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The Blessed Family

Author: HUB Radio Network

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Offering strategy and encouragement for families who want to raise their children in the ways of God.
169 Episodes
Children want to have fun. They want to use their imaginations. Why not get them off of screens and get them playing boardgames as a family? Here we are joined by two of the greatest experts on this topic, trying to help parents discover a good starter list for games that engage the mind and educate. Feel free to leave comments below on some of your favorite games.
Women shape the world. Here are some tips for raising daughters who will shape the world for the glory of God.
So glad to have some time again with dear Winston, the greatest leader of the 20th Century.
There is a kind of respect that is given, and another kind that is earned. If we want to have success in our most important relationships, such as marriage, we must get this correct.
What is our role in our children's salvation? Are we to get them saved, or are we to train them up in the ways of God? Many parents, with the best intentions, out of fear and control, try to force their children into something that is outside of their job description. And in doing so, we can sometimes do more harm than good.
Some people just don't like reading books. Here's a list to help you possibly gain some ground:Aesop’s fablesTrial and Triumph by Richard Hannula Abridged version of a classic (Odyssey, Frankenstein, Robinson Crusoe, etc...) Man of the House by CR Wiley Heroes then a now book by YWAM (Gladys Aleward, Richard Wurbrandt, etc...)Confession (Heildeburg, Westminster, London Baptist 1689)Stalin or Hitler by Albert Marrin The Action Bible Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan or Willing to believe by RC Sproul. Hobbit by Tolkien or The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by Lewis. 
Life produces various and spontaneous opportunities for child-training. You don't have to create them; they are simply there before you. Here we offer five such daily opportunities.
“When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” - Deitrich Bonhoeffer.How you respond when you don't get your way is the real you.
The future is our children. They are the mothers, fathers, leaders, and elders of tomorrow. This message is for them.
Since beginning of the world, daughters have played with dolls. It is in their DNA. Is this a practice worth keeping? Today we discuss the attack on dolls and why it matters.
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humility must be something that all Christians pursue. Here's what may be the secret to hitting that target.
Should Christians vote? What if the candidates aren't godly? Should we vote for Samson, or settle for Jezebel? Here's some suggestions...
September 22 is Hobbit Day. Does fantasy literature have a role in the Christian family? It does. It awakens the imagination and inspires the conquest of God's people. So sit back, read the Hobbit as a family, and eat good food together as you give thanks for God's goodness.
The right booklist can change your life. Here's a list specifically for women.
Women naturally long to be beautiful. This is a desire given to them by their Creator. The Bible gives them the key to being radiant.
Would you rather have a life of ease, knowing your children will suffer, or would you rather do the hard and necessary work today to preserve liberty and blessing for your offspring? This question separates the cowardly and selfish from the courageous and sacrificial.
Today we answer some of the questions we get about our Scroll Saga Series. If you haven't yet read them, hopefully this will wet your appetite. Blessings! 
Here we discuss why books matter and how to make a great booklist. The right 50 books is capable of doing amazing things in the hearts and minds of your family. Go for it!15 classics10 book on history10 works of theology10 books on thinking5 biographiesRules: Audiobooks count, 15 or so books can be abridged, no doubling authors in each category, can offer double options occasionallyHobbitJane Eyer  HamletIliadThe Aeneid (abridged) /The Divine Comedy1984 (R rated) substitute with Animal farmPride and PrejudiceOliver TwistBrave New World (mature content)Dracula (only Bram Stroker) /FrankensteinTreasure Island (used to be the first classic for young men)Lamplighter - ShipwreckedWar of the WorldsRobinson Crusoe (first English novel)The Count of Monte Cristo / Les MiserablesHeroes then and now by ywamStalin by Albert MarrinWinston Churchill's history of the English speaking peoplesChurch History by Everett FergusonHow the Irish saved civilizationThree Years among the Comanches by Nelson LeeFox's Book of MartyrsCivil War book (Wilson and Wilkins)Amazing tales for making men out of boys by Neil OliverTrial and TriumphBondage of the Will by Luther/ Orthodoxy by ChestertonVindiciae Contra Tyrannos/ Les RexMere ChristianityMere Christendom by WilsonKnowledge of the HolyParadise Restored by Chilton (Victorious Eschatology)Willing to Believe by SproulSystematic Theology by Lewis BerkofWestminster Confession of FaithKJV only controversy James White (forgotten Trinity)Free to Choose by Milton FriedmanThe Basic Laws of Human StupidityRules for Reformers by Doug WilsonMasculine ChristianityMan of the House by CR WileyThe Family by JR Miller (1882 title: Home-making)Lectures on Calvinism by KuyperThe Fallacy DetectiveHow to be a man/lady by Harvey NewcombeThe Boniface OptionAugustine's ConfessionsPlymouth PlantationGeorge Muller AutobiographyLuther/Bonhoeffer by MetaxasRebel Yell 
The death of patriarchy is the death of a blessed society.
Men need to read good books, and Husbands & Fathers more than any others. Here are a few good ones.