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Bauer Our Radio

Bauer Our Radio

Author: Mitch Bauer

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Hello, I’m Mitch Bauer, the host of this talk show. I have always been an open-minded, people person and have always been fascinated by our different stories. We are all unique, yet similar at the same time. This podcast interviews "normal" (whatever that means), every day joe's from all over the world (mostly Minnesota) with fascinating stories & experiences to share. Then, some episodes, we hang out with family & friends and we talk about random things. We dive deep into different stories then always wonder… Was the juice worth the squeeze? New episodes posted randomly
62 Episodes
Mike Brasch- MAKE TIME

Mike Brasch- MAKE TIME


00:00-16:00- AQHWTB- Did Aimee really do that?  16:01-END- “If it’s easy, it’s not worth it.” Mike Brasch is my former strength and conditioning coach at MNSU and now is running his own private strength coaching services called "Optimized You". Mike has trained a bunch of professional & college athletes over the years and let me tell ya, his journey is an interesting one... From working with the Colorado rockies, to NIU, to Mash performance, to a desk job, then to starting his own company.. Mike has been all over the map and has stories from all of his different experiences. He is incredibly passionate & knowledgeable when it comes to strength and conditioning but had no idea how to start a company and all the nuances that come along with it, so Mike got to learning. From working for free, to charging $20 for work out programs, to learning he could actually charge quite a bit more.. Thank you Mike for coming on and sharing your story!   Music- Michael Lane  Sponsor- Winter Bookings Summer Bookings
(00:00-18:27)- AQHWTB- Don't hang up on your wife This week on "A quarter hour with the Bauer's" Mitch and Aimee go back and fourth about a few different things that transpired this week, one being a sleep regression by our two year old, another being Mitch hanging up on Aimee because of something very small. Then we talk about Jamie Lee Curtis, her weird picture, and wonder what the heck is up with Hollywood? Thanks for watching! Enjoy! (18:28-END)- Real Estate Talk with West Edge investments co-owner- Jamie Bolinger West Edge investments is a real estate investment company that was started by Jamie and Jacob Bolinger right here in Minnetonka, MN in 2015. Since 2015 West Edge has grown their portfolio to an impressive $11 million in holdings and just over 50 total units spread out between 15-17 different properties. Jamie and Jacob specialize in house hacking and/or the BRRR method but have also dipped their toes into other facets of real estate such as short term rentals (airbnb/VRBO). Over the past 3 years, I have also invested quite a bit of resources into real estate (listen to beginning ad for more info), so it was a lot of fun for me to be able to pick the brain of an expert in that field. If you have ever been interested in getting into the real estate game, this is a great episode to listen to. Jamie has a ton of knowledge and expertise to spill and is more than willing to help anyone who would like to get started! Thanks for listening,  Love you all Music- Michael Lane Sponsor- Winter Bookings Summer Bookings
00:00-18:40- AQHWTB 3- Million dollar ideas 18:41-End- Ryan Sobaszkiewicz The Kardashians? What the heck Mitch? Don't worry friends, this episode is not completely based on talking about the ultra elite, Kardashian family, but yes we discuss the family in a rather comical way. Aside from having the hardest last name to pronounce and spell, Ryan Sobaszkiewicz, is a veteran of the national guard, a husband, a father of two and a police officer. I've always had a ton of respect for law enforcement officers as well as veterans and for a long time I have wanted to have a law enforcement officer on this podcast. Well, here we are! Ryan is a person who genuinely wants to help people, it's why he got into this profession and that's exactly why someone should get into being an officer. Unfortunately, over the past couple years, people have painted the picture that police officers are the bad guys, when in reality, we need police. We need people like Ryan who want to help out and protect our communities from the real bad guys. Ryan and I start out talking about his time he spent serving our country in Dijibouti, Africa then transition to talk about his profession of being a police officer. The show really takes a turn when we start talking about Ryan and how he grew up and why he is who he is. Ryan and I bonded over being both being parents of two as well as husbands of one. Ryan has a great sense of humor and we talk about everything under the sun in this episode. The Kardashians, parenting, Elon Musk, you name it, we discuss it. I had a great time sitting down and getting to know Ryan more and I hope you all find a great deal of value, listening to this episode. I support the police and I think anyone who doesn't should listen to a guy like Ryan who is out there putting his life on the line to stop the bad guys. Enjoy! Love you all!    Music- Michael Lane Sponsor- Winter Bookings Summer Bookings
(00:00-16:10) A quarter hour with the Bauers is back again this week and we chat about "icks". Enjoy!  (16:11-END) For our guest this week we have our friend Dakotah Lindwurm who is a professional marathon runner sponsored by Puma.. TBH I didn't know professional marathon running was a thing until my friend Montana Pophen told me he was dating a professional marathon runner, so I said you two should come on the podcast and tell me all about it, and here we are! Really enjoyed meeting and conversing with Dakotah, and it was fun to have Montana there to give his perspective as a sideliner for a professional athlete. Dakotah was a 2x All American runner as well as 2x grandmas marathon champion and is currently training for the 2024 olympics. So many interesting things go into the world of running that I never would have known if it weren't for sitting down with Dakotah. Hope you all enjoy! Love you all!  Sponsor- Winter bookings Summer bookings  Music- Michael Lane
(00:00-19:00)  We start this episode off with a new segment called "A Quarter Hour W/ The Bauers" featuring Mitch and Aimee Bauer. This is 15 minutes of good 'ole chit chattin', and we start this segment off talking about New Years Resolutions. You can also view this on Youtube (Click here).  (19:05-END)  WARNING: This episode contains fowl language.  Our friend Max Johnson and his brother Yonny come on The Bauer Our to promote Max's first album "Floodhound" which he originally was going to call the up and the down (stated in the episode) . Max is a very talented musician, and you can check out his music on Apple Music and/or Spotify. Yonny is one of my best buds and Max's older brother and joined acting as Max's PR manager... making sure Max didn't say anything that would put his career at risk... let's just say, Yonny didn't do a great job of that... Max is hilarious and I think I was laughing just about the entire episode.  Hope you all enjoy! Love you all  Music- Michael Lane  Sponsor- Winter Bookings Summer Bookings
Welcome back party people! This week we welcome special guest Andrew Inserra whom is a fellow podcaster as well as a former college football player at The University of St Thomas in Saint Paul, MN. Andrew is now a creator, builder, producer, marketer, fundraiser, you name it, Andrew wears the hat. Andrew has recorded over 300 episodes of his own comedy podcast (The Backpocket Podcast) alongside his co host Declan Brown. He helped kick start Straight Candid podcast which is a top podcast on Spotify. Co-founded Kings and Kweens- The Date Night Podcast, and produced the ETS podcast with Adam Thielan... All of this is outside his 9-5. Andrew is an entrepreneur, and a funny man who loves building communities and helping people. This holiday season Andrew and his Backpocket team are running a holiday fundraiser for M health fairview Masonic children's hospital for pediatric mental health where they are working to raise $50,000. Whether you can give $1, $5, $20, or $100, whatever it is, everything helps. Let's help Andrew and the Backpocket community reach their goal (link to donate here). Andrew is going to find success at whatever he does, he approaches everything with a fun, positive attitude and good energy. Had a lot of fun meeting, and chopping it up with our friend Andrew Inserra. Hope you enjoy, love you all. Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
Taylor Dahl- F U CANCER

Taylor Dahl- F U CANCER


Most of us know someone who has been through it, if we haven't been through it ourself, but we can all agree, cancer sucks. It not only has major effects on the person who is going through it, but also the family and friends of that person. For the person going through it, it is likely the hardest thing they will endure in their life, mentally and physically, and for the family and friends, it's tough to watch your loved one go through the hardest time of their life and feel like there is nothing you can do to help. Taylor Dahl is a warrior, a fighter, and a survivor, and for the last 6 years, she has battled leukemia. Our friend Taylor, alongside her sister and my wife, Aimee Bauer, come on The Bauer Our to tell her story and gives us a little insight as to what it's like to go through something like this. Enjoy! Love you all  Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
Miss Minnesota? How the heck does that come about? Our friend Shelby Buckingham comes on the bauer our to talk about her experience winning the 2022 Miss Minnesota for America Strong.. Now, you may be thinking.. Mitch what the heck is Miss Minnesota for America Strong? Honestly, I had no clue what it was until I met Shelby. Shelby unpacks everything you need to know about what it's like winning Miss Minnesota, then what's it's like running for Miss America... Why/how does someone get into pageantry? How much training does it take? Do you make any money? What is the competition like? Are the other girls nice and supportive or is it competitive and nasty? Shelby also has also experienced a few bad/toxic relationships and opens up to us about her experience with abuse... physical, verbal, or emotional... you name it, Shelby has been through it. Shelby now seeks to help women who have experienced similar situations. Hope you all enjoy!  Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
Our friend Tim- GOD IS REAL

Our friend Tim- GOD IS REAL


This will be the last Sunday episode for the foreseeable future. We are moving releases of "The Bauer Our" to Tuesday nights at 8 PM with hopes, people will tune in on Wednesday mornings to "dominate the hump". With that being said, we are ending our Sunday episode series with a dart. Could not have been a more fitting episode heading into the holiday season. While this season is a time to celebrate, it's also a time to reflect, give, and remember. Reflect on the blessings and hardships this past year has brought us, as well as reflecting on what is truly important to us. Give gifts to our family and friends as well as those in need. And remember our loved ones who have passed on. Tim has a heart of gold, and an amazing story to tell. If you can feel a sliver of what I felt while Tim told me this story, I think our world will be in a better place. Thanks again for listening. Love you all.  Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
How many people have heard the saying sports are 80% mental and 20% physical? I think Michael Jordan said that... and if you haven't it's likely because you haven't participated in competitive sport. Being physically capable of doing something is one thing, but being able to handle big pressure situations is a whole different ball game. Our friend Harvey Martin is a human performance coach whom works with professional athletes on how to handle big pressure situations. Harvey is a man that wears many hats... business owner, human performance coach, public speaker, breath expert, hot/cold therapist, human behavior enthusiast and now author. Breathe, focus and Excel by Harvey Martin comes out February 2023. This book will mainly focus on breathing, and the benefits of breathing correctly, specifically for athletes. I know... sounds odd, because most of us don't even think about breathing and how to breathe, we just do it, but that's the issue... We need to learn to breathe better and more efficiently and that is exactly what Harvey teaches. Harvey has trained professional athletes on breath work and the mental side of sports for many years now and continues to do this while he finishes his book. Harvey currently works with the SF Giants big league team and trains their players on all things breathing and holistic style physiology. Harvey thrives learning about new wholistic practices, human behavior, as well as diving into the depths of Psychology. Harvey is the type of guy where when he's in the room, he's the person you want to listen to. He is incredibly intelligent and passionate about his trades and through this he has found a ton of success. Strap yourself in and get ready to learn and laugh with our friend Harvey Martin. Enjoy! Love you all Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
For many athletes, figuring out what to do post athletics can be very challenging. We often are so instilled in our athletics, we forget there is an entire world outside of athletics. Wojo had one of thee—if not, thee best season of all time in college baseball history. 99 hits, 101 RBIs, 33 bombs... all in just 226 at bats... MY GOODNESS. After the season, Woj was drafted by the Phillies in the 16th round. Battling injuries and different things throughout his career, he decided to hang up the cleats and find a new passion. So what is he up to now? Wojo is now starting his own nutrition coaching/fitness company. Woj has had his own internal beasts he has had to battle over the years but they have all led him to where he is today. Lots of good nuggets in here and if you are looking for a fitness/nutrition coach, Wojo is your guy! Enjoy! Love you all Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
So many different emotions are felt throughout the conversation and such great stories told throughout. Al and I have been close friends since we were in elementary school... we met playing hockey, but grew up playing a variety of different back yard sports together. With sports being a focal point in our relationship we naturally, started out this episode touching on all things, Minnesota sports. Al has always been a natural leader in sports and now translates that leadership to his everyday life, starting his home services company- ACM home services.. His trade and degree is HVAC, but also thrives in projects outside of that.. Growing up, Al succeeded in classes that allowed him to be creative, such as, Art and/or Tech Ed, so I can only imagine he will find success in this field. Any help you need around the house, Al is your one stop shop, handyman. Tune in to hear us talk about what brought Al to where he is today and the different trials and tribulations he faced throughout his journey in life. Enjoy! Love you all Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
97 MPH from the left side? Anyone who knows baseball knows that is a lethal combination. 13th round draft pick-Brody Rodning comes on The Bauer Our to talk all things baseball. Brody is a small town kid with big dreams. He's a freak athlete from Gaylord, MN that currently plays with the Toronto Blue Jays. Bearing a set back this past year, he is looking to come back stronger than ever for the 2022-2023 season. How did Brody get to this point? What kind of work has he put in this off-season to ensure his dreams become a reality? Brody is an amazing dude with a big heart and I think I speak for anyone who knows him, we're all cheering for him to make it to the show. Tune in to hear Brody's story and be on the lookout for him this next season! Enjoy! Love you all Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
Have you ever wondered what it's like to give birth to a human? What the day looks like? What happens at the hospital? Whether you have been through it or not, we've got a great story for you. The Bauer Our starts off season 2 with the story of our second born child, Lula. We had quite the eventful day... Let's just say...Aimee is a trooper.. We also expand on what it's like being parents of two kids, why does Aimee have such great pregnancies? What has worked for parenting... what are we learning? All around fun conversation and I hope you all enjoy! Love you all  Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings Music- Michael Lane
Welcome back to "A Quarter Hour with the Bauer's". This is a fun series where my wife and I talk about random stuff for 15-30 mins then go on our merry way. This week we are dropping some sweet merchandise! 25% of proceeds will go to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for Aimee's sister who battled Leukemia. Head on over to to score some sweet stuff. Thanks for listening. Enjoy! Love you too
Welcome back! This week on your favorite podcast we have singer/song writer Micheal Lane. 3 hours?!? What the funk?!? Funk is right! We made it extra long as we’re calling it the “season finale”. Michael opens up the show with a solo act called “17”. From there—we talk a little, Mike plays a song, we talk a little more (about speaking to cats 😉), Mike plays a third song and we close it out shortly after that. If you make it to the end of this one, you are awesome. Really fun time hanging, talking and jamming with Michaelanegelo 🤙 Get out to his show at La Doña Cervecería in Minneapolis, May 31s @ 7 pm! Enjoy! Love you all Bigwater cabins- Summer bookings Winter bookings
Welcome back! This week our friend Jake Wieneke comes on The Bauer Our to talk about life as a football player, a husband, a father, and much more. The 4x All-American at SDSU, and current CFL all star has learned and grown so much throughout his football career and he’s here to speak on some of the experiences he has had. Other than being an All American football player… he’s also an All American man, and is an incredible role model and I think I speak for everyone when I say, we’re rooting for him to play on Sundays. Thanks for listening and we hope you all enjoy!
Welcome back! This episode of The Bauer Our is another solo Mitch episode… we kick it off with an intro with Mitch and Aimee (my wife). Then we hop into the interview with Will. Will Marzolf is an incredibly smart man, and he sits down and talks with us about the company he started called “Grafico Analytics” which is a software company specializing in reinsurance. He talks with us about why he quit his job, how he came up with this idea, and much much more! Hope you all enjoy!
Welcome back to episode 8 of The Bauer Our. (2:53) Nick and I debunk the Will Smith slap. (17:50) Nick, Joe and I sit down together and talk about navigating the crazy world of the entertainment industry… We discuss tough relationships, fraud in the industry, being thrown into sketchy situations and making it to where he is now! Joe has a lot to unpack, so grab that warm “Cup of Joe” (hehe), sit back, and enjoy!
Welcome back everybody! This week I recap our spontaneous bachelor party to Vegas… then we have our friend Amy Menke! Amy played D1 hockey at UND and discusses why and how the program was cut. She then went on to play professional hockey in China and Russia and boy does she have some nuggets to drop about this experience… winning championships, censorship, communism, black markets, sexualizing women in sports, and her overall experience over seas. Sit back, relax and enjoy! Thanks again for listening!
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