The BotSupply Podcast

Join us in our journey as we interview AI experts and enthusiasts from the #WeCoCreate Community. BotSupply mission is to establish a decentralized network of AI scientists, specialists, and partners that co-create AI solutions that drive digital transformation.

The BotSupply Podcast EP. 4

We interview Abhash Sinha, Ashutosh Mishra and Saurabh Varshneya, 3 new AI scientists joining the BotSupply team 🙌🙌🙌


The BotSupply Podcast Ep. 3

We are exited to have Vittorio Banfi, CEO and Co-Founder of BotSociety as guest for this episode.


The BotSupply Podcast Ep 02

Arthur Chan & Waikit Lau have since 2016, been co-administering the largest Facebook Group on AI and Machine Learning. The community, named AIDL continues to thrive and it has now over 41K members!


The BotSupply Podcast Ep 01

Siraj is the creator and host of one of the most followed Youtube channel on AI where he translates the abstract concepts behind machine learning into fun and engaging tutorial videos.


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