★Join my patreon to get transcripts and learn quick & easy native phrases★ ★You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube!★ Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #LearnJapanese #JapanesePodcast #JapaneseListeningPractice
How do you spend your weekends?🏖 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
神社とお寺の違いは知っていますか?☺️ ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
私たちが「熱い」食べ物、おふろが好きな理由。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
後悔(regret)しています..... ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
日本の大学受験はこんな感じです。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
私がJK(Joshi Kousei-女子高生)だったときの日常。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
夜はリラックスすることが仕事です笑 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
毎日おふろに入る人が多いです。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
「熱い」食べ物、「熱い」おふろが大好きな理由。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
これ、よくある質問です。私の考えを正直に話します。 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
先輩と後輩の関係は本当に大変!クレイジーな関係がたくさんあるよ!🚨 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
友だちのラインはどこから? 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
語尾を伸ばしすぎてる人、いるよね....? 私はすごくイヤです汗 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
やっぱ、教科書だけだと、言語のカベは広がるよね.... 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
おいしいパンって、人を幸せにするよね...🍞 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
お金がないので、こうやってお金をためています☺️ 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
お金がないので、こうやってお金をためています☺️ 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
ponyo を知っています。
日々は 5時半に起きてます。 七時間寝るの。
これはわたしの自己紹介です。 私はどうくしんです。 以上です。