The Authentic Organization's Podcast

The Authentic Organization's Podcast - Organizational Development across Europe. By Gerard van der Molen, Netherlands; László Kövári, Czech Republic; François Weber, Spain.

Önmegvalósítás az üzleti életben - valóság és vágyálmok. Reflection podcast #23 (Hungarian spoken)

Második magyar nyelvű podcast epizódunkban Kővári László és Mohácsi Zsolt arról beszélgetnek, hogy lehet-e valódi értelemben vett önmegvalósításról beszélni az üzleti életben, illetve azokról a - sajnos mára rendszerszintű -  akadályokról, amelyekkel bárkinek, aki szakmai és emberi kiteljesedésről ábrándozik, szembesülnie kell.


Meaningful messages in a sea of noise - reflection podcast #22

In this podcast, we have a conversation with our guest and friend, writer and communication adviser Zsolt Mohácsi. This episode is on trying to make meaningful posts on LinkedIn. Tune in and enjoy!


Mérgező vállalatok - reflection podcast #21 (Hungarian spoken)

Első magyar nyelvű podcast epizódunkban Kővári László, az Authentic Organisation egyik alapítója és Mohácsi Zsolt író, közgazdász beszélgetnek a toxikus vállalati közegekről, ezek okairól, és túlélési stratégiákról.A beszélgetésben fölmerült referenciák:David Graeber - Debt: The First 5000 Years


Sushi again?? About becoming part of a large corporation - reflection podcast #20

After being bought by Google, WAZE (gps-navigation software for iPhone and Android) was granted autonomy and the team largely was retained. But over time, according to their CEO Noam Bardin, the DNA of the company changed. In his excellent article 'Why did I leave Google or, why did I stay so long' , Bardin writes: "I feel we ended up with the worst of both worlds - the challenges of a start-up (scale, access, distribution) with the constraints of a corporation (forced to use internal not-best-of-class systems, cost structure, politics, culture etc) all aggravated by the inability to quickly hire and fire.” (PayGo, Noam Bardin, Feb. 17, 2021)In this episode, László and Gerard reflect on what it means to be part of a large corporation.


Authenticity - reflection podcast #19

In this podcast, László has a conversation with our guest and friend, writer and communication adviser Zsolt Mohácsi. This episode is about authenticity in the business domain. Tune in and enjoy!Links related to the podcast:


Communities - reflection podcast #18

In this podcast we have a conversation around communities:  what is community and why do we need it in companies? Tune in and enjoy!Links related to the podcast:


Martial arts and Management: stories & analogies - reflection podcast #17

In this podcast we have a conversation around martial arts and management: warriors vs. martial artists; practicing techniques vs. practicing principles; metaphysics and martial arts. Tune in and enjoy!Links related to the podcast: Secrets of the Samurai, by Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook


The problem is people - reflection podcast #16

In this podcast we dive into the schizophrenic tension between "People are our greatest assets" and the reality that manifests itself in concrete actions: "People are our greatest liability." Tune in and enjoy!Links related to the podcast: The CorporationThe Economics of Good and Evil 


Me, myself and I; personal identities on the job: role plays and the self - reflection podcast #15

In this podcast we have a conversation about the self, identity and roles. What are these concepts and how are they related to the business domain. Tune in and enjoy!Links to some topics mentioned in the podcast:*.html


Doubt at work: leadership & decision making - reflection podcast #14

In this podcast we have a conversation about doubt at work: if doubt is so important in philosophy, why isn't embraced in organizations? The article we mention in the podcast is accessible thru the link below. Tune in and enjoy! Why embracing doubt can improve your decision making - Management Today, July 2019


Art in organizations - reflection podcast #13

In this podcast we have a conversation about art: can art be a structural element and/or guiding principle in organizations?  The article we mention in the podcast is accessible thru the link below. Tune in and enjoy!


Flakes - reflection podcast #12

In this reflection podcast, we have a conversation about ‘Flakes' and 'Flaking out’: plans are so easy to make nowadays, and so easy to get out of, that canceling doesn’t seem like a big deal. And the effect might be that we are not really investing in relationships with our friends. The question is not if this is happening more than in the non-digital past - the question is more: is this a problem? Or isn’t this just a new generation moving forward and act authentically within their tech-environment and towards their relationships with friends?Tune in & enjoy!Links to articles mentioned in the podcast:


Isn't autonomy in organizations just an illusion? - reflection podcast #11

In this reflection podcast we have a conversation around the story of Prometheus in relation to autonomy. Isn’t autonomy in organizations just an illusion? We're joined by our new colleague in Authentic Organization, François Weber MD. Please tune in & enjoy.


Bad decision making as an organizational problem - reflection podcast #10

In this reflection podcast we talk about smart people making bad decisions: ‘individually we are smart, together we are dumb’. Please tune in & enjoy.


The corporate culture as a cult - reflection podcast #9

In this reflection podcast we talk about corporate cultures as a cult. We kick off with a TED-ED animation on cults and an article in HBR on a cultish culture. Please tune in & enjoy.


Performance - reflection podcast #8

In this reflection podcast we talk about our view on performance. We kick off with an article in Forbes on driving performance at Netflix (The Netflix Pressure-Cooker: A Culture That Drives Performance). Please tune in & enjoy.


Ageism - reflection podcast #7

This podcast is about age discrimination, or in a broader sense: ageism. In this reflection podcast we talk about the mechanical and organic view on age. Please tune in & enjoy. Want more? Please have a look at 'Ageism - c'est la vie?' on our website.


The human dataset - reflection podcast #6

This podcast is about the human dataset: possibly reducing a human being to a set of traits, behaviors, skills for reasons of hiring, firing, talent management, development, strategic HR and so on. Is this something to stay? Will it be good or evil? This is the follow up on our blog 'This is you. Or not.' Please tune in & enjoy.


Human Resources - reflection podcast #5

This podcast is about the human resources function - its past, present, innovation and value. We talk about mechanistic & organic organizations and their relation to HRM. Please tune in & enjoy.


On consultants - reflection podcast #4

This is the audio file of the videocast 'On Consultants' where László and I have a conversation with Mr. Eriç Bilginoglu about the (dis)advantages of making use of consultants. Please tune in and enjoy!


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