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The Artist and The Therapist

The Artist and The Therapist

Author: The Artist and The Therapist

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Long-time friends Rob (The Artist) and Phil (The Therapist) reveal their perspectives on the human experience.
13 Episodes
Would you stay in captivity if you were free to leave? #Nelson Mandela #Bitterness #Rent free in your brain #Grudges for a lifetime #12 steps #Moral inventory #Anger #1514 #The Liberation of Saint Peter #Fresco painting by Raphael #The Vatican #Angel #Guards #Unshackled chains #Staying in the cell #Addiction #Set you free #Second chance #Forgiveness #Don’t judge people by their mistakes #Relapse #Help someone #Give something back #Hope #Artist Richard Phillips #Wrongfully imprisoned #Pen pal #Lawsuit #Michigan #Sell paintings #Radical acceptance #Buddhist #Glorify prison #Prison break #Escape from Alcatraz #Orange is the New Black #Shawshank Redemption #Morgan Freeman #Tim Robbins #Money laundering #Warden #Dr. Paul Wood #New Zealand #Drug dealer #Murder #Mental prison #If not now when #Specifics #Mindfulness #Father #Gratefulness #Taking for granted #Living free #Ongoing #Not a problem it’s an opportunity #Victim #Pity #Pity City #What you think about the most #Yin and yang #Trash in your garden #Why do things keep happening to me #Brain will answer questions #Use that to your advantage #Ask effective questions #What did you learn #Counter intuitive #Rational thinking can hold you back #Sometimes be irrational #Naysayers #Caught in a loop #Use music as a tool #Music as a drug #Effects your mood #Original poem Captivity
Your Silent Scream

Your Silent Scream


Is it time to investigate your silent scream? #Lighthouse #S.O.S. #Save our souls #Screaming on the inside #Stuffing it #Stuff it down #Implosion #Explosion #Black hole #Depression #Anger turned inward #Silent treatment #Child #Teen #Young Adult #Adult #Families #Speak up #Silent generation #Baby Boomers #Generation x #Bullying #Me too movement #Loneliness #Finances #Volcano #Rage #Go nuclear #Domestic violence #Anger management #Acting class #Haircut #Psychodrama #LAPD #Interrogation #Role playing #Communication #Hotlines #Nami #National alliance for the mentally ill #Identify source of silent scream #Warning signs #Isolation #Anhedonia #Zombie #Self destructive #Drugs #Alcohol #Cutting #Burning #Unprotected sex #Anxiety #Painting #Magic Markers #Permanent markers #Art #Crayons #Writing from your place of pain #Writing from your place of peace #Music #The Who #Pete Townshend #Roger Daltrey #Won’t get fooled again #Terry Riley #James Brown #Joe Cocker #The Scream painting #Edvard Munch #Panic disorder #Paris #Mummy #Krakatoa #1883 #1884 #Norway #Nightmare #Ask for help #Feeling normal in all its glory #Gratitude #Meditation #Big picture #Suicide #Behavior change #Lethal means #Guns in the home #Mood changes #Morbid talk #Risky behavior #Substance abuse #Putting yourself down #Call someone #Baby steps #Always keep fighting #Inner peace
You Are Water

You Are Water


Is water deeper than you think? #We are water #Song by Nashville cast TV show #Percentage of water in the body #Lungs #Skin #Brain #Heart #Sigmund Freud #Iceberg #Freud Id #Rebellious child #Muscles #Kidneys #Bones #Water content #Shock absorber #Religions #Baptism #Taoism #Wave of emotion #The storm will pass #Buddhism #The Great Wave of Kanagawa #Hokusai #Vincent Van Gogh #Tsunami #Wood block art #La mer #Composition by Claude Debussy #Pink Floyd #Emoji #Quicksilver #Ancient Greeks #Chaos #Carl Jung #Architypes #Unconscious #Subconscious #Mind like water #Overreacting #Underreacting #Splash #Pebble #Elephant #Panic #Acting appropriately #Ground state #Stress #Painting #Cleaning the brush #Leonardo da Vinci #Whirlpools #Maelstrom #Go with the flow #Laid back #Meyers Briggs #Actor #Rehearsal #Cold shower #Tony Robbins #Depression #Bubble bath #Lavender #Ice bath #Judgement #Yoko Ono #Family #Boat #Lake #Friendly #Waterfall #W. H. Auden #Benjamin Franklin #Griffith Observatory #James Dean #Breathe #Radical acceptance #Margret Atwood poem
Could you change your life one color at a time? #Millions of colors #Black & white #Shades of grey #Black & white movie #Humphrey Bogart #Depression #Monotone grey #Technicolor #Edward Hopper #Identify and recall colors #We see what we are looking for #Singling out one color #Caught in a loop #Assign one color #Weight loss #Overweight #Organization #Color of the day #Mindfulness #Childlike eyes #Black and white spiral #Baby steps #Positive direction #Momentum can be a snail on the sidewalk in the rain #kaleidoscope #First color feature film in United States #Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation #Herbert Kalmus #Daniel Frost Comstock #W. Burton Wescott #Kinemacolor #Film #Process 1 #Prism beam splitter #Red and green filter #Projector #The Gulf Between #Florida #Natural light #Jacksonville #1916 #New York #Pimped out a train #Film processing lab #Problems on the set #1917 #1918 #Artistic commercial flop #The wizard of Oz #1939 #Tornado #Dorothy #Toto #Body double #Transition #Sepia tone #Dress and Make-up #Judy Garland #Technicolor Oz #Fire 1961 #Native American medicine wheel colors #Meaning of colors #Colorful dreams #Billy Steinberg #Tom Kelly #True colors are beautiful like a rainbow
Bermuda Divorce

Bermuda Divorce


Divorce can leave you lost at sea. Will you vanish or will you discover a path to thrive? #Why should a foolish marriage vow #Poem by John Dryden #Surreal artist Igor Morski divorce painting #Bermuda Triangle #Chaos #Confusion #Rowing against each other #Teddy bear #Image breaks heart #Reba McEntire #Every other weekend #Kids suffer the most in divorce #Resilient #Co-parenting #Forever tethered #Artwork #Falling through the cracks painting #Kevin Grass #Swing set #Storm #Paper airplanes #Wind blowing in different directions #Frida Kahlo #Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird #1940 #Monkeys on shoulders #Necklace of thorns #Lifeless hummingbird #Stoic #The Two Fridas painting #Dissecting heart #2 hearts connected #The two sides of divorce #Holding on and moving on #I paint my own reality #Rebirth #Divorce rates down #Joan Rivers #Nevada #Arkansas #Iowa #Getting married young #Increases risk #Co-workers of opposite sex #Fight about social media #Dating apps #Infidelity #Tracking phones #Therapist working with couples #Trust #Run for the hills #Run to the marriage counselor #Getting to therapist too late #Personal trainers #Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle #1980s #Miami Florida #Atlantic Ocean #Bermuda #Puerto Rico #Deaths #Disappearance #Planes #Ships #Vanish #Weather #Distress call #Signals fade #What happened #Grief #Loss #Change #Hospice #Sad #Closure #Stages of grief and loss #CPR #Robot mannequin #Bee Gees #Staying Alive #Dabda #Elisabeth Kübler-Ross #Denial #Anger #Bargaining #Depression #Acceptance #Shock #Numb #Ex in denial #Trauma #Guilt #Shame #Counseling #Down in the dumps #Dwell #It’s not a problem it’s an opportunity #Rediscovery of you #Your likes #A comeback story #What to keep or change about yourself #Moving forward #Parallel to your destination #Be an example for kids #Divorce can be a wonderful thing #Counter-intuitive #Lead with empathy #Safe space for children #Parents selfish #Playing games #Children need adults to captain the ship #Everyone must thrive #Momma bear #Father bear #Tips from a therapist #Don’t talk badly about ex #Long game #Kids are watching #Rippling effect #How to tell the kids #Don’t overdo it #Concise #Share your emotions #Find and present positive #Kids will mirror you #Leave it to Beaver #Don’t argue in front of the kids #Divorce counseling #Avoid manic dating #Tender #Bumble #Plenty of Fish #OK Cupid #All about the kids #Healing and growth #Self-discovery #Find yourself #Tom Hanks #Cast Away film movie #Do something different #Takes time #Amy Poehler #J.K. Rowling



What is your reaction to the title Smile? Bring it on in. #Charlie Chaplin #Song #Smile can make someone’s day #Knock Knock #Less muscles to smile than frown #half smile #Dialectical behavior therapy #Fake smile #Motor cortex voluntary movement #Smile like a blush response #Crow’s feet #Guillaume Duchenne #Orbicularis oculi muscle #Zygomaticus major muscle #Eyes are smiling #Terminator 2 movie #Arnold Schwarzenegger #Pan Am smile #SNL #Botox smile #Uncanny Valley #Animals threat warning #Barbary Macaque #Monkeys #Rock of Gibraltar #Mirror neurons #Smile contagious #Walk until you smile  #Workout #Worry beans #Anxiety #Colorado sunrise #Gratefulness smile #Gallows laughter #USSR Russia #New York City #Seattle #Eye contact #The South #Friendly #More smiles will help the world #Mona Lisa #Leonardo di Vinci #Learning #Art #Anatomy #Birds #Flying machines #Science #Painting #1500s #Worked on it for years #Smiles traditionally in paintings were not a thing #Posing with a smile fades quickly #Giorgio Vasari #Hired musicians and jesters #More divine than human #Nervous system #Dissected cadavers #Lips #Scalpel #Paint brush #Anatomical sheets #Buccinator muscle #Brain #Dissected horses #Frown #Cheek #French revolution #Louvre museum #Napoleon Bonaparte #Naploeon’s bedroom #1900s #Theft of the Mona Lisa #WWII #Safe houses #British #French resistance #La Joconde garde un sourire #The Mona Lisa keeps her smile #Washington D.C. #Faulty sprinkler almost destroyed painting #highest insurance #Follows you around the room #Distress tolerance skills #inhale #exhale #relaxed smile #Advertisements #Manipulate customer #Clinical director #Impatient psychiatric facility #Smile on the phone #One smile can change the world #Fearless and giving



Is it too late to be non-resentful? #A Day to Remember band #Lyrics #Resentment #Ranklement #Bitterness #Rancœur #Anger #Ruminate #Dwell #Reliving bad experience #Caught in a loop #Imagined wrong doing #Remember things worse than how they happened #Frog in the pot of water #Boiling #Hurt #Pride is wounded #Unbearable pain #Resentment dangerous #Silent cancer #Toxic #Cain and Able #Venetian painter Titian #Brothers #Killing #Able is physically fit #Bleeding #Bible #Caught off guard #Upset for false reasons #First human born #Older brother passed over #Baby all the attention #God favored Able #Poison #The Bitter Potion #Adriaen Brouwer #Disheveled #Depicting taste #Edgy #Peasants #Working class #Bitterness of life #Nelson Mandela #Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies #Carrie Fisher #Star Wars #Princess Lea #Drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die #Grudge #Power of forgiveness #Lucifer #Fallen Angel painting by Alexandre Cabanel #Child prodigy #Sexy little devil #Satan #Paradise Lost #John Milton #God loved humans #Eyes are red #Toxic anger tears #Joaquin Phoenix #Joker movie film #Sitting on wings #Seething #1800s #Christ #Cabanel played it safe #Paris Salon #Provocative #Heal resentment #Carrying a backpack full of rocks #Artist’s perspective #Creating art to release resentment #Summer camp kids #Natural disaster #Anger wall #Clay #Scream at wall #Find resentment asap #Be observant #Alcohol abuse #Healing resentment #Therapist tips #Meet at best and highest #Reflect #List what you are hurt about #Knowledge is power #Where was I selfish #How was I self seeking #How was I dishonest #What am I really afraid of #Blame #Face to face conversation #Not texting #Do they walk out the door #Do they hang up the phone #Intentions #Lift up the rock and see what’s crawling under there #Is it worth it #Let it Go from Frozen
Would you like to walk counter-clockwise today and see something new? #Counter-Clockwise #Clarity #One little turn of the dial changes everything #Looking down from an airplane window #Routine route noticing something for the first time #Mindfulness #Take a different route home #Day seems longer #Trapped in a routine #Perspective is a choice #Don’t judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes #Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird #Step into someone’s skin #Photographer’s perspective #Perfect angle #Gateway to the soul #Eyes #Change Lenses #Actor’s perspective #Building a character #Lead with curiosity #Backstory #Daniel Day Lewis #What turns you on #Denzel Washington #Glory #Academy Award #1989 #Ex-slave soldier #Magic is in the rehearsal #Playing #Imagination #Learning something every attempt #Therapy session #Role play #Son depressed #Switch chairs for a new perspective #Classroom setting #Work setting #First date tip #Director’s perspective #Surprise yourself #Unstuck #Worked in hospitals #Albert Einstein #Take clients for a walk #Kids in group home settings #More effective on a walk #Empty chair work #Gestalt therapy #Don’t fear unscary things #Temper  #Yelling #Thunder and lightning #Hail storm #Art can open up ways to see things #Painter’s perspective #Turn upside down #Look in mirror #Horizontal flip #Relativity #M.C. Escher #Defying gravity #Mind trip #Cognitive dissonance #Hypnotizing #Centers of gravity #J.K. Rowling #Stairs #Inception movie film #Breaking through a plane #Bernard Pras Anamorphosis #Art from trash #Garbage #Turns into a face #Dismissing something as trash #Judgement #Right and Wrong #Imposing position #Let go of judgement #Judging yourself harshly #Is it this or is it that trap #More than two choices #Believing every detail matters #Confirmation Bias #A picture never lies #Photoshop #Surveillance videos #Deepfakes #Question what you see #Reality television show #Editing room #Documentary #News broadcast #Aware of surroundings #Safety #Active shooter #Where are exits #Run hide fight #People freeze #Mind like a parachute #Frank Zappa #Preconceptions #Reality a soufflé of all experiences #Listen to someone as if they have something you can learn #False tolerance #Lead with love #Community



Disarray and everyone else, this episode is for you. #Keeping life simple #Daoist philosophy #Learn to say no #No is a difficult word #Obligated to say yes #No is a superpower #Simplicity #Patience #Food prep #Simplicity in food #Food without high sugar and salt #Subtlety #Getting rid of things #Compromise #Advertising industry convinces us that we need new things #Enormous money spent on ads #Watching screens as a toddler #Tiny houses #333 challenge #33 items for 3 months #Martha Stewart #Get rid of clothes that you haven’t worn in the past year #Con Marie method Marie Kondo #Minimalism in art #1960s #Art intentionally devoid of personality #Donald Judd Untitled 1972 #Buildings sculptures #Peaceful #It is what it is #Graphic arts perspective #Functionally simple #Minimalism in product design #Steve Jobs #Minimalism from an actor’s perspective #William H. Macy #When you've reached your objective - stop #One reaction shot more powerful than page of dialogue #Editing when one moment says it all - cut beginning and end #Shut up at end of interview #Minimalist music #Terry Riley A Rainbow in Curved Air #YouTube comments #Experimental college station - what planet is this music from #Best decision of my life #Sounds like slot machines at the casino #Hypnotized myself #Stimulates brain and heart at same time #Synth patterns over and again #Mike Oldfield “Tubular Bells” The Exorcist Theme Song #The Who “Baba O'Riley” #Pete Townshend #The Who “Won't Get Fooled Again” #Phillip Glass “Glassworks” #1980s #Devastation is a beat #Minimalist music is cheaper than a shrink #Tears #Music to help finish tasks #Minimalism music calm and peace to brain #Leonardo di Vinci  #Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication #Meditation #A confused mind says no #Swedish proverb
If you want to discover your music video, this episode is for you. #MTV #1894 illustrated song #Sheet music #Watching a screening of an old movie in a theater #1895 Edison moving pictures #Big Bopper #The term music video #Tony Bennet claims he had the first music video #The Beatles A Hard Day’s Night #Pink Floyd The Wall #Life moves fast – modern day most like a music video now #Chapters of your life #What music video represents you #Funny music videos of the 1980’s #The Cars band #Huey Lewis and the News #Weird Al Yankovic #Straightforward raw vulnerable #Sinéad O'Connor #Nothing Compares to You #Crying - mother dying in car accident #Miley Cyrus #Wrecking Ball #Underwear #Boots #Licking a sledgehammer #Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer #Stop motion #Nick Park #Wallace and Grommit #Director Stephen R. Johnson #Road to nowhere #Talking Heads #Cycle of life #David Byrne #most intelligent man in the world #Running in strange way #Awkward is life #Wisdom gained #The roads we travel #Child is born – grows up so quickly #Rebirth box - old man and baby #Flat faced - Asperger’s #Couple - weird dance - absurd #What is life all about #Business men with wrestling mask #A-ha Take on Me #Innovative artwork – innovative #Sitting at a diner booth with a comic book and a hand reaches out tempting to join in another world #Fantasy #Soul mate #World trying to stop relationship from happening #What are the lengths you'd go - follow the magic or run from it #Bruce Springsteen Born to Run #Spiderverse #Splash film movie #Tom Hanks #Jamiroquai Virtual Insanity #Floors moving #R.E.M. Everybody Hurts #Stopped cars #Struggling with something #Hang on #Inner thoughts of people #I’ll talk when I’m ready #Michael Stipe sensitive #Most beautiful music video #Emotional reaction #Powerful music video #Get out of cars and walk away #Goosebumps #Being stuck symbolism #Kendrick Lamar Humble #Heads on fire #TLC group band #Waterfall #Kid killed drug deal #HIV #Life is fragile #Lukas Grahmn 7 years #Kenny Chesney Blink #Five for Fighting 100 years #Up in a tree #22 for a moment #Making our way back from Mars #Blurry memories #Have a healthy mid-life crisis #Wicked game #George Michael #Lana Del Rey



Alcohol and everyone else, this episode is for you. #The Kinks “Alcohol” #Alcohol is not going away #Drinking for a bad day as well as for a celebration #Beer commercials Bud-Weis-Er and Whasssup #Addiction #DUI #Alcohol-free #Edvard Munch self-portrait #Edvard Munch “Scream” #Anthony van Dyck #Drunken Silenus supported by Satyrs #Naked Santa Clause #Peter Paul Rubens #Blurriness #Leaving Las Vegas film movie #Director Mike Figgis #Nicholas Cage #John O'Brien suicide #Elizabeth Shue #Academy Award #Golden Globe #Nomination #Winner #Sad movie #Alcoholism #Binge drinking in Dublin #Friend videotaped to study speech #Roger Ebert #Hope #Love #Connection #Acceptance #Co-dependency #Romance and alcohol #Dating “let’s meet for a drink” first date #When alcohol is part of the magic #Growing from unauthentic soil #Not recognizing partner #28 Days film movie #Sandra Bullock #Steve Buscemi #Relationships created on a mask #Liquid courage #Alcohol influence art #Eddie Van Halen #Genetics - family tree alcoholic #Green light red light #Benefits of not drinking #New playmates, new playmates, new playgrounds #Drinking with line of work #Drinking problems effect everyone they know #Benefits of not drinking less anxious #Benefits of not drinking life and memories are not blurry #Clarity #Benefits of not drinking sleeping better #Alcohol takes a toll on the body #Benefits of not drinking save money #Benefits of not drinking lose weight #Benefits of not drinking no hangovers #Deeper connections #F. Scott Fitzgerald # First you take a drink … then the drink takes you
If you have ever worried about anything, this episode is for you.  #Worry Beans #Gandhi #Monks #Actively Combating Worry #Can you do a task in under 5 minutes #Baby steps to satisfy brain #Health and Stress #Face Bucket Challenge #Diver Response #Actor's perspective #Zen state #Tiger Woods #Workout every day #Good sleep #Eating well #Hyper present - play by play #Mindfulness #Worry is important for self-preservation #Amygdala #The sky is falling #Meditation #Breathing #Actors breathe like the character to get to desired state #54321 touching hearing smelling tasting feeling #When actors get "in their head" #Concentrate on the other person #Deepak Chopra mindfulness in three minutes #Affirmations #First date, interview, best aspects of yourself #Being prepared #The magic is in the rehearsal #Worry dolls #Muñeca quitapena #Your worry is the news media’s profit #Dance #Food prep #Face your fear #Avoidance #Procrastination #Challenge anxious thoughts #best case, worst case, most likely case #Express yourself in art and writing #Rumi everything is rigged in your favor so there is nothing to worry about
Trailer for Season 1

Trailer for Season 1


Trailer for Season 1 of The Artist and The Therapist
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