The BNI Mindset

Welcome to the podcast for BNI members who want to expand their BNI mindset. I focus on taking your membership and your business to the next level using tips and strategies for increased referrals from a BNI mindset perspective.

Unintended Consequences

Somtimes the best outcomes are unintended. This episode is all about the unintended consequences of a BNI membership. They can be the best part of BNI!


Education is useless

In this episode, I talk about all things education. I talk about the education expectation, Business Builder and other sources of education then I ask about action. As the title says, Education is useless... if there is no action!


Finish your race strong

In this episode I take lessons learned from olympic athletes and translate them to business strategies that create big wins.


Find the positive

This is tough week for our community, El Paso, TX. We suffered a loss two years ago. I am paying tribute today by taking about finding the positive. Though a terrible thing happened, our community is better, stronger. How can you apply that lesson to your life and business?


Do you have an avatar?

In this episode, I talk about the importance of having a very clearly defined target market; so clear that you can create an avatar. This small exercise can increase your income considerably.


Shift your mindset

In this episode, I talk about the common misconception that inviting visitors to your chapter is hard. A simple shift in mindset can change that dramatically.


Give till it feels good!

In this episode, I discuss the Givers Gain core value and challenge you to apply it to BNI, your business, and your life in general.


Can you afford it??

In this episode I talk about making sure you know if you can afford to take the summer "off" from networking. Will you still be working on this year's goals whenyou get back to it?


121s with a plan

In this episode, I talk about the idea of having one to ones that actually generate a given result EVERY time you meet.


Go harder!

In today's episode I talk about the idea of going harder. There are many opportunities right now and it can be easy to take the "easy win" . This episode is about staying intentional and working for the "hard earned win" instead.


The opportunity of a lifetime

In this episode, I talk about how we are facing the opportunity of a lifetime - literally! The pandemic has created an amazing opportunity the each of use shuld recognize and leverage. Don't miss it!


Be like water, be persistent

Beautiful things come from persitent behavior. Think Grand Canyon beauty! In this episode, I talk about the value of persistence as you wort toward your goals.


Live with intention - Debra Armes Ferrell with Desert Outlaws, LLC

Debra and I talk about the lessons learned and the work she did to get herself back into the green after some set backs. You can order her gourmet goodies by calling or texting her at 915.373.3870.


Stay Focused

Sometimes we lose focus. How do you get back on track? In this episode, I talk about focus and some of the strategies I use to stay focused as life creates distractions.


Technology: What have you done with it?

In this episode I talk about how the role of technology has changed for me in the last 15 months. Now that the world is opening back up, I consider what I will keep and what I will retire.


The Power of One and consistency

As BNI members, we spend a lot of time talking about getting "in the green". This is not a term that is talking, at least directly, about money. This is a term that is talking about consistency, at its core. In this episode I break down the parts of the Power of One report and discuss the use for it.


Live with Intention - Laura Jurado-Sosa, Equis Financial

In this episode, I talk to new member, Laura Jurado Sosa, about how she inceased her Power of One score by so much in just one month. Laura did not set out with that as a goal. Laura is with Equis Financial and can be reached at 915.274.2854 orby email at


Follow up with Feeling

While the fortune is in the follow-up, you don't want your follow up to be "salesy". So, follow up with feeling. In this episode I talk about the different follow up options and, most importantly, the mindset while doing it.


Live with Intention - Rosie Carrasco, EXP Realty

In this episode, Rosie and I talk about what she does, as a new member, to create success. Rosie can be reached at or simply call her at 915.252.3444


Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Now

In this episode, I talk about how your comfort zone may have shifted and how to get out of your comfort zone using a few easy tips.


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