DiscoverThe Blessed Journey with Adam Barralet
The Blessed Journey with Adam Barralet
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The Blessed Journey with Adam Barralet

Author: Adam Barralet

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Join international author and teacher Adam Barralet on a journey back into the wonders and magic of nature. Discover how to work with your crystals, find holistic health with essential oils, uncover the wisdom of animals to help you thrive with current situations and come dabble with tarot, astrology, chakras, angels, elemental beings and more. If you are seeking a path with a little more magic, this podcast invites you to unveil the Earth's secrets.
183 Episodes
How can you balance your chakras? Nature has plenty of gifts to lend you a helping hand in finding harmony and peace within each of the energy centres of the body. Register for my 30 Days of Chakra Balancing Program at Here is a video showing you how to use a oendulum to test your chakras: FOLLOW ADAM   FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more   BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils   KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
As our focus turns to 2024, how can we ensure that this coming twelve months is a step up from the year that has just been? This episode explores twelve high vibration crystals, one selected for each zodiac sign, chosen to lift you to the next level as you turn the page to the next chapter of your quest. FOLLOW ADAM FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
Spikenard, a unique essential oil sourced through significant sacrifice in Nepal, holds the power to ground physical and emotional explosiveness. It aids in calming bodily disruptions like severe diarrhea, vomiting and skin issues, while also providing solace in times of trauma or shock, helping individuals recenter and move forward. It is particularly beneficial during transformative life events, such as leaving toxic relationships or making major lifestyle changes, offering support and reassurance. With historical ties to the mythological phoenix and its role in rebirth, Spikenard is an essential oil of resurrection, guiding individuals through their darkest moments and facilitating transformation. Its supportive properties make it an ideal companion during significant astrological events, such as Saturn Returns and Uranus Opposition, helping navigate challenges and seize opportunities for personal growth. FOLLOW ADAM FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
This is an exploration of the major astrological influences that will impact the Earth in December 2023 and tips on which crystals and essential oils to work with to help you thrive and learn the lessons these energy shifts bring. Here is a summary for December: 12th – New Moon in Sagittarius – Astrophyllite & Rosemary 13th – Mercury Retrograde (till 2nd Jan) – Blue Opal & Hinoki 21st – Yule (Northern Hemisphere) – Scapolite & Rosemary 22nd – Midsummer (Southern Hemisphere) – Citrine & Bergamot 26th – Full Moon in Cancer – Moonstone & Magnolia 27th – Hekate Retrograde (till 16th April) Black Moonstone & Magnolia TO FIND MY SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS, BOOKS, MEDITATIONS, CLASSES, COURSES AND READINGS, SIMPLY CLICK HERE: Email enquires:
Thus episode explores your Moon sign and what is likely when you become unbalanced. This is more likely around the Full Moon. At this time you can lean into a certain essential oil to support you. FOLLOW ADAM   FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more   BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils   KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
Nuummite, discovered in the icy depths of Greenland, is a crystal that unveils ancient wisdom from the earth's depths. Its masculine energy empowers individuals to stand in their personal power, fostering harmony with the divine masculine and promoting resolution of issues with father figures. Nuummite also offers protection by both absorbing and deflecting negative energies. As a powerful crystal for shamans and magicians, it spiritually safeguards during magical work and everyday life. Additionally, Nuummite, believed to be one of the oldest crystals, nurtures a deep connection with the Earth through the Earth star chakra, providing a sense of oneness with all life that dwells upon this planet. FOLLOW ADAM FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
In this episode, we're embarking on a captivating quest into the heart of metaphysical healing with a focus on two remarkable and lesser-known gifts of nature: the enigmatic crystal known as Violane and the enchanting essential oil, Star Anise. These gifts from Mother Earth carry profound energies, secrets and wisdom waiting to be unearthed. Join us as we delve into the depths of Violane's mysterious properties, discovering its unique connection to spiritual transformation and psychic abilities. Then, we'll venture into the aromatic world of Star Anise, exploring its role in amplifying intuition and unlocking inner potential. FOLLOW ADAM FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
This episode explores a lesser-known chakra, the zeal chakra. This energy centre, also called the 'Mouth of God' is located at the back of the neck at the base of the skull and resonates with the colour magenta. It governs inspired expression and divine truth through the voice. When balanced it is a conduit for divine inspiration, offering you fresh perspectives, ideas and insight to move your forward in life. This episode explores this chakra, plus using four essential oils and/or crystals on four energy centres to enhance your intuitive abilites. FOLLOW ADAM FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils  KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
Welcome to a fragrant journey through the heart of Australia's lush landscapes and unique botanical treasures! In this episode, we're delving deep into the world of Anise Myrtle, a rare and enchanting native essential oil from the Australian wilderness. Our senses are about to be tantalised by the exquisite fragrance and the incredible stories behind this remarkable botanical gem. Join us as we uncover the secrets, history and myriad uses of Anise Myrtle – a hidden treasure of the land Down Under. So, grab your headphones and get ready to be immersed in the aromatic wonders of Australia's Anise Myrtle on this captivating episode. FOLLOW ADAM FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils   KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
This week's episode is a twist on the regular New Moon readings where we take a card from the tarot's Major Arcana and explore the relevance to a current situation. If you would like to book your own Private reading, click here: FOLLOW ADAM FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
Birch oil, akin in scent and composition to Wintergreen, is a powerful ally in promoting physical and emotional release. Traditionally utilised by wise women in Europe, Birch's purifying qualities cleanse both living spaces and emotional baggage. It excels in practices aimed at dissolving fear and old patterns, offering guidance when thoughts become tumultuous. Birch, sacred to Venus, aids in healing heartbreak and fostering openness and tolerance, encouraging acceptance of one's shadow aspects. This warming oil ignites fresh ideas and anticipates new beginnings, making it an ideal companion for those seeking renewal in life and love. FOLLOW ADAM   FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils  KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
Transform your life with the 2023 Crystal Healing Summit! Register here for FREE: Embark on a Sacred Journey into the World of Crystals during our immersive 7-day FREE virtual summit from October 23rd to 29th, 2023. 🌟 Experience the Remarkable Healing Power of Crystals! 🌟 Crystals are more than just beautiful gemstones; they are powerful catalysts for healing and transformation. These remarkable "energy beings" possess the incredible ability to amplify and transmit unique vibrations that resonate with your inner essence.Unlock the Secrets of Crystal Healing: 🔮 Stabilise Your Energy 🔮 Ground and Shield Your Being 🔮 Harmonise Areas of Imbalance 🔮 Gain Crystal Clarity 🔮 Rebalance Your Chakras 🔮 Ignite Your Creative Flow 🔮 Heighten Your Intuition 🔮 Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection 🔮 Purify and Renew Your Subtle Energies 🔮 Facilitate Physical Healing Join us to discover the profound ways in which crystals can enhance your life and accelerate your healing journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity to tap into the ancient wisdom that cultures worldwide have cherished for millennia. Secure your spot now at the 2023 Crystal Healing Summit and embrace the transformative power of crystals! Register here for FREE:
Hinoki is an honoured and respected variety of cypress native to Japan where she is used to build sacred and religious monuments such as temples and shrines, because of her ability to grow upright and produce very straight lumber. This trait translates into the essential oil gifted by the wood of this tree. Hinoki grows straightforwardly and upwards towards the heavens. She allows you to align with what is your divine purpose and head precisely in that direction. Let's explore this essential oil today! FOLLOW ADAM   FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more   BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils   KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
When you know what is happening in the heavens, you can prepare with gifts from the Earth. This episode explores the major astrological influences of September 2023 and which crystals and essential oils to align with to make the most of each energy shift. Here is a summary: 4th – Jupiter Retrograde (till 31st Dec) – Sugilite & Rosemary 15th – New Moon in Virgo – Black Tourmaline/Gabbro & Myrrh 23rd – Mabon – Mahogany Obsidian & Myrrh 23rd – Ostara – Blue Tourmaline and Eucalyptus 29th – Full Moon in Aries – Angel Aura Quartz & Coriander Seed FOLLOW ADAM ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals and more ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ My monthly online crystal sale ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ My favourite essential oils ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Let's get you prepared with crystals in hand and essential oils in the diffuser as we look at the astrological events ahead: Tuesday: Uranus Retrograde Wednesday: Pisces Full Moon Thursday: Sedna Retrograde FOLLOW ADAM   FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more   BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils   KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
We all love Amethyst, however there are other amazing violet crystals that all offer fresh perspectives and support, especially in terms of our spiritual growth. This week we explore three of these crystals, Charoite, Lepidolite and Sugilite WANT A GUIDED MEDITATION WITH CHAROITE OR SUGILITE? Download them here: Or purchase the CDs here: FOLLOW ADAM   FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more   BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils   KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
Imbolc marks the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. This year in the Southern Hemisphere, this in on the 7th August. Around Imbolc we see the first signs of Spring, and new life. Baby animals appear from nests and burrows just as the first Spring flowers start to blossom. After the cold months of Winter, we welcome the lengthening days and the warming sun. We emerge from our introspection and ponderings over the past months and are ready to start planning to bring new plans to life. This episode explore eight actions you can take to immerse in the spirit of Imbolc if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, check out the other episode released today on Lughnasadh. FOLLOW ADAM   FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more   BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils   KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
Lughnasadh, or Lammas, honours the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. This year it is on Monday 7th August in the Northern Hemisphere. This festival’s name is based on one of the most prominent gods in Irish mythology, Lugh. He is a warrior, king, master, craftsman and saviour. He is associated with skill and mastery in multiple disciplines, including the arts. This is a time when we mark the turning of the wheel of the year and start to prepare for the departure of the warm summer months. Be sure to take time to relax and reflect on your achievements and the good times that are abound. This episode explores how you can get into the spirit of Lughnasadh no matter where you are in the Northern Hempishere. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, check out today's other episode on Imbolc. FOLLOW ADAM   FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more   BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils   KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here
When you know what is happening in the heavens, you can prepare with gifts from the Earth. This episode explores the major astrological influences of August 2023 and which crystals and essential oils to align with to make the most of each energy shift. Here is a summary: 1st – Full Moon in Aquarius – Herkimer Diamond and Neroli 7th – Lughnasadh – Carnelian and Neroli 7th – Imbolc – Lapis Lazuli and Peppermint 16th – New Moon in Leo – Black Opal and Green Mandarin 23rd – Mercury Retrograde in Virgo (till 15th Sept) – Blue Lace Agate and Eucalyptus 29th – Uranus Retrograde (till 27th Jan) - Herkimer Diamond and Neroli 30th – Full Moon in Pisces – Howlite and Jasmine FOLLOW ADAM ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals and more ⁠⁠⁠⁠ BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more ⁠⁠⁠⁠ My monthly online crystal sale ⁠⁠⁠⁠ My favourite essential oils ⁠⁠⁠⁠ KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details ⁠⁠⁠⁠
On 23rd July 2023, there are three astrological bodies going into retrograde - Venus, Chiron and Eris. This will bring shifts, challenges, realisations and lessons but in the end each retrograde offers an opportunity to improve your life. This episode looks at what to expect. FOLLOW ADAM FREE weekly e-newsletter exploring crystals, essential oils and more BRING MAGICK HOME My books, oracle cards and more My favourite essential oils KEEP IT SIMPLE! All my details and offerings can be found here:
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