The CRAM Podcast ~ Extraordinary Ideas Unleashed

The CRAM Podcast features engaging and thought-provoking interviews that explore innovative ideas and exciting new research that’s shaping our lives - whether it's the evolution of the work world, the transformative ways we connect, the re-imagining of home and place, or the dramatic changes in our identity and community. We interview leading researchers and big thinkers about the human condition and the possibilities of tomorrow.

Sex, Murder, Power ~ The Badass Women of Antiquity

When we think of bad behaviour, we often think of men and the dirty deeds they’ve done. But what about women? Women, like men, are also capable of bad behaviour. Very bad behaviour. Just look back at the Roman Empire. Women were expected to be good girls, wives and mothers. But there were notable bad-ass women who stopped at nothing to gain power.Their stories are shocking and gruesome. They reveal what happens when power or control is taken away from women...


Are we heading towards the END of civilisation?!

*Special Edition*Do you have a feeling that all is not right with the world? There’s war, racial conflict, huge economic disparity, political extremism, growing societal discord. And of course climate change. You wonder – are we on a path to complete self-destruction? It’s the ultimate question that researcher Luke Kemp has been studying. He’s an expert on global catastrophic risk. He’s looked at the collapse of past civilisations and applies this knowledge ...


How often should you see your doctor for a check-up?

Remember when you used to see your doctor every year for a “physical?” He looked at you from top to toe, did a full blood workup and maybe sent you for other tests as well. But a number of years ago, the annual physical was replaced with the periodic health exam. Based on the evidence, the medical profession said an annual checkup wasn’t necessary for everyone and might even be detrimental. But even after all these years, not everyone is convinced incl. some doctor...


How to deal with a narcissist

It’s a hot topic lately. Narcissism.You’ll find it everywhere – on social media, online articles, talk shows, documentaries.And it seems everyone knows someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder – or they think they have it themselves!Even if you know someone who genuinely has NPD.. well then what?Can you have a successful relationship with them and if not, what are the signs to leave?This is an important discussion and we invited Dr. Martin Drapeau for some answers. He’s a...


Why a total solar eclipse is a MUST-SEE event!

It’s a once in a lifetime event: a mesmerizing, soul-stirring experience. At any given point on earth, the ability to see a total solar eclipse happens only once every three to four hundred years. And on April 8, 2024, at least 30 million people will be able to experience it. They’ll be plunged into darkness as the moon completely blocks the sun. Even if you’re not going to experience the eclipse, it’s a fascinating journey of discovery to hear science writer Andrew Fa...


What do our nightmares tell us? Exploring the dark side of sleep

We’ve all had nightmares. Some are worse than others and can haunt us for days.Whether it’s a nightmare, a night terror or sleep paralysis, they all happen while we sleep.But they can feel very real.Why do we have nightmares, and what does it mean when they recur over and over again? Did you know there’s a difference between nightmares and night terrors and when they occur? Should you awaken a sleepwalker? And what is sexsomnia? So many mystifying questions about...


What are the most dangerous personality traits?

Have you heard of “The Dark Triad?” It sounds like a mysterious crime syndicate in a James Bond movie. But it’s real. The Dark Triad refers to the worst personality traits a person can have. Narcissism. Machiavellianism. Psychopathy.Think of former U.S. President Donald Trump. NY financier Bernie Madoff. Serial killer Paul Bernardo. Each of them has at least one of these traits according to a researcher who studies personality disorders. ...


Faster, higher, stronger: Improving how we move whether we’re disabled or Olympic athletes

Humans are complex beings.And one of the most perplexing puzzles that John McPhee is trying to figure out – is how we move. It’s a question that’s fascinated him for most of his life.And during his 30+ years as a systems design engineer, he’s come up with remarkable achievements:everything from improving electric and autonomous vehicles, developing exoskeletons for stroke patients, and increasing the performance of Olympic and pro athletes. His lab even deve...


Does psychotherapy REALLY work? What you should know

Are there some things about you - habits or behaviours you’d really like to change? Maybe you’re dealing with anxiety? Or depression?Or you’ve been in one bad relationship after another and you want this pattern to stop. You’ve wondered about going for counselling. But you’re skeptical. Maybe even scared. Can psychotherapy, or as some people call it – talk therapy - REALLY help??Who needs it? What are the different approaches? And how often do you need to go to b...


People behaving badly - what's going on?!

I bet if you took a random poll, many would say people’s general behaviour has deteriorated. - a lot. And you can witness this just about anywhere. On the street with strangers, shopping in a store, when you’re driving – all kinds of rude behaviour. And you see it with politicians, corporate leaders, celebrities. And let’s not even get into social media. The world seems less welcoming. .. even dangerous. What’s happened to good manners, politeness, and...


What do your dreams mean - and how do you control them?

It occupies a significant chunk of our life. But we pay little or no attention to it at all. Dreaming. There are scary dreams, happy dreams, erotic dreams.. and everyday, run-of-the-mill dreams. But what do they mean? How do we remember them, analyse them, even CONTROL them? (yes it’s possible) By studying how we sleep and dream we can better understand ourselves and our lives. Listen to cognitive scientist Elizaveta Solomonova on the world of dreams. It will open...


Hope for the new year: A repeat of our interview with Dr. James Orbinski

We hope you're enjoying the holiday season with family and friends. It is a time meant for peace and goodwill and yet, for many, this has been a time of conflict, violence and war. How can we better understand the world during troubled times and even come away with hope? We thought hard about this and we wanted to end 2023 with our interview with Dr. James Orbinski-- first aired in June of this year. It's difficult to listen to. This interview can be disturbing, but it is also incredibly powe...


Do you know what makes you happy? You could be wrong

It’s the holiday season – a time for family, friends and happy times together. But then the season’s over and we’re back to the worries and grind of everyday life. Happiness can seem fleeting, so difficult to hold on to. But there’s actually a science around happiness and some answers as to what makes us happy.Some of the findings seem obvious. But others may be surprising including the fact that many people think they know what makes them happy. But they’re wrong. &nb...


How stress changes the brain and why it’s contagious

Are you stressed? Who isn’t! We seem to be faced with constant demands at work and at home. Obligations to family, responsibilities at work, commitments to friends and so on. And it’s all a race against the clock. As a society, we seem to be stressed out. And what makes this dilemma even more problematic is that stress is contagious! That’s right. The research on this is fascinating. Just listen to neuroscientist Jaideep Bains. &nbs...


Delusions: Why do people believe almost anything?

There are all kinds of delusions.Here’s one: You believe you’re the star of a movie and that your life is being watched and recorded. Every second of it. And everyone around you – your family, friends, even strangers – they’re in on it. This is your life and it’s hell.This unusual mental disorder, dubbed The Truman Show syndrome (after the movie starring Jim Carrey), was observed by psychiatrist Joel Gold in a number of patients. He along with his brother, neurophiloso...


Are we our memories? How we lose them and how we keep them.

What is the meaning of memory? Imagine waking up one day with no memory from the time you were 15. That’s what happened to a woman in the Maritimes. She went into cardiac arrest and was in a coma for three weeks. She was 29 at the time but when she awoke, she was a child again.It’s such an incredible story that I reached out to Dr. Howard Chertkow, a cognitive neurologist. I wanted to find out how this could happen, and to explore more about memory’s function, how we can preserve it, and how ...


What REALLY haunts us?

It’s almost Hallowe’en. Sure it can be a scary time of year with ghosts and goblins, witches and warlocks, not to mention the living dead. (yuck)But what is truly frightening in our lives? Perhaps it’s something far deeper and darker. A haunting that you can’t run away from in the light of day or even while you sleep.Suzette Mayr has thought a lot about what haunts us as a writer and teacher - how it can prey on us, unsettle and unravel us, and even destroy us. I loved...


Men Behaving Badly – the World’s WORST Tyrants

Tyrant. A word that can instill fear in millions of people. A monster capable of mass murder to achieve his own ends. But could one person’s tyrant actually be another person’s hero, even saviour? Who really is a tyrant? Why do they become one? And who are the worst tyrants in the world?If there’s anyone who’s thought deeply about this topic, it’s Waller Newell, a professor of political science and political philosophy at Carleton University.Listen to this compelling co...


What foods can INCREASE your risk of cancer?

Here’s a startling fact.Lifestyle factors such as what you eat and whether you exercise can affect your risk of cancer by as much as 50%!!But there’s so much confusing info when it comes to food. And we all want that magic bullet.One week it’s tofu. Then it’s acai. Then it’s goji berries. We try the latest dieting craze hoping it’ll make us healthier and give us a longer life.But it’s time to separate fact from fiction. Listen to nutrition expert Rachel Mur...


The Anxious Generation: Why are today's children so anxious and what can we do?

Do you feel there’s a general anxiety that’s been on the rise in our society – especially among young people? Many seem worried, unsettled, fearful. And their worries seem all encompassing: school, relationships, jobs, money, their health, the economy, the environment, global instability. They worry about their future and the future of the planet. I’m sure my friends and I had similar worries when we were young but I’m not sure our worries were as many and as consuming ...


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