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The Bite size Japanese Podcast

Author: nihongo_layla

Subscribed: 659Played: 24,441


This is the perfect Podcast for Japanese learners to improve their Japanese listening skill!! I’m going to talk about anything related to Japan and my life. You can get transcripts of all of my episodes on my Patreon! きいてくれてありがとう!❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
- Layla from Bite size Japanese
566 Episodes
★Join my patreon to get transcripts and learn quick & easy native phrases★ ★You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube!★ Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト  #LearnJapanese #JapanesePodcast #JapaneseListeningPractice
How do you spend your weekends?🏖 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
神社とお寺の違いは知っていますか?☺️ ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
私たちが「熱い」食べ物、おふろが好きな理由。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
後悔(regret)しています..... ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
日本の大学受験はこんな感じです。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
私がJK(Joshi Kousei-女子高生)だったときの日常。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
夜はリラックスすることが仕事です笑 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
毎日おふろに入る人が多いです。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
「熱い」食べ物、「熱い」おふろが大好きな理由。 ◎Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!! ◎You can read the Japanese subtitles on Podcast YouTube! ◎I have another Podcast show, Life in Japan いつもありがとう😊 Instagram : @nihongo_layla TikTok : @nihongo_layla My main YouTube channel : Bite size Japanese Support the show : Buy me a coffee My email magazine : Subscribe #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
これ、よくある質問です。私の考えを正直に話します。 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
先輩と後輩の関係は本当に大変!クレイジーな関係がたくさんあるよ!🚨 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
友だちのラインはどこから? 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
語尾を伸ばしすぎてる人、いるよね....? 私はすごくイヤです汗 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
やっぱ、教科書だけだと、言語のカベは広がるよね.... 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
おいしいパンって、人を幸せにするよね...🍞 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
お金がないので、こうやってお金をためています☺️ 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
お金がないので、こうやってお金をためています☺️ 【Patreon】 →Join my patreon to get transcripts with or without Furigana and listen to exclusive episodes! Thank you so much for your support!!💛 【YouTube】 →Read subtitles on YouTube! 【My other Podcast shows】 Life in Japan The Japanglish Podcast 【FREE email course】 →Subscribe to email course and get FREE quizzes & lessons! 【My sosial media】 Instagram TikTok YouTube Support the show My email magazine ================ いつもありがとう!!🌸 ================ #日本語ポッドキャスト #learnjapanese #StudyJapanese #JapanesePodcast #japaneselistening #intermediate
Comments (6)



Feb 12th


ponyo を知っています。

Feb 10th


日々は 5時半に起きてます。 七時間寝るの。

Feb 10th


これはわたしの自己紹介です。 私はどうくしんです。 以上です。

Feb 10th



Jan 4th


僕は子供のときにバス運転手になりたかった😅🚌 なぜなら毎日一日中街を観光できるからでした😆

May 28th