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The Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
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The Art of Sales with Art Sobczak

Author: Art Sobczak, cold calling and sales trainer

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Everyone sells, regardless of what your job title is, and this is your place for authentic, conversational sales and prospecting tips without the sleaze factor. Art Sobczak shares proven sales and cold calling (without the cold) tips that you’ll feel comfortable using, and that get the results you want. You’ll help people buy, instead of pushing them into being sold. Over the past 30 years Art has helped hundreds of thousands through his books, newsletters, audios, videos, online courses, public seminars, customized company training and keynotes, and now, this podcast.
294 Episodes
This will certainly make some people mad--and they are the ones who need to hear it the most: YOU, and your habits, decisions, and actions up to this point in your life have determined where you are right now. The great news, is that you also can decide to make things better. Right now.  Art shares some common sense advice and facts that can help you make next year--or any part of your future--the best ever.
The old mantra is that the ABC's of sales are "Always be closing." Not only is that wrong, but it adds to the negative stereotype of salespeople. The beneficial, real ABC of closing is "Always be curious." Art explains why, and what you can do to enhance your curiousity muscle.
Success in sales, and life for that matter, does not rely on having more information. Everyone has access to that. It always relies on the person. Their identity and values. One of the many components that go into BEing a truce sales professional is being others-focused. In this episode Art shares a three-letter acronym, that when you use it to remind yourself of one key concept about every human interaction, will change your life and that of others you speak with.
Voice mail can help make a positive impression, create curiosity and interest, or kill any chance of speaking with a prospect.  Likewise with the greeting you leave for those who call you. Art shares tips on what to say and avoid on voice mail so that you are perceived like the professional you are.
If you browse LinkedIn, you'll see lots of -new-to-the-scene "gurus" trying to pump up their Likes and Comments by saying things are old, outdated, dead, and don't work anymore. Then they suggest what is "new." Art breaks this down, and shows that what supposedly is new, always worked, and always will, and what specifically we need to do as sales pros to show consistent success.
If a salesperson avoids placing the prospecting or sales calls, in addition to the typical guilt they experience, and the potential lost opportunities, they are actually being selfish. That's because they are depriving possible future customers of the value they could receive. In this episode Art explores this more, the causes of call avoidance, ane what to do to get rid of it, and quit being selfish.  
Think about the last time you spoke with someone whose words were so foreign to you that you had no idea what they were saying. And by foreign, that could be being overly technical, or using jargon that you never use in your world. That's what some salespeople do, and it kills sales. In this episode you'll hear examples of how that happened with Art, and specific what-to-do's in order to be sure you are speaking their language so you connect at a high level.
A very simple--but not always followed--principle is that those who expect to win, do so more often than those who think they don't have a chance. This applies to sports, and sales. Art shares a story about what George Brett had to say about this, and explains how it applies to all of your calls, and how you can win more of them.
Richard Weylman works with businesses worldwide, helping them create customer experiences that keeps them coming back. In this episode, he shares what customers really want, that you can model in your own business, and sales. He shares a number of instantly-useable, how-to's and what-to-say messaging examples that you might not have heard before, and perhaps even correct mistakes that repel prospects and customers.
Today's guest, Jason Bay, specializes in helping sales pros use outbound calling to get through to, and engage more new buyers.    In this episode we discussed, -The two key components for prospecting success and getting to buyers today.  -How to increase your "pick up rate," which is the percentage of people actually answering your call. -How to respond when someone objects to being called on their mobile phone. -What's working now with cold email to get responses. -Plus more!
Many people ask questions, then don't even listen to the answers. It's like driving somewhere, but when you arrive, don't remember anything about the drive because your mind was totally immersed in something else. This is "sleepwalking" through the communcation process, and it is dangerous for us as sales pros. You'll hear specific how-to's on how to avoid it, and what TO do to be a high level questioner and communicator.
Best-selling authors Bob Burg, and Jeff C. West have teamed up to write an excellent new sales parable in book form. Filled with lessons on leadership, sales skills, music, and entertainment, it’s a short, fun read, which will both new and veteran sales pros, or anyone who communicates. In this special video episode, Bob and Jeff share with Art lessons from the book, the inspiration for it, what it's like to collaborate on a book, and more.
The saying is that people buy from those they know, like, and trust. But, how is trust built? There isn't a standard playbook for that. But, in this episdoe Art covers 13 strategies and tactics you can use to build more trust and credibility with prospects and customers. This is an excerpt from a comprehensive training Art did for his coaching members. You can get that at
There are many things we should not assume, in life, and sales. One thing we can assume, though, is that someone is experiencing a pain or a problem (IF you have done your homework, and have targeted your prospects well.) By assuming a problem, we can avoid dumb, go-nowhere sales questions, and instead, ask great questions that get them to talk about that pain or problem. These questions are easy for them to answer, as opposed to the dumb ones that give us answers we can't use, since we asked them to do too much work to answer. You'll hear exactly how you can easily create your own Assumptive Problem questions to get people talking about problems you can help them with.
Most TV commercials are just plain dumb, and often annoying. However, one company understands sales and persuasive messaging, and gets it right. That's Fisher Investments. In this episode Art breaks down one of their commercials and points out the sales techniques at work, and how you can use them too.
The not so secret, "secret" of the top achievers in anything is that they THINK differently than those who do not come close to their levels of accomplishment.    One of those important areas of thinking is having an abundance--not scarcity--mindset.   In this episode you'll hear specific examples and actions you can take to model that thinking in your own life and sales profession to reach levels that are yours for the taking.
When someone whom you thought was a great prospect then goes silent on you, that's the sign of a problem you could have avoided. It's actually the same problem that occurs when you take an easy order from someone who just volunteers to buy quickly. It's not knowing WHY someone might, will, or does buy. In the former case, the result is evident. No sale. When they do buy, we potentially miss out on many more sales, and opportunities to help the customer. You'll hear what to do in both situations, with specific messaging and questions to use.
This popular episode is being presented to complement a free training webinar, "Get the Sales Meeting No One Else Can- Intel Secrets for Finding the Right Person, at the Right Time, with the Right Message." Sign up at To be relevant in today’s noise-filled sales world, we need to customize and personalize our messaging so it is all about the prospect and customer. Some say that is being creepy. It could be, when used the wrong way. You’ll hear the right way, along with examples, to make your messaging stand out, and engage prospects and customers.
Can you imagine someone being so impacted by a mentor that they write an entire BOOK and publish it as thanks? That's exactly what sales pro Tim Rohrer did with his sales manager. His book, "Sales Lessons of the World's Greatest Mentor" details his relationship with his sales manager, and the many life and sales lessons he learned on the way to becoming a top sales producer.  We all will benefit from these insightul, real-world tips and strategies.
THE best way to deal with objections is to prevent them from coming up in the first place. One way to do that is to be sure you are only talking about what the other person is interested in. The other is to get them visualize themselves already owning, using, and getting value from your product or service. We do that with one simple question. You'll hear the template for the question, examples of it in use, and how you can use it in your own sales situations.