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The Blacklisted Gaming Podcast

The Blacklisted Gaming Podcast

Author: BLGP

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No holds barred gaming/entertainment news and review podcast. We are not sponsored and we are not paid by gaming publishers. we aim to give you the most unbiased, unfiltered and unapologetically vulgar updates in the gaming world. Oh, and we drink while digressing into random subjects off topic. Enjoy... or don't, we'll survive either way.
98 Episodes
We are back and so is Doc for another episode this week!  We recap the 2022 video game awards and the wild moment during it.  Congratulations Bill Clinton on winning GOTY Phil Spencer announced that all new titles for Xbox will see a price increase to $70 in 2023. Something that everyone saw coming.    The FTC has officially begun the process to sue Microsoft over the Activision deal, and of course Sony has been throwing a fit about the deal. Of course Sony is trying to stop their competitor....  Epic is also being sued because "fortnite is too addictive"  to kids. Because you know, games cause socially awkward kids. these and more this week on the BLGP! So enjoy your coffee, and we will see you next week!
Ep. 96: That's Meta!

Ep. 96: That's Meta!


We are back from a long break folks! Because we were gone for soo long, many stories that were breaking are now irrelevant, so here's what we got! Metaverse is collapsing as they lay off over 11,000 employees. Many investors believe Mark Zuckerberg is in over is head with this metaverse project, spending over $10 billion on it alone. Resulting in over 50% loss in profits. Guess nobody want's to go to work in VR eh Mark? Microsoft is facing a lawsuit from the FTC potentially blocking the Activision acquisition beyond summer 2023, with many firms and companies (Sony) stating that this is essentially going to turn into a monopoly with Microsoft dominating the gaming market. More news will be updated as the story unfolds.  The Video Game Awards are here (obviously passed, but this episode is late lol) and we give our predictions for each category. God of War: Ragnarok has finally released, and of course we dove balls deep into it beating it in about 4 days. We give our thoughts and review of the game spoilers included. But worry not, if you haven't played/finished it, we saved it for the end! Its been a long absence here at the BLGP, so enjoy and spread the word! Enjoy your weekend and we will see you next week!
Ep. 95: Trust, But Verify.

Ep. 95: Trust, But Verify.


It's another week here at the BLGP as we recap the haunted house and discuss the news in gaming! Bayonetta 3 drama over the week as voice actress Hellena Taylor claims she was offered only $4k to voice act the character. However, it's shown to be not exactly true.  Konami is finally making an actual Silent Hill game, as they announced several Silent Hill projects in the works to include a Silent Hill 2 remake. Finally, a real game that isn't a pachinko machine from Konami! The PS5 was jailbroken by a hacker, and revealed that there is a way to access Kojima's PT demo, a Silent Hill prequel. You know, the game Sony refuses to let us have? Gotham Knights released last week, and the reviews are very middling. With tech issues, poor UI and overly grindy gameplay, this latest installment in the "Arkham Batman" franchise is not meeting expectations. Amouranth revealed that she is married, and also showed that her husband has been abusive. In a stream last week she revealed that not only is he in control of her finances, but he also makes her do certain content. Now this is one side of the story, and we discuss our thoughts on the entire situation as well as dive into her response after this unfolded.  These and more on the BLGP this week! Be sure to check out our YouTube for more gaming news updates!
Ep. 94: Failed Projects

Ep. 94: Failed Projects


Welcome to the Blacklisted Gaming Podcast! Where veterans discuss the latest in gaming news! This week, my buddy Mike joins to discuss veteran benefits as well as gaming discussions. Google shuts down Stadia, and fails to tell development studios, Skull and Bones delayed again, Activison withholds pay raises to union employees, Bethesda charges $70 for Skyrim on Nintendo Switch, Overwatch 2 has disastrous launch! 
Ep. 93: The Doc is Back

Ep. 93: The Doc is Back


Doc has returned! But just for this week since he was in town. And just in time for some absolutely wild news. GTA 6 was leaked after a hack at Rockstar. For real this time! It's real! Over 90 hours of footage were leaked as well as some of the source code. Rockstar responded to the hack saying development will continue as normal. The hacker on the other hand is having a bad time. After a joint investigation with the FBI, the hacker was arrested in the UK pending several charges of multiple hacking events. He was a 17 year old kid... Twitch announced it will be dropping the 70/30 revenue split with most partners, making 50/50 revenue split the standard across the board. Making everyone pissed, and making YouTube look that much sweeter. What is you doin Twitch? EVGA announced they will no longer be manufacturing GPUs as well as they have parted ways with NVIDIA. In a seemingly bitter breakup, EVGA gives their reasons and the NVIDIA CEO responds.  YouTuber accidentally exposes himself as the major Assassin's Creed leaker. In a very dumb mistake on twitter, he tweeted about some AC news from his personal account instead of his alt. And apparently he's Brock's doppelganger.  These and more this week on the BLGP. A ton more. This is a fat episode as we catch up with Doc after all this time. So grab some joe and enjoy the episode!
Ep. 92: Royal Pains

Ep. 92: Royal Pains


 The Queen has died, now the king has arrived. Long live the king, and all that stuff. But before we get this tea party started, we have some gaming news to discuss y'all!   Ninja is streaming again after coming back from his very short break. But, he's multi streaming on 6 different platforms, ending his exclusivity deal with Twitch. Will he stay multi platform, or could he sign with someone else?    Diablo Immortal player is $35k in debt to Activision/Blizzard for purchasing orbs illegitimately. Yes, a player has negative orbs on their account, and has to pay back Blizzard in order to keep playing. In a first times for everything, I've heard of bans from games but being in DEBT to a game?   Sony and Microsoft CEOs have been at a back and forth this passed week over exclusivity deals with COD. Although Microsoft said that won't happen, Sony isn't convinced. Like always, Sony is complaining about stuff again....   These and more this week on the BLGP. Bow to your kings, get your crumpets and tea before work, and give us a like and sub for more!. Or it'll be off with your heads!
What better way to come back after a week off, than to spark the fires of rage? There's plenty of that in this weeks episode.   Madden 23 SUCKS! That's it, the end, nothing new here.... in fact it sucks soo bad, NFL players are hating on it. Find out why in the episode. I can't keep going with it, I'll have an aneurism.   Ninja is taking a break from streaming. Before rage ending his last stream, he stated he was taking a break and did not know when he would be back or where. Which sparked speculation of him moving to YouTube.   Sony is raising the PS5 price. In a bold move that nobody wants and is getting heavily criticized, Sony blames the supply not meeting the demand. Cool story right?   343 Announced they are canceling couch split screen co-op for Halo Infinite, and everyone is pissed off about it. Rightfully so, as 343 promised to bring this feature back. One of I'm sure many promises that will not be met. Also they are delaying the next season event. Is this nearing the end of Halo Infinite?   Twitch streamer Kimmikka faced a whopping 7 day ban for having sex on stream. Yep, you read that right, 7 DAYS! FOR SMEXY TIME.... ON STREAM! Twitch has become a true hell scape.   These and a lot more this week on the BLGP! We suffer for your enjoyment! Have a great week kids!
Ep. 90: The Ninetieth One

Ep. 90: The Ninetieth One


We are back this week with a guest! Mike has joined for his first episode, he's a former marine and massive nerd. Between star wars, Lord Of The Rings and more, Mike knows is schtuff.   Activision is once again being accused of plagiarism after a new operator skin was announced. And comes to find out, it's almost an identical copy of a character concept in Dr. Disrespect's new upcoming game. Which leads to the question, why does this keep happening? And why can't activision stay out of trouble? From Software's new game may very well be a new Armored Core game. Between them hinting at it, reports of play tests discussing "Mech game play" and their website mysteriously being armored core by accident. It's looking like this classic is making a comeback   Knights of the Old Republic remake has a new development studio. After Aspyr fired to directors, leaving the game in limbo and indefinitely delayed, Embracer Group replaced them with Sabre Interactive. There may be hope yet!   These and more this week on the BLGP! We discuss games and bad girlfriends. So get your cawfee and enjoy. YEET!
Aliens, Dinosaurs, Diablo, we go down the rabbit hole on this one this week y'all! But first...   Diablo Immortal streamer spends $100k on the game and is trying to get a refund. Why? Well, YouTuber Jtisallbusiness paid to get his level and stats soo high, that he can no longer match make with players. And they say Diablo Immoral wasn't pay to win.    WB spent $70 million on the production of Batgirl, and ultimately scrapped it in post production. Apparently the movie didn't do well in test screenings, in fact it was claimed to be irredeemably bad. Big OOF. Yet The Flash still is coming out?   Call Of Duty is in the news again, as one of the DLC skins set to release last week was apparently  plagiarized. No shocker there as this isn't the first time this has happened.   This and a bunch of randomness on aliens and dinosaurs kids!
While Nelson is off on another hike, Doc joins us in his place this week on the BLGP to discuss some fun news. Kinda....   Gamestop came under fire this week as an NFT showcased on their NFT storefront was modeled after the infamous 9/11 photo of the Falling Man. As the internet responds in its normal scorched earth fashion, Gamestop was quick to pull this off its store, as it perceived that they were profiting from a tragedy. We all know the truth Gamestop..... you'd have kept it if not for the backlash.    Dr. Disrespect's game studio, Midnight Society, gave their first look at what the game they've been working on looks like as well as minimum PC specs to run the testing levels. The responses are mixed as the specs seem to be on the higher end. But looking at it, Doc's game seems to be heading in the right direction.   The group A Better Ubisoft has reached its one year mark since making demands for positive change within the company, and has said that in the passed year Ubisoft has met zero of those demands. This is putting the big question on display, is Ubisoft really doing what they can to improve workplace conditions?   On top of the workplace culture issues, Ubisoft has also announced the cancelation of some of its upcoming titles. One of which being Ghost Recon: Frontier, the battle royale that nobody asked for, and saw its alpha test for October last year get indefinitely postponed. This game's cancelation comes to no surprise but does leave the community fearing for the future of some anticipated titles.   Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake was announced earlier this year, giving a breath of fresh air to Star Wars fans eagerly waiting for a follow up or remake of what's been hailed as the best RPG ever made. However, Aspyr (the studio behind development) announced that the game will be indefinitely delayed. This comes to the surprising termination of the game's creative director and art director. Aspyr said they were aiming for a late 2022 release, but was told the release date was not feasible. This is concerning news which speaks volumes of where the game may be headed. Rocky leadership, rushed development and the infamous crunch. Will KOTOR be the game we all want? Or will this be placed on the shelf with the increasing number of rushed, unfinished games that are DOA?   These topics and more this week my lovely children. It was a long day of multiple podcast recordings and Renaissance Faires, and your boy is tired! Have a good week!
Ep. 87: Current Engagements

Ep. 87: Current Engagements


Hey guys, she said yes! Brock and Alicia are engaged and set to marry this October! With the Tennessee trip concluding, let's pick up on what we missed over the last week or so!   Unity CEO John Riccitiello found himself in the hot seat this passed week, when he made a statement saying game developers who don't consider monetization early in development "fucking idiots". This remark was swiftly met with backlash (no surprises there), and followed up with an apology claiming he misspoke. I'm sure you did John.  But..... Unity THEMSELVES are in the light of controversy as they laid off a chunk of their staff, then following up with a $4 billion merger with ironSource. ironSource has been notorious for being a malware creator and spreader. ironSource project InstallCore is listed as an official threat to your PC, and has also been known for fake installers to spread malware. Could this merger potentially cripple Unity?   Sony's $3.6 billion acquisition of Bungie has become official. As previously announced, Bungie has joined the Sony team, but with the full approval of the SEC. No, this does not mean Bungie games (Destiny 2) will be Playstation exclusive.   Skate 4 was officially titled skate. for its next installment, but was also announced to be a free to play  live service game. This news left many feeling uneasy about the game (mostly because EA is publishing it), but Full Circle has assured the players that they have set some ground rules on what will NOT go into monetization. Also, Full Circle held a pre-pre-pre alpha gameplay with full transparency to the playerbase on where they are at in development. Sounds like Full Circle is garnishing some good will from the community with that move, kudos to you guys for being awesome!   CDPR Stocks have hit a landmark since the launch of Cyberpunk 2077, and not in a good way. CDPR sees its stock shares down 75% since the launch, leaving many to believe that the road to recovery for the company will be long and daunting. This is what happens when you hype something up, and rush it out to the players before it's done.    FaZe stock went public earlier in the week, and saw a 30% drop in share worth when the market opened that day. This comes to no surprise as shares that go public often see a fat dip the day of. With the market as volatile as ever, will FaZe clan see it's stock price climb to the moon? SHHEEEEEEEESH!! On God! Stock dips are mid, yo!   These and more this week my beautiful children! Enjoy your Monday morning joe, and don't let your boss see you cry!
This week on the BLGP, Brock discusses his plans to propose to Alicia! Don't worry, she won't see this...... until after.  Bobby Kotick has unfortunately been renewed another year as Activision CEO. The board members voted in favor of keeping their favorite turd in their toilet despite everyone else on Earth saying they'd rather poo in their hands and clap than deal with Kotick any longer. Oh Activision, you scoundrels.  Diablo Immortal is in hot water again as the pay to win mechanics and amount of money needed to max characters is even worse than previously thought. New loot box mechanics show that there are hidden levels of loot boxes, as it seems you need to rely even more on luck to find the legendary gems. There are also different tiers of gems. But at what cost? New calculations say average of $500k! Nice job Activision/Blizzard....  Rockstar halts its Red Dead Redemption and GTA4 remasters amid the GTA definitive edition's failure. Leaving everyone realizing, Rockstar had no intention of doing a true remaster, but a transfer of assets. Maybe y'all should focus on GTA6 eh?  Gamestop has laid of a good chunk of its staff. Can you guess why? If you thought a dying company being the reason, you'd be mistaken. Crypto and NFTs are the motivation behind a shift in business decisions. Which is shifting right as crypto is seeing a steep drop as well as NFT worth being at an all time low. Gamestop really saw the meme stock surge and jumped on the wagon too late. As per usual.  Hideo Kojima has been in the topics this week for European news media mistaking him as the assassin of Japan's former prime minister. How? A 4chan troll post was retweeted by a comedian, and Greek news took that as true and ran with it. Now Kojima is threatening to sue several European news outlets.  These and more you filthy animals! See you next week!
Ep. 85: Immoral Decisions

Ep. 85: Immoral Decisions


Doc Rejoins us this week as we discuss Diablo Immortal's horrendous launch, Modern Warfare 2 news, more Blue Box controversy and a new show preparing children for NFTs and blockchains.  Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel for more episodes and check us out on Spotify!  Diablo Immortal launched just over a week ago. You know, the famous mobile Diablo game with the famous phrase "Do you not have phones?" While the game itself is pretty decent, it now sits as the lowest rated game on Metacritic (0.2 user score at the time of this posting). This is due to it's insane microtransactions as well as its pay to win formula. It was calculated that a free player would have to spend 10 years in game to max level a character, or a paying player would spend over $110,000 to do so. Yes, you read all of  that correctly. We all saw this coming, but never at this level.  YouTuber The Act Man was demonetized after controversy with Quantum Tv. Quantum TV did an Elden Ring review that Act Man didn't agree with, and as a result Quantum allegedly reported his video for sexual content to have it removed. To make matters worse, Quantum apparently doxxed Act Man following his response for Quantum reporting his video. Now, YouTube has taken sides with QuantumTV by demonetizing Act Man and removing him from the partner program. Not to mention, they are striking/demonetizing creators who even talk about the topic. Sounds like another prime example of people abusing YouTube's claims feature. What's up YouTube??  Sonic Frontiers was revealed earlier this month, and though it is nice that a new sonic game is in the works, the fans are calling for the game to be delayed after it's gameplay shows the game is far from finished. Just a few months out from its launch, the trailer showcased a new open world Sonic adventure, but the world seems very bland and empty. Objects within the game appear as if there are missing assets, frame rate drops even in the showcase, texture popping and render popping, you name it. The game looks more like a tech demo than a full priced game. Will Sega listen to the fans and delay this game to polish it out?  COD Modern Warfare 2 was revealed along with some announcements to what changes are coming. This will be the last COD to release on the yearly cycle before the new 2 year launch cycle rolls out. What do you look forward to with MW2?  Blue Box studios is back in the news as an insider reveals the game Abandoned is likely not even in development, and the game's director seems to be playing on the "kojima silent hill" theory. Meaning people think this game is being made by Hideo Kojima and Abandoned is actually Silent Hill. But the insider suggest the game's director isn't actually doing anything to work on the game, and developers are just as in the dark as everyone else is. Will this game be put on the shelf with the rest of Blue Box's unreleased and unfinished titles?  Former Nickelodeon president is starting a new show for kids on YouTube aimed around introducing young children to NFT's and blockchain technology. In a creepy effort to push NFT's by seemingly exploiting kids to make NFT's for a profit (or so it seems), what exactly this show will be like remains to be seen.   These and some more this week y'all! Happy Monday!
Ep. 84: Going Remote

Ep. 84: Going Remote


Well look at that, Doc has returned from his remote location down south! He's on the run from giving too many silver bullets to sailors and marines. Nonetheless, welcome back Doc!  Raven software voted in favor to unionize, despite the attempts of Activision to sway them to vote no. This marks a turning point in the games industry as Raven becomes the first studio under a AAA publisher to unionize! Congratulations Raven!!  Microsoft is dipping its toes into cloud gaming with it's new Xbox cloud streaming stick. Nobody really knows what this will look like, but there are reports that it'll be similar to the Amazon Firestick. Will Microsoft do it right, or end up like Google Stadia?  In NFT news, Seth Green had been working on a new show centered around the famous BoredApe NFT. However, his plans are squashed just before production due to the NFT being stolen and sold. Now he no longer owns the rights to the character, and the show is at a stand still. NFTs are soo cool.......  Battlefield 2042 rolled out a new update, and to no one's surprise it changes very little. In fact, the biggest part of the update is the removal of 120 player game modes as well as ending support for Hazard Zone. Not surprising as Hazard Zone was basically DOA.  Gucci is now diving into the Esports world. You read that correctly, Gucci is getting into gaming. They announced recently on a Gaming Academy, geared to help gaming influencers understand the business aspect of Esports. Super weird.... but okay.   These and more this week on the BLGP!!! Hope you all had a safe weekend, enjoy your coffee, and tune in next week for more!
Ep. 83: The Sidebar

Ep. 83: The Sidebar


Welcome back everyone! We are finally back after a little bit, mostly because a recent episode that we recorded was lost. Which sucks, because it was a damn good episode. So.... we attempt to repeat some of the topics discussed in the lost episode.   In a surprising move, EA has ended their license with FIFA. This comes off the heels of FIFA asking EA for $1billion for a 4 year agreement, a steep ask given that they allegedly aren't letting EA have full creative freedom over the football game. What does this move mean for the future of European football?  Activision tells Raven software that unionizing could affect their pay as well as their benefits, in an attempt to sway the vote to unionize. Spoiler alert, it doesn't work and Raven Software proceeded with the votes. UPDATE!!! Raven voted in favor to unionize, making them the first Activision owned studio to do so!! More to be covered in the next episode!  Bobby Kotick apparently had a restraining order placed on him in 2014. Why is this now being discussed? Apparently his new girlfriend at the time worked for Facebook and had the story buried. Until now, the Wall Street Journal doing the lord's work uncovered the story and shows just how much of a POS he really is. Bobby is also under investigation for insider trading as several of his friends invested into Activision stock days prior to the Microsoft acquisition announcement. Oh Bobby.... you know how to stay in the news don't ya?  In light of the Buffalo shooting, media outlets and government officials are once again blaming video games. The Attorney General is investigating Discord, Twitch and 4chan over failure to moderate and report the shooter when he planned his actions. Once again, video games are the scapegoat of a tragedy.   These and more this week on the BLGP! Get your cup of joe and fire this episode up!
Ep. 82: Death of the NFT

Ep. 82: Death of the NFT


There's poo in here. Welcome back to another episode of the BLGP! Please hit like and subscribe to spread your seed of love on us!  NFT's are dying! Odin be praised! It would seem that the hype surround NFTs has finally dwindled down. Numbers across the board regarding NFT worth have shown a significant dip in value, as all crypto tends to be. Could this finally be the end for this bs?  If you remember the game Perfect Dark, congratulations! You are qualified for an AARP membership! But you would also know The Initiative has been developing a reboot to the game. However, key staff members have been leaving the company and project over the course of the year. And by key staff, we mean the leaders of every single department. Writers, animators, level designers. etc. This is a bad sign of the game's future, and what we get remains to be seen.  Dr. Disrespect announced that he has finally settled his lawsuit with Twitch. And this settlement has left the gaming community with more questions than answers. Will we ever know the true reason behind his ban? Probably not, but who knows?  The hackers behind NVIDIA breach have now been hiding malware behind GPU driver updates. The hackers also managed to get the official NVIDIA driver certificate, and can bypass the windows defender. This marks the first affect to the customers since the hack, so if you don't already, make sure to only update NVIDIA drivers from the official website!  These and some poop talk this week on the BLGP guys! Have a lovely and sticky weekend!
We are pretty sure the world is burning, and this is the apocalypse. From big brand PC companies crashing and burning their company to the ground, to people selling their farts in a jar for $1000 (I wish I was kidding...). I'ts been an eventful week in the gaming news world. Here's what to look forward to.  Activision is being sued by the family of the employee who took her own life amid the sexual harassment allegations. The family claims that Activision had knowledge of the situation, did nothing to correct it and then proceeded to cover up wrong doing after the employee took her own life during a work retreat. I can imagine the legal team has a severe smoking problem with all of these lawsuits, since Activision can't seem to go 2 weeks without one.   PC build company Artesian builds has absolutely decimated their own brand after their CEO changed PC giveaway rules during the actual giveaway, and decided to belittle the small streamer who rightfully won the PC. Mentioning their follower count, their viewership and more, the CEO decided they weren't big enough to warrant winning the giveaway. To make matters worse, he responded with the most tone deaf and disingenuous apology after facing massive backlash. Now, California has stripped their ability to conduct business over discovering Artesian Builds hasn't been paying their taxes. Big freaking OOOOF!!  Twitch partner Amouranth has decided to jump into entrepreneurship by selling jars of her farts for $1000. Yes, people ARE buying them too. Why is this a thing, and what have we become?  Nintendo has been striking down YouTube videos showing the Steam deck emulating Nintendo games. Well Nintendo, if you could just stop limiting the availability of your games this wouldn't happen now would it?  These and more this week on the BLGP! For more news, please hit that subscribe button and join our discord! Have a good rest of your week y'all, and please for the love of god... don't save your farts in a jar....
WOOOOOOOO we are back at it again! Doc Nelson is back from having the vid and it is business as usual. Although at the time of this recording there wasn't much in the news side of the gaming industry.  ASMR Meta seems to really be taking off on twitch, you know, giving blowies to questionable shaped mics on stream and such. A Twitch streamer is taking quite the wave of flak after her ASMR stream showed her throating a microphone. Which sparked the conversation of why does Twitch let those things fly, but very minor incidents result in harsh punishment?  EA blames not only COVID but Halo Infinite for the failure of Battlefield 2042. EA responded to this by saying they actually didn't, and that there were other factors to it's failure. Such as issues with the engine and other development problems. Nintendo announced they are taking down the Wii-U and DS stores in the coming months, leaving the community wondering what is Nintendo's plan for making classic titles accessible. As of now, Nintendo has no plans to making any Wii-U and DS games available after Spring of 2023. Wonder if this means they will include them to the ridiculous Switch family plan? Cyberpunk 2077 officially released! And by that, we mean that the next gen update is live. The update features many quality of life improvements including better AI. However, the update offers no new content which CDPR has yet to set a date for new content that they promised would roll out for the game. Ubisoft updated the world on the status of Skull and Bones. Remember that game? Probably not.... the assassins creed Black Flag spinoff was announced back in 2017 and has since seen a wide array of delays. Between losing its creative director, development hell and a pandemic, it has left the community wondering if this game is still a thing. Ubisoft announced that it still plans to release the game potentially some time this year. But if we've learned anything, it's that Ubisoft will screw this up too.   These and more this week on the BLGP y'all! Keep it right, keep it tight and we will see you next week!
Ep. 79: Brotherly Love

Ep. 79: Brotherly Love


Well, we are back after a long absence due to the fact both myself and Doc Nelson caught the rona.... however, I'm joined by my little brother Austin! Don't worry, me and doc are perfectly fine! But you know who isn't fine? Ubisoft and their NFTs..... yeah.... we are back on this crap....  A petition is gaining traction for mass refunds of Battlefield 2042. At the time of recording, it has reached over 150k signatures (As of today, over 200k signatures!). It's in the air on if this petition will be successful, but there are claims that a law firm has taken interest in the matter.   Halo TV series was teased, and the community is split on the appearance of Cortana. One could argue that her appearance has consistently changed throughout the series, but this human-like rendition is a bit odd.  Google announced their plans for rebranding Stadia and partnering with other tech companies to take hold of its technology. In a long line of dead Google projects, could Stadia finally be digging its plot in the Google Graveyard?  Ubisoft is back on its bull with the NFT push. With companies like EA and others making the decision to stay out of them, Ubisoft has chosen to hit them at full steam. And employees are not having it. As more information comes out about Ubisoft Quartz, employees are having a hard time seeing how NFTs improve games. As Ubisoft's CEO says, gamers "just dont get it". Nice....  Sony purchased Bungie for $3.5 billion making this another bombshell acquisition in the gaming industry. With many speculating that Sony is reacting to Microsoft buying Activision. Our thoughts on this, it has nothing to do with that as these deals take more than just 2 weeks to work out.   These and more this week folks, as I take a questionable bit out of the World's Largest Gummy Worm!
Holy hell, what an episode! This week we say goodbye to our good pal Doc, as he has his final in person episode before shipping off! But also, we say goodbye to the good ole Bobby Kotick! Well..... soon i should add.  Microsoft acquired Activision/Blizzard this week for a whopping $68.7 BILLION! Making this the largest acquisition in gaming to date, it's expected that many changes will be made at Activision in the coming years before the deal is finalized. But what does this mean for our buddy Bobby?   Bobby Kotick responded to questions about not only why this deal was made, but his future with the company. After a bunch of non answers and beating around the bush in regards to his future, it's safe to say that the workplace culture was a big factor  (though he denies it) and says he will stay as long as he is needed once the deal is done.   Bobby wasn't without controversy though (shocker) as reports have come out that he attempted to buy Kotuku and PC Gamer in order to shift the narrative of both Activision and himself. You know, what billionaires do when they get heat.... buy the media and manipulate the narrative.   It's these topics and more folks! Doc, we will miss you buddy. And hopefully we will see you visit soon! Bobby.... you wont be missed and you can go f**k yourself! Happy Hump Day y'all!