The Bricks, Riffing Unscripted

Everything that matters, and everything that shouldn't. <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a>

Past Midnight: Riffing Unscripted Aug 24th

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Riffing Unscripted: Brick #1: Metaverse Final Destination-From the ground Up

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Unscripted Riff August 14, 2022

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The Rest of Us

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Unscripted Aug 12

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Daily Journal

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Rule of law in the United States of America:

It was a genuine pleasure engaging in a discussion with Tamera Lee author and Co-host of the People At Law Podcast. Below are the links we discussed during the show please visit each link for more information and be sure to check out the podcast!People At Law PodcastPardonflynnnow.comStopHate.com Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Unscripted & Unapologetic March 8, 2022

Some housekeeping stuff, update on podcasts coming down the line, and guests. And then a freestyle, stream of consciousness goodbye to Austin, TX. Enjoy! Or don’t. But I hope you do. Regardless I’ll take a dollar. Make it worthwhile and send 5. Kidding. Like, Share, Subscribe. That’s most valuable!Video version! Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Ignorance is forgivable, Willful Ignorance will end us

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Unscripted & Unapologetic: Saturday, March 5, 2022

Show NotesSaturday, March 5, 2022For all four people who may have listened to or watched the podcast on Thursday I incorrectly cited Isaiah Thomas as one of the basketball players in the NBA who refused to comply with mandates. The correct name for the athlete is Bradley Beal, who has complied. Beal stated it was for his family. The link is below. Bradley Beal Changes CourseJonathan Isaac remains steadfast and is an individual with character and courage. He has taken a great deal of criticism for his upcoming book as well. Link to article from Hoop Hype below:Jonathan IsaacWhat about the news behind the news? That would be the information many people believed to be the stuff of conspiracies and fake news when in fact it's the actual narrative that is being hidden by the official narrative.What does the conflict between Russia and Ukraine mean for the rest of the world? After World War Two the United Nations was established with the aim of consolidating power from world governments into one unitary body with the ostensible goal of preventing World War and maintaining peace. It's important to remember that the first attempt at a global governance organization was after World War One and it was called the League of Nations. The League of Nations failed and after World War Two the United Nations was established and has encroached on the sovereignty of individual nations incrementally.As we stand on the cusp of what they are telling us could be a global conflict, and it is true that the conflict will have global ramifications, what solutions do all our so-called leaders have in mind to prevent this from ever happening again? Further consolidation of governance? Do all roads lead back to The United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the sustainable development goals set forth to be achieved by 2030?We briefly look at these issues today and discuss the competing narratives surrounding the pandemic and the primacy of the United States dollar as officials ramp up discussions on digital currencies, including Jerome Powell here in the United States.Below are links used for today's show and on the substack main page you can find the following uploaded documents:1. 5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-20212. Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development Dollar Primacy-Digital Money(digital currencies)UN 2030 Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Unscripted & Unapologetic

Show NotesThursday, March 3, 2022Unscripted & UnapologeticUsually, today is a review. A review of the week and the events that are driving closer to the goalpost. Today I wanted to take some time to focus on the rapidly shifting narrative. I want to begin with Joe Biden’s State of the Union. I didn’t watch the address for my own health but I think reviewing one clip about 6 minutes in length is important and so we’ll get through it together. Specifically, I want to review Joe Biden’s 4-Point Plan.First and foremost, here is the link I was struggling to find regarding the 4 scenarios, Judith Rodin, and Lockstep: Link to POTUS clip:2. from NYT article:1. articles range from declaring the pandemic is over to warning us not to get complacent, but one thing is consistent and that Is that the uniform narrative is shifting radically. Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Unscripted & Unapologetic: Don't Be Fooled

Show notes Tuesday, March 1, 2022Today we discussed my coming off of YouTube grounding and we touched on several issues regarding blockchain technology, the impact of prominent figures resisting the mainstream narrative, and how we need more of this and citizen journalism. I highlighted the work of Allison McDowell and Naomi wolf. Below are some links regarding today's show:1.     Alison McDowell Full Clip2. Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Unscripted & Unapologetic 02/24/2022

Thursday, February 24, 2022Unscripted & Unapologetic February 24, 2022. We discuss the Trucker Convoy to DC, the World Economic Forum and its influence, its end goals, and each Tuesday we'll delve into their plans such as impact investing, smart cities, digital currencies, social credit, and more. See below my postChange Doesn’t Happen at The Ballot Box: And It Hasn’t For Some TimeDoes Voting MatterIn an unusually civil exchange on Twitter several days ago regarding the situation in Ottawa, a citizen in the area voiced support for Justin Trudeau’s response to the protesters. That is his invoking of the Emergencie’s Act and articulating the extraordinary power he is already using against the protesters along with all those who supported them, even tangentially.The Canadian Tweeter made the case that these protests were not peaceful because they disrupted supply chains and brought the city to a standstill. My counterargument was that the conditions she described, while inconvenient, is a small price for a society to pay in order to send a message to their government and remind them that the citizens are in charge, and the so-called leaders are in fact servants whose only power comes from the people. Her reply was that the protests were not really concerned with freedom, and it would be more appropriate to take any grievances to the ballot box. Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s a nice thought, and the Tweeter was thoroughly civil and appropriate, which was refreshing. The proposed solution, however, is naïve.The Electoral RealityAs an American, I am not well versed in Canadian politics. But I’m not so sure it matters. It seems clear that we’re living in a world where supranational entities govern in the background and sovereignty is ceremonial at best. In fact, these entities, such as the World Economic Forum, which is undoubtedly the most powerful, aren’t even operating in the background now that I think about it. They make no effort to hide how much power they have over supposedly sovereign nations. If people can read and take the time to visit their websites and connect the dots, it becomes clear quickly.But put all that aside. Is Canada somehow immune to corruption? Are they not bogged down with the same nonsense and drama surrounding politics and politicians as the rest of us because they’re Canada? Where does the trust come from? Again, let’s pretend that there are no powerful non-governmental groups running the show behind the scenes and each country is truly sovereign and not subject to the United Nations or international banks and are allowed to pursue auto-determination as a sovereign State ought to. How is Canada, or any nation that has a democratic system where citizens ‘vote’ above corruption? If I combed through Canada’s leaders from the last 50 years would I find honest politicians and instances where a dishonest politician was voted out and the system worked? I doubt it.Again, I’m not familiar with Canadian politics the way I am with American politics but the Federal Government here in the United States is defunct in every way. Congress is ceremonial. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some good members of the House and the Senate. But they have no power whatever. Legislation is almost never written by our ‘elected’ Senators and ‘Representatives’ but rather by special interest groups who, one way or another, almost always seem to trace back to the United Nations and/or the World Economic Forum. The only hope, if there is hope, is at the local level.The truckers in Canada did what they did because they recognized, at least on some level, what I am trying to articulate here, which is that the Federal authorities are not there for the people. This past weekend in Canada Justin Trudeau unleashed jackboot-like thugs in Ottawa. Now the New York Times has reported that the freeze on bank accounts has ended, but I find that hard to believe when the Parliament voted 185-151 to extend the emergency powers (aka Martial Law) indefinitely.The notion that we can solve this at the Federal level, or even the provincial (Canada) or State (US) level is nice to think about, especially because it’s supposed to be that way. The problem is if you have eyes to see and ears to hear you know we cannot vote our way out of this. You don’t even need to do hours of research.Will voting and representative government ever work again?We can have a restoration of that system but the road to the restoration of genuine rule of law is long. It entails sacrifice, pain, and it will require total commitment. We will need to disband the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and here in America, a Constitutional Convention may need to take place, although that comes with a great deal of risk. Regardless, the entire Federal Government and all its unnecessary bureaucratic institutions need to be completely dismantled and the People need to take back OUR house. All of that is just the beginning too. It’s a tall order, without a doubt.We cannot go around this problem, we must go through it. And that is tough for people to hear because we all just want to live our lives. I get it. I feel the same way. But as David Icke once said, to paraphrase, “the truth is still the truth regardless of how much you wish it wasn’t the truth.” Incidentally, I used to think David Icke was insane. That is until everything he said would happen did and is. From 1991 until the present day, he has been so precise it’s just plain foolish not to listen to him.In ConclusionIn conclusion, voting is a steam valve the establishment gives us to release the pressure. The illusion of choice. It wasn’t always that way. It was never perfect, but in the early days of the United States, the system worked. I know for many leftists that statement probably made you clench from ass to elbow but it’s true. Now it’s a show. But it doesn’t have to be.The convoy here in the United States is still set, I believe, to roll towards DC next week and our brave and accountable leaders are naturally behaving rationally. They’re embracing the opportunity to dialogue with their bosses because technically WE ARE! Obviously, I am being facetious. They’ve called in the National Guard.Should our brethren here in the United States demonstrate the same level of courage we saw from the Canadians it will be interesting to see how our government reacts. After all, as Rand Paul made clear, we have all the same laws, and the government can even shut down the Internet if they wanted to.Time will tell. The jury is still out how all this will shake out. But one thing is certain and it’s this: we cannot solve this at the ballot box. That’s deeply troubling, but it’s the stark reality and it’s time people accept that. Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Unscripted & Unapologetic

Tuesday, February 22, 2022Show NotesThank you for listening to the show please subscribe, share, like, and feel free to donate even a dollar so that I can continue to do the work.I am looking for guests from society at large. that is to say I'm looking for regular Americans like myself who either disagree with my stance on the issues I discuss or would like to come on and have a discussion with me about how all of this is impacting their lives.If you are interested, you can message me or reach out to me on the following platforms:1. Twitter @ZayUnscripted3. for information:1. My post with links: Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Sunday Edition: Unscripted & Unapologetic:

February 20, 2022Show NotesWent over the weekday free content and weekend subscription content. Details can be found on the about pages. Here are the links: Marazzo Trucker Convoy Organizer Announces RetreatBari Weiss Common Sense Article on Social Credit/Caste System in CanadaRussel Brand Trudeau - Is This Your Liberal Hero?And I forgot to mention, at least in more detail, the civil Twitter exchange.We’re in an emergency that’s far bigger than the issue of the vaccine, or the passport, although those are dangerous steps towards the end goal. Choice is not choice when your ability to live hinges on you making a certain choice.Discussed willingness to talk, debate, discuss via zoom any of these issues with anyone. If we can’t unify we’re not going to make it. If you support the force being used there will come a time, very soon, when you feel trapped because you will be. By then they’ll have us all and we won’t be able to help each other. No matter the disagreements we all can and must come together on this, because only now, on the ground floor, can we stop this. Plenty of coming attractions and if we allow things to proceed we’ll be trapped for good, forever, and soon. Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Supporters of Tyranny: Your leaders hate you too

Before I jump in to comment on the situation in Canada and how it impacts us, I think it’s prudent to address those in favor of mandates, and tyranny in general. If you support the measures laid out in Canada’s Emergency Act, which is Martial Law, and you support coercion and mandates here in the United States or anywhere, you’re going to wish you hadn’t in the very near future.It may seem impossible, implausible, and downright ridiculous but believe me, this regime disdains and hates you far more than those actively dissenting. In fact, they likely have more respect for the heart and determination demonstrated by the resisters, even as they crush them, smear them, and isolate them than they do for those who might as well be doormats. If you believe the Officialdom is praising your heroism and compliance, you’re a dolt. The regime is steamrolling you because you’re either gullible, a useful idiot, or you’re too frightened to stand up for yourself and they know it. So, just like the bully at school who takes your lunch money without concern of pushback, the regime knows it can use and abuse you and you’ll thank them. Do not be fooled, they think you’re pathetic.When the time comes, they know they can compel you to do anything they want because you’ve already shown them as much, and believe me, you’ll be met with an edict you feel you cannot comply with. Of course, it will be different because it’s yours, and who knows what it will be, everyone is different, but you’ll have nowhere to turn for help, so it won’t matter. When that day comes, and it will sooner rather than later, regardless of how “well behaved,” you’ve been your objections will be worth less than worthless, and your only option will be to bend over. Stop being a puppet and stop enabling abusers. And if you think this is funny, I feel for you because you won’t be laughing for long. Keeping your head down and following orders spells the end for you. You’re on the other side of wrong and the time is now to rectify that.So, I drew that out longer than I intended to but that’s ok because discussing the situation in Canada is sickening but it’s not complicated. Canada has been referred to as a free country for all 40 years I’ve been alive. Some of the most relevant sections of Canada’s Constitution can be found here The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Emergencies Act operates completely outside the scope of the law. Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Unscripted & Unapologetic 02 15 22

Tuesday, February 15, 2022Show NotesUnscripted & Unapologetic: Retracing my journey, voices of the past in the present.Hello everyone,First sorry for the zoom format! I am working on fixing it but wanted to post this today. The audio version is available on Spotify, Apple, substack, and stitcher if the setup bothers you. This is a conversation with a teacher I had in the 1st grade shortly after my vaccination injury in the 1980s. We discuss the time period, the interventions, and the road to trying to recover as well as some bigger picture topics. Timestamps:00:00:00 Intro00:14:00 Linda’s first impressions of my challenges regarding my injury and behaviors. How Linda came to teaching 00:17:15 Vision Therapy & Behavioral Optometrist Dr. Padula00:19:32 Streff Syndrome.00:20:50 Example of my behavior & vision therapy’s impact on my awareness00:26:00 Medications and other interventions00:27:35 System’s response: meds, recommended institutionalization00:32:35 “Experts,” at the time told my parents I would not function as normal adult00:33:00 Impulse Control, shock behavior, and discussion of learning with my injury00:35:45 Treating person as a person not illnesss. Teachers didn’t know how to deal with me00:42:20 School system paid for services after refusing to educate me00:43:03 Psychiatrist testified at the hearing for compensation from vaccine injury, trying to help convey it was a brain injury00:55:22 How we lost the case00:59:00 Schedule of vaccinations for children, after 1986 law exempting liability the number of required vaccinations went up01:02:00 Covid-19 is not a compensated vaccine in vaccine court. 01:03:00 It is a gene therapy. 01:04:12 Daniel Horowitz was the first journalist to say this about this effort. 01:06:00 The disregard for people with vaccine injuries, especially since the pandemic began.01:10:41 Some discussion on the history of attempts to make it compulsory01:11:30 Distrust of Healthcare and Education systems. Alison McDowell speaks to the educational institution as well. 01:14:00 Doctors now not seeing unvaccinated patients in some cases, such as my childhood pediatricians in North Haven, CT Pediatrics Plus.01:16:00 CDC Patents 01:21:00 Ingredients Subscribe at Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Unscripted & Unapologetic:

On this Sunday episode of the podcast, I discuss the most important issue of the past week as far as the "resistance," goes. We'll listen to an excerpt of Justin Trudeau's speech where he threatened force and discuss what that might look like, and what is required for the movement to be effective. We discuss fear and how useful it is to the establishment, and then a quick look at Tuesday's episode. Subscribe at Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


Unscripted and Unapologetic Podcast

See show notes in post.. Subscribe at Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


In Defense of our Young:

Tuesday, February 8, 2022Unscripted Newsletter & Podcast NotesI don’t have children. I admire those who are striving to raise children. No matter the time in history or a person’s belief system, raising children by all available evidence is an extraordinary task. Some say it never ends. While I do not have children of my own, I was obviously a child. I look back at the 90s now and I am grateful I came of age in that decade as I have discussed in other posts and can discuss further in future posts. Despite my fondness for the decade of my adolescence, my youth, like so many others, was marked by some serious challenges. And like so many victims of childhood abuse, it took me a long time to arrive at a point where I could write about it. I kept the secret from my family. In fact, I still keep the secret. To this very day, only two members of my family have a vague idea of what happened to me. Before I go any further, I want to be clear my parents were and are heroic. I cannot imagine more loving parents and they were doing what they felt was in my best interest. In 1984 I was injured by routine vaccination, at the time in the 80s it was the DTP vaccine that was pulled off the market when lawsuits soared and paved the way for the US National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986. Without getting into the details (that’s for another post) my development halted and I went from being a precocious toddler who was exceeding milestones to a troubled child with autistic-like features and serious behavioral problems. In my parents’ quest to get me the help I was sent to an in-patient facility at Yale-New Haven Hospital twice for 60 days. The second stay I was nearly 10 years old and remember the terror and the abuse in the deep night. Returning home came with an even mix of elation and fear. My sister, you see, seemed to truly enjoy terrorizing me. But I had my little brother and my parents. There are other siblings but that’s a complicated matter. Ultimately, my sister’s treatment would cement the damage done by my attackers. Of course, she couldn’t have known this. And if she did, I know that despite her actions she would be horrified. In 1995 my parents sent me to a treatment center called The Grove School. It was that treatment center that saved my life. And after graduating college, I would return to Grove to work as a house parent. I didn’t know it at the time because I had buried the experience in a psychological hole so deep it’s a marvel, I was able to unearth it, but I was taking a stand in defense of the young. Because nobody ever did for me. I only had my roommate during those dark days. Fast forward to October 9, 2020. I got laid off from my job as the Direct Care Manager at a treatment center. A job where I could ensure all my residents were safe. It was painful, but also gave me a break and a chance to really look at myself and my demons, as well as our situation. If I was going to help protect the young in our society, I was going to have to get much more involved. And involved from outside the confines of a treatment center or program. So, I began to research. What I discovered through research and collaboration with people like Alison McDowell and others is that the technology of the future, combined with a strong desire by the State to intervene in our lives, poses the gravest danger to our young. It is possible that despite the way these new technologies are being pitched the reality behind what the technology is for does not comport in any way with how they’ll be used. Gamification and augmented reality. The metaverse. These things sound neat and could certainly benefit those with limitations, but what about the potential for exploitation? What about the potential for abuse of a new type? The horrifying reality of child trafficking by the elite is already something people don’t want to hear about, but what if it’s true? Based on my research it seems beyond debate, but we can table that for another time. We will explore this and the big picture more deeply in subsequent posts and podcasts. For now, it’s sufficient to say that it’s our young they’re after. Who are “they?”When I refer to “they” I am referencing the main players and power brokers. Yes, you’ve heard of big names like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and countless others. But the buck doesn’t stop there. These are the faces the establishment is ok with us seeing and discussing. Who knows what’s behind door number 2? In my first discussion with Alison McDowell almost one year ago Alison said something that resonated with me, and I realized it had been my goal all along and now it’s the hill I plan to die on. To paraphrase, Alison stated that it was her obligation to stand between this machine, which is committed to the hijacking of the minds of our young, and the young, impressionable, vulnerable souls. I plan to do the same. I will strive to educate the youth on what is really happening right before their eyes. I will strive to empower them. I will help any parent or parents who cannot take the risks I can take because they must provide for their families. These people are stuck. I will do my best to be one of many who will help and sacrifice. Not because I am special. But because nobody did for me. And, more importantly, there is no greater obligation than protecting our posterity. There is no mission as necessary and moral as standing in defense of our young. Subscribe at Get full access to Riff Unscripted: Deep Dives, Real News, Stories, Podcast etc at


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