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The Art of Speaking Up
Author: Jessica Guzik
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The Art of Speaking Up is a podcast that empowers professional women to achieve their wildest career goals by helping them strengthen their voices and find their inner power. The show aims to motivate, entertain, and remind working women that no matter what they might be struggling with, anything is possible for them in their careers. In addition to providing strengths-based professional empowerment, the show curates practical career advice on topics like career advancement, goal setting, job searching, stress management, salary negotiation and more.
354 Episodes
If you want to build a powerful career, you have to learn to stand out in meetings.
The good news?
You can absolutely learn how to make a powerful impression in a way that feels doable and totally authentic to YOU. And, you don’t need to be perfect or free of self-doubt to do this.
Tune into today’s episode to learn about the ONE simple shift that’ll have you standing out and leaving a lasting, powerful impression in meetings. This advice will alter the trajectory of your career - and - what I share might just surprise you.
To grab The Art of Speaking Up Academy Bonus Mini Training series, head here:
Thank you SO much for tuning in!
Do you ever feel like you’re not smart enough, talented enough, or confident enough to build the career you desire?
If so, you MUST listen to this week’s episode.
In part 2 of this 3-part series on mindset, I’m breaking down the concept of a limiting belief and helping you see the places where you might be unnecessarily limiting yourself and playing small in your career - NOT because you’re incapable, but because you’re incorrectly assessing your own capabilities.
My goal is for you to see that even if you feel VERY convinced of your own shortcomings - that negativity simply isn’t the objective truth.
And more importantly, I want to show you that when you’re willing to fight against your own limiting beliefs, you begin to open up limitless possibility in terms of what you can achieve in your career.
My hope is to inspire you to re-commit to your growth over and over – even when the doubt pops up and tries to slow you down or keep you small.
To grab The Art of Speaking Up Academy Bonus Mini Training series, head here:
Thank you SO much for tuning in!
If you want to build a wildly powerful career - you’re going to need lots of self-confidence to make that happen.
The good news?
EVEN if you struggle with confidence, and even if you have lots of negative thoughts about yourself and your career - you also have the power to CHANGE those things.
In this week’s episode, I’m kicking off a mini-series on mindset that’s designed to help you understand the role mindset plays in your professional success AND the options you have available to you to cultivate a mindset that leads you towards the confidence and success that you desire.
I hope you enjoy!
To grab The Art of Speaking Up Academy Bonus Mini Training series, head here:
Thank you SO much for tuning in!
If you desire big, leadership roles but also feel afraid that you might not succeed if you were to get one, this week’s episode is for you.
It’s so easy to hide in your career and pretend like you don’t want to advance because deep down inside, you’re afraid that you don’t have what it takes to succeed in a bigger role.
In this week’s podcast episode - I’m going to challenge that idea. I’m first going to bust some myths that might be preventing you from pursuing the leadership positions you desire, and then I’m going to explain what it *really* takes to succeed in high level leadership roles (spoiler: it might surprise you).
My goal for this episode is to FREE you to own your desire for leadership roles and help you shed some of the fears that might be holding you back.
Because here’s the thing: some of your fears around rising into bigger roles might be based on ideas that aren’t actually true.
I can’t wait to dig in and walk you through all of this - enjoy!
My links:
Speak Like a CEO:
Private Coaching:
The Art of Speaking Up Academy:
Instagram: @theartofspeakingup
Have a beautiful day!
Today I’m so excited to bring you the season finale for season 6. The episode I’m sharing today is quite vulnerable and personal - I’ll be sharing a personal essay I wrote about feeling a deep sense of alienation and not-enoughness in my career. This is an exploration of some the deeper, harder feelings that we experience as women, and a call to action for you (and us as women) to commit to a deeper acceptance and love for ourselves.
I’m so glad to have you listening - it means so much to me. If this episode resonated with you, I’d love to hear. You can message me on Instagram at @theartofspeakingup
My links:
Private Coaching:
The Art of Speaking Up Academy:
Instagram: @theartofspeakingup
Have a beautiful day!
Today we are taking an in depth look into four major skills that will help you become wildly effective at your job, AND get you started on the path that you desire in your professional journey. I will be breaking down four key skills (Execution, communication, mindset, and leadership) and explaining to you why they’re all crucial skills in your path to growth and becoming the badass you are meant to be.
I will be breaking down each skill, going over each one in detail, and giving practical advice on how you can grow in each area so that you feel super confident and get on a path to leadership. Cultivating and building these four skills will help you make big strides in your career, so tune in today to get started.
Hope you are doing well and thank you for listening! Please subscribe, rate, and share if you enjoy!
- Jess
My links:
Speak Like A CEO:
Private Coaching:
The Art of Speaking Up Academy:
Instagram: @theartofspeakingup
Do you feel super intimidated in meetings where you’re less experienced than the people around you? I know it’s super easy to question yourself and shrink away when you’re not the expert in the room, but the truth is – you can be a wildly powerful contributor in a meeting room even if you’re the least experienced person in the meeting. Tune into today’s episode to find out how and to learn a simple mindset shift that’ll make you feel powerful AF in those meeting rooms, even when you're surrounded by higher-ups.
Thank you so much for tuning in! The links I mentioned in the episode are below:
Join the waitlist for The Art of Speaking Up Academy:
Join the waitlist for 1:1 coaching:
As always, have a beautiful day and I’ll catch you next week
P.S. Come say hi on Instagram! I’m @theartofspeakingup and I’d love to hear from you.
If you want to be on an accelerated career trajectory, knowing how to impress your audience when you speak is a must.
The good news? You don’t need to be perfect or feel 100% confident to be a powerful communicator. You just need to master a few foundational skills that’ll have your audience falling in love with your work, and developing a deep respect for you and your competence.
Ready to uplevel how you speak so you can uplevel your career? Tune in to get started!
And if you’re ready to take your professional development way deeper, join the waitlist for The Art of Speaking Up Academy by heading here:
As always, have a beautiful day and I’ll catch you next week
It’s easy to get caught in the trap of thinking that in order to be a star performer, you have to put in a ton of hours and work super hard. But the thing is – when your confidence is high and your leadership skills are rock-solid, you’ll realize that you can be best-in-class in your role without putting in insane hours or saying “yes” to piles and piles of work that you don’t have capacity for. Tune into today’s episode if you’re ready to take your career to the next level WITHOUT overworking yourself – I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you hear 😊
Wanna get in touch?
Come say hi on Instagram! I’m @theartofspeakingup
Learn about The Art of Speaking Up Academy here:
Learn more about 1:1 coaching here:
Wanna grab my free video course on executive communication? Head here:
As always, have a beautiful day and I’ll catch you next week
I’m not going to lie – building a powerful career that’s fueled by unstoppable confidence takes work and effort. But in my opinion – it is totally worth it. Because when you do the inner work to feel truly badass and unstoppable – you can go out and pursue pretty much anything you want in your career.
As a professional coach, I KNOW that the first step to building your limitless career is to help you master mindset. Mindset work is the gateway for growing your confidence, releasing negative beliefs about yourself, learning to play WAY bigger, and taking your career to the next level.
If that type of growth excites you – tune into today’s episode to learn exactly how to take your mindset work to the next level, so you can take your career to the next level, too.
Warning: I’m pretty sure this episode is going to break your brain (in the best possible way).
Want to take this work deeper? Learn more about 1:1 coaching here:
And join the waitlist for The Art of Speaking Up Academy here:
And if you’re not sure if 1:1 or The Academy is best for you – shoot me a note at and we’ll figure it out together.
As always, have a beautiful day and I’ll catch you next week
In this final installment of my 3-part series on building wealth in your corporate career, I’m walking you through 3 important steps you’ll want to take to speed up your path to executive leadership. Elevating into a high paying, high impact role requires some strategic planning, and I’m going to explain to you exactly what you want to be doing and thinking about to make sure those future leadership positions have YOUR name written all over them.
Want to take this work deeper? Learn more about 1:1 coaching here:
And join the waitlist for The Art of Speaking Up Academy here:
And if you’re not sure if 1:1 or The Academy is best for you – shoot me a note at and we’ll figure it out together.
As always, have a beautiful day and I’ll catch you next week
Do you desire an executive leadership role where you do high impact work and make GOOD money? If you dream of something bigger, BUT you have some troubles acknowledging these desires, today’s episode is for you. In part 2 of this 3-part series, I’m breaking down some of the reasons that we deny our own desires to attain high-impact, high-income roles. If you are ready to uplevel not only your career – but your mindset & thinking – then this episode was designed for you.
For today’s links:
Join the waitlist for The Art of Speaking Up Academy:
Thank you SO much for tuning in!
Today’s episode kicks off a series of episodes dedicated to helping you own and pursue your desire to build WEALTH in your corporate career. So often, the conversation around working women and money gets overly focused on salary negotiation and MISSES the bigger picture, which is that attaining executive and leadership roles is the most efficient path to building wealth in your 9-5 career. In this episode, I’m walking you through how to think about building wealth, a little bit of my story around changing my relationship with wealth and money, and I cover some important questions you’ll want to start thinking about as you examine what you truly desire for your career path. My hope is to open your mind to help you see that if you want to build wealth – you absolutely can.
To dive deeper into my work, head over to where you’ll find a ton of free resources and where you’ll learn about the different ways to work with me.
Have a BEAUTIFUL week.
If you ever find yourself feeling super negatively about yourself and your capabilities – you must listen to this week’s episode. In it, I walk you through the biggest mistake I see people make when it comes to navigating negative feelings, and I share some pearls of wisdom that will help you along your confidence building journey. You may be surprised by what I share in this episode – but – keep an open mind, because if you do, it truly has the power to change everything.
For today’s links:
Join the waitlist for The Art of Speaking Up Academy:
Get in touch with Jess via email ( or IG (@theartofspeakingup)
And, for the episodes on confidence that I referenced:
Badass vs. Perfectionist (Episode 158):
Confidence 1.0 vs. Confidence 2.0 (Episode 137):
Thank you SO much for tuning in, and have a beautiful week
Do you want to learn how to prep your meeting content in a way that’ll have your audience super impressed by you? I’ve developed a method of preparing talking points that is not only super effective, but that helps me feel more calm and prepared for higher-stakes presentations – and I want to let you in on my method! If you apply this, you’ll feel more confident about sharing your work AND your audience will walk away feeling more impressed by your communication. Tune in to master this process and make meeting prep simpler than ever before.
I hope you loved today’s episode!
To join the waitlist for The Art of Speaking Up Academy, head over to:
Have a BEAUTIFUL week.
Today’s episode is super foundational for those of you who want to rise up and learn to feel comfortable taking up more space in your career. The truth is that getting promoted and advancing upwards is about so much more than just getting the title – it’s about becoming the version of you who can step into that expanded role, and who knows that she can handle whatever gets thrown her way. In today’s episode, I’m walking you through why it’s so important to become the woman who can handle MORE before you actually go out and pursue that upwards path. My hope is that this episode will help you realize that no matter how scary growth might seem, with the right mindset, you are capable of handling absolutely anything.
For today’s episode links, see below:
Free resources:
To work with me, head to my website at:
Thank you SO much for tuning in. And please come say hi on Instagram – I’m @theartofspeakingup.
Do you sometimes get fixated on the areas of your job that you’re “bad” at? If so, this episode is for you. I see so many women underestimating their talents because the areas that they struggle with are taking up so much damn space in their minds. When you fixate on your struggle areas, you leave almost no mental room to focus on what’s most important: your strengths and superpowers. Tune into this week’s episode to deep dive into the mindset required to perform at your best even if you’re an imperfect human with some (*gasp*) flaws. Because spoiler: you don’t need to be flawless to do your job exceedingly well.
I hope you enjoy this episode!
For today’s episode links, see below:
Free resources:
To work with me, head to my website at:
Thank you SO much for tuning in. And please come say hi on Instagram – I’m @theartofspeakingup.
I don’t know about you, but I used to struggle SO much when kicking off meetings. For some reason, saying those first few sentences out loud to the group would cause me to feel so anxious and awkward. For years, I experienced so much dread around that experience.
Things got much better for me when I found a way to kick off meetings that felt both powerful and authentic. In this week’s episode, I’m walking you through a simple formula that was a gamechanger for me when kicking off meetings. My hope is that you can use this tool to help ease the stress you might feel at the top of a meeting, and to find that powerful voice that’s somewhere inside you!
For today’s episode links, see below:
Free resources:
To work with me, head to my website at:
Thank you SO much for tuning in. And please come say hi on Instagram – I’m @theartofspeakingup.
One of the biggest things that stops women from pursuing leadership and executive positions is fear of the unknown. When you’re stepping into a newer, bigger role, there are SO many unknowns – and if you struggle with impostor syndrome in your current role, advancing upwards can sometimes feel undesirable and overwhelming.
In this week’s episode, I’m sharing a perspective that I hope will normalize the fear AND encourage you to dream big and reach for more if professional growth and upwards promotions is something you desire. I hope to give you permission to OWN your desire for growth, and go after it, EVEN IF it feels like a stretch. Because the truth is – just because it’s a stretch – doesn’t mean it’s too much of a stretch for you.
I hope you enjoy this episode! My links are below:
For 1:1 coaching, head over to:
And to check out my free course, Speak Like a CEO:
Have an incredible week!
Life as a working mom can be tough, and in this week’s episode I wanted to bring in a perspective to help those of you who are working moms build a career (and life) that honors your needs as both a mom AND a human. Today’s guest Hannah is a parent empowerment coach and dear friend of mine who supports moms in building lives that honor their goals alongside all they do as parents. Tune in to hear us chat about topics like:
-Navigating the challenges involved in being a working mom
-Navigating the decision of whether or not to have kids
-Carving out time for parental obligations even if you work a 9-5
-Honoring your own needs alongside your role as a parent
-Untangling from self-blame
And so much more!
I absolutely loved this conversation.
Get in touch with Hannah:
IG: Hannah_Rudnick_Coaching
Get in touch with Jess:
IG: theartofspeakingup
Have an amazing week!
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