The Book Matrix

For readers and researchers who want books in their brain fast

*Surviving the Economic Collapse by Fernando Ferfal Aguirre*

This is an absolutely terrific book! It is about the economic collapse that recently occurred in Argentina in 2002. He walks us through the changes that occur from the early to late stages of fiat collapse. He includes details I have never seen in any other economic collapse book.


*I'm Back* + Four must reads that are coming

I decided I'm going to post draft book reviews in order to get the info. out fast. Podcasts denoted by * are drafts. Eventually I will come back through and improve the audio quality.


When Money Dies review of Adam Fergusson's book

Currency collapse kung fu! This is the best resource I've found. Learning the history of Germany's currency crisis may literally save your life and fortune!I gave this book 5 stars.The best audience is preppers, economists, anyone interested in finance or history… For example if you’d like to know how to prosper during difficult economic times, this book is for you. It’s a real eye opener. I think everyone should read it as a form of financial self defense.During the 2008 credit crises in the US, there was a shortage on copies of his book and so they sold on eBay for $1,000 each. Hence I recommend purchasing several hardcopies to keep on hand.Adam Fergusson was born in July of 1932 making him 87 years old today. He is a British journalist and author who served one term in the European Parliament as an MEP. He is a business consultant. Later he left the Herald to work as the foreign editor of the Statist in 1964 (a journal for economists and businessmen).View Business / Finance / Self Help on the Book Matrix website


Sampler of the soundtracks I've made

Sampler of the soundtracks I made last week for the purpose of movie and podcast audio backgrounds.You either need good speakers for these songs, or headphones. As some frequencies are beyond laptop speakers.


A Miracle Praise Story for God

I decided to share the miracle of God's protection when I drove into oncoming traffic on the highway in a snow storm.The story involves me driving down the wrong side of the interstate blinded by a snow storm for five miles. I of course did not do this on purpose. With almost nowhere to go, I played chicken with a large flatbed diesel on his side of the highway. We were both surrounded by a pack of cars on a snowy stormy night.


Saving Dividend Chapter 5 - Don Corey

This short chapter is an introduction that announces / foreshadows the founder of Dividend, and the basis for the rest of the book.


Sinners in the hands of an Angry God

This sermon given by Jonathan Edwards over a hundred years ago is a stunner! I surprised myself when I recorded it because the only way to make the King James English come across as clear was to emulate the intensity and emotion with which he originally gave the message. I found myself yelling, gasping for air, and shell shocked by the end of it. What a masterpiece! I'm not suggesting I agree with it, but I acknowledge the skills! I would imagine he left his congregation so speechless, I doubt they clapped or got up when it was over. They probably just sat there until the usher asked them to leave.This sermon sparked a revival the likes of which we haven't seen since. And quite frankly, I think it's a message of warning everyone should hear two or three times in their lives.


Encouragement for your darkest hour

This message isn't just for those who are struggling, it's also for those who want to learn how to praise, glorify and worship God, better! After understanding the nature of this stronghold, you will become a stronghold crusher!


Aesop's Fables - Listening can save your life

Aesop was born in 620 BC. He was a Greek storyteller who was 56 years old when he died. None of his writings survived. However, this might be because Greece had an oral tradition. Therefore, references to Aesop are in the writings of Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch. And his fables were so popular that they are still told to this day. I bet you know one.The best audience for these podcasts and his writings are public speakers, entertainers, fans of self-help, children, teachers and anyone who wants or needs insight into the behaviors of others and the lessons of life.Rather than read all 77 of his fables in one podcast. I'm unpacking them in separate podcasts to make them memorable. This one is a great example of that. Enjoy! This is the story of the bat and the weasels


Don't listen to this one!

The forbidden message.


Aesop's Fables (Debate can eat you alive)

Aesop was born in 620 BC. He was a Greek storyteller who was 56 years old when he died. None of his writings survived. However, this might be because Greece had an oral tradition. Therefore, references to Aesop are in the writings of Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch. And his fables were so popular that they are still told to this day. I bet you know one.The best audience for these podcasts and his writings are public speakers, entertainers, fans of self-help, children, teachers and anyone who wants or needs insight into the behaviors of others and the lessons of life.Rather than read all 77 of his fables in one podcast. I'm unpacking them in separate podcasts to make them memorable. This one is a great example of that. Enjoy!This one is the story of the wolf and the lamb


Summary of Eusebius Ecclesiastical History - Part 13

Book 6 is largely focused on the life of an oustanding man named Origen who was unparalleled in his commitment and knowledge of GodChapter 1 — Leonides father of Origen beheadedChapter 2 — Introduction to the man named, OrigenChapter 3 — Origen conducted the school for elementary instruction in the faithChapter 4 — Plutarch was martyred and his friends blamed Origen.Chapter 5 — an unfortunate love story between a martyr and the soldier delivering her to deathChapter 6 — Clement was Origen’s instructorChapter 7 — A man named Judas calculates the arrival of Antichrist, but gets it wrongChapter 8 — Origen was rewarded for his willingness to become a eunuch for the faith Chapter 9 — The miracles of NarcissusChapter 10 — The return of NarcissusChapter 11 — Alexander becomes bishop with NarcissusChapter 12 —The writings of SerapionChapter 13 — A list of authors and their worksChapter 14 — Paul wrote the book of Hebrews and Luke translated it


Why aren't my prayers working?

This message comes from my other channel called the Bible Why Guy It explains what I believe to be the #1 reason most people struggle with prayer -- and I would be shocked if you've heard this reason before! When I stumbled on the solution it was so simple and powerful. I had to share it on this channel, too.


Saving Dividend - Chapter 1 - My Death

This is chapter one of my fiction book entitled, "Saving Dividend"Chapter one begins with a teenage girl named Mary Bate who after telling her boyfriend she was pregnant found herself at the bottom of a mine shaft in a deserted mining town in Utah (Dividend). She has a broken leg and is losing blood and she's young and not very experienced. She uses her phone to record a message in case she dies in the well that she titled, "My Death." The book opens with her recording.For the full series click here:


Saving Dividend - Chapter 2 - My Will

Chapter two is entitled, "My Will."Mary is still stuck at the bottom of the mineshaft and while she tries to plan her escape she realizes she might not make it and so she decides to leave the world with a message telling them who she is and what to do with her possessions. She also leaves a message for her family; confessing her mistakes and saying goodbye.


Saving Dividend - Chapter 3 - Velma

In chapter 3 we meet Don and Velma Corey, Dr. Wells Nelson, and his nurse and receptionist. Don brings Velma into the hospital because she's acting crazy. She keeps talking about being a foot shorter on the right side and thinks her ankle is broken. After listening to her babble incoherently, the doctor is forced to sedate her.


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