The Business Of Online Coaching Podcast

Charging too little, overworked, frustrated & struggling to show your value? After Farah thought that another certification was the answer to solving our online struggles in 2020. Afro knew there had to be a different way as our client’s results were already getting great results. We needed to focus on the business side. YAC (Yet Another Certification) Syndrome was coined & led us to help others find the cure. That’s why this podcast exists to help you, the Online Coach, charge what you are worth, showcase your value & transform even more lives through your coaching business.

Beyond the Logo: Sapna Pieroux's Guide to Building a Standout Brand | Expert Monthly #4 | #0090 | The Business Of Online Coaching Podcast

Welcome to another exciting episode of Expert Monthly!  This month, Farah and I had the pleasure of hosting the brilliant Sapna Pieroux, a renowned brand expert.  If you're ready to revolutionise your understanding of branding, this episode is a must-listen.  Sapna kicks off by diving into her book, "Let's Get Visible," and sharing powerful exercises like the "FAB Exercise" and the "Do Say Eee" model, which can transform your brand practice.  Ever wondered why so many people mistakenly believe that a brand is just a logo?  Sapna explains why this misconception persists and reveals the true depth of branding, comparing a logo to the visible tip of an iceberg, while the real substance lies beneath your brand strategy and business goals. Throughout the episode, we explore the essence of a robust brand strategy, discussing how to define your brand aspirations, vision, values, personality, and voice.  Sapna's analogy of brands as human relationships is particularly enlightening – highlighting how strong emotional connections foster brand loyalty. We also tackle the pitfalls of cheap logo design without a proper brand strategy, the critical role of first impressions, and the significance of aligning your brand’s visual elements with its core message.  Sapna shares her unique approach to rebranding businesses in a day, a process designed for busy entrepreneurs who crave fast, impactful results. In our engaging discussion, Sapna shares her professional journey and delves into the sequence of building a brand: understanding your business, communicating it effectively, and ensuring the visual elements reflect your brand's values.  We touch on the emotional impact of strong branding, the importance of consistency, and how a well-crafted brand can boost business confidence and client perception. Sapna also highlights some aspirational brands like Apple and John Lewis, illustrating their excellence in design and customer service.  The episode wraps up with actionable tips on achieving a successful brand, emphasising the necessity of a solid foundation and clarity in business goals before focusing on the visual aspects. If you’re ready to elevate your brand and gain invaluable insights from a true expert, click play and join us for this transformative conversation.  You won’t want to miss it! Ready to Get Visible? - check your Visibility Score and get a FREE copy of Sapna’s best-selling, award-winning, Let’s Get Visible! LinkedIn: Instagram Website: --- Send in a voice message:


Cash Converter: 5 Stages Of Designing Content That Converts | #0089 | The Business Of Online Coaching Podcast

Welcome to this game-changing episode of our podcast!  I'm Afro Ndiritu, and today, we're diving into a topic that can revolutionise your approach to content creation and client conversion: "Cash Converters – The Five Stages of Designing Content That Converts." Are you ready to discover how to transform cold leads into loyal clients?  In this episode, we break down the powerful five-stage framework originally crafted by marketing genius Eugene Schwartz in his renowned book, "Breakthrough Marketing." Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn: Problem Unaware and Solution Unaware (Cold): Learn how to create content that educates those who don't even know they have a problem. Imagine turning complete strangers into aware potential clients simply through the power of your message. Problem Aware and Solution Unaware (Cold): Discover strategies to guide individuals who recognise they have an issue but are clueless about the solution. We'll show you how to craft compelling hooks that lead them to seek more information. Problem Aware and Solution Seeking (Warming Up): Understand how to build trust and relationships by providing actionable insights and valuable resources. This is where you start warming up those cold leads. Problem Aware and Solution Aware (Warm): Find out how to tip the scales in your favour with testimonials, case studies, and in-depth content. Learn to position your solution as the obvious choice. Most Aware (Hot): Finally, get the lowdown on converting hot leads who are ready to take action. This stage is all about clear calls to action and showcasing your success stories. This episode is packed with actionable advice, real-life examples, and proven strategies that you can implement immediately to see results.  Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your content strategy, this episode will provide you with the tools you need to succeed. Join us as we uncover the secrets to creating content that not only captures attention but converts leads into loyal clients.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business! Click play now by clicking here and transform your content strategy with insights that can drive your success to new heights.  Tune in, take notes, and get ready to make a significant impact on your audience. --- Send in a voice message:


Communication Goldmine: Breaking Down The 3 Ways To Communicate Your Message To Your Perfect Client | #0088 | The Business Of Online Coaching Podcast

Welcome to this week’s game-changing podcast episode!  If you're an online coach looking to master the art of communication and connect with your perfect client, this episode is a must-listen. Episode Highlights: Unlock the Power of the Written Word: Learn how to use blogs, articles, posts, quotes, and even books to communicate your message effectively. Discover why authenticity and honesty in your writing can captivate your audience, even if it includes a few mistakes. Understand the step-by-step process of writing impactful content that resonates deeply with your readers. Master Engaging Video Content: Get expert tips on creating high-quality videos with the right audio, visual, and lighting setups. See how body language and tone can drastically change your video’s impact and keep viewers hooked. Learn from our personal experiences and mistakes to craft videos that showcase your true energy and message. Harness the Power of Audio: Find out why podcasts and audio content are revolutionising how we learn and connect. Discover the benefits of delivering long-form content that your audience can enjoy while multitasking. Hear how our own journey with audio content transformed our business and can do the same for yours. This episode is packed with actionable insights and practical tips to help you communicate more effectively with your clients.  Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, you'll find valuable strategies to elevate your content and make a lasting impact. Ready to Transform Your Communication? Click play to dive into this comprehensive guide on mastering the art of communication.  Join us as we explore the written word, video, and audio, and share our secrets to engaging and resonating with your audience.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your client connections and grow your coaching business. Hit Play Now and start transforming the way you communicate with your perfect clients! --- Send in a voice message:


Mastering Content: The 5 Phases Of Content Creation | #0087 | The Business Of Online Coaching Podcast

Unlock the Secrets to Mastering Content Creation: Listen Now! Welcome, everyone! I'm Afro Ndiritu, and along with Farah, we're excited to bring you an episode that could transform your online coaching business. If you've ever struggled with creating consistent, impactful content, this is the episode you cannot afford to miss. In this engaging and practical podcast, we reveal the five essential phases of content creation that will help you establish your influence and drive your business forward.  Here’s what we cover: Concept Phase: Discover how to generate endless content ideas effortlessly. We share our secret framework for breaking down complex topics into manageable sub-steps. Plus, learn how tools like Trello and ChatGPT can make your ideation process a breeze. Creation Phase: It's time to bring your ideas to life! Whether you're a video enthusiast, an audio lover, or a writer at heart, we’ll guide you on how to consistently produce quality content. Remember, it’s about consistency, not perfection! Repurposing and Editing Phase: Maximise your content’s reach by repurposing it across multiple platforms. We discuss how to use AI tools to edit and transform your content into various formats, saving you time and effort. Reuse Phase: Keep your audience engaged by reusing existing content. We show you how to chop up longer pieces into bite-sized clips perfect for different platforms, ensuring you maintain a strong online presence. Delivery Phase: Learn the strategies for effectively publishing your content. Focus on the platform that suits you best, and expand your reach as you grow. We emphasise the importance of regular posting and consistent branding. Throughout the episode, Farah and I share personal anecdotes and actionable tips to help you overcome common content creation challenges. Our goal is to empower you to take that leap of faith, utilise the latest AI tools, and stay consistent with your content output. Join us as we dive deep into these phases, offering you the tools and insights needed to become a content creation master.  This episode is packed with value, and by the end, you’ll have a clear roadmap to elevate your online coaching business. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionise your content strategy.  Click play now to listen to the full episode and start transforming your business today! Afro  P.S. If you find this episode valuable, leave us a five-star review and join our community for exclusive insights and support. --- Send in a voice message:


McDonald's Secrets: Systematise Your Coaching Business with Marianne Page | Expert Monthly #3 | #0086 | The Business Of Online Coaching Podcast

Discover the Secrets Behind McDonald's Success with Marianne Page. Guest: Marianne Page, Founder and CEO of Marianne Page Ltd. Are you ready to transform your business with the same systems that have propelled McDonald's to global success? In this compelling podcast episode, we bring you the unparalleled insights of Marianne Page, a visionary leader with nearly 30 years of experience as a senior manager at McDonald's.  As the founder and CEO of Marianne Page Ltd., she has distilled her extensive knowledge into actionable strategies that you can implement in your business right away. Why You Can't Miss This Episode: Unlock Proven Systems and Processes: Marianne shares the exact systems and processes used by McDonald's to ensure consistency and efficiency.  Learn how these can be adapted to help your business run like clockwork, even in your absence. Four Essential Systems Every Business Needs: Discover Marianne's framework of the four key systems every entrepreneur and online coach must master: Sexy Systems (marketing and sales), Security Systems (financial management), Delivery Systems (service delivery), and Sticky Systems (hiring and training).  Missing any of these?  This episode will pinpoint your weaknesses and show you how to strengthen them. Real-Life Success Stories: Marianne's journey from a restaurant manager to setting up customer services for McDonald's is a testament to the power of effective systems.  Her story is packed with actionable insights that you can implement today to start seeing immediate improvements in your business operations. Learn How to Build a High-Performing Team: Understand the importance of training and development. Marianne emphasises the need to develop individuals within your team, ensuring they can fulfil their potential and contribute significantly to your business's success. Actionable Advice for Immediate Impact: Marianne's practical tips on planning, hiring, and feedback will help you build a robust framework for your business. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, her advice is invaluable. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to learn from an industry expert who has helped shape one of the world's most successful companies.  Grab a pen and paper, and get ready to take notes—this episode is packed with insights that can transform your business. Listen now. Facebook - LinkedIn - YouTube - @mariannepage20  ​​ - The Complete Right 1st Time Hiring System: --- Send in a voice message:


Create Your Unique Framework And Position Yourself As An Industry Expert | #0085 | The Business Of Online Coaching Podcast

In our latest podcast episode, we dive deep into one of the most transformative strategies for positioning yourself as a leader in your industry: creating your own unique framework. If you’ve ever wondered how experts like Simon Sinek and Robert Kiyosaki have crafted impactful, memorable brands, this episode is your key to unlocking that mystery. Why Should You Listen? Discover the Power of a Unique Framework: Learn how developing a bespoke framework not only differentiates you from the competition but also establishes your authority and expertise in any field. Step-by-Step Guidance: We break down the essential steps to building a framework that resonates with your audience and solves real-world problems, making your offerings indispensable. Real-Life Applications: Hear how applying these strategies has revolutionised the way I and others approach business, enhancing clarity in communication and effectiveness in delivery. Visual Mastery: Find out how visual representations can simplify complex ideas, making your teachings or products more accessible and engaging. Adapt and Overcome: Learn to adapt your framework based on feedback and results, ensuring your approach remains relevant and impactful. This episode is packed with actionable insights and is a must-listen for anyone looking to elevate their professional status to the expert level. Don’t miss out on these valuable lessons that could redefine the way you operate in your industry. Click play now to start crafting your path to becoming an undisputed expert in your field! For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community click here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


Offer Clarity: Use Our Naming Formula To Create A Great Sounding Name for Your Health Offer | #0084 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

I’m inviting you to delve into a transformative discussion on our latest podcast episode that promises to revolutionize the way you name and present your health and fitness programs. This episode is not just a conversation; it’s a masterclass in branding and communication that could be the game-changer your business needs. Why does the name of your program matter? Just like you wouldn’t let your baby go unnamed, your health program deserves a title that captures its essence and value. Our hosts dissect a foolproof naming formula that involves a descriptive word, a relatable offer, and a process noun — components that come together to create a name with impact and allure. From "Anti Diet Accelerator" to "Superhuman Spine System", learn how to craft names that aren’t just labels but powerful hooks for your target audience. Moreover, the episode introduces the "Goldmine Statement", a strategic blueprint to define and articulate the unique selling points of your service. Imagine being able to clearly state who you help, the incredible results you promise, and how you do it uniquely, all while sidestepping the common pitfalls of the industry. This is about building a statement so compelling that your potential clients feel understood and seen. Whether you're looking to refine your branding or just starting out, this episode is packed with insights that will clarify your vision and potentially increase your client base. We’ll even show you how to use tools like ChatGPT to simplify the process, ensuring your program stands out in a crowded market. Don’t miss out on learning how to effectively communicate the essence of your business, attract the right clients, and ultimately, how to charge what you’re truly worth. Click play now to transform your program’s name from a mere label into a client magnet! For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠⁠⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


What To Include & Not Include In Your £2k ($2k) Health Offer | #0083 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

I'm thrilled to share a sneak peek into our latest podcast episode where we dive deep into the art of crafting a £2,000 health offer that truly resonates with your target audience.  This isn't just another discussion; it's a masterclass in pinpointing exactly who your service is for and articulating the transformative journey you're offering. Whether you're a seasoned health coach or just starting out, understanding the specificity of your market can dramatically enhance your business's impact and reach. In this episode, we unpack the critical elements that make a health offer not only appealing but also incredibly effective. We explore how to define the problem you're solving and why knowing this is crucial for connecting with your clients.  We discuss setting a realistic timeframe for results, which helps manage expectations and keeps your clients motivated. Plus, we debunk common myths and clarify what your clients won't have to endure—this alone could revolutionise how they view health transformation! We don't stop there; we delve into the power of a unique program name and the importance of a structured framework, making your offer not just a service, but a standout brand in the bustling health market. This episode is packed with real-life insights, including the pitfalls of overemphasising deliverables, which can overwhelm and turn potential clients away. Ready to elevate your health coaching business? Click play now to learn how to streamline your offer into a compelling, clear, and marketable package that sells itself.  Don't just take my word for it; let our detailed discussion guide you through each step of this critical process, ensuring your health offer isn't just heard, but sought after. Your next level in health coaching success starts here! For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠⁠⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


STOP Charging Per Hour & Start Charging Per Transformation | #0082 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

I'm thrilled to share an episode that could revolutionise the way you think about your service pricing. In this must-listen episode titled "Stop Charging Per Hour and Start Charging Per Transformation," we dive deep into why tying your pricing to time is a losing strategy for both you and your clients. Imagine breaking free from the hourly grind that limits your growth and leaves your clients unsure of their investment.  We discuss real-life stories of professionals who dramatically increased their earnings and client satisfaction by switching to value-based pricing.  From a fitness trainer who scaled his income from £60 to thousands per month, to a psychotherapist who now charges premium rates for CEO-level transformation packages—these stories aren't just inspiring, they're actionable blueprints for success. We also tackle common misconceptions and fears about overhauling pricing models.  What if your clients leave? What if they question the value?   We provide clear, compelling answers and strategies that have worked for our guests, ensuring that you feel equipped to make these changes in your own business. This episode isn't just a discussion—it's a call to action.  By shifting to transformation-based pricing, you not only enhance your financial freedom but also deepen the impact of your work.  Your expertise is valuable; it's time your pricing reflects that. So, if you're ready to learn how to unlock your potential and transform your pricing strategy for massive success, this episode is for you.   Don't just take my word for it—click play and find out! For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here:⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


Unleash Your Value: Tackling Big Problems and Earning What You Are Worth | #0080 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

I'm thrilled to share with you an episode that is not just a podcast; it is to help you carve out your niche or in our world, your WHO. "Discover Your Perfect Client and Get Paid Handsomely" is to help you uncover the heart and soul of your business: your ideal client. Imagine taking a momentous journey back to the drawing board, not to redraw but to refine, to sharpen your focus so acutely that your message pierces through the noise directly into the hearts of those you wish to serve.  Why listen?  Because within these carefully curated minutes lies the essence of transformation—a personal tale of discovery, resilience, and the unyielding power of specificity.  Hear the moving story of a baby boy named Caleb, a symbol of new beginnings, and a testament to the our journey through life's unexpected turns.  This narrative isn't just ours; it's a mirror reflecting the potential within each of us to embark on new ventures, regardless of the challenges we face. But this episode goes beyond personal stories.  It delves into the art and science of identifying your perfect client in a market that's as vast as the ocean.  Learn why casting a wide net is an exercise in failure and how the precision of a spearfisher is what truly yields results.  From understanding the demographics and psychographics of your WHO to the importance of clients who not only desire but can afford your services, this episode is a masterclass in business strategy. So, if you're standing at the crossroads, wondering which path to take to ensure your message reaches the right ears, let "Discover Your Perfect Client and Get Paid Handsomely" be your guide.  Listen, as we unravel the secrets to attracting not just any client, but the perfect client.  Your perfect client isn't just a dream waiting to be discovered—they're a reality waiting to connect with you and your business. For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here:⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


Discover Your Perfect Client & Get Paid Handsomely | #0079 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

Join Afro and Farah in a captivating podcast episode where they dive deep into the art of identifying and attracting your perfect client.  If you're striving to make your business thrive by targeting those who not only need but are ready and able to pay for your services, this episode is your essential guide.  Read on to discover why clicking 'play' will be a game-changer for your business strategy. Introduction and Personal Insights In this engaging episode, Farah shares a heartfelt update about her new journey into motherhood and how personal experiences can intertwine beautifully with professional life.   Learn how Afro and Farah manage to keep their business thriving through life's surprises, illustrating the power of pre-scheduling and strategic content planning.  Their personal touch will not only move you but also provide practical insights into maintaining productivity amidst significant life events. Pinpointing Your Ideal Client Afro and Farah unfold the critical process of narrowing down your target audience to those who truly resonate with your services.  They share personal stories and revelations that led them to focus profoundly on who benefits most from their expertise, particularly emphasising the impact of specialising in women’s health over 40.  This segment is essential for anyone looking to refine their business focus and enhance client satisfaction and effectiveness. Business Strategies and Operational Wisdom Dive into the discussion on tactical business operations as Farah explains the importance of visibility and engagement, even when life seems to pull you away from the business.   Their approach to staying 'present' in their business through smart tools and scheduled content is a lesson in efficiency and dedication.  This practical advice is invaluable for entrepreneurs looking for ways to balance personal commitments with business demands. Mastering Client Selection Learn from Afro and Farah’s expertise in strategically selecting your clientele based on affordability, market viability, and self-identification.  They break down the essentials of creating a client base that is not only lucrative but also sustainable and aligned with your business vision.  This section is filled with actionable insights that will empower you to attract and retain the right clients effectively. Conclusion and Takeaways Afro and Farah wrap up the episode with powerful advice on defining your client persona with precision.  They stress the importance of knowing who you are helping in intimate detail, from demographic traits to psychographics that include behaviours and preferences.   This clarity in your business approach will sharpen your marketing efforts and increase your chances of success. Why You Should Listen This podcast is more than just a conversation; it's a blueprint for anyone looking to transform their approach to business.   Afro and Farah not only share their successes but also the challenges and learnings that have shaped their entrepreneurial journey.  By clicking 'play', you're not just listening to another business podcast; you're stepping into a mentorship session that promises to elevate your understanding of your business and its potential. Take advantage of this opportunity to refine your approach, define your market, and achieve your business goals.  Click 'play' now and begin your journey to a more focused and prosperous business endeavour with Afro Ndiritu and Farah Kariamburi leading the way! For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here:⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


Unlocking Your Superpower: Aligning Your Key Attributes To Crafting A £2k ($2k) Health Offer | #0078 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

As Afro Ndiritu and Farah Kariamburi, co-founders of The Business Of Health Coaching™ and BOHC Academy™, we are thrilled to introduce you to an episode of our podcast that we believe is not just transformative but essential listening for every health and nutrition coach out there.  In "Unlocking Your Superpower: Aligning Your Key Attributes to Crafting a 2k Health Offer," we dive deep into the heart of what makes a health coaching business not just survive, but thrive. Imagine discovering that unique spark within you, your very own superpower, that when aligned with your health coaching offerings, not only elevates your business but transforms lives, including your own.  This isn't just about financial growth; it's about finding joy, fulfilment, and alignment in what you do.  Through this episode, we guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you identify your strengths, passions, and values, and how to harmoniously align them with your professional aspirations. Drawing parallels from the world of superheroes, we explore the concept of alignment and its paramount importance in ensuring your work is not just a job but a calling that ignites passion and excitement every day.  This episode isn't just talk; it's filled with actionable insights, real-life examples, and relatable anecdotes that will leave you inspired, motivated, and ready to redefine what success means in the health coaching industry. We delve into the Japanese concept of Ikigai, which translates to "reason for being," helping you explore crucial questions that lead to profound realisations about your professional path and how you can make a significant impact.  Whether you're navigating a transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship or seeking to refine your focus within the health coaching domain, this episode is your compass. What's unique about our discussion is not just the depth of insight we bring but the practical, real-world applications and examples from our coaching academy.  From therapists redefining their target audience and services to cake bakers turning a passion into a profitable business, these stories aren't just inspiring; they're a testament to the transformative power of alignment and understanding your superpower. Why listen to this episode?  Because it challenges the conventional, encourages self-reflection, and provides you with the tools to not just make a living but to make a difference. It's about breaking the mould, charging what you're truly worth, and crafting health offers that resonate deeply with both you and your clients.  This is not just about increasing your income; it's about elevating your impact. So, suppose you’re ready to explore how your unique superpower can revolutionise your approach to health coaching, transform client lives, and significantly boost your business.  In that case, this episode is a must-listen.  Click play, and let's embark on this journey together.  Your 2k health offer isn't just a dream; it's a destination, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.  Let's unlock your superpower and align your path to success, fulfilment, and profound impact. For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


The Health Business Operating System™ (HBOS™): Influence, Part 2 of 5 | #0077 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

As Afro Ndiritu and Farah Kariamburi, co-founders of The Business Of Health Coaching™ and advocates for impactful health coaching, we're thrilled to present a compelling glimpse into our latest podcast episode focused on the transformative cog of Influence within your health business operating system.  This episode is not just another discussion; it's a revelation, a guide meticulously designed to elevate your health coaching business to unprecedented heights.  Here's why every health and nutrition coach, determined to make a significant difference, must listen: Crafting an Irresistible Offer Delve into the heart of your health coaching business with us as we unravel the secret to crafting offers that resonate deeply not just with your market, but with your core values and identity.  Discover how aligning your passions and expertise can create services that not only stand out but also compellingly attract the right clients.  This isn't just about selling; it's about creating transformations that start with you. Content: The Key to Engagement and Visibility In today's digital age, visibility is currency, and content is the kingdom.  Join us as we navigate the strategic creation of content that captivates, educates, and inspires your audience.  Learn how to harness various media types and platforms to extend your reach, establish authority, and genuinely connect with your audience.  This segment of our podcast is a treasure trove of insights for any health coach aiming to leave a mark in the digital world. Conversations That Convert At the core of every successful business lies the art of conversation.  Our episode takes a deep dive into crafting conversations that not only engage but convert.  This is about authenticity, understanding, and empathy.  We share the nuances of initiating and maintaining interactions that build trust, showcase your expertise, and motivate your prospects to take action towards their health goals. Why This Episode Is a Must-Listen This podcast episode is more than just a conversation; it's a blueprint for success in the health coaching industry.  Whether you're just starting or looking to scale your business, the insights shared are invaluable.  We bring to the table not just theories but actionable strategies proven to enhance your influence, craft compelling offers, and engage in meaningful conversations that convert.  Listening to this episode is stepping into a realm of clarity, direction, and empowerment.  It's about igniting your passion, refining your approach, and achieving the impact you've always dreamed of.  We're here to guide you through every step, ensuring that your journey is not just successful but also fulfilling. Embark on This Transformative Journey With Us Afro Ndiritu and Farah Kariamburi invite you to join us on this transformative journey.  Click play, immerse yourself in the rich insights and strategies we've compiled, and take the first step towards crafting a health coaching business that's not only profitable but profoundly influential.  Let's transform lives together, starting with your own. Your journey to becoming a pivotal force in the health coaching industry begins here.  Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business to new heights.  Press play now and witness the evolution of your coaching practice unfold. For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


Transforming Lives Through Functional Medicine: Jodi Franklin’s Journey from Imposter Syndrome to Health Coaching Success | Expert Monthly #2 | #0076 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

In a captivating podcast episode, Jodi Franklin, an AFMC certified functional medicine practitioner and health coach, unfolds her 35-year mission to redefine global health and wellness. With a deep-seated belief in holistic care, Jodi has spent decades addressing the root causes of health issues, establishing herself as a pioneer in functional medicine. Her practice offers a haven for those battling diverse conditions, from autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders to chronic pain and neurodegenerative diseases. By embracing a comprehensive health model, she underscores the significance of treating the whole person. Furthering her impact, Jodi has founded influential groups such as Functional Medicine for Physicians, NPs, PAs, and Nurses, and the Health Coach Educational Network, fostering a community of learning and collaboration. Her group programs, Vanishing Vitiligo and Saving Face, embody her belief in communal support as pivotal in the healing journey. As a consultant at The School of Applied Functional Medicine, Jodi aids practitioners in unraveling complex cases, and enhancing patient care through shared insights and innovative approaches. This role amplifies her commitment to elevating functional medicine practices. The podcast shines a light on Jodi's personal health struggles, which propelled her into functional medicine. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of facing challenges with determination and a passion for wellness. Jodi’s initial self-doubt conquered through education and perseverance, now serves as an inspiration to many. This approach has led to significant client breakthroughs, challenging the limitations of conventional healthcare. Jodi also offers a glimpse into the business aspects of her practice, emphasizing the importance of confidence, continuous learning, and strategic growth. Her commitment to clear communication and client education fosters a collaborative healing environment, contributing to lasting health improvements. Reflecting on her journey, Jodi underscores resilience, the acceptance of failure as a growth opportunity, and the relentless pursuit of a health and wellness passion. The podcast closes with Jodi's hopeful outlook for functional medicine's future, envisioning a healthcare system that prioritizes holistic and preventative care. Functional Medicine Training: The School of Applied Functional Medicine (SAFM) Free Trial Class from SAFM (highly recommended!) SAFM Gut Course (when available) Join our email lists:  Functional Medicine for Physicians, NPs, PAs and Nurses Health Coach Educational Network Join our Groups: Functional Medicine for Physicians, NPs, PAs and Nurses (medical professionals only) Health Coach Educational Network Resources: Hire a Virtual Assistant for $4-$6 Per Hour Sell Toxin-Free Products To Clients Other Helpful Resources --- Send in a voice message:


Daily Wins: Small Habits, Big Impact for Health and Nutrition Coaches | #0075 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

In this week’s invigorating episode of "The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast," Afro Ndiritu and Farah Kariamburi delve into the transformative power of daily wins and the monumental impact of small habits on both personal and professional realms. Titled “Daily Wins, Small Habits, Big Impact for Health and Nutrition Coaches,” this episode is a masterclass in the art of incremental progress and the compound effect, not only on your financial goals but on your overall lifestyle and health coaching business. Afro kickstarts the episode by drawing an enlightening parallel between the financial success stories of Berkshire Hathaway, led by Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, and the concept of small, daily wins. Through engaging narratives and personal anecdotes, he illuminates how the principle of compound interest, seen in successful investments, mirrors the profound long-term benefits of cultivating minor, consistent habits in our daily lives. Farah, with her usual flair and insightful commentary, enriches the discussion by sharing her personal journey with small habits that have led to big changes. From embracing the invigorating challenge of cold showers to the intellectual nourishment derived from habitual book reading, she shows how these practices have not only enhanced her health and vitality but have also fuelled her creativity and productivity, both as a health coach and as an individual. The duo doesn't stop at personal habits; they extend the conversation to include strategies that health and nutrition coaches can implement to inspire and motivate their clients.. Whether it's the powerful effect of starting the day with intentionality, the mental clarity gained from structured book reading, or the discipline forged through consistent workout routines, Afro and Farah provide listeners with actionable insights that can transform both their lives and the lives of those they coach. But this episode is much more than a mere discussion on habits. It’s an invitation to introspection and action. Afro and Farah encourage listeners to consider their daily routines and identify small, manageable changes that can lead to significant, compound benefits over time. They challenge the notion of overnight success and advocate for a more sustainable, disciplined approach to achieving personal and professional goals. Why listen to this episode? Because it's not just about learning the theory behind the compound effect of daily wins; it's about being inspired by two individuals who have walked the talk and seen the incredible impact of these principles in their own lives and businesses. It's about understanding that the path to significant achievements is paved with the small, often overlooked actions we take every day. So, if you’re ready to transform your life and coaching practice, one small habit at a time, this episode is a must-listen. Click play now to embark on a journey of growth, discipline, and incremental success with Afro and Farah. Let “Daily Wins, Small Habits, Big Impact for Health and Nutrition Coaches” be the catalyst for the profound change you’ve been seeking. Your future self will thank you. For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


Planning The Perfect Week: Creating A Balance Between Work & Life | #0074 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

As Afro Ndiritu and Farah Kariamburi, hosts of "The Business of Health Coaching Podcast," we invite you to dive into balancing the scales of work and life in our latest episode, "Planning the Perfect Week". In today’s fast-paced world, finding an equilibrium between professional pursuits and personal fulfilment is more than a necessity—it's an art. This episode is not just a conversation; it’s a roadmap to rediscovering your priorities, managing stress, and living a life aligned with your highest values. We dissect the nuanced dance of navigating through seasons of intensity and tranquillity, offering insights into why embracing these cycles can lead to a deeper understanding of balance.  Through candid discussions and personal anecdotes, we unravel the complexities of work-life harmony, shedding light on how to effectively prioritise tasks that resonate with your personal goals. Our conversation extends beyond the conventional advice, delving into the critical importance of identifying and living by your highest values.  With practical exercises suggested throughout the episode, we empower you to craft your week in a way that not only meets your professional objectives but also fulfils your aspirations. Moreover, we tackle the often-overlooked consequences of neglecting this balance—burnout, stress, and its physical manifestations.  Referencing pivotal works like "The Body Keeps the Score," we underscore the tangible impact of imbalance on your health, urging you to take preventive action by adopting a more balanced approach to life. Inspired by the poignant "Five Regrets of the Dying," our discussion is a wake-up call to live a life true to oneself, emphasising the significance of expressing feelings, maintaining relationships, and prioritising fulfilment over fleeting happiness.  This episode is a testament to the power of intentional living and the transformative effects it can have on your health, relationships, and sense of self. Embark on this journey with us as we share stories, challenges, and triumphs, including our personal strategies for integrating family values and setting boundaries that nurture both personal growth and professional success.  Learn how structured planning and flexibility can coexist to create a week that not only looks good on paper but feels fulfilling in practice. This episode of "The Business of Health Coaching Podcast" is more than just a listening experience; it's an invitation to transform your approach to work and life.  Whether you’re a seasoned health coach or someone navigating the complexities of a balanced life, join us, Afro and Farah, as we guide you toward a more harmonious existence. Don't let another week pass by feeling overwhelmed or unfulfilled. Click play and discover the secrets to planning the perfect week—where balance isn’t just a concept, but a lived reality. Your journey to a balanced, fulfilling life starts here. For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠⁠ Join 400+ other Health & Nutrition Coaches on their journey as they launch, start & grow their health coaching businesses. --- Send in a voice message:


How To Create An Unstoppable Winning Mindset As A Health Coach | #0073 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

As Afro Ndiritu and Farah Kariamburi, co-hosts of "The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast," we're thrilled to invite you on a transformative journey in our latest episode: "Crafting an Unstoppable Winning Mindset."  In this compelling podcast, we unravel the secrets behind the mental fortitude that distinguishes successful health and nutrition coaches from the rest.  If you're seeking to elevate your coaching practice, ignite your passion, and truly make a difference in people's lives, this episode is your gateway. Imagine mastering the art of resilience, where each challenge becomes a stepping stone to greater achievements.  We dive deep into the psychology of winning, guided by insights from legendary coach Tim Grover's iconic works, "Relentless" and "Winning."  These books, endorsed by the likes of Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan, are just the beginning of what we explore.  Their lessons are not just about sports; they're about life, discipline, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Through personal anecdotes and shared experiences, we dissect the four stages of learning—from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence.  These stages reveal the essence of growth, showing you how embracing the discomfort of the unknown is the first step toward mastery.  Our candid discussions about overcoming traumatic events and leveraging them as fuel for success will inspire you to look at your past in a new light, transforming pain into power. Moreover, we delve into the importance of creating a personal statement and setting high standards based on your core values.  These aren't just buzzwords; they're actionable strategies that lead to a fulfilling career and life. And let's not forget about the significance of celebrating milestones.  Recognising your achievements, no matter how small, is crucial for sustained motivation and joy in your journey. By the end of our conversation, you'll have a blueprint for developing an unstoppable mindset, one that propels you toward your goals and beyond.  This episode is more than just a podcast; it's a call to action for anyone ready to take their health coaching career to unprecedented heights. Don't let another day pass by wishing for success.  Click play and embark on a journey of transformation with us. Let's forge your unstoppable winning mindset together.  Your future self will thank you. Remember, "Take control of your life before life takes control of you."  Join us now, and let's make this journey unforgettable. For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠  Join 400+ other Health & Nutrition Coaches on their journey as they launch, start & grow their health coaching businesses. --- Send in a voice message:


Mastering The Art of High-Value Sales with Joe Marcoux | Expert Monthly #1 | #0072 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

In a compelling episode of “Expert Monthly”, part of “The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast," we were joined by the illustrious Joe Marcoux, founder of the S.O.S. Dojo and a renowned keynote speaker with over three decades of speciality retail and sales coaching experience.  Joe, who has dedicated his post-retail career to empowering sales professionals in the speciality health and fitness industry, shared invaluable insights drawn from his extensive journey.  The episode kicked off with Joe recounting his foray into the world of sales, which began in the health and fitness sector.  His passion for fitness and an unexpected managerial opportunity at a small retail store laid the foundation for his sales career.  Joe highlighted how his early exposure to sales training legends like Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, and Tony Robbins at a tender age shaped his understanding and approach to sales, personal development, and business growth. His recount of scaling a fitness store from seven to 38 locations across Canada underscored the importance of not just business acumen but also the significance of creating a positive impact on customers' lives.  Joe's journey wasn't devoid of challenges; he shared personal stories of hardship, including a poignant account of his divorce and the subsequent journey of self-discovery and growth, which led him to the realisation that success in sales and life is deeply interwoven with personal well-being and integrity. Joe introduced listeners to the S.O.S. Dojo, his innovative training program designed to redefine sales coaching.  Unlike traditional methods, the S.O.S. Dojo emphasises small group training sessions, fostering a supportive environment where participants can practice and refine their sales skills in real time.  This approach, as Joe explained, not only helps in mastering the art of sales but also in overcoming the common fears and misconceptions associated with it. Key Insights from the Episode: - Building Rapport and Trust: Joe stressed the significance of building rapport with clients, arguing that successful sales are rooted in genuine relationships. He shared techniques for creating connections that go beyond business transactions, emphasising that understanding and empathy are key. - The Importance of Practice: Drawing parallels to his martial arts background, Joe likened sales training to dojo practice, where repetition under guidance leads to mastery. This analogy resonated, illustrating that like any skill, sales proficiency requires dedication and continuous improvement. - Overcoming Objections: One of the highlights of the episode was Joe's advice on handling sales objections. He provided practical strategies to navigate these challenges, emphasising that objections should not be seen as roadblocks but as opportunities to further engage and understand the client's needs. - The Power of Positivity: Joe's infectious optimism and his journey through personal trials underscored a recurring theme – the transformative power of a positive mindset. His story served as a reminder that success in sales, and by extension in life, often hinges on our ability to maintain a positive outlook and resilience in the face of adversity. The episode concluded with Joe offering sage advice to aspiring sales professionals and business owners.  Joe's episode on “Expert Monthly” was more than a conversation; it was a masterclass in the art of sales, resilience, and personal growth. His parting gift, a comprehensive guide on overcoming sales objections, encapsulated his commitment to empowering others. Joe's GIFT to you: Sales Objection Mastery: The Ultimate Guide: --- Send in a voice message:


Business Roadmap: A Step-by-Step Guide To Building A 10K/Month Health Coaching Business | #0071 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

Are you ready to transform your health coaching passion into a thriving business that consistently generates £10,000 ($10,000) a month?  Dive into our latest podcast episode, where we unravel the secrets to achieving this coveted milestone. Afro Ndiritu and Farah Kariamburi revisit one of our most celebrated topics, now enriched with a year's worth of growth, insights, and success stories that will inspire and guide you through the journey of building your own prosperous health coaching business. In this episode, we dissect the roadmap to success into three essential phases: Launch, Startup, and Growth, each meticulously designed to propel you from dreaming about your ideal business to living it.  We tackle the psychological barriers that hold many back, such as the fear of taking the first step and the misconception that reaching a financial goal will fill the void of fulfilment.  Our discussion is sprinkled with references to thought leaders like Simon Sinek, emphasising the importance of setting "infinite" goals that transcend your lifetime and truly leave a legacy. But it's not just about the destination; it's about the journey.  We share personal anecdotes and the lessons we've learned, from the pitfalls of 'analysis paralysis' to the triumph of actionable steps.  Our candid conversation reveals the nitty-gritty of each phase, including how to validate your business idea, refine your offer, and optimise systems and processes for scalability.  We even delve into the art of building and managing a team that elevates your business beyond your individual capabilities. This episode is more than just a podcast; it's a blueprint for anyone eager to make a significant impact in the health coaching industry.  Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your business, the insights shared here will challenge you to think differently, act boldly, and embrace the infinite game of business and personal growth. So, if you're committed to transforming your health coaching passion into a prosperous reality, this episode is your call to action.  Let us guide you through the practical steps and strategic insights that have propelled us and many others to success.  Click play now and embark on a journey that promises to challenge, inspire, and transform your approach to building a health coaching business.  Your roadmap to achieving and surpassing that golden 10k a month starts here.  Don't just dream about success; make it your reality. For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠ ⁠  Join 400+ other Health & Nutrition Coaches on their journey as they launch, start & grow their health coaching businesses. --- Send in a voice message:


Crush 2024: Setting Robust Business Goals and Crafting a Fail-Safe Plan for Success | #0070 | The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast

In this pivotal episode of "The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast," Afro and Farah unravel the secrets to not just surviving but thriving in 2024 with an unbeatable combination of setting robust business goals and crafting a fail-safe plan for success.  They introduce an invaluable tool from their treasure trove at BOHC Academy™  - the "Design Your Life Worksheet" - a game-changer for anyone ready to elevate their life and business to unprecedented heights. Afro and Farah guide you through this transformative journey with an irresistible mix of wisdom, personal insights, and actionable strategies that promise to redefine your approach to work-life balance.  They challenge you to deeply interrogate your aspirations, breaking down the barriers between personal desires and professional ambitions, and in the process, revealing the blueprint to a life you've always dreamed of. Why should you press play?  Because this episode is not just another podcast; it's a call to action from Afro and Farah, urging you to seize the reins of your life.  They don't just talk the talk; they walk the walk, sharing their personal narrative of relocating to Dubai as a testament to the power of living by design, not by default. The episode is peppered with thought-provoking questions designed to nudge you out of your comfort zone and into a space of growth and introspection.  From reevaluating your definitions of success to contemplating the intricate dance of balancing family and work, Afro and Farah cover it all, making this episode a must-listen for anyone serious about making 2024 their breakout year. Join Afro and Farah as they delve into the essence of what it means to design your life and business with intentionality.  Whether you're an entrepreneur at heart or someone seeking to inject more purpose into your daily routine, this episode is your catalyst for change.  It's not just about listening; it's about transforming.  Click play now, and embark on a journey that promises to inspire, challenge, and transform you.  Let "The Business Of Health Coaching Podcast" be your guide to a life where your dreams and business aspirations converge into a reality that's uniquely yours. For more in-depth personalised LIVE lessons join our FREE Community, The Business Of Health Coaching Community here: ⁠ ⁠  Join 400+ other Health & Nutrition Coaches on their journey as they launch, start & grow their health coaching businesses. --- Send in a voice message:


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