DiscoverThe Authentic Chic
The Authentic Chic
Claim Ownership

The Authentic Chic

Author: Santresa Marie

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Discovering who you are one authentic moment at a time. Being you is the only option. Support this podcast:
50 Episodes
There will never be the "perfect time" to do anything. You have to make the decision to do exactly what God tells you to do exactly when He tells you to do it. You're waiting for other people to approve or get in line when God is waiting on you to just say yes and go. Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie Get your t-shirt and hoodies here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
Your Peace Matters

Your Peace Matters


Are you a thermostat or a thermometer? Are you setting the temperature for your peace or are you allowing other people to set it for you? Your peace matters and you should require that it is always standing on a firm foundation.  Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie Get your t-shirt and hoodies here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
Feelings are Fickle

Feelings are Fickle


Relying on your feelings is dangerous and irresponsible. Our feelings are fickle because they can shift and change with the wind. It is our responsibility to control our feelings and not allow our feelings to control us. Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie Get your t-shirt and hoodies here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
Every social media platform has terms and conditions that you must agree to in order to use their platform. Just like social media, you need to have terms and conditions for your life. You need to have them set for people that enter your life. You need to clearly communicate said terms and conditions and if anyone violates them, there should be consequences. You can't live your life without boundaries, terms and conditions. Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie Get your t-shirt and hoodies here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
You Set the Tone

You Set the Tone


Thermometers and Thermostats are not the same. One tells the temperature in a space and one sets the temperature in a space. Which one are you? Are you setting the tone for your life, your peace, your heart, your dreams or are you allowing external people and situations set it for you? How you enter your day matters. How you navigate throughout your day matters. You get to set the tone for your life. Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie Get your t-shirt and hoodies here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
No New Friends

No New Friends


Deciding not to create new relationships and friendships because of past disappointments, trauma or whatever is detrimental to you and your destiny. You were called to do life with people and you have to be willing to be open to those God ordained to be a part of your story. It's time to heal from the trauma, break up with the lies and open yourself to the friendships God has waiting for you. Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie Get your t-shirt and hoodies here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
You weren't called to live a life of performance. It's time to take off the masks and walk in who you were called and created to be. The people that love you want to love the real you.. --- Support this podcast:
It's Not Your Job!

It's Not Your Job!


People are going to do what they choose to do. Their decision to grow and become is theirs. It's not your job to make them do or not do anything. It's your job to do what you're supposed to do, protect your space, and mind the business God gave you to mind. --- Support this podcast:
Building Relationships

Building Relationships


You're not an island. You weren't meant to do life alone. You need people and people need you. It's time to break up with the lies about not needing new friends or that women are messy and can't be trusted. There's value in relationships. Not every relationship is meant for a lifetime but you always need the proper perspective. Who are you called to do life with? Where is your tribe? Where is your community? It's time to stop doing life alone and build the relationships that are meant to push you forward in life. For all Santresa Marie's content visit: For access to exclusive content and early access visit: Theme music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
It's stressful and frustrating to constantly try to "find yourself" because you're trying to create your own life. God knew us before He formed us. He mapped out our lives before our parents even considered conceiving us. So why would we spend time trying to create who we are instead of seeking the one that created us?  Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here: Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie Discover all things Santresa Marie here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
The Table

The Table


Part of Psalms 23:5 says, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." We get soo excited about that scripture. Yes, God is preparing a table just for me in front of all my enemies. The problem is that we don't focus on the table that's been prepared for US. Instead, we focus on the enemies, the "haters", that are in our presence. You know the, "I'm going to show all the haters wrong" or "I know my haters are watching me." Here's the thing...what other people think or say about you is none of your business. All the energy and time you're wasting focusing on them needs to be focused on the amazing table that God has set for you. Don't miss your moments because you're more concerned about the people than you are the table. Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here: Register your mini for the Minis and Makeup Virtual Event here: Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie Discover all things Santresa Marie here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
What Do You Need??

What Do You Need??


I can do bad all by myself. I don't need a man. I don't need a woman. No new friends. I don't need any help. Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you? You've decided you're an island and you can live this life all by yourself. Who told you that? Who lied to you? I know you've experienced trauma, heartbreak, disappointment, betrayal but those things have created this narrative that you don't need anyone in your life. It's created this personal reality that struggle, stress, anxiety and worry are better than EVER saying you need someone again. Well, you've been living a lie. You need people. You need connection. You need tribe. You need community. You are NOT an island. Your unwillingness to need has put you in survival mode and it's killing you. It's time to break up with the lie that you don't need anyone, ask yourself why you feel that way, and destroy it at its root. We need people.  Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here: Register your mini for the Minis and Makeup Virtual Event here: Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie Discover all things Santresa Marie here: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
Make the Decision

Make the Decision


We all make numerous decisions every single day. Deciding where to work, live, how to pay for this or that. We make decisions about our children, our personal lives, our friendships. We even make decisions about vacations. The list goes on and on. Here's the revelation of it all.....there's only one decision that we need to make. Just one? Yes, just one. We just need to decide to trust and obey God because once we do that, the rest falls into place. Are you making the decision to trust and obey God or are you continuing to try to make ALL the decisions on your own? God cares about it ALL....yes all of it. Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here: Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
How Were You Made?

How Were You Made?


We know the biology about how we were made but that's not what I'm talking about. Do you know the care that God took to create you? Do you know how mindful He was when it came to weaving your entire being together? Nothing God did was by accident. He was sooo intentional when He created you. Psalm 139:14 takes on a WHOLE new meaning after all of this. You weren't created to just exist. You were created for so much more! Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here: Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
It's the last episode for Season 5 and I'm super excited about what's coming next. How do you view the changing of seasons? Is is just another moment in the year or are you preparing for a shift? I believe there's a changing of the seasons for us individually and it's our responsibility to prepare for it. Sometimes you're being prepared for something and you don't even realize it. Sometimes you're just moving out of obedience. Sometimes the shifting doesn't make sense in the moment. Every change takes us to another level. Change with this season and watch your life explode right before your eyes! Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here: Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
Celebrate You

Celebrate You


When was the last time you celebrated yourself? You celebrate all the other people but never yourself. We've been taught it's arrogant, prideful, conceited, or bragging to celebrate ourselves. Well look here, it's none of those things. Especially when you're acknowledging the amazing things that God graced you to do. It's okay to celebrate yourself. When you celebrate yourself, other people celebrate you. When you celebrate yourself, it encourages other people to celebrate themselves. My challenge for you is to begin to celebrate yourself at least once a day until it becomes the norm. It's time to flood your life with celebration! Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here: Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook, IG and TikTok @santresamarie Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
I'm Not Her

I'm Not Her


Comparison is dangerous. Rehearsing your past is dangerous. Pretending and performing for others is dangerous. The more you focus on who you used to be, the more you miss of who you are now. The longer you pretend and perform, the longer you miss your authentic moments. The more you compare yourself to another woman, the more inferior you feel. It's strength in walking in your truth. You're not her. You're not who you used to be. You're not another woman. You're not the masks that you wear. It's time to see the you that God created and walk in all of it. Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here: Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook, IG and TikTok @santresamarie Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
The Demand

The Demand


Have you put a demand on yourself? Have you chosen to take a chance on yourself? There are things you have to do in order to put a demand on yourself. You need to know exactly who you are. You need to focus on the God things instead of the good things (just because you're good at it doesn't mean you're called to it). You need to put a demand on yourself (consistency, obedience, discipline). Watch people begin to put a demand on the call on your life. It’s time to show up and be who you were called and created to be. As mentioned in the episode, I released my Live: Big Bold Brave t-shirt in my online store along with other items. Go shop and support at: Theme Music: Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
Become What You Behold

Become What You Behold


Merriam-Webster defines behold as to perceive through sight or apprehension; to gaze upon. We spend our time focusing on so many things and then trying to track how certain things and situations began to show up in our lives. You become whatever it is that you behold. What are you focusing on in life? Do you have a dream or passion that you haven't really gazed upon or done anything with?  It's time to shift your focus, take action, be mindful of what you allow in your space and behold the things you really want to become. Theme Music; Alisa Alexander --- Support this podcast:
It's Okay.....

It's Okay.....


First........I recorded my FIRST FB LIVE episode and it was sooo exciting. I got to invite the amazing ladies in my Be Authentic group to join the conversation this week and I'm still on a high over it! I love how they shared their hearts. I can't wait to do it again and invite one of them to join me on my live to take an even deeper dive into our conversations. This week, I told the ladies in my group that it's okay not to be okay. We operate in a world that thinks we're so strong, that we always have it together, and that we don't need any help. We walk around like we're always okay when in reality, we're screaming on the inside because we're exhausted, frustrated, hurting, etc. It's time to admit that we aren't okay and stop always pretending like we are. We have to cultivate safe spaces and relationships where we can admit it, release the emotions, brush ourselves off and get back up. We don't want to be a walking ball of uncontrollable emotions and we don't want to be a walking wall of lies either.  It's okay not to be okay sis. It's okay to admit it. It's okay to be vulnerable. It's okay not to be strong for all the people. It's okay to release it. You're not alone. You don't have to keep it all bottled up. You don't have to pretend. There's strength in saying......"I'm not okay." Theme Music: Alisa Alexander. --- Support this podcast: