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The Art of Dating
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The Art of Dating

Author: Ryan Eggett and Kayla Greer

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Do you automatically run for the hills when your family members call you out for not bringing a significant other to the family function? Can't seem to find the love of your dreams? Ryan Eggett, an expert on dating and courtship, along with Kayla Greer dive into the beautiful mess of dating. With a religious background, Ryan discusses how courtship is encompassed in the plan God has for us. We promise you won't want to miss an episode! You'll be chuckling, wiping away a tear or two, and having plenty of aha moments.

Tune in on Tuesdays for weekly episode releases.
32 Episodes
As most people settle into the new year, Ryan and Kayla wanted to help people with their goals of getting out into the dating world. This episode is part 2 of a 4 part series talking about different aspects of dating that you can be aware of: spiritual, physical, emotional, and social. Ryan, Kayla, and their guest, Chase discuss improving socially and being mindful of the people around you and how you interact with them. In the last half of this episode, Chase talks about 4 great dates that he has been on with his girlfriend so that you have some new ideas to add to your list of dates to pull from. His date ideas range from first dates to dates to go on after having dated someone for many months.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Music: Only The Brave Run Wild by Sound Like Sander
At the start of a new year, most of you are going to be making goals about your social/dating life. Ryan and Kayla wanted to review a couple of dating principles that can help you in your dating pursuits. This episode is part 1 of 4 episodes that will cover spiritually, socially, mentally and emotionally being ready to date. Today's episode covers preparing yourself spiritually to be the best dateable you. Kayla also talks about 5 of her favorite date ideas that you can use if you are trying to find new ideas.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Music: Only The Brave Run Wild by Sound Like Sander
Today's episode dives into the things that make first dates stressful. Ryan and Kayla invite Rebecca (host of Remember Your Story Podcast) and Issac to talk about the things you should or shouldn't do for a first date. All four of these individuals come together to talk about the stressors of a first date; money, time, the "post-date-text", the activity of the date, and the question: is this actually a date? Kayla, Issac, and Rebecca talk about some of their first date experiences, some positive and some awkward. You are sure to laugh during this episode! Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Music: Only The Brave Run Wild by Sound Like Sander
One of the biggest things that Ryan is told about dating is that people don't feel like they are mature enough or ready enough to get married. Ryan and Kayla break down different levels of maturity. They talk about self-mastery over your emotions, passions, and appetites. There is another level of maturity which is having mastery over your physical attractiveness which can be how you move your body, get enough sleep, and what you fuel your body with. The last sign of maturity is progression, having goals, and being motivated. Maturing in these areas of life leads to being more ready to take your dating relationships a little more seriously. Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Music: Only The Brave Run Wild by Sound Like Sander
We've all met someone who doesn't catch on to social cues as quickly as most... honestly most of us have been there at one time or another. The last time Ryan and Kayla were together they talked about spiritual attractiveness and intentional practices we can incorporate into our lives to come closer to Christ. The next focus in the realm of attractiveness is being social. Ryan and Kayla have invited a dear friend by the name of Kenzie to dissect some of the first things it takes to become more social. This topic is split into two episodes so that they could dive into each of the 5 topics in depth. Thinking and observing lay the groundwork for understanding social settings. Tune in next time to catch the remaining 3 pieces of advice. Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Music: Only The Brave Run Wild by Sound Like Sander
As you transition to a more enjoyable dating experience, the next step is going on more dates. In this week's episode, Ryan, Kayla, and Sarah talk about the two things that get you on more dates: proximity and attractiveness. Get yourself to locations where you can be social. Go to the institute building, your school, the library, the gym, or the skating rink where you can meet individuals who are like-minded. The idea is that you get yourself to where like-minded individuals will be so you can interact with them. The next step is to enhance your attractiveness, the things that draw people to you. We dive into the importance of spiritual, social, emotional, and physical attractiveness. In the next couple of episodes following this one, we will explore what actions one can take to actually enhance those desired attractive qualities. Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Music: Only The Brave Run Wild by Sound Like Sander
Remaining sexually pure can be one of the most rewarding things that will bless you and your marriage for eternity. That being said, It can be easier said than done! Ryan and Kayla discuss 5 ways that can help young adults remain sexually pure while dating and preparing for marriage. These aren't the only ways, however, they are recommendations that come from modern prophets and apostles.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
Talking about sexual intimacy can be a touchy topic to talk about with kids, and honestly even peers at times. When we better understand the role that sex plays in the plan that God has created for us, the easier it becomes to talk about. Because there is a sacred nature to sexual intimacy, we should learn to be comfortable rather than casual in our conversations surrounding sex. Join Ryan, Kayla, Aubrey and Jalayne as they openly talk about intimacy in God's plan.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
Now that you have created your dating game plan, have you started to wonder how to actually get a date? Today Ryan and Kayla sit down with the future Ashley and Tanner to talk about what it actually takes to start going on dates. If you are sitting at home all day long wishing you were dating, then maybe it's time to switch things up. Tune in to hear us talk about proximity, physical attractiveness, and compatibility.  Guest Speaker: Ashley and Tanner Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Recorded: April 2, 2021
Ryan and Kayla sit down with Tanner to talk about how you can become the most dateable you. Is it possible to be more of an attractive person just by enhancing your social, intellectual, and spiritual qualities? When trying to find a date, your looks may open up doors, but the rest of your attractive traits will keep the doors open. Episode four dives into easy solutions that help you get one step closer to being even more dateable. Guest Speaker: Tanner Green Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Recorded: April 2, 2021
Have you ever taken the time to actually write down a list of things you need in a significant other? No, well no wonder you have no idea what you are looking for in someone! Today, Ryan Eggett and Kayla Greer discuss the importance of planning, thinking, praying, and fasting while dating. You can absolutely take the gamble out of dating! Creating a game plan makes the dating game that much easier.  Have questions?  Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Recorded: March 29, 2021
Ryan Eggett and Kayla Greer introduce why marriage is so much better than being single. Is it possible that everything God has given us, points us to create a better marriage? Absolutely, marriage is beautiful, rewarding, and exciting! Sure being in a relationship is work, but so is every other good thing that is worthwhile.  Have questions?  Contact us at Facebook Page:  // Recorded: March 29, 2021
If you are looking for the short but sweet version of the Art of Dating Podcast, this is the episode you should listen to. In this episode, Ryan, Kayla and guest Kaylx talk about: dating in the plan of salvation, compatibility, a temple marriage, and being in love. This episode is a recap of all the essential things that you need to know as you start dating intentionally. Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
God's plan of happiness revolves around the family. Without families, God's plan would not work!! Today Ryan Eggett and Kayla Greer talk about what parenthood and raising children teach us about our Heavenly Parents and our divine roles as their children. God has given us this earth life to learn and grow to become more like our Savior. This growth will help us in our pursuit to one day become heavenly parents ourselves.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
You can come up with many reasons why couples get divorced, but today Ryan and Kayla talk about how to make a marriage last. When two individuals intentionally choose to make Christ the center of their lives and strive to be more Christ-like, your marriage relationship will improve. While dating, you should intentionally date someone who desires to glorify God and align their will with the Lord's will. Someone who seeks to please God will treat their spouse with love and respect and will desire their partner's happiness and joy over their own.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
If you are preparing to enter the temple to receive your endowment, this is the perfect episode for you!!! Ryan and Kelsey talk about the importance of the temple ordinances and making covenants with our Heavenly Father. If you are preparing for marriage, a mission or just looking to enter the temple to make additional covenants with God, this episode outlines perfectly how you can prepare to enter the House of the Lord. Covenants you make in the temple, in addition to the covenants you made at baptism, will help you prepare for eternity alongside your spouse. Tune in next week for another episode of the Art of Dating Podcast!!! Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
The engagement period of your relationship can set the stage for the rest of your relationship/marriage! Ryan, Zach and Sadie dive into some of the topics that should be discussed as a couple enters into their engagement. By the time you are engaged, you should have a pretty good idea if you are compatible or not. So what are some of the topics that should be talked about before you get married? Remember these 3 things: finances, family, and physical Intimacy. Having some of these sensitive conversations before marriage can help you start your marriage on the right foot.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
Have you ever prayed to recieve an answer to a question you desperately want answered but can't decipher what the answer is??? Well today is your lucky day because Ryan dives into a whole episode dedicated to helping us understand how to decipher revelation we recieve. You do NOT want to miss this episode!! Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
Remember in the last episode, Ryan and the guests talked about the things you should look for when deciding if the person you are dating is the person you want to marry? This episode is all about making a choice. This is the most important decision you will make in a lifetime because it will affect the rest of your life and all eternity. Ryan and Angie talk about the power of choice. When you choose your eternal companion, it makes the difficult times easier to handle and the beautiful moments all that more enjoyable.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
This episode is all about determining if the person that you are dating is the person you want to marry. Ryan, Mark, Lydia, and Hannah all talk about the ways that can help you identify that you are marrying the right person for you. Here are some of the things to identify: Have I spent enough time with them? Am I attracted to them? How compatible are we? Are we ready and worthy to go to the temple together? Don't miss the next 2 episodes which expound on making the marriage decision.  Have questions? Contact us at Facebook Page:  //
Comments (2)

Steven Blade

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Jun 20th

Alex Alexeeev

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Jun 1st