The Armchair Survivalist

Kurt's show will help you gain knowledge, it will be informative and is geared for the "urban survivalist" who just wants to keep his little piece of the Earth together.

The Armchair Survivalist 1/12/2020

News done MY way.  The miracles of Lugol's Iodine and what it can do for you.


Armchair Survivalist radio show 1/5/2020

This is my 1st show of the new decade.  I will give you a series of moral guidelines to increase your survival ability and show you how to choose your allies and enemies.


The Armchair Survivalist 11-10-19

REPLAY of the October 27 show


The Armchair Survivalist 2/23/20

Kurt's show will help you gain knowledge, it will be informative and is   geared for the "urban survivalist" who just wants to keep his little piece of the Earth together. Today will be an update on the Wuhan Virus, and "Enemies Of America: ACLU, ADL & SPLC.


The Armchair Survivalist 2/16/20

Kurt's show will help you gain knowledge, it will be informative and is  geared for the "urban survivalist" who just wants to keep his little  piece of the Earth together. Today will be an update on the Wuhan Virus, and Common Sense Security.


The Armchair Survivalist 2/9/20

Kurt's show  will help you gain knowledge, it will be informative and is geared for  the "urban survivalist" who just wants to keep his little  piece of the  Earth together.   You'll here news done MY way.  Intel briefing on the  Wuhan Novel Coronavirus MUST HEAR! Non-electric lighting.  Candles, lanterns.  How to use, fix, maintain and store..


The Armchair Survivalist 2/2/20

Kurt's show will help you gain knowledge, it will be informative and is geared for the "urban survivalist" who just wants to keep his little  piece of the Earth together.  You'll here news done MY way.  Intel briefing on the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus MUST HEAR! Also, a  special glimpse into the psych drugging of our military.


The Armchair Survivalist 1/26/2020

Kurt's show will help you gain knowledge, it will be informative and is  geared for the "urban survivalist" who just wants to keep his little piece of the Earth together.  You'll here news done MY way.  Today is a special glimpse into the psych drugging of our kids.


The Armchair Survivalist 1/19/2020

Kurt's show will help you gain knowledge, it will be informative and is  geared for the "urban survivalist" who just wants to keep his little  piece of the Earth together. Todays show, as always, includes MY take on the news that the MSM will NEVER tell you, plus "STUPID THINGS PEOPLE DO"


REPLAY The Armchair Survivalist show of 10/13/19

Who are the active enemies of America and freedom?  The Democrats.  See how.


The Armchair Survivalist Christmas Show 12-22-19

Some astounding Christmas music, MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET and IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE - old time radio theater! MERRY CHRISTMAS!


The Armchair Survivalist 12-15-19

Credit Card processing attack on us and THE GREAT DEPRESSION or DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN.


The Armchair Survivalist 12-8-19

News done my way - the history and good deeds of The Salvation Army.  GIVE TO THE BELL RINGERS!


The Armchair Survivalist 12-1-19

News done MY way.  Defense against pathogen to help you stay healthy this Winter.


The Armchair Survivalist 11-24-19

News done MY way.  Personal initiative and The Message To Garcia.


The Armchair Survivalist 11-17-19

News done MY way, a little about Jeff Epstein, and "knowledge is power".  I've supplied hundreds of links to survival, medical, military, entertainment books (and more) and PDF downloads.


The Armchair Survivalist 11-3-19

News (done MY way), why America is getting stupider, and prepping your car for winter.


The Armchair Survivalist 10-27-19

News that actually means something.  Water.  Where to get it, how to filter, disinfect and store it.


The Armchair Survivalist 10-20-19

The stories behind the news, what the enemy is up to and How to Insulate your house or cabin.


The Armchair Survivalist 10-13-19

This show is about the American political party of hate, racism, intolerance, insanity and who push the "One World Government": the Democratic Party.


Jake Wain

"Whatever the federal government finances today it shall control tomorrow." "There is no such thing as absolute freedom. for every Liberty there is an equal and opposite restraint required. For example in order for us to enjoy freedom of speech it's necessary to deny others the freedom to come in here and break up this meeting; the logic of Liberty is that it stops short of the Liberty to destroy itself and if where do preserve the freedoms we cherish in this land then we mustn't be tricked by clever propagandists into giving the Communist Party the freedom it's seeks to destroy freedom for us all." - G Edward Griffin

07-27 Reply

Jake Wain

this is good stuff

07-20 Reply

Jake Wain

this is a must listen episode!!!

06-29 Reply

Jake Wain

stay informed! I dare you to try this

06-15 Reply

Jake Wain

this particular show of this podcast has great info and tips on what to look for and how to buy an RV camper or motorhome if you're looking for one but this show also has great life tips and great information on what's going on in the world I highly recommend it and would give it a five-star rating all day long

03-26 Reply


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