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The Barbara Rainey Podcast

Author: Barbara Rainey

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Barbara Rainey mentors women in their most important relationships. She loves encouraging women to believe God and experience Him in every area of their lives.
56 Episodes
No marriage this side of glory is perfect. Dennis and Barbara Rainey are joined by Bob Lepine to help you avoid repeating mistakes and instead turn them into something that will strengthen your relationship.
Unanswered prayer…a difficult trial…life just plain different from what you would like? These can result in disappointment with God. Dennis and Barbara Rainey explain why it happens and what to do about it.
As followers of Christ, we're called to be His ambassadors. We represent Him. Barbara helps us remember our homes are embassies of the King.00:00 Believes home reflects heavenly kingdom, welcomes visitors.06:16 Embassies reflect their home countries inside out.08:18 Home is a refuge and the King's embassy.10:37 "Subscribe for Barbara’s ebook and exclusive content."Here are three key takeaways from our conversation:Live with Purpose: Remember that as followers of Christ, we're ambassadors for His kingdom in all aspects of our lives, from our homes to our workplaces.Create a Haven: Your home should be a refuge, a small piece of heaven on earth that reflects the values and presence of the King you serve.Intentional Living: Engage in purposeful family discussions and personal reflections on how to represent Christ's love and principles, making your home a true embassy of the King.1. Introduction by Barbara RaineyThe concept of remembering who you belong to.Mention of mundane tasks in our daily lives.2. Understanding Our Identity as AmbassadorsSamantha discusses the importance of living for the king.The tendency to get caught up in personal tasks and forget our higher calling.3. The Role of RepresentativesDifferent roles where people act as representatives (lawmakers, employees).The concept of Christians as ambassadors for Christ, based on 2 Corinthians Chapter 5.The ministry of reconciliation.4. Anonymous Testimony of 'Mandev'Introduction of a person from an Eastern European, atheistic country with a plaque outside their home stating "Embassy of the King of Heaven."This person's perspective of their home representing the Kingdom of Heaven.5. Life as an AmbassadorSamantha elaborates on the way this individual lives their life as an ambassador.Guests visiting him and discussing spiritual matters.His home as a place of refuge and representation of the king.6. Personal Reflections by Barbara and SamanthaPersonal inspiration from Mandev's story.Emphasis on the idea that all believers and their homes are ambassadors and embassies of the King.The concept of temporary residence on Earth and eternal home in Heaven.7. The Importance of Ambassadorship in Modern TimesThe relevance of the concept amid modern confusion about values and concepts.The comfort in remembering that Earth is not the believer’s eternal home.8. Embassy Row AnalogyDescription of different embassies on Embassy Row in Washington, DC.How embassies reflect the home country within foreign lands.Comparison of home embassies to spiritual ambassadorship.9. Practicing Spiritual Ambassadorship at HomeThe role of homes as places of refuge and representation of God's kingdom.The impact of seeing a sign or plaque "Embassy of the King of Heaven" as a reminder.10. Practical Steps and ResourcesIdeas to create a sign or plaque as a reminder.Details about the book "Your Home, His Embassy" by Barbara and Janelle Bridenstine.Discussion guide within the book for family use.How to use these discussions to teach children about ambassadorship.Book available in electronic form and through subscription.11. Subscription Benefits and ConclusionBenefits of subscribing to Barbara’s friends and family.Additional content available through subscription (Bible Studies, podcast seasons).Information about where to find these resources and the signs.Wrap-up and invitation to the next podcast episode.
Contrary to popular belief, the ultimate purpose of your marriage is not to make you happy. Dennis and Barbara Rainey are joined by Bob Lepine to talk about it.
Parents think a lot about what their children need. In this top ten list, Dennis and Barbara Rainey point out that kids have emotional and spiritual needs that parents should consider, too, as they hone their parenting skills.
When your grown child marries, it can be difficult to find the right balance between under- and over-involvement in the new couple's life. Dennis and Barbara Rainey offer helpful advice in this conversation with Bob Lepine.
If you don't approach growing older with intentionality, the losses you face in life can threaten to derail you. Dennis and Barbara Rainey help you navigate major losses like the unexpected loss of a loved one, and more.
How can we do a better job of representing the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection in our Easter celebrations? Barbara Rainey explores both "why" and "how" we can celebrate our Savior's Resurrection.
Most families don’t have traditions in place that help them prepare for Easter. Barbara Rainey hopes to change that. She and Dennis discuss one way to help children look for Bible clues that point to Jesus during the weeks leading up to Easter.
Popular depictions of romance often fall short of reality, especially once we're married. Dennis and Barbara Rainey are joined by Bob Lepine to talk about two important ingredients in order for romance in marriage to flourish.
Dennis and Barbara Rainey want to live out their sunset years with intentionality and purpose. And they want to help you do it, too. Barbara can look back and see how God has grown endurance in her. Can you?
Every marriage faces pressure. The question is how you handle it. Dennis and Barbara Rainey give thoughtful pointers on the Biblical idea of walking wisely and redeeming the time.
Gratitude is a heart habit we need to cultivate. Discover some of the ways Dennis and Barbara Rainey have nurtured thankfulness in their family as a part of their Thanksgiving traditions.
Women tell Barbara Rainey and Susan Yates that they experience a wide range of emotions when they move from having children in the home to the empty nest. Barbara and Susan describe those feelings and what to do with them, in a conversation with Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine.
When Dennis and Barbara Rainey still had children living at home with them, God arranged an amazing object lesson. Listen to the story of Sweet Pea the parakeet, and how Dennis and Barbara were able to encourage one of their teens.
Our Story

Our Story


What were some of the thoughts and emotions going through Barbara's mind in the days before she got engaged to Dennis Rainey? She explains in this interview with the Raineys' good friend, Dr. Michael Easley.
You're On a Mission

You're On a Mission


As a representative of the King of kings, you have an important assignment. Dennis and Barbara Rainey discuss that mission.
As followers of Christ, we're called to be His ambassadors. We represent Him. Barbara helps us remember our homes are embassies of the King.
Interrelational conflict. Financial difficulties. Culture wars. Political turmoil. We live in times of upheaval that can easily send us into a tailspin. Dennis and Barbara Rainey join Bob Lepine in the studio to point us to the One who is the stability of our times.
A gummy bear attack at the Sea of Galilee? A contest to find the three most important trees in the Bible? A historical piece of paper containing Barbara Rainey's favorite hymn in the composer's handwriting? It's all part of the Rainey family's recent "field trip" to Israel. Dennis and Barbara continue sharing highlights.