The Bible Matters Podcast

Encouraging faithful Bible teaching and ministry.

William Taylor – 1 Thessalonians, Bold Speech and the Work of Authentic Gospel Ministry

In today’s episode, we sat down with William Taylor, Rector of St Helen’s Bishopsgate in London, to discuss his recent work on 1 Thessalonians. We spoke to him in particular about 1 Thessalonians 2 and the marks of an authentic Gospel ministry, as well as the decline in Gospel work in mainline denominations.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.    The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.       To contact us, email     


Update on The Bible Matters Podcast

Season 2 is coming out next week! We're really excited to share it with you.  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email  


Joelle Kenny - Teaching the Bible in Rural Cambodia

Joelle Kenny lives in Ratanakiri province in the Northeast of Cambodia where she teaches the Bible in a number of different ministries. She is the author of This Life I now Live, an account of her work in Cambodia. In this episode we sat down with Joelle to ask her about her Bible teaching work among the communities in which God has placed her.  Check out Joelle’s book:   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email    


Dick Lucas - Style, The Lord's Prayer, and Reflections on Preaching

In today’s episode we spoke once again with Dick Lucas, former rector of St Helen’s Bishopsgate in London. Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, Dick Lucas became known across the world for his distinctive style of expository preaching, a style which was renowned for faithfulness to the Biblical text, and a high quality of public speaking.   Today, Tiff and Leo sat down with Dick to ask him about how he came to develop his style, what his practice of studying the Bible looked like, as well who influenced him in his work. You can find a catalogue of Dick’s teaching on the St Helen’s Bishopsgate resource library:  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email    


Dick Lucas – Preaching, Training Other Bible Teachers, and 70 Years of Ministry

Dick Lucas was the rector of St Helen’s Bishopsgate for 34 years from 1961 to 1995 in which the church grew from a handful of people to one of the largest churches in the church of England.  Amongst the many initiatives Dick pioneered was a midweek ministry to the workers in the City of London which saw hundreds of attendees every single week and continues even today in Bible talks across the capital. In 1986 Dick started the Proclamation Trust which trains and encourages ministers in expositional Bible Teaching; the style of preaching which Dick himself became internationally renowned for. Now age 98, Dick still regularly records content of his own Bible study and teachings.   In this episode Tiff and Leo spoke to Dick about the story of how his ministry began, how it grew, and the principles he learnt along the way. You can find a catalogue of Dick’s teaching on the St Helen’s Bishopsgate resource library:   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email    


Introducing The Bible Matters Podcast

All Christians are Bible Teachers.  The Bible Matters podcast is a conversation with Bible teachers.  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email        


Gwilym Davies - Hebrews 12, Running the Race, and Applying the Bible Well

In this episode we spoke to Gwilym Davies once again about his talk series in the book of Hebrews. In particular, we talked about Hebrews 12 with reference to a recent sermon Gwilym had preached on it, as well as Gwilym's book titled 'Application' concerning how to apply the Bible well.  You can listen to the full series Gwilym preached here.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email    


Hebrews 12:1-29 - Gwilym Davies

In this episode we feature a talk by Gwilym Davies on Hebrews 12:1-29. It was the final talk Gwilym preached in this series on Hebrews and focussed on the exhortation for the reader to finish running the race. On Friday we'll be chatting to Gwilym more about this and about how to accurately apply the Bible.  You can listen to the full series Gwilym preached here.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email    


Gwilym Davies - Hebrews 2, Falling Away, and Why Hebrews Shouldn't be Called Hebrews

In this episode we sit down with Gwilym Davies. Gwilym is a tutor on the Cornhill Training Course in London and recently preached a series on the book of Hebrews. We spoke to Gwilym about his study of the whole book, and in particular about a talk he gave on Hebrews 2-3 which you can listen to on our channel. In addition we spoke to Gwilym about falling away from the faith and how the book of Hebrews acts as a remedy to Christians tempted to give up.  You can listen to the full series Gwilym preached here.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.    The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.       To contact us, email   


Hebrews 2:5-3:6 - Gwilym Davies

In today's episode we feature a talk by Gwilym Davies on Hebrews 2:5-3:6. It's a talk which concerns Jesus' descent to the world in order to be made like his brothers so that he could make them like him. We will be discussing this talk with Gwilym, along with wider themes in the book of Hebrews, on Friday's episode.  You can listen to the full series Gwilym preached here.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email    


Peter Muturi - Training Bible Teachers in Kenya and Battling against the Prosperity Gospel

In this episode we spoke to Peter Muturi who works with iServe Africa to train apprentices to handle the Bible well and teach the word of God effectively. We spoke to Peter about contending for the Gospel in a country where the false teaching of the prosperity Gospel is rampant, as well as his testimony in coming to believe in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You can learn more about the work of iServe Africa here.  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.    The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.       To contact us, email     


David Helm - Matthew 21, The Charles Simeon Trust, and Being Workers in the Vineyard

In this episode we continued our conversation with David Helm, senior pastor of Christ Church Chicago and founder of the Charles Simeon Trust. David recently preached a series on Matthew’s Gospel at his church, and we sat down with him to talk to him more about his work on Matthew 21, as well as the story of how he started the Charles Simeon Trust and trains people to preach expositionally.  You can listen to the whole of David’s series on Matthew here.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.    The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.       To contact us, email     


Matthew 21:33-46 - David Helm

In this episode we feature a talk by David Helm on Matthew 21:33-46 which is Matthew's account of Jesus' parable of the tenants in the vineyard. The talk the work of the Lord and the Lord's judgement on faithless tenants. On Friday's episode, we will discuss this passage with David, as well as his work with the Simeon Trust, and the work the Lord has given us to do.  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email      


David Helm - Matthew 17, Expositional Preaching and Why We Don't Listen to Jesus

In this episode we spoke to David Helm, senior pastor of Christ Church Chicago and author of a number of books including Expositional Preaching. David recently preached a series on Matthew’s Gospel at his church, and we sat down with him to talk to him more about a sermon he preached in Matthew 17:1-13, as well as more generally about expositional preaching.   You can listen to the whole of David’s series on Matthew here.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.    The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.       To contact us, email     


Matthew 17:1-13 - David Helm

In this episode we feature a talk by David Helm on Matthew 17:1-13 which Matthew's account of the transfiguration of Jesus. The talk concerned the essential need for all people to listen to Jesus. On Friday's episode, we will discuss this passage with David, as well as Matthew's Gospel in general and how to teach Gospel narrative.  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email   


Amy Wicks - 2 Thessalonians 3, Good Bible Studies, and What they Don't Teach You at Bible College

In today's episode, we continued our conversation with Amy Wicks, Bible teacher and Women's minister at St Silas church in Glasgow. We spoke to Amy about a recent series she taught at a conference for women in ministry on 2 Thessalonians. In this episode, we focused particularly on 2 Thessalonians 3 and what it has to say about the nature of Gospel work.  You can listen to all of Amy's 2 Thessalonians talks on the Proclamation Trust website.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.     The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.        To contact us, email    


2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 - Amy Wicks

In this episode we feature a talk by Amy Wicks on 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 which she delivered to a conference for women in ministry. The passage concerns the Gospel work all Christians are called to get involved in, and the danger of disorder (Amy's understanding of the word 'idleness') within a church setting. We will speak to Amy more about this talk and other things concerning 2 Thessalonians and her ministry on Friday's episode.  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email    


Amy Wicks - 2 Thessalonians 2, Jesus' Return and Famously Difficult Passages

In today's episode, we sat down with Amy Wicks, Bible teacher and Women's minister at St Silas church in Glasgow. We spoke to Amy about a recent series she taught at a conference for women in ministry on 2 Thessalonians. In this episode, we focused particularly on 2 Thessalonians 2, a famously tricky passage in the New Testament. In addition we talked about the end of the world and how considering Jesus' return can change Christians' lives now.  You can listen to all of Amy's 2 Thessalonians talks on the Proclamation Trust website.   The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.    The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.       To contact us, email   


2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 - Amy Wicks

In this episode we feature a talk by Amy Wicks on 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 which she delivered to a conference for women in ministry. The passage concerns the end of the world and contains difficult ideas such as the future rebellion and the man of lawlessness. We will speak to Amy more about this talk and other things concerning 2 Thessalonians and her ministry on Friday's episode.  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.   The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.      To contact us, email    


Carl Porter - Evangelism in the Workplace and How to Reach the Ends of the Earth

In today’s episode we sat down with Carl Porter. Carl came to know the Lord Jesus ten years ago, and since then has held a deep conviction of reaching his friends, family and colleagues with the Gospel. We spoke to Carl about the ways he’s sought to do this, the disciplines which enable him to do this effectively, as well as how he believes all Christians should see their workplaces as a key mission-field in their evangelism.   If you'd like to contact Carl about any matters raised in this episode, he's happy to be emailed at  The Bible Matters Podcast is funded entirely by the generous donations of its listeners. If you would like to become a financial partner with us on this journey, you can give to the project here.    The music for today’s episode was written and produced by Leo Elbourne and Josh Stidwill. Listen to more of Josh's work here.       To contact us, email   


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