The CHRISTIANing Podcast

Christian-ing: [kris-chuh ning] verb: the ability to Christian well. The podcast that connects the theology of Sunday to the reality of Monday. The mundane, routine, controversial, exciting, and everything in-between. If you experience it we will discuss it and connect it to the truth of God's Word. Finally, you will be able to Christian well in all facets of your real, regular, normal, everyday lives.

Ep.77 - Processing: Pride

Welcome back! It's June, which in 2023 means we are all engaged in the Pride movement, like it or not. In this episode, Kirk gives an update on the future of the pod as well as shares his thoughts on navigating the Pride tsunami. A special thank you to all the listeners over the past 3+ years! We love you. It's been a fun ride. Christian well everyone.Find us:On Wisdom On Facebook On Instagram On Twitter Email Or Ask a question HERE and get a Voice Reply


Ep.76 - When you Desire Inclusivity

As Bible-believing Christians we should all desire a faith community that is as inclusive as possible. After all, we all understand that if Jesus could accept me then there is no reason to believe He couldn't accept everyone else. However, even with how fundamental inclusivity is to the Gospel message it has been tough to achieve in the everyday experience of the believer's life. This lack of inclusivity has led many well-intentioned believers down a lot of different paths a...


Ep.75 - When there is a Revival at Ashbury University

American Christianity has been captivated by what has been called a revival at Ashbury University, a small Christian college in Kentucky. Plenty of Christian ministers and commentators have jumped in to help us all determine if this non-stop worship service is an authentic act of the Holy Spirit or a phony work of Satan. In this episode, we will refrain from adding our voice to the endless amounts of scrutiny being levied and instead have a conversation about worship music a...


Ep.74 - When Christians Can't Get Along Pt.2

In this episode, Kirk has a great conversation with Pastor Zach Lambert of Restore Austin. Restore Austin is a church that intentionally provides a safe community for all people including those from openly LGBTQ+ lifestyles. Zach's convictions push him into the feared "Progressive" zone of Christian Twitter, where he openly shares his beliefs and how they shape the ministry of Restore Austin. Kirk and Zach dive into the progressive v. conversation debate and specifically LG...


Ep.73 - When Christians Can't Get Along

A Twitter war rages between "Progressive Christians" and "Conservative Christians" if you haven't noticed good for you! However, this Twitter spat highlights a more significant issue that has plagued Christendom since the time of Christ. Why do we struggle so much with diversity within the body? In this episode, Kirk introduces us to a helpful new concept called "missional diversity" that if properly understood and applied can significantly aid the American church in finding...


Ep.72 - When there is Political Unrest in Brazil

Over a week ago our nation was riveted by the political unrest in Brazil. Why? American journalistic culture instantly saw something happen in another country that resembled something that happened in our country and immediately drew a causal connection. However, like every other time, Americans missed the most important point and the most important lessons to learn from the unrest that looked somewhat similar to our own. In this episode, we take a step back and ask th...


Ep.71 - When You Want To Know Why Pt.2

In this follow-up episode, Kirk takes a look at the most common reason why God doesn't do things that we like, understand or agree with.Find us:On Wisdom On Facebook On Instagram On Twitter Email Or Ask a question HERE and get a Voice Reply


Ep.70 - When You Need a New Year's Resolution

In this episode, Kirk shares a New Year's sermon he preached back in 2011 that took a unique take on the resolution. Enjoy and Happy New Year everyone!Find us:On Wisdom On Facebook On Instagram On Twitter Email Or Ask a question HERE and get a Voice Reply


Ep.69 - When there is a Shooting at a Gay Nightclub

Over the weekend the nation was rocked with news of yet another mass shooting. This time at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs. The Christian community is often one of the first communities to step up and lead the way in response to such tragedies. However, this situations like these can put the Christian church in an awkward spot since the LGBTQ community and the Evangelical community have traditionally been at odds. In this episode, we take a deep dive into so...


Ep.68 - When You Want to Know Why

If you have been a Christian for longer than 5 minutes you have asked the question, "Why?" One of the big challenges of our faith is reconciling very big sweeping biblical declarations about God and His character with the reality of our difficult circumstances in this fallen world. It seems as if every conclusion we draw from reading our Bibles sets up a different "why" question each time. In this episode, we will take a deeper look at the motivations behind asking the "why"...


Ep.67 - What Should Christians Do About Trump?

Surprise, surprise, Donald Trump finds himself yet again on the wrong side of major news headlines as he makes rude and offensive comments regarding fellow Republican' Mitch McConnell's wife. In a time when many Christians were ready to turn the page from this challenging chapter of Trump and evangelical politics, Trump's influence seems stronger than ever. With a potential presidential bid in 2024 looming as well this chapter may not be ending any time soon. In this e...


Ep.66 - Is Christian Nationalism Actually Christian?

With just a few weeks left until the mid-term election the phrase Christian Nationalism is being thrown around quite a bit. It is a concept with a negative connotation that is typically assigned to right wing politicians like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene. This episode was recorded from a new mentoring platform called Wisdom where Kirk had the opportunity to give his answer to the question, "Is Christian Nationalism actually Christian?" and was also able to interact wi...


Ep.65 - When Illegal Immigrants are Flown to Martha's Vineyard

The charter flight heard around the world! Florida Governor Ron Desantis took full command of the news cycle last week when he chartered a flight to send 50 illegal immigrants to the upper-class elite island of Martha's Vineyard. Those on the left call it a political stunt that endangered the lives of real people for political gain while people on the right called it a necessary public relations strategy to put a spotlight on the crisis at the southern border. Evangelical le...


Ep.64 - When Your Devotions Feel Dry

Have you ever uttered these sentiments to yourself or someone else: I don't get anything out of my time in God's Word, I don't feel like He's speaking to me, or I just don't feel like I am connecting with God? If so, you could be a victim of a common problem in American evangelicalism Kirk calls "Over application" of scripture. In this episode, we explore this common problem that can plague our personal devotional time and cause us to feel unmotivated to consistently engage in the...


Ep.63 - When the President Cancels Debt

Last week President Biden created a firestorm in political circles as well as evangelical circles when he single-handedly forgave hundreds of billions in student loans. The political controversy was expected but the fierce debate amongst evangelical circles was a bit surprising. Leader after leader and pastor after pastor in the Christian cultural world spoke up about their perspective on whether or not God is for canceling debt. In this episode, we take a look at the variou...


Ep.62 - When Dads seem to be Disappearing

In a world that is wrestling with huge multi-faceted problems and increasing polarity on how to solve these major issues one stat recently came to our attention. The single most significant indicator of mass shootings is... Fatherlessness. Let that sink in and then ask yourself when is the last time in the overwhelming media coverage on shootings, violence, and guns you heard any commentator bring up the topic of fatherhood? In this episode, we take a deep dive into the cur...


Ep.61 - When you are Deconstructing Purity Culture

If you have been around Christians who are "deconstructing" their faith then you definitely have become familiar with the phrase "purity culture." For deconstructionists "purity culture" is the source of significant pain that has motivated them to rethink Jesus and how He is portrayed in American evangelicism. In this episode, we take a deep dive into what "purity culture" is believed to be, what its dangers are, and what dangers can come from deconstructing it. Purity is d...


Ep.60 - When the Vice President Announces her Pronouns

Vice President Kamala Harris set the internet on fire when a clip of her leading an official meeting at the White House went viral. In the brief clip, VP Harris is heard introducing her pronouns as well as identifying herself as a "woman wearing a blue suit". Without much context to the clip, the American public was left to interpret for themselves what this unprecedented introduction from one of the highest ranking government officials means for society at large. And as alw...


Ep.59 - Processing: Roe v. Wade Pt.2

Well, it actually happened. After the leaked draft opinion that sent shockwaves throughout the country and created hope or fear that a pressure campaign could dissuade the justices from following through, Roe v. Wade is officially overturned. With this momentous event being experienced in two separate experiences, Kirk adds to his previous thoughts as he processes the variety of reactions on both sides of the aisle. Enjoy listening to unfiltered thoughts that come from a per...


Ep.58 - When You Need Everyone to Agree with You

Our polarized national culture is creeping in and polarizing the Christian culture. As time goes by new camps within the Christian church are being formed around explicitly political lines. The Christian church is no stranger to divisions within our ranks, however, traditionally those dividing lines came in the form of theological or methodological debates. Seeing Christians openly organizing themselves on political lines isn't completely new but is picking up momentum rathe...


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