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The Aworkening

The Aworkening

Author: Jeremy Fisher

Subscribed: 997Played: 43,641


Side hustles? The Gig economy? Legitimate work from home jobs? The world of work has changed. And the ways that people are making money is changing. This show is about opening our eyes to the new world of work. This is The Aworkening from
92 Episodes
On today's show we'll break down a side hustle success story to inspire and learn ourselves. 
Need a side hustle, startup, or business idea? You won't want to miss this one. 
On today’s show: finding financial freedom and remembering why your hustle is worth it.
On today's micro episode we'll discuss the pros and cons of gigwork and why gig workers usually hit income caps.
Okay, how do we actually earn six figures from our side hustle? On today's show we'll learn exactly how.
Is it possible to have a successful side hustle as a content creator today with massive competition? Yes and today's episode will describe how.
On today’s show we’re going to talk about two ways to earn an income from real estate with no money. Most cities in the US are experiencing a real estate boom. Home prices are skyrocketing and people are entering into bidding wars on houses. Whenever there’s a real estate boom a lot of people start to wonder how they can earn an income from it. The most obvious way is to buy an investment house and flip it for a profit. But what if you’re like most people who don’t have a couple hundred thousand dollars laying around to buy real estate with? 
On today's show we'll hear a throwback of one of the most popular Aworkening episodes ever published that's all about flipping for profit.
How to Win the Lottery

How to Win the Lottery


Ever wanted to win the lottery? Well, today is your lucky day. 
Do we live to work or work to live? On today's show we'll talk about why overworking is horrible for our health.
On today's show we'll talk about the difference between long term hustles and short term hustles as well as a few hustles you need to make sure you avoid!
On today's show we'll talk about something we were taught in school that's horrible advice for starting or growing a side hustle.
3 Epic Side Hustles

3 Epic Side Hustles


On today's show we'll talk about 3 epic side hustles whose stories are straight out of a movie.  
On today's show I'll tell you the story of why I chose not to start a company that is currently worth billions of dollars.  
Did you know that you can be paid to investigate medical mysteries without being a doctor or having a medical degree? If this is something you're interested in, this episode is for you.
If you lose your job will all of your income go away? If so, you might be interested in diversifying your income (just like you would your investments) with multiple streams of income.
What invention earns the title as the worst of all time? We'll talk about that on today's show. Can people earn a living from bad inventions? We'll also talk about that today.  
On today's micro episode we'll discuss how some people are implementing a creative strategy to stand out from others during a job search.
On today's show we'll talk about the danger of propaganda (fake news) and provide an idea for someone to tackle this problem and make a good living at the same time.  
On today's show we'll talk about one of the most simple side hustles I've ever found. Resources: Interview with Brian More from Brian
Comments (15)

Salman Ramezani

I'm still waiting for your next episode .

Aug 18th

Salman Ramezani

hey jimmy . im learning english by your podcasts . your rly good in speaking english. could you plz share your speech note too ? thanks 😊

Jul 21st

Randy Lee

Jeremy: You are always great. This episode was the greatest yet! Thanks for all you do to inspire us all. -Randy Lee, Flipping Genius podcast and YouTube channel (largely inspired by The Aworkening)

Mar 26th

Salman Ramezani

hey Mr fisher . is there any way to put your English subtitle of your podcasts? I'm learning English with your clear voice but sometimes I can't understand what are you saying!! thanks . regards

Feb 18th
Reply (1)

Salman Ramezani

what the aworkening means ? awakening?

Jan 20th

Adrian Aguirre

Glad your back! Great content

Aug 15th

Randy Lee

Glad you're back Jeremy. I look forward to hearing what you have for us Next. Since you "were gone", I kicked off Flipping Genius. It's a podcast on something you also know. I have also opened Flipping Genius groups in 5 major cities. My dream is growing. ...I am not telling you this to brag or get exposure. I am telling you because YOU ARE THE GUY who taught me the term SIDE HUSTLE. You are the CAT THAT KIT A FIRE under me. Seriously! Thank you. Do not stop. If I can HELP YOU, reach out. -Randy Lee

May 28th


By the way your show is great, keep it up , you inspire me alot. And Iearnt alot lot listening to your show.

May 14th


I always fall in the same trap , for me I always set a goal that needs a great amount of work and I have high expectations, I rush to start it , and after two or three weeks , I get tried and leave it because I fear that I never get what I expect and frequently ask myself that what if I fail ? I have tons of projects that left halfway, and after about 10 years I still couldn't figure out a way to remain motivated while doing a project.

May 14th

Anthony Salas

Sign Hustle is not a course. It's a very brief eBook that basically just let's you know what the business is, rather then really explaining what to do in any kind of real detail.

Jun 11th
Reply (1)

Patrick Garreyn

Best podcast on the net!! Enjoy your break and i will be waiting patiently for season 2. Thank you for season 1 greetings, Patrick Ieper BELGIUM

Jun 6th

Fletch Sanders

I'm so happy to hear someone talk about things in a real way instead of always sugar coating it or making it seem like creative work options are easy. It's not easy. Nothing worth doing is. Thanks for not BSing us!

Apr 15th

Tim Raley

i like his voice and style. ive just entered the world of podcasts and this is one of my favorites so far! keep it up Jeremy!

Feb 23rd