The Art of Local Marketing

Welcome to the Art of Local Marketing, and on this podcast, we will learn how to navigate the marketing jungle for your local business. Marketing and advertising your local business is changing and we need to find creative ways to get the word out about our products and services. We need to develop mad skills and evolve to survive this ever-changing market in order to stay relevant in the digital age. I can help and this podcast can help and I am glad you found us.

ALM-7 Your landing page could be the problem.

Landing pages are part of the Facebook ads review process. Even if your ad is perfect, if your landing page is breaking any ad policy, it may be disapproved or down-ranked. This is my list of the 5 main problems you may have with your landing page.Stop using excessive amounts of “you”, “you’re”, “this”, and “other”. These are words that Facebook is looking for because of high use in clickbait headlines. When you’re writing a draft copy of your ad or landing page, read it back and see if you can change you’s to I’s.Make sure your landing page and Facebook Ad match? In other words, when they see your ad and click on the landing page, does it have the same type of language, similar colors, and the same vibe? Bait and switch are a no go so my tip is to write your landing page copy and then pull pieces of it into your ad so it feels like a seamless experience.Disclaimers EVERYWHERE. If you’re advertising a webinar, you must disclose that there will be an offer at the end. I would do it in the ad and on the landing page at the bottom. I would also put any disclaimers you have about results, income claims, etc. In other words, cover your butt. When you do so, Facebook feels better.Facebook doesn't like you sending people to landing pages that are a ‘dead-end’. They should be able to navigate from your landing page to your main web site or somewhere that they can find out more about you & your business. The main reason for this is making sure that advertisers are legitimate. Not many legitimate businesses have only a single landing page and no other website or presence. Make sure you include a link on your landing page to something like your homepage, blog, about page, sitemap, or anything else where people can learn more about you or your business. The main reason for this is making sure that advertisers are legitimate. Not many legitimate businesses have only a single landing page and no other website or presence. Make sure you include a link on your landing page to something like your homepage, blog, about page, sitemap, or anything else where people can learn more about you or your business.No exit pops anymore. It used to be you could get away with a non-intrusive exit pop, but better safe than sorry. Make it a CLICK to pop instead and be sure your buttons and/or images have clear “Click Here” messages so your traffic knows what to doClick here for the free Google My Business Course with me:


ALM-6 Do you need a customer Avatar?

Marketing to the wrong customer can be expensive and the best way to make sure ist to create a solid customer avatar.Do you need a customer Avatar?  Yes, you do. It’s essential and it helps you serve your ideal audience. The more information you can create for your avatar the better you can understand the customer you are trying to help. After all, business is all about adding value, therefore the more you know about your customers’ problems the easier it is to help solve their problems.This is a list of the basic things you are going to needWhat is there name?How old are they?Are they male or female?What qualifications do they have?Where do they work?How much do they earn a year?Where do they live?Click here for the free Google My Business Course with me:


ALM-5 The Magic Of Facebook Ads

This week I am going to start to set up the foundations on how I get results from Facebook Ads for our local business.  I will tell a story about how important it is to market and not just get the word out.Click here for the free Google My Business Course with me:


ALM-4 The Art of Product Photography

A picture is worth a thousand words, and when it comes to good product photography nothing is more true. Quality product images are a driving force of engagement, conversion, retention, and overall customer lifetime value.There are many companies starting up all over the place and so many of them sell similar products, and If they want to be the one to catch the eye of a potential customer, they have to offer something a little different.Good photography can mean the difference between that potential customer choosing your product or one from a competitor. Here is a list of what to consider when taking your product photosLighting-Bad lighting makes for bad photosComposition ( Don't reinvent the wheel look at the big brands and set up your compositions to be similar)Take multiple photos from different anglesCheck your background or surfaceShoot your photos to editTake a basic photo editing courseHere are a few links to help you with your photos. here for the free Google My Business Course with me:


ALM -03 4 Tips to Rank Higher On Google With Google My Business

There are a number of changes you can make to your Google My Business listing to help it rank higher in google, stand out above your competitors, and attract more customers. Let’s take a look:#1 make sure your info is 100% complete and accurate#2 Learn how to geo-tag your photos to rank higher in search#3 Make sure you ask and answer questions in GMB#4 Get Citations #5 Add keywords to your reply to reviews#6 Get rid of the cheatersClick here for the free Google My Business Course with me: is the link to the site that I use to add geotags to my photos and posts. is a link to the site to help with citations: out my Site: on Facebook: More training on Youtube:


ALM-2 What’s the value of a Google review to you?

It may not seem like much, but a simple review on the world’s top search engine site can be the difference if you’re at the top of a search engine page or the bottom when internet goers are searching for companies in your vertical.Continuously gaining new reviews is a proven way to not only increase your visibility, but also your ROI. This is why Google reviews should be a priority for you and your business.Let's connect:www.trevorriggs.comClick here for the free Google My Business Course with me:


ALM-1 Are you tired of paying for advertising?

What if I told you there was a free tool that would increase engagement on your website, and all businesses have access to it but only 20% use it to its full benefit.  In this episode, you will learn how to increase your website traffic by over 500%.  For FREE, I know it is hard to believe but ist true.Click here for the free Google My Business Course with me:


We all start somewhere. This is my introduction to the Art of Local Marketing

Hi, this is Trevor Riggs and in this episode, you will learn about me and the reasons why I decided to start this podcast.I have been marketing for local businesses for over 20 years and I want to share my knowledge and grow a community of people who are interested in becoming the best marketers for there own business. You don't need to pay for an expensive advertising agency you just need to listen to this show and I will teach you how to grow your business and influence, make more money and enjoy growing the dream you started.Give this episode a listen and please leave a review on ITunes!  Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you.


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