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The Batcave

Author: Batmobeal

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For the TRUTH that our lying media doesn't want you to know, tune into "The Batcave", a series of 30 minute political talk shows aimed at opening the eyes of America to what is actually taking place in our country!
20 Episodes
Today our guest, Patriot Pat will give us a first hand view of her visit to the Occupy Wall Street rally on Saturday, Oct. 22nd. and just how much of what the media has been telling us is the truth, and how much of it is media lies started by the usurper and his agenda to try and bring down capitalism and the American FREE way of life in the United States. Join us!
Tonight we are going to cover how we should prepare for the upcoming warbetween the U.S., Iran and Israel, and how they plan to take down the internet, so we won't know what's actually happening. This is all a cover-up for Operation Fast and Furious and how everyone from Hillary and Holder to the usurper himself were all involved. We'll also be talking about how Sarah Palin was bullied out of running for President. Did the same thugs, who have turned our Congress into treasonous cowards (where they all know the usurper is illegally in power, yet they say nothing to the American people), also bully the best candidate for President, into not running in 2012? Who's really behind the nationwide spreading Occupy Wall Street movement? Call in and share your thoughts!
He questioned the validity of Barack Obama's birth certificate, by refusing his orders to deploy to Afghanistan until a legal long form birth certificate was produced by the man in the Oval Office. Instead of getting the answer he (and the American people) was looking for, he was tried, court martialed and sentenced to prison for 6 months! Today we welcome Army Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Terry Lakin to "The Batcave" to tell us how he sacrificed his career in the military, his pension and his reputation, seeking the TRUTH, and instead found the lamestream media all but ignored his case, choosing instead to label him as just a "birther", rather than the true "Hero" he really is! Join us!   For updates on future episodes of  "The Batcave", please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
The 2010 Alaska Senate race was about as nasty as it could get in the political arena. Tea Party (and Sarah Palin endorsed) favorite, Joe Miller, looked to win the Republican Senate seat, when he defeated incumbent, Lisa Murkowski, in the Republican primaries. However, Murkowski, through a well funded, "union backed" campaign, orchestrated a write-in challenge in the general elections, which resulted in a highly "questionable" Murkowski victory. Today, Joe Miller enters "The Batcave" to talk about his services as a Gulf War veteran, his career as an attorney and to give us his take on the 2010 elections, and how we can avoid similar shenanigans from taking place in 2012! Join us!   Remember to follow Joe Miller on Twitter!   For updates on future episodes of  "The Batcave", please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
She fought off Senator Lindsey Graham's Anti-American assault on the First Amendment by releasing a Youtube video of herself quoting some of the many evil passages (which were bookmarked with bacon strips) of the Koran. Now, true American Patriot,  Ann Barnhardt enters "The Batcave" to tell us how she really feels! Please join us!   This particular episode of "The Batcave" is an eye opener of things to come soon to America. Please share the link to this show with your friends who still don't get what's happening to our country, so that they may be enlightened to the truth, before it's too late. Thank you!   For updates on future episodes of  "The Batcave", please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
The 2010 U.S. Senate race in Nevada between Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid and Assemblywoman, Sharron Angle was one of the most heated political elections in recent U.S. history. With "dirty politics" charges against the left, ranging from the usual "smear tactics", to possible "voting maching tampering" and more, this election was anything but "politics as usual".   Tonight, Sharron Angle will join us in "The Batcave" to discuss those elections, her political future, and her new book, "Right Angle: One Woman's Journey To Reclaim The Constitution". Please join us.   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
In 2008, Larry Sinclair went public with claims of drug use and gay sex with then "Illinois State Senator" Barack Obama. Shortly thereafter, a smear campaign was initiated against Mr. Sinclair by the Obama faithful which has continued to this day. Prior to the release of his 2009 book, "Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?", there was an organized group of individuals who began publishing fake reviews of the book, without it even being released.Tonight in "The Batcave", Mr. Sinclair will talk about his relationship with Senator Obama, and his struggles to bring out the truth about Chicago choir director, Donald Young, who also supposedly had a sexual liason with Mr. Obama, and was later found "mysteriously" murdered!   While we at "The Batcave" wouldn't normally cover topics of "Sex and Drug Scandals", we feel tonight's subject matter is of national importance,  and should be brought to the attention of the American people now, since the "mainstream" media failed to do its job by not bringing it to us in 2008. Please share the link to this show with your friends, who still don't get how the media lies to protect those at the top. Thank you!   Please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
Our guest today will be Frank Aquila, founder and president of the South San Joaquin Republicans, and author of the new book, "Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere", which describes Mr. Aquila's influence on Governor Palin being selected as Senator McCain’s Vice- Presidential nominee for the 2008 Presidential elections!   Be sure to also catch our Batcave interview with Stephen Bannon, Writer/Director/Producer of the new Sarah Palin documentary, "The Undefeated"!   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
Today's guest will be country singer/songwriter and Tea Party Patriot, Anne Marie Harpen, who will be speaking to us about her musical career, and the various Tea Party appearances she has made throughout the country.   Anne Marie will be appearing at The 2011 Constitution Day Jubilee at Patriot Park, in Fredericksburg, Virginia on Sept. 17th. Click the above link for information on how to get tickets!   Her new CD, "Walk The Streets In Anger" is available at and also available for download everywhere music is found online.   For updates on future episodes of  "The Batcave", please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
"The Batcave" LIVE call in show from  July 30th, 2011!     For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
Today's guest will be singer/songwriter and Tea Party activist Sherry Marquelle, who will be speaking to us about her musical career, her proud Native American heritage, and how her message has been resonating with American patriots throughout the various Tea Party gatherings she has attended.   Sherry's new CD, "Whispers of Hope", is available for download at   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
Today on "The Batcave" we're proud to have with us, Director, Writer and Producer of the new Sarah Palin documentary, "The Undefeated", Stephen K. Bannon. Mr. Bannon will be talking with us about what influenced him to make the film, as well as his views on Mrs. Palin, and the liberal media's attempts at distorting the facts about the former Alaska Governor.   Be sure and also catch our Batcave interview with Frank Aquila, author of the new Sarah Palin book "Sarah Palin Out Of Nowhere"!   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
Join us LIVE for 30 minute coverage of the July 4th Muslim Sharia Law rally protest, with guests, Tres Berden and Patriot Pat, as they fill us in on what's taking place in D.C. How many Muslims show up, and how many Patriots are there to defend our country, and our Constitution! The rest of today's episode can be found on Cubanarama's archive, here: Happy Independence Day, everybody, and God Bless America!   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
On tonight's episode: Patriot Pat talks to us about Christian Churches, and whether they're being used by the left to pass along the "Commie Liberal" agenda of "Social Justice" and "Collective Salvation" onto its followers.   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
On tonight's episode: Jo Zie, a licensed psychotherapist from Texas, will be discussing with us  various personality disorders, such as Anti-Social Behavior, Attachment Disorder, and Narcissism, which is being displayed within our society today, how it ties into the whole decline of civilization, and can lead to terrorist behavior, and other political abnormalities.   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
A fast moving, 30 minute political talk show aimed at waking up America to the destruction being done to us from within, as well as from overseas. On tonight's episode: Ernesto "Freedom Torch" Napoles, a Cuban born American citizen, now living in Florida, talks about life under Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba, and why we Americans should be guarding our freedom before we lose it all!   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
A fast moving, 30 minute political talk show aimed at waking up America to the destruction being done to us from within, as well as from overseas. On tonight's episode: Bridgette, a Conservative actress and writer from southern California, who will be sharing with us her views about the entertainment industry, and how she feels they have been using their influence to drive home the dangerous, liberal agenda.   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
A fast moving, 30 minute political talk show aimed at waking up America to the destruction being done to us from within, as well as from overseas. On tonight's episode: School indoctrination, and how America's kids are being brainwashed by the liberal left. Special guest: Meghan, a, young, Conservative American from California, who will be entering Southern Methodist University this fall.   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
A fast moving, 30 minute political talk show aimed at waking up America to the destruction being done to us from within, as well as from overseas. On tonight's episode: The black community, and how to shift their vote from liberal to conservative. Special guest: Conservative, African- American Tea Party Patriot, Tres Berden.   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!
A fast moving, 30 minute political talk show aimed at waking up America to the destruction being done to us from within, as well as from overseas. On tonight's premier episode: Shariah Law! How it's being forced into our culture, their goals of murdering everyone who is NOT Muslim, and why it can not blend with American laws, nor should it be allowed to!   For updates on future shows, please join the Facebook page, "The Batcave", and click the "Like" button!