
Author: Brandon Bishop
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© Copyright 2025 by Brandon Bishop
This topic based podcast will cover and feature EVERYTHING ON THE SMALL BLUE DOT. Hosted by Brandon Bishop (TV Host, Singer, Pro Wrestler, Author, former Army Guy, Vanlifer, Dad, Lover of Tacos) Brandon mixes humor with blistering rants, knowledge and history with nonsense & blasphemy. It's all in good fun and for the sake of discussion. Topics will range from everything to all things. Expect a new episode weekly, usually on Saturdays.
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#Everythingpodcast #everythingonthissmallbluedot #BrandonBishop #asytv
93 Episodes
It's been awhile since April 2024... But I needed that time for so many reasons. But i'm back and ready to chat about everything! Let's Talk!!
Whether it's ASY TV, The Human Shirt Company, The Coloring Books, The Actuaql Books i've written, the Youtube Vanlife Show, The Movies, The TV Shows or the new album... Yes, i'd like to make a buck or four with all of it, but it's mainly ALL FOR YOU! Get it!Get Stuff!!!<sid=2ba98312-7d0b-40b6-92c0-cdc03225380e
I'm fat, people i love are fat, you're probably fat or fatter than you want to be... How did this happen in The United States and all over the world? What do we do about it? Are we even willing to do anything about it? I struggle with it daily and it's ruined a great portion of my life, yet... Here I am... Still chubby as hell. Is Fat Shaming a GOOD THING? Will it motivate people to get healthy? Who knows? Let chat about it...
MAn.. I recorded this one LATE and it shows! It's Xmas Eve as i'm writing this so let's chat about what this holiday is all about. If you're a fanatical radical religious type, PLEASE LISTEN... Haha...
#Truestoryofchristmas #xmas
Episode 7 - On this episode I get caufght up with the pile of questions and comments you've sent through email & FB messages. Let's sift through the nice, dumb, happy, funny, stupid and crazy!
Send in quedstions and commentws to
Episode 6 - We are all addicts and living in an Amazon World? How did this happen? And is it really a bad thing? I don't know.. Let's figure it out! I talk to my mom and go over some Amazon facts and Addiction facts in this new episode! #AmazonAddiction #Everythingonthissmallbluedot #BrandonBishop #Asytv
Episode 5 - On. this episode of EVERYTHING ON THIS SMALL BLUE DOT with Brandon Bishop. YOU, yes YOU (and me) are called out for glamorizing murderers. The movies & documentaries, the merchandise and 24/7 News coverage is a major flaw in our society. Yes, we all watch them for different reasons... but why? What about the victims? What about the losers who are influenced by these losers and contnue the chain of killing. It's all sick. But we all watch.
#Serialkillers #truecrime #everythingonthissmallbluedot #Podcast #BRandonbishop
Start a conversation on the EVERYTHING ON THIS SMALL BLUE DOT Facebook page.
Episode Four - MISOPHONIA... This is an episode i've ben wanting to cover for some time. Since I was a kid i'd always hate hate hate certain sounds. Mainly eating and clicking and high pitch noises. These sounds would drive me crazy to a point of building an inner and sometimes noticeable rage. Misophonia has cost me relationships, friendships, jobs, opportunities and just overall fun and happiness. Thankfully Misophonia has finally been identified by the science and medical realms, but there's certainly no cures or relief.
I'm constantly riding that fine line between yelling out "CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED" at loved ones and complete strangers, against just running out of the room angry. Unless you have it and deal with it hourly, you won't understand.
I'm a calm and rational human, Outside of computer issues, bad drivers and idiot smokers, nothing really gets to me to a scary place. But misophonia and the sounds that activate it...they do.
I really hope you listen to this episode and get to know and understand what 6% of this nation deals with, myself included. It's also a sign of a creative genius and higher intelligence... So at least I have that...
Everything On This Small Blue Dot with Brandon Bishop is available wherever you catch your favorite podcasts. Listen for new episodes every Saturday.
#Misophonia #dealingwithmisophonia #everythingonthissmallbluedot #brandonBishop #asytv #vanlife #talkshow
Good day! On this episode we chat about PORN! Yes the history of porn, the business of porn and so much more! Let's get balls deep in this episdoe of EVERYTHING ON THIS SMALL BLUE DOT With Brandon BIshop
#Pornbusiness #Pornindustry #Pornpodcast
We all love Halloween... Of course we do! But where did it start? When did dressing up in costumes and binging on sugar find it's roots? We are going back in time to the beginnings of this cherished celebration of evil and sugary access, and then covering the popularization and commercialism of Halloween. SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW EPISDOES EVERY SATURDAY!
Hosted by Brandon Bishop
This episdoe sponsored by The Perfect Jean Company ( )
and by ASY TV (
(Episode One) Welcome to the NEW podcast! It's no longer The Brandon Bishop Podcast, from here on out every Saturday you'll get Everything On This Small Blue Dot with Brandon iBishop. A more subjected streamlined radio show with a weekly topic and tons of research and personal experiences jammed deep into your ears.On this debut episode we tackle the disgusting unhealthy ritual of SMOKING CIGARETTES. No surprise here! I hate them. I hate the smell, the demeanor, the disrespect, the short & long term effects and the puppetry that cigarettes create. So if you smoke, you may hate me after this one, and that is fine, i doubt we hang much anyways... So smoke em' if...errr.. Please DON'T smoke em if you got em... throw them away... We cover the history of smoking cigarettes, the effects of society, the economy and health, and then we just downright slap them out of your hands. Enjoy... or don't... chew some sugar free gum...
Catch new episodes every Saturday wherever you listen to podcasts.#EverythingOnTheSmallBlueDot #Podcast #BrandonBIshop #asytv #Vanlife #smoking #cigarettes #Quitsmoking #smokingisstupid
Catch new episdoes every Saturday wherever you listen to podcasts. #EverythingOnTheSmallBlueDot #Podcast #BrandonBIshop #asytv #Vanlife #smoking #cigarettes #Quitsmoking #smokingisstupid
After 7 months of NOT doing the podcast, Brandon decides to knock one out... will there be more to follow? That's really up to you. BRANDON is back with interviews with RATT's STEPHEN PEARCY and then IMPACT WRESTLING's HEATH! Also Mail Call, Top 4 Awesdome Whatevers, Headlines, ASY TV News, New Music and more! Sit back and enjoy!
Sitting here trying to figure out a new approach to this podcast. Next week will start a new topic based Brandon Bishop Podcast. More segments, more guests, more organized. You'll love it... Tune in...
On this episode we talk about changing things up here, briefly chat with Ron Hardman of Kilroy's Workshop, talk a little vanlife, life life and so much more... #Brandonbishoppodcast #asytv
It's already been 2 months since I left the house and mpved into my van. VANLIFE BABY! It's ben amazing... But WHY? Why would I do this. Well let's chat about it. Along the way i've had so many amazing moments and a few dumb ones scattered along with. Let's talk about everything!
Vanlife has begun and life is crazy. But i'm thriving and driving. Just a quick check in for all of you amaZing peoples.#vanlife #iliveinavan
In 6 days from recording this episode, i'll be living inside of and working out of my Dodge Grand Caravan... Not because I HAVE to... But because I'm CHOOSING to. I'll be travelling across the nation and back for 6-7 months before settling into a new homebase in Detroit, Michoigan where I was birthed and grown. I've never been more excited, yet sad... So much going on.. Let's chat!Find the BRANDON BISHOP PODCAST page on Facebook to interact AND Go find and SUBSCRIBE to The ASY TV Youtube page and watch all of the behind the scenes life on THE ASY TV LIFE youtube show.
Plus you can get ASY TV for only $5 on ROKU or at ASYTV.COM
#vanlife #asytv #brandonbishop #vanlifepodcast #livinginavan #roadtrip
Everything is about to change. Not just for this podcast, but for me as a human. But since the last episode in January everything has already changed. Some good, some heart breaking, some great, some devastating. Also, I keep getting asked if being single in your 40's is a bad thing. Well, let's chat.
#asytv #brandonbishop #podcast #vanlife #cats #singleinmy40s
With the recent health news for Maric J Cat and some other personal family things, it's been a rough ending to 2022 and a BLAH start to 2023, YET... With only 25 years left to live, no time to be wasting time. I'll be chatting about my time with the cat, all the moving and shuffling i've done. New diets, new projects etc. ENJOY!
I never want to be angry and annoyed, who does? But my biggest irritant in life is dealing with other humans that just don't do what they say they're going to do... especially when it involves the most important aspects of your business life. So, since this podcast is my therapy, i'm calling you all out. Don't play the victim, just absorb it, self reflect and either do what you say you would do, or go away. Also we chat about the new Travel App, moving to Michigan, Family, The Holidays and so much more. #thebrandonbishoppodcast #asytv
On this episode we talk to some friends about the places we've been and the places we will be going... I'm constantly filming around the nation for ASY TV, always looking for new spots to explore. Listen to The Brandon BIshop Podcast every week-ish, wherever you catch your favorite podcasts.
When will society get better? Once everyone realizes that their struggle, their cause, their identity, their purpose is just 1 in 7.92 BILLION. On this episode of The Brandon Bishop Podcast I cover lots of little things that add up. Fatherhood, Self Importance, Stupid People, Pushing people away, New projects, existing Projects and so much more... Holy crap, this is episode 70? Man.. That's a lot of talking.
Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast wherever you catch your favorite podcasts.
On this episode Brandon puts himself out there for love and relationships...sort of... World war and population control are covered, as well as frustations with ASY TV progress, WAITING on others,listener mail, health stuff, cat stuff and more... Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast every week wherever you catch your favorite podcasts.
This is an episode that's a long time coming. Not because I just got the trendy virus, now that it's no longer trending... But because i've been surrounded with a severe LACK of those individuals that can't seem to honor their words or live up to their promises. So hopefully these words will light a fire to accomplish what needs to be accomplished, or thin out the herd. It's simple people, DO WHAT THE F YOU SAY YOU'RE GOING TO DO... Do not say YES when you actually mean "I DUNNO..."We also briefly cover The Vince McMahon retirement, The recent Vanlife adventure to Chicago and Detroit, a recent heartbreak, many future plans and lots more griping about having Covid and people draining and wasting my life by not living up to their own expectations... Lot's of bad words and poignant frustrations here, enjoy if you enjoy such things... Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast wherever you catch your favorite podcast shows...
#asytv #vanlife #chicago #amanacolonies #walnutiowa #Detroit #familytime #covid
Very few things raise my blood pressure these days... Lots of salt, too many tacos, bad drivers... but mostly stupid people. On this episode I discuss one of the dumbest people i've encountered in years. Yes, this is an angry podcast ranting one... Be ready... NSF anyone...
January 6th stuff, Book stuff, Travel stuff, van life stuff, other stuff. So much stuff.
On this episode we get back to our TUESDAY weekly schedule. Interview with MARTIN CASAUS, We Talk Youtube and more!
Watch LIVE on The ASY TV Youtube Page, BBPOD FB Page, and listen wherever you catch your favorite podcasts!
Just trying to help you fine people out a bit. Here's 20 things that make you just horrible. 20 simple, yet annoying and painfully ignorant things that people do, but should certainly NOT do. Of course this is just my opinions and who am I, but i'm pretty sure that most decent humans will agree with most of this list. Also listener mail and random other stuff. Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast where you catch your favorite podcasts. SUBSCRIBE!!!!
Back from another multi week, multi city filming tour. So much to talk about! From Colorado to Chicago to Providence to Gatlinburg, South Carolina to Jacksonville, to Gainesville to Tampa, through Texas and back home... Lets chat anout it. Also a fun and revealing interview with Laura D'Orsi.
Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast anywhere you catch your favorite podcasts. And check out THE ASY TV LIFE show on The ASY TV Youtube site for all of the behind the scenes fun and vanlife adventures. SUBSCRIBE! It Helps!
On this episode Brandon gets ready to head out on yet another nationwide adventure filming shows for ASY TV and taking you on the ride with the Youtube show The ASY TV LIFE. today we discuss family, slight depressions, last words, things that don't matter and so much more! - I'll be off for the next two weeks on the road, but stay tuned to The ASY TV Youtube page and subscribe to that for all the latest stuff. Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast anywhere you catch your favorite podcasts.
A little bit of a stern and direct episode. I want to build a team for ASY TV. I need for those attached to the network to pull heads from rears and step up. ASY TV is already such a special project. So many personalities and stories from all over the nation. So much talent, so many people places and things. With the 2.0 launch coming soon, our game is going to elevate in a huge way. If you call yourself a "Friend" Find ASY TV on ROKU, Amazon Firestick, Apple TV or at and SUBSCRIBE already. It's $5 a month. CLICK Subscribe on the ASY TV Youtube Page as well. It's free and takes 2 minutes. It's time everyone! Back to the fun stuff on next weeks episode. Listen to this podcast every week wherever you catch your favorite podcast shows.
On this episode i'm lucky to interview two amazing strong and awesome women.Alina and I met years ago through ASY TV Ukrainian content talks, now with everything happening in that beautiful nation I felt the need to speak with someone who actually knows what's going on, the news has an agenda, YOU and I know NOTHING, but she certainly does. I'm priveledged and honored to have had this conversation.
Also I get to talk to the host of ASY TV's A CALL TO ADVENTURE and my soon to be cohost of The "It's COMPLICATED Podcast" Chantal Dengah. Listen to The Brandon Bisho Podcast anywhere you find your favorite podcasts!
Also GET ASY TV on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Firestick or at ASYTV.comAnd SUBSCRIBE to The ASY TV YouTube Page and watch THE ASY TV LIFE for all of the behind the scenes fun stuf in running an independent streaming television network and more.
On this episode Brandon chats with one of his favorite Youtube personalities Jacob The Carpetbagger. We talk about the never ending road, road side attactions and spending life with tires to pavement, and in similar news he talks about his addictions to Vanlife and travel. Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast wherever you catch your favorite shows. And SUBSCRIBE to The ASY TV Youtube Page and watch THE ASY TV LIFE featuring all of the behind the scenes happenings with running a styreaming TV Network. Also please SUBSCRIBE to JACOB THE CARPETBAGGER on Youtube! This guy will take you all over the nation to some of the most awesome places you never knew existed.
On this episode of The Brandon Bishop Podcast I have a nice impromptu conversation with Actress CAITY LYNN from The awesome Goldfield Ghost Town Attraction, We talk about that stuff muffin Ukrainian President and the stupid war, I talk of my audio sensory issues, I do a really dumb quick 50 questions high school style quiz and much more. ENJOY!
The Brandon Bishop Podcast is available wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
The Brandon Bishop Podcast is BACK! On this episode Brandon chats by the fireplace with a hot coffee and covers his latest trip to Vegas, LA & Arizona. Also he answers mail and losts off his favorite 80's Movies. Plus The ASY TV LIFE Youtube show and more more more... Get Comfy and open those ears!
Listen to The Brandon Bishop odcast wherever you catch your favorite podcasts! Subscribe to get notified about new episodes. YEAH! Oh, and get ASY TV now on ROKU, Amazon Firestick, Apple TV or at AND Hit the subscribe button for The ASY TV Youtube page! DOOOO EEET!
On this episode I chat with Vinnie Vineyard (Wrestling With Ghosts, The Hike, WJHCam) and Brandon T Mayes (My publisher with LitGenius for our upcoming books)Updates of ASY TV and The SUPER ULTRA MEGA CON and all sorts of other random stuff. ENJOY! Listen to The BRANDON ISHOP PODCAST wherever you catch your favorie podcasts! YEAH!
On this episode Brandon chats with eddie Finocchiaro of ASY TV's NY HAM and HAM RADIO. Also he discusses his main influences, talk new movies WJHC am, Don't Look Up & Ghostbisters Afterlife. So much more! Listen tp The Brandon Bishop Podcast anywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts!
And subscribe to The ASY TV Youtube page... and Subcribe to ASY TV on roku, Amazon Firestick, Apple TV and at
On this episode Brandon Bishop is feeling festive on the eve of another cross nation filming trip for ASY TV, and it just happens to be XMAS Eve. He'll be talking about douche bag drivers, Mortality, Van Life, The ASY TV Life Youtube Show, ASY TV and what XMAS used to mean to him.
Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast WHEREVER you listen to your favorite podcasts! Not for the thin skinned or easily offended. Or maybe, just maybe you SHOULD listen.
On this episode Brandon Bishop talked about his dream roster if he were able to relaunched ASYLUM WRESTLING today with a viable budget. So much awesome talent out there that deserve a spot. Also, Brandon talks in depth about his recent THERAPUTIC trip to Florida to film shows with Ivelisse, Ryzin, Aeona Cruz and others.
On this episode of The Brandon Bishop Podcast, Brandon is in a VANtastic mood as the new ASY TV Company van is now a thing and the build out is underway. Also gripe with Brandon about things that make you an airport asshole. Also why Brandon himsewlf is an airport asshole. Also he breaks down the communication issues he's having with many working with ASY TV. Plus YOUR MAIL and so much more. Listen to The Brandon Bishop Podcast wherever you catch your favorite podcasts!
On this episode Brandon lists off all of the exciting happenings headed your way through ASY TV, CON Events, Books, Movies, TV Shows and travels and more. Plus a nice little heart to heart about how nothing really matters and how you should enjoy this life while you can... you know, uplifting stuff...
Wrestling's and soon to be ASY TV's CHELSEA GREEN stops by for a quick chat after a nice hour of Brandon spouting about weird collections, diet & exercise, listener mail, Anti Vaxxers, kids, repairing personal bridges, ASY TV and more...
On this episode titled "COOKIES, COFFEE and CUSTOMER SERVICE" Brandon Bishop lists off some of the stupid customer service comments and questions he gets from ASY TV. Talks about upcoming projects as well as recent ASY TV releases NOTHING TO LOSE - A Stephen Pearcy ROCKumentary, HEATH HOUSE Ep 2 and ONLY BUSINESS - Interviews at a Model Retreat. Also listener mail, a talk with ASY TV Developer Mike Moore and more.
On this episdoe Brandon goes off on random topics and happenings from the past couple months. Also a full length interview with one of Brandon's all time favoite singers from legendary Detroit band The Trash Brats, Brian McCarty. Listen to Brats tunes and NEW music from McCarty's "Dangle the Carrot, Rattle the Bones" album.and More!
On this episode Brandon Bishop talk Cancel Culture with Papa Bob (70's) and Charlotte Latulip (20's) for different perspectives. Also we talk about the recent filming trip in LA with Stephen Pearcy and interviews Wrestling's MIKE BENNETT about the upcoming "I LOVE THIS $@!T!" documentary. Plus News, Mail and more!
In this episode Brandon lets out a week's worth of venom. The cold blooded murder by Police in Minnesota, The Martyrdom of a criminal, The welcoming of further division in society, The Blissful Social Media Soap Box Agenda Laced Factless masses, The pointless stupidity of Protest, The Attachment to media driven issues our culture clings to for attention.... Also Covid 19 stuff (It's still trendy right?). Top Ten questions answers, Epstein Documentary Series on Netflix, ASY TV News, LIFE OF BRANDON Youtube channel News, Hopes & Dreams & Funko Pops and MORE...If you can't handle a few naughty words, If you're thin skinned and easily offended. Or if you live your life with you ears shut & mouth open... Please do not listen to this show. The numbers are good, we don't need you. Available at this link, or on Apple Music, Itunesm Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher, Podserve and everywhere popdcasts are aired.SUBSCRIBE and give it a nice happy rating if you dig it. THANKS!
On this episode Brandon makes up for missing a week with an abundance of venom laced diatribes aimed at a plethora of targets. He has a nice discussion with an old friend, answers Top 10 questions, hammers out the headline news. Honors those who deserve it and calls out those who also deserve it.
Not for the close minded easily offended thin skinned types. Also not for those afraid of naughty words or subject matter. Just move on by please.
Listen to this show here or wherever your favorite podcasts are aired.Also check out ASY TV at ASYTV.comThe LIFE OF BRANDON YouTube channel
And just be awesome respectful humans! Love Ya!
In this festive 35th episode of The Brandon Bishop Podcast. Brandon Interviews Author & Health Care Worker Ankit Shukla, TOP FIVE Awesome & Awful Happenings in 2020 thus far. He talks Elections, Media Fear, Conspiracy theories, Happy Animals, Scary Hornets, Answers Your Mail, UFO's, Tiger King, Cigars for Cats, 100 Year Old WWII vets raising millions, Worthless Masks, ASY TV, upcoming stuff and more stuff...
Not for listening at work without headphones, Not meant for the easily offended thin skinned types, or the closed minded. Please subscribe to the Podcast & give it 5 stars if you don't mind. If he deserves it. It helps us get sponsorships and badly needed love & attention.
Also get ASY TV NOW at ... Only $5! You've got Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Dismey Plus & all the rest. Now give ASY TV some badly needed love & attention.
And if you dig this podcast, check out LIFE OF BRANDON on Youtube. Copy & Paste the following link. TONS of fun original short form shows available!
On this discombobulated episode of The Brandon Bishop Podcast. Brandon is all over the place talking about being upset with his cat's behaivior last night, Talks UFO's and how no one cares, Talks with him mom on the line about everything and speaks on thriving businesses during THESE UNCERTAIN TIMES!!!... Also listen to a couple of fresh raps songs written and performed by BIshop proving that anyone can do it...
NSFW, Not for the ewasily offended or thin skinned. ENJOY!
On this episode Brandon talks all about his own predicament during these stupid times. Calls a couple business owning pals to see how it's going in their realms. Your mail is answered. Plugs everything he's attempting to do to stay afloat including (soon back on Roku and debuting on Apple TV and Amazon Fire), and his new BRANDON BISHOP YOUTUBE CHANNEL (Check it out). NSFW (Not that most of you are currenrly working.This is not meant for thinned skinned easily offended people whatsoever. The listening numbers are good enough, we don't need those types in our fun little clubhouse. This podcast is available at this link or on itunes, Apple Music, Spotify, tunein, Stitcher or wherever popular podcasts are found. ENJOY!
On this episdoe Brandon interview Vivian & Kyle who've both been dealing & recorving from Covid 19. We add fuel & debunk various Conspiracy Theories surrounding the pandemic. Also the typical segments including Product Placement, The Dungeon of Douche, Hall of Respect and more. Plus Brandon's concern over the new TROLLS Movie, Bernie's out and so are many of us and all of the usual outbursts, calling outs, passionate yelling, forced positivity and NSFW stuff you get with this podcast... ENJOY!
Find this podcast at this link or wherever podcasts are available!
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