The Beechy & Blackers Podcast

A monthly podcast from Nathan Blackaby and Carl Beech

#11 Remembrance Day 2023 - The Story of Captain Noel Chavasse

In this month’s episode Carl and Nathan tell the powerful story of sacrifice of Captain Noel Godfrey Chavasse, one of only three people to ever be awarded the Victoria Cross twice. For more about the CVM roadtrip to find the headstone of Captain Chavasse you can watch the video on our YouTube channel here: YouTube


#10 Men, the Mafia and the Church

In this podcast, the guys chat about the Mafia and why men gravitate to various things to belong, and how the church can keep men fired up and passionate about their faith.


#09 Exposing the truth about prosperity preachers

In this month’s podcast, the guys talk about TikTok, worms, and focus on exposing some truth about prosperity preachers and why it should bother us.


#08 Losing teeth and the hardest parts of the bible

In this month’s podcast Beechy and Blackers chat about the realities of getting old, losing teeth, and two of the hardest parts of the Bible they like to read.  


#07 Special Interview with Dan Maudhub (Part 2)

In this month’s podcast, we catch the second part of the epic interview with Dan Maudhub. Social media and networking expert Dan discusses with Beechy and Blackers the supernatural, stuff that impacts men today and other things.


#06 Special Interview with Dan Maudhub (Part 1)

In this month’s podcast, we join Beechy & Blackers with a special guest, Dan Maudhub. Social media and networking expert Dan explores with the guys the rise of AI, the future and how Christian men can face this time the right way.


#5 What would happen if Christians really loved each other?

This month the guys talk about life, keeping fit, social media and imagine a world where Christians really did love each other.


#04 How to face your own mortality

How do you prepare to face death? To know your own mortality and to not shrink back from it? Beechy and Blackers talk about facing death, non-verbal body language and some important advice on buying a Skoda.


#03 Becoming better leaders - whispering to kangeroos

In this month's podcast, Beechy & Blackers talk about leadership, kangeroos, alpha dogs and keeping our hearts in the sweet spot.


#02 Space - Is there anyone out there?

This month, Beechy and Blackers talk about space, and the human pursuit to discover the secrets the universe holds. 


#01 Masculinity - toxic or not?

This month with Beechy & Blackers we start to explore the issues around masculinity, contemporary culture and communicating something else to men. 


Ep074: Happy Christmas

In this month’s Codelife Podcast, the guys chat about a goodie bag of ideas including: looking after dogs, social media and our connection and dependence on it, and are we actually living in matrix eggs plugged into a simulation called life? Oh, and Happy Christmas!


Ep073: Seize the day, boys

In this month’s Codelife Podcast, Beechy and Blackers talk about Dana White, our own mortality and the need to not waste the moments we get.


Ep071: The missing men and how to reach them with the gospel

In this month's podcast, Beechy and Blackers explore the culture of men that are missing the gospel, and how with CVM you can help us reach them.


Ep070: Interview with pro wrestler, Gareth Thompson

In this episode, Nathan and Carl are on the road, chatting to pro wrestler from Bradford, Gareth Thompson.


Ep069: Interview with Dave Jeal, Military Chaplain

In this month’s podcast, Beechy and Blackers catch up with Dave Jeal, ex-football hooligan and now military Chaplain based in Edinburgh.


Codelife Special Edition Part 2

In this podcast, part 2 of 2, Beech and Blackers talk to Glenn Miles and Timothy Lau about the recent UK National Survey on Sexual Behaviour of Christian Men supported by CVM.


Codelife Special Edition Part 1

In this podcast, part 1 of 2, Beechy and Blackers talk to Glenn Miles and Timothy Lau about the recent UK National Survey on Sexual Behaviour of Christian Men supported by CVM.


Ep068: Watching your step on social media

In this episode, Beechy and Blackers talk honestly about keeping a close eye on how we surf the toxic waves on social media and ensure we comment and post with integrity.


Big M

Two blokes chatting about "stuff", most of which I'll forget, but also a couple of great points which hit home. Loved it! 😀

02-17 Reply

Steven Sutton

Love the quote Gold, Glory and Girls, so true. Amen

06-27 Reply

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