, Kate comes into the shop. She recognises Clive. He doesn't recognise her, but she tells Joy about Clive robbing the shop, holding a gun to her face and calling her a bitch. A man can change, says Clive. He tells her he does yoga and a visit to Spiritual Home might be healing. Joy tells him to leave, she won’t serve him. A furious Clive shouts at them as he leaves the shop. Kate is shaken, but they agree they were both amazing for standing up to him. Harrison is cooking chilli tofu for Fallon and they chat about her plans for a meat and dairy free café at the EV charging station. They relax with wine and chat about the day. Fallon tells Harrison he’s handsome and they need a romantic, passionate holiday. Harrison is momentarily taken aback. But Fallon doesn’t want to carry on the way they have been. Later, they discuss where they will go for their romantic trip and agree to give it some thought. Harrison makes her laugh and says they might just make it. Fallon says she never, ever thought they might split up, but Harrison confesses it crossed his mind. But, he says, he never wanted to.



George is waiting for Brad outside the cinema and speaking on the phone to Clive who thanks him for persuading Susan and Tracy to allow him to see Bert. George is keen to get off the phone – until Clive offers to pay for the popcorn.Tracy is laying down the law to Clive when he gets ‘mystical’, telling her to let go of her hostility. He tells her he wants to reconnect not only with Bert, but her and Susan too. Tracy doesn’t believe a word of it. Later Susan arrives and both are aghast to see that Bert is delighted by Clive’s return – Bert cried when Clive walked into the garden. Susan doesn’t believe anything Clive has to say and wants to know what he’s after. When Clive comes in and suggests a family day out to the seaside or the races, they give him short shrift. He goads them, saying Bert loved seeing him and accuses them of being selfish.On the way home from the cinema George thanks Brad for sitting through a blockbuster when he prefers art films. He tells Brad how he wishes he could be him – with a bright, interesting future ahead. George is putting the bins out when Clive strolls by. He says his reunion with Bert had been emotional but Susan and Tracy were cold and heartless: He’s changed for the better – they for the worse. George reminds him Susan went to jail for him but he won’t hear it. From now on he’ll go wherever - and talk to whoever - he likes: he’s done apologising.



Justin moans that his flat white is lukewarm but Emma has no time for his complaints. He’s been chatting and let it go cold, she says. If he wants a hot one he’ll have to buy another. Fallon intervenes and gives Justin a fresh coffee and complimentary croissant. Fallon asks Emma what’s going on – she’s been stressed out for days. Emma apologises but avoids telling the truth about George, saying ‘he’s just not right at the moment’ and ‘very nervous about going to court’. Fallon tells her to try not to worry and to reassure George: he did a wonderful thing. George rings and tells Emma Clive’s upset after bumping into Susan who he says was awful to him. Later, Justin quizzes Fallon about her plans for opening a café at the charging station. She reveals her ideas for a meat and dairy free eaterie.A shocked Susan is telling Tracy about being ambushed by Clive while shopping. Why couldn’t he have stayed out of Ambridge? The two discuss how they can keep Clive away from their dad. They wonder whether they could bribe Clive to go away. But where would that end? They ask Brad’s advice who reckons his Great Granddad has the right to see his son. George arrives to ask Brad what he’s doing tonight and if he fancies seeing a film. Brad is seeing Mia so he suggests going tomorrow. George keeps Clive’s role in his return a secret. But he and Brad agree that Great Granddad should have the choice to see his own son.



George declines Clive’s offer to join him in morning yoga and listens to him moaning about his B&B. Later as they have a beer in the garden, George reveals Will is still pressing him to go to the police. Clive says he should tell Will and Emma to back off and hold his nerve. George worries about prison, for him or Alice. But Clive says wealthy people like Alice don’t go to prison. Impatient, he tells George the crash was an accident: stop going on and enjoy your beer.Alistair and Harrison discuss the fete, where Harrison bought a brilliant book about cricket coaching. Alistair grumbles about one of the girls at the cricket camp – Cassie, who is decidedly sassy. Little Croxley cricket captain Laura asks Alistair how the camp has gone. Alistair is forced to reveal that Cassie – who it turns out is Laura’s daughter – has been a bit of a handful. He adds that she could really be a decent cricketer, if she put her mind to it. Laura asks how things are going with his ‘situationship’. He says it’s going well and has to put up with Harrison pulling his leg about being the ‘Valentino of the village’. Clive bumps into a shocked Susan as she is shopping. It’s been too long, he says. ‘No,’ she replies. ‘It hasn’t been long enough.’ He follows her, suggesting they go for a coffee. She wants nothing to do with him. He claims he’s different now; enlightened after a near-death experience. But Susan says they don’t want him anywhere near them.



It’s the day of the Ambridge fete and Joy is full of praise for Azra’s book stall, despite her misgivings about having the fete on the same day as the grand re-opening of the Stables. She shocks Azra with talk of an open surgery and a free consultation for everyone who buys a book. But Azra turns it to her advantage, guilt-tripping anyone who asks about their health into buying a book. George isn’t happy about being dragged to the fete by Emma. And he can’t understand why his family and everyone has such a downer on his uncle Clive. Emma doesn’t want Clive anywhere near George or Poppy. Later, as Emma tells Joy she is enjoying the fete her mood takes a downturn when George announces he has had enough and he’s leaving. Meanwhile the Stables has its own Cantering On celebration and Justin is resplendent in his ringmaster’s garb, which Lilian loves. She is less happy about Justin’s plan to keep Alice hidden behind the scenes. Alice has a key part in the day, says Lilian. Later Justin has great news. Horse owner Rani Pershore is at the event. He wants to keep Alice away from her until Alice reveals they have a personal connection – Alice sold her horse Banjo to Rani. She quickly persuades Rani that The Stables is the right choice for her.Joy praises Azra who sold out of books and says she’s a shoo-in for next year’s fete. No way, says Azra, aghast. But Joy is confident: that’s what they all say.



Lilian and Paul celebrate National Plum Day with themed cakes and a chat. Lilian is thrilled that Alice is throwing herself into The Stables’ event, producing wonderful work on branding. To Paul’s delight, he receives a large bag of branded medals from Alice, meaning he can give out numerous prizes to the riders in the fancy dress competition, from ‘Best Hat’ to ‘Best Embellished Horse’. No one will be disappointed!Emma and Will greet George, who arrives at Number One The Green with his unwelcome guest. Clive Horrobin says that he was happy to help George, and that he was a chip off the old block. Furiously, Emma berates George for believing the lies of his criminal uncle. To avoid George leaving again, she thanks Clive through gritted teeth for bringing him home. Clive claims that a near-death experience has changed him. Emma is unconvinced. In George’s room, Emma updates her son and urges George not to mention Clive to anyone. George tells her that Clive has advised him to stay quiet as Alice may get off anyway – why throw himself under the bus for nothing? Appalled, Emma pleads for him to think of human decency and Alice – that she and Will are in a much better position to advise him than his vile uncle. It is time to face the truth. Downstairs, Clive has settled in and means to stay and assures Emma and Will that he is now a peaceful person. But this soon turns to a threat – let him stay or he’ll tell the whole of Ambridge what George has done.



Lilian is disappointed that Kirsty has arranged to litter-pick at the fete – there is a potential donor at The Stables’ rival event who may help the Rewilding Project so she needs to switch allegiance. At The Bull, Denise is happy to take on the litter-picking role. She and Kirsty agree to house-share and toast their future: cups of tea amongst the hollyhocks and late night gossip on the landing. Roy puts paid to their plans when he calls with disappointing news. He needs to quickly put Willow Farm on the market.Will comes to congratulate Emma on her Grade 8 result in GCSE English Literature. He admits to Ed that he performed so badly at Bridge Farm’s harvest that they have declined further help. At the celebration, Emma is snappy and distant with her guests and cuts short the congratulations. Ed and Susan show concern for her but Emma says she is just overwhelmed after the build up. She leaves the party to help Lilian, having forgotten her promise to cover George’s video work for The Stables. Ed confides his worries about Emma to Susan. She’s bottling something up and always seems on the verge of tears. Susan reassures him, suggesting she’s just overdoing it and not looking after herself. Although Emma enjoyed the filming, she tells Will how bad she feels about lying to Ed, especially when he made such a lovely celebration for her. A message arrives from George. He is coming home tomorrow, but he’s bringing someone with him and it’s not good news.



Picking damsons for Jim’s jellies, Alistair and Jazzer discuss Alistair’s living arrangements. Jim has been bending over backwards to make Denise welcome and comfortable, but it’s not ideal for them. Yet Alistair feels moving in with her now wouldn’t be right with his Dad getting older. Kirsty greets them as she passes to put a poster up in the shop. She is advertising for a house-mate now that Roy has left, as she can’t afford Willow Farm on her own. Denise visits Kirsty to view the property. Kirsty misses Roy’s company and enjoys sharing. Denise wonders what it will be like to have her own space again after so many years of marriage. Over at Greenacres, Jim, Jazzer and Alistair reminisce about their own house share. Jim suggests Alistair redecorates to put his own stamp on Greenacres. Denise joins them to tell them the news: if Roy agrees, she would love to move in with Kirsty. With rain approaching, Will and Ed are apprehensive about getting their work done before the storm and arrange to meet for a drink later. Ed hopes George’s break at the seaside cheers him up but Will is cagey about the trip details. Later in The Bull, Will confesses that he felt like an amateur at Bridge Farm, making mistakes and causing stress at the harvest. His mind is on other things. Ed reminds Will that Emma’s GCSE results come out tomorrow and that he should join them for a drink and cake, they should be celebrating not worrying.



It’s all hands on deck at Bridge Farm ahead of the barley and wheat harvest, with the threat of rain making plans more difficult. With Adam about to leave for a holiday, and George’s day off yesterday, the staff are working extra hard and late. Natasha is taking time out from Summer Orchard to help Pat. As they sort the veg boxes, they fantasise about a week or two off work. Natasha longs for more quality family time, they are exhausted with the businesses and the twins, and Tom is working all hours in the fields. Pat suggests she and Tom book an autumn break to look forward to. George has not appeared for work again and they note his recent flakiness and time off. Emma and Will are keen to speak to George, who is still away and out of regular contact. They decide to tell Bridge Farm that they’ve encouraged him to take a short caravan break on the coast with friends as he’s anxious about the looming court case. It’s not ideal for Pat, but she understands. Will offers to cover some shifts and Pat makes a plan: Will can help Tom with the harvesting, Susan and Clarrie can pick beans, whilst Helen takes over at the dairy, and this will help boost the team. Natasha will take over deliveries with her daughters listening to nursery rhymes in the car – they will manage! Will and Emma are reassured when they receive a text from George. He is looking after himself and just wants to get everything straight before he returns home.



Don James, Alistair’s boss, is annoyed to have to be dealing with a complaint about the Ambridge practice. Alistair apologises, explaining that Denise’s marriage was almost over when they started a relationship. Don does not want to know the details but reminds him that Head Office should have been made aware. He discloses that the complainant reported that Denise and Alistair were distracted by each other when treating a dog. To Alistair’s relief, Don confirms that he would not be disciplining them. Both he and co-owner Doug Lovell highly value them and know they would always give their full attention to an animal. He reminds Alistair that he and Doug are also life partners and that it works well for them. Later, Jim and Alistair decide to celebrate by inviting Denise for steak and a game of chess, and Jim hints that perhaps they might want to have more of their own space. George appears to be resigned to handing himself in to the police, as Will tells Emma he is up and showered. Emma shares that she hates lying to Ed, and is scared of everyone’s reaction once the truth is public. Back to collect George at Number 1 The Green, they discover him missing, along with his bag and some clothes. Terrified, they spend the day contacting taxi companies and George’s friends, as he is not answering his phone or responding to messages. Finally they receive a message from their son: George is safe with somewhere to stay, and will call them tomorrow.



Lilian is looking forward to the Cantering On event at The Stables and tells Paul about the promotional video they’ve made, featuring Justin as a ringmaster. Paul will be representing the vets practice at the event and Lilian would like him to judge the fancy dress competition. Justin is keen to give medals out but Paul would prefer to take out the competitive element to avoid disappointing the young riders. He agrees to come up with a plan they’ll all be happy with. George, claiming illness, is holed up in his bedroom, with Will and Emma unable to coax him out. They try to convince George to go to the police, reminding him of the life-long consequences for Alice and Martha if she continues to take the blame. They remind him that he is a good person, they’d be so proud of him if he admitted what has happened, and this action might help him avoid prison. Reluctantly, George agrees to go with them to the police the next morning. But alone on his way to The Bull, he makes a call asking someone for help.Hearing from Jazzer that Alistair is filled with trepidation over a visit from one of the Lovell James owners, Paul approaches Alistair in The Bull’s beer garden. Paul reassures Alistair that he hadn’t been the one to report his and his mum’s relationship to Head Office. Even though it had been a shock to him, he wouldn’t ever want them to get into trouble. Alistair continues to worry about his meeting with Don James.



As George gets ready to head off to Bridge Farm, Will reminds him that they’re celebrating Mia’s A level results later. She’s got into her first choice of Newcastle University. George says Mia’s results are nothing compared to Brad, who got four A-stars! Emma arrives to give George a lift, telling them that Alice’s hypnotherapy appointment is this morning. Panicked George worries that Alice will remember what really happened on the night of the accident. They’ve got to stop her! He discovers the probable location of the appointment and demands to have Will’s car. Emma’s incredulous when Will offers to drive him. But Will stops in a lay-by en route, explaining that George will only make things worse by going there. He might even trigger Alice’s memory. Whatever George did, it came from a good place and he was trying to help Alice. But tearful George can’t face prison. Will counsels that George will feel better if he admits to everything now. George can’t run away forever. At her hypnotherapy session Alice tells the therapist that she has a blank after a certain point on the night of the accident. But she’s worried she may discover that she was driving and is guilty. Afterwards Alice recalls that she definitely put her keys in the glove compartment before drinking and has no memory of taking them out. Emma rings to find out how it went, but is really fishing to discover if Alice remembered anything. Alice says she recalled hearing the crash but nothing else. Next time she might just get to the bottom of what happened that night.



David and Ruth spruce up Hereford heifer ‘High Heels’ ready for a wedding photo at the Brookfield Events Barn. Afterwards they sip some champagne given to them by the bride’s father and toast another successful Brookfield wedding. They agree that ‘High Heels’ would make a great show Hereford and David admits he’d like to do more showing as he gets nearer retirement. Ruth’s shocked he’s mentioned the ‘R’ word!At the Vets Surgery Paul makes an effort with Alistair and surprises him by offering an apology. Although he’s been struggling it’s no excuse for the way he’s been behaving and deliberately getting under Alistair’s skin. Later, on a stroll through nearby fields, Alistair admits he hates that he’s been instrumental in Paul’s parents’ break-up and causing him pain. Both Alistair and Denise hated keeping their relationship secret from Paul. Paul’s appreciative, although it all still really hurts. They’re interrupted by the sight of Justin in fancy dress on a horse. They can’t wait to see George’s videos! Alistair takes a call from Ruth saying there’s something wrong with one of their star heifers. Alistair and Paul then head over to Brookfield, where they discover that ‘High Heels’ has a bunched up crisp packet in her cheek, which she could have choked on. Sadly it’s a problem Alistair sees all too often. She must have eaten some discarded litter. Afterwards Ruth comments that Paul and Alistair make a fine team, as Alistair takes a call from his boss Don James. Don’s heard about Alistair and Denise and wants to see Alistair in his office next week.



Alice wonders when George will be filming her publicity video, but Lilian says it’s already been done. Lilian admits they had to make a difficult decision, but she’s really proud of Alice getting straight and coming back to work. Alice reveals she’s actually feeling quite positive and talk turns to the upcoming court case. Lilian admires Alice’s resilience. Later, Justin’s appreciative of Alice’s swift intervention over Amir’s colic, but tells her that Carlotta’s covering ‘Cantering On’ in Alice’s place. When Alice points out that the event was her idea Justin’s defensive, saying that Carlotta needs to be seen as a potential long-term manager, at least until they know the result of Alice’s court case. Although Alice is understanding, she makes it clear that she’ll be at ‘Cantering On’, and later Lilian supports Alice’s decision. Alice mentions she’s made a hypnotherapy appointment to help her remember the night of the accident. She knows she appears guilty, but feels that she wouldn’t have driven the car drunk. Lily and Ben discuss drunken Paul bringing home a strange man. They agree that Paul’s not his usual self after all his troubles with Etienne, plus having to work with Alistair and Denise every day. But Paul isn’t in the mood to have a lecture on morality. However, later Paul apologises and buys Lily and Ben dinner at The Bull. He’s going to make an effort to get on with Alistair at work. He remembers Lily’s wisdom after the Rage Room: there’s no point staying angry for ever because it sours everything else you do.



Emma confirms to Kate that Poppy would love to camp at Spiritual Home with Martha for the children’s camping trial run tonight. Kate extends the invite to Emma who agrees to join them. Later, they chat outside the tent and Kate admits to missing Roy. Emma says she feels terrible about how mean she was to Alice, but Kate says she needs to stop beating herself up. She notices Emma’s stressed and suggests a relaxation exercise. But when Emma can’t relax, Kate wonders if Emma should try hypnotherapy. Emma isn’t sure but thinks it might help Alice stay sober. This gives Kate an idea: regression therapy could help Alice piece together events on the night of the accident. Ben arrives at Paul’s with a takeaway and Paul moans to him about the situation at work with Denise and Alistair. Alistair tried to get him to go for a drink after work, but Paul told him that unless it’s about work, he’s not interested. Ben tells Paul that he, Lily and Josh are going on a karaoke night out and he should come too. Plus, the takeaway is actually for all of them to eat. They get back later, with Paul very much the worse for wear, accompanied by a man he met on the night out, called Kieron. When Paul’s too drunk to leave the couch, Lily tries to send Kieron on his way. He’s resistant, only agreeing to go when Ben appears. It leaves them wondering what on earth Paul was thinking by bringing Kieron home.



Azra tells Lynda that Adil’s keen for the garlic from his allotment to be entered into the Flower and Produce Show – he’s even asked Azra to make a video for him. But Azra’s not keen and when Lynda then tries to persuade Azra to help on a stall at the village fete, Azra makes a sharp exit. However, later on Azra calls back round to say it might be good to go to the Flower and Produce on Adil’s behalf, and to help at the fete as a sort of acclimatisation. Lynda suggests helping with the book stall. At The Stables, Justin’s cagey when Lilian asks why he’s assigned Alice to yard duties only. Alice is fine with it, but wonders what her role will be in marketing the ‘Cantering On’ event. When Lilian mentions that George is making some publicity videos, Alice says she’d like to present one. Justin’s not keen, though. He hopes Lilian’s joking when she reminds him that George is thinking of filming Justin on horseback in fancy dress. Later, Alice notices that Justin’s horse, Amir, is unwell and arranges for Alistair to treat him. Lilian tells Justin that he should be grateful to Alice for spotting Amir’s colic. Justin grudgingly agrees to thank her, but he won’t allow Alice to get involved with marketing ‘Cantering On’ – it would be bad publicity. They don’t know what the outcome of the court case will be, and Lilian shouldn’t be short-sighted. Alice could end up in prison, which will affect team morale. And that is why they need to keep Carlotta on.



Lynda badgers David and Ruth to run a stall at the forthcoming village fete. They try to steer clear until Lynda mentions that Vince’s business, Casey Meats, will be contributing. David has a change of heart, and reluctant Ruth agrees it would be a good way to promote the farm and the events barn. Taking on the cost-of-living theme, they decide to go with low-cost dairy desserts.Lynda convinces Azra to do some weeding at Adil’s allotment, and while they’re there, Lynda spots some garlic, which looks perfect. She suggests entering it into the Flower and Produce Show.Emma and Will debate George’s plan to say he saw someone who looked like Harry on the night of the crash. Emma’s adamant that it’s both a terrible idea and a lie. But Will thinks if there’s another suspect it might give George a chance. George is convinced that framing Harry is the best thing to do for both him and Alice. Will starts to think it might be a good idea – but incredulous Emma says it’s completely mad! Kate appears unexpectedly to promote children’s summer camping at Spiritual Home. George grabs his chance and tells Kate about Harry. When Kate suggests updating his witness statement, Emma says they’ll take George to the police station. But later, as Emma and Will wait for George, they agree that they feel forced into this by him. When he appears, panicked George says that Harry has an alibi – he was in rehab that night. Emma’s relieved, but Will points out that they’re now back at square one.



Lynda and Joy press Lilian about their idea to link up the Fete with the Stables’ event and Lilian’s keen. She has questions about logistics, and the dray shuttle idea starts to become more elaborate. In the Fete meeting, Lynda cleverly adapts her role, leaving Kirsty lumbered with litter picking. Lilian uses this to work on Kirsty and persuade her to move her loyalties to Cantering On – perhaps a Rewilding stall? Emma has told Will about George’s real involvement in the crash, and they need to decide what to do. Remembering Nic and the accident with Matt Crawford, Will thinks it best to do nothing. But it’s not the same, says Emma. Innocent Alice could go to prison. George needs to hand himself in - horrible as the prospect of prison is, they need to persuade him. George is angry that Will knows, but Will tells him to go to the Police. Emma bumps into Alice and carefully asks her about any developments with the court case. Alice is grateful to George for being prepared to speak in court and hopes the process will help him remember any tiny details, especially if he saw anyone else there that night. Emma, Will and George discuss Alice’s memory, as Emma starts to get paranoid. She worries about George piling on the lies, but he has an idea to give a statement about seeing someone else near the bridge. George thinks of someone – he could just give a vague description of someone who looks like that Harry (Chilcott) – then George and Alice will both be off the hook.



Harrison and Fallon both have a day off, but he’s disappointed that she’s busy clearing up at the Bull after last night’s party. Emma left early, a bit unwell, apparently. Harrison calls Alistair for a chat, and volunteers to take on some of the Under 16s cricket coaching. He’ll take on Safeguarding too. Harrison needs a distraction and complains about how awkward things are sometimes at home with Fallon. But as Alistair thinks about the fallout of his affair with Denise, he points out how lucky Harrison is – what has he to complain about? A newly energised Harrison returns home and tells Fallon to go for her idea of running a café outlet at the EV station. He’ll support her and he’ll even go back full time at work to help with their finances. He loves Fallon and wants her to be happy. Fallon’s happy that he’s taking on the young people’s cricket, although Harrison jokes that he feels a bit of a ‘mug’. Kate helps Kirsty move some fencing for the Longhorn cattle for Tony, and they chat about Roy. Mike and family are planning to visit him, and Roy has requested they bring him a particular memento – a framed aerial photo of Ambridge. But Kirsty can’t find it, so Kate steps in to help. They root through a box of things, which bring back warm memories of Roy, and they end up gossiping about his love life. Finally, Kirsty spots the photo, which includes Roy, as a tiny dot in a yellow cap, right at the heart of the village.
Comments (57)

Mr kibria

🔴💚CLICK HERE Full HD✅720p✅1080p✅4K💚WATCH💚ᗪOᗯᑎᒪOᗩᗪ LINK 👉

Jan 29th


oh no!!

Apr 9th

Anna Cooper

It's the wrong recording! this is the Omnibus.

Apr 9th

Tracy Babione

the survey is bogus. please send me the link. my computer will not let me go to the survey site. thanks Tracy Babione Casting Director for The Kyleson Chronicles Podcast

Sep 6th

mohammadreza oulapour

Is it any transcription of episodes available?

Jan 21st

Sandy Letendre

Yay!! Goodbye Hazel, don’t let the door hit you on the way out, haha.

Jan 13th

Mat Kim


Sep 27th

Vimukthi Lakmal Madusanka

nice ones 😉

Jun 8th

Noeleen O'Byrne

I love how kind Jim was to Alice yest. Hope she gets help she needs.

May 21st

H. P

why the podcast is not downloadable?

Mar 4th
Reply (1)

Helen Pike

Such a beautiful episode to mark Rory's 18th birthday. Very sensitively done.

Nov 12th


guess they don't have the modern cherry picker machines

Jul 20th

Carl Durbridge

This new "lockdown" format is truly awful! I mean it's absolutely terrible. do we have to hear the thoughts of every character? truly horrible. you could have done this so much better.

Jun 6th
Reply (1)

Noeleen O'Byrne

it's a pity we cant hear old episodes on castbox

May 15th

Emily Lonsdale

its like the archers are in a parell universe right now with us all in lock down. but I kinda like it

Mar 26th

Helen Pike

A dramatic storyline this week in March, well written as always. But our world is going through some scary times right now. I know the explosion storyline will be played out with characteristic sensitivity. But I hope we can enjoy some lightness and hope in future episodes too. Many people will be isolated and potentially poorly in the weeks ahead. I for one find my Archers 'family' comforting and providing some structure and warmth when life feels frightening. I suspect I'm not the only one.

Mar 13th

Debbie Kay Langford

One question. How do those with a West Country accent pronounce Emma, Gemma and Linda? I'm pretty sure it's not Emmer, Gemmer and Linderr.

Feb 13th
Reply (1)

Stu Cook

Shameless reference to one of their other programs in this episode? Trust the BBC to promote their own product WITHIN their own product! 😁

Nov 15th
Reply (1)

Stu Cook

"because you never know what might be out there!" - Hahahaha, I guess he got spooked!

Nov 14th

Stu Cook

"I never wanted 'im 'ere in the first place!" - I know that feeling lol 😀😁😂

Nov 3rd