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The Bliss Movement

Author: Dr Fiona Enkelmann

Subscribed: 5Played: 132


Welcome to The Bliss Movement, a podcast for big-hearted driven women daring to be great, ready to embrace their soul-inspired life, and know that this starts with pouring love into themselves first.

I’m Dr Fi, a former medical doctor, energy healer, mindset coach, and spiritual mentor, who is passionate about helping women to stop tuning out & burning out and to reconnect with their hearts & follow their bliss.

I’ve guided 1000’s of women to embrace real meaningful self-care, sharing with them my bliss toolbox, so that our hearts are full and overflowing, creating the most profound ripple of change in the world. 

In each episode I’ll be sharing with you stories, solutions, and strategies to guide you along your journey, acknowledging that it’s not all sunshine & rainbows! By embracing your vulnerability as the source of your power,  tapping into your unstoppable grace, honouring your emotional needs, and following your inner wisdom your life will transform beyond what you ever imagined possible. Let’s get you taking inspired action towards the health, love & career you crave! 

If you enjoyed the podcast, please subscribe, leave a review, and share it with the people you love! I invite you to be a part of The Bliss Movement, normalising women pouring love into themselves first. 

35 Episodes
Have you ever found yourself on the brink of achieving your dreams, only to be held back by a nagging sense of doubt? Or found that once you’ve hit a milestone or accomplished your goal, something uncanny happens to throw a spanner in the works… It's not just a fear of failure that trips us up…. But a fear of success. And in today’s episode we're going to have an incredible conversation about the real reasons why you're sabotaging your dreams.We'll dive into the depths of our subcon...
Are you feeling wired but tired, especially when you're on the brink of burnout and desperately craving a good night's sleep?In this podcast episode, we'll explore two essential elements – a practical strategy and a mindset shift – that go beyond the usual advice to help you achieve truly restful sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated.We'll dive into the fascinating relationship between sleep and burnout, shedding light on how your hormones interact, disrupt your sleep patterns and perpetuate ...
We have this one precious life… are you making the most of it? When you're caught in the throes of burnout, it's easy to feel a nagging sense that there's so much more you could be experiencing and achieving. Many of my clients in burnout come face to face with this question - who am I? What is my life purpose? How do I make the most of my precious life? If you find yourself in this position, yearning for a greater sense of purpose and meaning, then you won't want to miss today...
Calling all solution-focused gals! In this episode, we dive into the real struggles faced by big-hearted, ambitious, high-achieving women—the "miss fix-it" types whom everyone turns to for answers. While helping others is rewarding, constantly being relied upon can lead to pressure, rushing, and burnout, with nothing left in the tank for what’s most important - you. If you're nodding along, feeling the need for change but unsure where to start, this episode is your guiding light. We dive...
If you are living by someone else’s playbook, procrastination is a signal for you to realign with your bigger soul-aligned mission…. But even when you’re on track following your bliss, you’re not immune to getting in your own way. Despite being smart & driven, knowing exactly what is needed when it comes to your health, happiness & success, your emotional nature wins every time, for better or worse... which is why you can find yourself getting distracted & procrastinating des...
Whether you’re in the throes of burnout, know that you’re heading towards breaking point or unsure what burnout actually is, this episode has you covered! Join me, as we deep dive into the lesser-known aspects of burnout that go beyond conventional definition and what is commonly discussed to shed light on what is actually required to change your situation fast. Exploring burnout from a scientific perspective, you’ll be equipped with knowledge of how to transform your life from the insid...
Do you struggle to put yourself first consistently, even when you know having a full cup is THE key to your own happiness and your family & career thriving?Prioritising me-time goes way beyond setting boundaries, saying no or having a massage scheduled in your calendar. In this episode, we delve into the crucial factor of acknowledging your emotional nature and needs when making decisions about self-care. If you neglect this aspect, you'll find yourself splitting your energy, burdene...
When I decided to leave medicine to be an online transformation coach for women, it’s wasn’t that things weren’t good -My patients were motivated & grateful, my business made a healthy profit and I finally had work/life balance sorted. Yet, I couldn’t deny that in my heart there was something more wanting to emerge, and it scared me as I had poured my heart, soul & money into becoming a holistic General Practitioner, and establishing my mixed Medical & Naturopathy business.&n...
When you commit to making a stand for what is important to you, speaking your truth or authentically aligning to what is true and real for you, not everyone is going to agree with you.There will be times where you will come face to face with the haters - and it can feel painful, especially when people you love judge, criticise or reject you. In this episode I share my own recent classroom around this, and the 3 key principles to handling the heat and staying true your heart. So ge...
From growing up on a farm and experiencing poverty firsthand to then holding a Dr’s salary and a successful online coaching business has provided to me many different classrooms around money including busting through income ceilings, feeling worthy of more and navigating wealth as a big-hearted ambitious women. In today’s episode we’re exploring a different topic to most when it comes to money mindset - the paradox of why making money mean everything, and nothing, is the key to unimagina...
It’s easy to show up for yourself and your dreams when life is good… but when things don’t go your way can you stay the course or even use this to fuel you? When I left medicine to become an online coach, I imagined that things would work out ‘perfectly’. This made the first 6 months, where I was my family’s main breadwinner making no enrolments going further into debt a very tricky heartbreaking time…Instead of giving up, I embraced these 5 shifts & went on to support 100’s of women...
I used to be the ultimate control freak. I was convinced that staying two steps ahead would somehow keep me safe. But instead, it sucked all the joy out of living and left me utterly exhausted.It took hitting rock bottom with burnout for me to realise that life rarely follows our plans. That's when I understood that if I wanted real change, I had to step out of my comfort zone.So, I asked myself, If I allowed unexpected challenges and discomfort to be a part of life, and focused on suppo...
Trying to control life was my forte. I was determined to be two steps ahead, believing this somehow kept me safe… But, it just sucked all enjoyment dry and spiralled me into exhaustion. My burnout helped me to realise that things rarely go to plan and that for change to happen, I need to step outside my comfort zone. If I allowed unexpected challenges and discomfort to be a part of life, and focused on supporting myself to better handle this, what would happen? Boom! The relief...
When women decide to not change themselves for others, we change the world in the most beautiful magnificent ways. Embracing authenticity - the real me, the real you - is a revolutionary act in a world that has conditioned us to be little miss perfect, to conform with others, and to dim our light. Warning: This episode includes sensitive information as I’m getting real & vulnerable with you about my childhood trauma that underpinned my people pleasing tendency. I'm a recovering ...
In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of acceptance and how it can propel you towards your greatest potential. I explore the misconception that acceptance equates to passivity, and instead, redefine it as the first step towards surrender & the miracles that reside within this. By releasing resistance, giving up the should’s and embracing acceptance, we open ourselves up to profound growth and transformation. This supports us on every level - physically, psychologica...
Feeling stuck between where you are and where you want to be? Do you often find yourself fixating on an idealised version of your life, only to feel inadequate and unsatisfied with where you are? When we focus on an ideal, what we wish to manifest, there is a risk that we spiral into the 'suffering gap'. This is where we look around in life, feeling inadequate, having FOMO, comparing ourselves to others, and feeling like we're not 'there' yet. It's where the constant pursuit for happines...
OMG! I absolutely loved this episode. Get ready for an empowering episode packed with practical wisdom! In your desire to embrace your extraordinary life, you’re bound to encounter unexpected obstacles that threaten to derail your dreams. It's natural to feel apprehensive about stepping out of your comfort zone, but fear not – I've got you covered!In this episode, I reveal five powerful keys to help you navigate life's twists and turns with confidence and resilience. From embracing the f...
Join me as I share my personal journey of tuning out that ended up in burnout. Despite appearing successful on the outside, internally I was struggling with self-criticism and shame, which eventually led to a collapse of everything I valued – my health, relationships, and career.After an energy healing session that brought with it an unexpected spiritual experience, I was propelled on a path to explore how the body, heart or mind actually works. This supported me in my own healing and ignited...
Welcome to The Bliss Movement! 🎉 In this episode, I'm thrilled to share with you my journey of following my bliss… Spoiler alert: it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows! But that's the reality of claiming an authentic soul-aligned life, one that truly resonates with you in every way – encompassing the health, wealth, and happiness you crave!Join me as we delve into the essential aspects of supporting yourself amidst life's inevitable challenges. From navigating dark nights of the soul ...
Lonely at the top

Lonely at the top


Are you an over-achiever who constantly strives for more?Has your ambition landed you at the top, but you’ve found it to be an isolating & lonely place and you regret what you’ve lost along the way?   Meet Tiffany. She’s one of our gorgeous Finding Bliss graduates who is also a devoted mum to two young children, a loving wife and an ambitious career woman living in New York city.Tiffany is full of wisdom when it comes to overcoming burnout in way that doesn’t involve sacrifice. Today she shares with us what helped her to:Release control in her daily life, so she can live with peace & experience life’s unexpected surprises.  Reconnect with her baby boy, who was sensing her stress & withdrawing from her, crushing her confidence as a mother. No longer the case. Assert stronger boundaries & break people pleasing behaviour, leading to greater empowerment & mutual understanding in her workplace & personal life. Connect with other women and ‘find her tribe’.Plus so much more!Tiffany’s message to you is that there is a different way to experiencing life. She says you can “work smarter, not harder” and receive life’s blessings if you are willing to relinquish control and keep an open mind. Take 30 minutes to tune in as this message is certain to set you up to win!💗 Work with While I make every effort to broadcast correct information, up to date scientific information is constantly changing and I am always learning. I check all my facts before presenting them to you and will continue to do so. My podcast & blog is an expression of my view on how to recover from burnout, based on my experience of working with hundreds of women which includes when I worked as an integrative medical doctor. I take no money from drug, supplement or device companies to endorse their products. By listening to this podcast or reading this blog, you agree not to use this podcast or blog as medical advice to treat any medical condition. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast or blog. Under no circumstances shall Fiona Enkelmann, Narayani Wellness, any guests or contributors to the podcast or blog, or any employees, associates, or affiliates of Narayani Wellness be responsible for damages arising from use of the podcast or blog.This blog or podcast should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony.  No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or blog.