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The Blue Fish Radio Show

Author: Blue Fish Radio

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Blue Fish Radio is produced and hosted by Lawrence Gunther ( The show features interviews with people that have expertise and first-hand knowledge about fishing, fish and aquatic ecosystems. Lawrence Gunther applies his expertise, experience and engaging style to both educate and entertain listeners. Each show lasts 30 minutes and is streamed by a number of broadcasters.

Production and distribution of the Blue Fish Radio Show is intended to share valuable lessons and successes so more people can become stewards of their aquatic resources. By empowering local champions with knowledge, future generations of fishers will have the opportunity to pursue the tradition of fishing, and by doing so, maintain a vital link between people and nature.

If you have a story to tell about how you made a difference in your community, or would like to nominate a local champion to be interviewed on Blue Fish Radio, please send an email to:
454 Episodes
Lindsey Haskin is the Writer/Producer/Director of the new documentary “The Fish Thief”, now available for home viewing.  The documentary is Lindsey’s second film about the great  lakes, the difference being this time he focusses on the role scientists played to identify the cause of the near total collapse of native fishes throughout many of the Great Lakes, and how scientists eventually discovered a solution responsible for restoring the Great Lakes as the most valuable freshwater fishery in the world. Lindsey  and host Lawrence Gunther also discuss emerging threats that could un-do the hard work of so many. watch the documentary at: 
Dr. Marc Gaden is the new Executive Secretary of the Great Lakes Fishery commission and the guest on The Blue fish Radio Show. Marc speaks with host Lawrence Gunther about the Commission’s effort to catch up on Sea Lamprey control following Covid 19 shut-downs, the move to strengthen knowledge sharing ties with Great Lakes indigenous communities, efforts to widen the net to include even more Great Lakes stakeholders, the important stewardship role of the recreational fishing sector, balancing new perspectives with historical data, addressing invasive species and improving fish habitat, and the general over-all improvement of fish stocks throughout the Great Lakes. Marc also discusses how the value of the world’s most valuable freshwater fishery is defined, and where still more data is needed to fully understand the connection between fish and coastal communities. The two also discuss the importance of environmental groups, commercial, indigenous and recreational fishing interests collaborating on data collection, conservation, advocacy, and just as importantly, promoting and celebrating the bounty of the Great Lakes.
The TV Ontario “All Too Clear” 3-part series  looks into the Great Lakes  using underwater drones. The series Producers explain how they were able to reveal the quadrillions of tiny invasive mussels that are re-engineering the ecosystem of North America's Great Lakes at a scale not seen since the glaciers. While the consequences for nature and people are severe, the loss of life has had an extraordinary side effect: it’s made the lakes far clearer than they’ve ever been before.
Holly Isnor is the Marine Campaign Coordinator with the Ecology Action Centre in Nova Scotia, and our  guest on The Blue fish Radio Show. Holly will explain why the 184 fishers in Nova Scotia that hold swordfish harpoon licenses are interested in adding the option of filling their quota using hook-and-line, and bringing along paying customers interested in reeling in swordfish that can reach weights of 500 kilograms. Find out what it’s going to take to open up this new big game recreational fishing opportunity.
Dr. Ussif Rashid Sumaila from the University of British Columbia is widely known and highly regarded as an expert on the ability of offshore commercial fisheries to fish sustainably. His opinions are shaping Canada’s entry into a new WTO agreement on the World’s first international sustainability Treaty. Listen as Dr. Sumaila speaks with Lawrence about the role technology is having on increasing fishing pressure around the world on The Blue Fish Radio Show.
Lawrence and Scotty review all the latest fishing and fish news from across Canada on the April 22 2024 episode of Canadian Fishing Network Live
Scotty and Lawrence discuss whether forward facing sonar needs to be dialed back, or if fishing regulations need to be enhanced on the April 15 2024 episode of Canadian Fishing Network Live
While some can’t wait for the debate about forward facing sonar to end, others believe we aren’t finished by a long shot. Regulators in the U.S. are actually surveying anglers for their views on whether the technology should be banned. We reached out to professional angler David Chong for his views on the topic. David is one of Canada’s top professional bass anglers and a long-time representative of many fishing, boating and electronic brands. Welcome back David to The Blue Fish Radio Show!
In the Blue fish News on CFN Live on March 25 2024 Lawrence and Scottie discuss the important role of local champions, the “World Unseen” exhibit, the 2024 walleye and perch Lake Erie commercial harvest “total allowable catch”, impacts of open pen fin-fish aquiculture, the state of Great Lakes fisheries, commercial fisher protests underway in Newfoundland / Labrador, the growth of small scale farm operations across Canada, dangers associated with family farming, the return of small scale commercial fishing, supporting local seafood fishers, and Canada’s signature on the new World Trade Organization high seas fishing treaty.
Terry Rees and his 20 years with FOCA Director of the Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations for twenty years, and recently announced that he will be moving on. Terry’s leadership on countless water quality issues over the years has served the over-500 cottage associations that are affiliated with FOCA, and the knowledge and experience he’s amassed is significant. Terry is our guest on The Blue Fish Radio Show where he talks about a wide range of issues, strategies, programs and regulations meant to maintain a strong one-health relationship between property owners and the waters they love and appreciate.
Watersheds Canada on Fish HabitatLawrence Gunther speaks with the new Executive Director of Water Sheds Canada Robert J. Pye, and Melissa Dakers, Habitat and Stewardship Program Manager, about their work on creating resilient fish habitat on The Blue fish Radio Show. Robert has many years of experience in promoting fishing and conservation, and Mel is led the charge to expand the charity’s shoreline restoration programs to include shoreline wetlands and fish habitat. Learn how their programs operate year-round, how you can get involved or learn more, and some exciting news about what’s coming up! This is our 3rd episode featuring Watersheds Canada over the past six years, and we are excited to witness the evolution of their focus on fish!
Blue Fish News Live on CFN March 18 2024Lawrence and Scottie talk about the role of mentors, fertile Grass Carp  in the Great Lakes, school instruction about invasives, Scotty Fishing’s role in schools with donating hatchery equipment, ice fishing and Great Lakes ice coverage stats, Lakes Superiors designation as the fastest warming lake in the world, and advocacy efforts to have B.C.’s Chinook salmon labeled as unsustainable to properly advise consumers, and how some stocks are bouncing back.
E435 In Search of the Great Canadian Shark with Dr Chris Harvey-ClarkDr. Chris Harvey-Clark is one of Canada’s leading shark researchers and a frequent shark expert guest on TV and in documentaries. Chris just released his new book, “In Search of the Great Canadian Shark.” Chris speaks with host Lawrence Gunther about his numerous shark encounters and the work he’s assisting with to track Great White Sharks in Atlantic Canada. To buy the book send an email to ChrisHarveyClark@Gmail.Com.
Two new books are discussed, “In search of the Great Canadian Shark”, and “Thinking Big About Small-Scale Fisheries. Lawrence and Scottie discuss Lawrence’s work with Canon to launch the new tactile printer for the blind. The unknown Arctic fishes and control over the new commercial fishery. The extreme age of Greenland Sharks and traditional techniques to cure their meat. The movement of fish species north into the Arctic Ocean. The bid by recreational fishers in Newfoundland / Labrador to increase personal harvest limits of Northern Cod. What Muskie eat. Good news about Atlantic Salmon on a New Brunswick River thanks to a new fish-friendly bridge. New data on chemical pollutants in the St. Lawrence River stemming from treated sewage waste releases. The success of the “swish and spit” program for preventing invasive aquatic species from entering the Great Lakes. The impact of 70 new species of invasive earth worms brought to North America. A delayed oil spill mitigation effort on the Fraiser River. Methane gas leakage into the atmosphere. Efforts to create a giant garbage incinerator on the banks of the Ottawa river. Numbers of Great Lakes water usage and releases for 2022.
The Blue Fish News Live on Canadian Fishing Network includes a quick overview of the new book, “Thinking Big about Small-Scale Fisheries”. Lawrence and Scottie talk about  the new Inuit Arctic commercial fisheries . A comparison between the consolidation of Canada’s agriculture sector and what is happening with our commercial fisheries. The growth of Canada’s community supported fisheries. Research showing that male bass left alone during the six-week spawning season raise 4-times more fry than bass that are angled, and how seasonal sanctuaries could replicate this result. Where to buy fresh sustainably caught shrimp and other seafood. A huge Chinook fish kill caused by a commercial fishing vessel releasing bycatch off the coast of Vancouver Island. And the award given to Dr. Steven Cook from Carleton University by the International Game Fish Association.
This past December a new e-book called “Thinking Big about Small-Scale Fisheries in Canada” was released and can be downloaded for free. The book is a project of “Too Big to be Ignored Canada, a new Cross-Canadian research and knowledge sharing hub focused on increasing the visibility, recognition, and enhancement of small-scale fisheries in Canada. Evan J. Andrews, editor of the book, and Kristen Lowitt, co-author of chapter #6, are Lawrence’s guests on The Blue Fish Radio Show. Link to hear Lawrence, Evan and Kristen discuss the book, and the many common challenges facing Canadian and other small-scale fisheries around the world.
Scottie and Lawrence discuss the Ottawa Boat and Outdoor Show, boat prices, Striped Bass predation of salmon Smoltz, new Indigenous Conserved and Protected Area in Manitoba, leaving local communities out of marine protection talks, and offshore wind power and what it means for fishing.
Lawrence and Scottie discuss the evolution of outdoor shows, Blue Fish Canada’s mandate, one health, next generation anglers, and what constitutes sustainable fishing.
Scottie and Lawrence discuss aquatic invasive species, Grass Carp, Tench, state of Great Lake’s commercial fishery, fish consumption advisories, Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes, sewage releases, eating Great Lakes Salmon, the Red Fish commercial fishery about to open on the Golf of St. Lawrence, carbon releases caused by large commercial draggers stirring the ocean bottom, and salmon plasticity.
Lawrence And Scottie examine the spread of Gobies throughout southern Ontario, and where we are with electric boats. Recorded live on Canadian Fishing Network on February 5, 2024.