The CTZ, or Central Time Zone, was born out of a passing joke between a Vlogger and Ex-Radio DJ. When Travis told Ryan that he should jump into podcasting, Ryan couldn't figure out why anyone would listen, but why wouldn't everyone listen? We are hilarious, and nobody glorifies the Midwest. So here it is—a view of the world and current events from the dirt tracks and cornfields surrounding Peoria, Illinois. Listen to our journey as Travis teaches the old radio guy how to be interesting for more than 15 seconds at a time...

Go To TikTok For The Full Frontal

Ryan decompressed from another trip. Travis brings his new Girl Friday into the studio. Will Lily become Producer Lily? The Gang talks about mental health, sustainability, and naked people in the news. brought to you by


Brothers Are Always The Best Tippers

CTZ IPA? Another massacre; when are we going to stop glorifying gun violence? Is anyone willing to work anymore? Times have changed, this year all Mariah Carey wants for Christmas is not to lose everything she has... Putin has cancer. Buzzfeed makes Peoria famous. brought to you by


Is Elon Musk The Louie C.K. Of Electric Cars?

What songs would Girth Brooks write? Put away your cocks or get Monkeypox. Elon gets Cuomo'd. Chris Watt's murder house is for sale. North Korea is launching missiles, but Joonie Dip is dominating the news. brought to you by


We Are Here To Worship Your Toes

Ryan found a fan on Twitter. American Idol goes to Bloomington and Peorian's lobby to stop the cutting of baby penises. Netflix is falling like Netbricks. Portugal tells California to go home. brought to you by


Password Hint: Disgusting

We now know what Kate Beckinsale is into. This Jeep put its owner in between a rock and a hard place, but in a completely different way than you are thinking. Ryan was right, but about what? brought to you by


The Tesla Truck Is The Mullet Of Vehicles

Ryan and Travis talk about road-tripping in a Tesla. Ryan doesn't seem to appreciate Elon Musk as much as Travis does. Madison Cawthorn and the pump and dump. Alec Baldwin's attitude is a bold play. to you by


BSE - Big Season Energy!

Travis may have withheld a critical perspective on the orgy conversation, and Ryan asks him to spill the tea. Travis invites Ryan out into the real world. Ryan wants to quit podcasting to follow his dream of being a Press Secretary. brought to you by


It's Your Orgy; Invite Who You Want To Invite.

Ryan rants out his thoughts about tweeters. Ryan brings up the age-old question, "Who is inviting disabled people to orgies?". Ryan remembers the legendary John Daker by describing another youtube video. Travis brings up what is wrong with the creme in Cadbury's Creme Eggs, and then Ryan and Travis try to pinpoint what constitutes porn. Elon seems like a nice guy, but his takeover may turn hostile. brought to you by


A Slap Between A Rock And A Hard Ass

Ryan participates in a liquor store robbery, not actively but as an accessory by inaction. Ryan gets blocked. It is World Autism Acceptance Day. Madison Cawthorn lights a match to burn down the GOP. Hunter's laptop is inducted into the archives. Miracle Man dies. What is Don't Say Gay? In the Final Fumes of this episode, Travis and Ryan talk about the Academy of Douchebag Awards and decide who takes home the brought to you by


Where Is Gotham City?

Ryan goes beardless for inclusion. Have you ever got caught Twittering yourself? Ted Cruze did. Would male contraception cut down on the Crusen's Opsies? What will become of Pedophile Island? brought to you by


Starbucks Moves To Be The Next Casey's

The CTZ gets a sponsor. Ryan celebrates another trip around the sun. Ryan receives hate mail. More oh no's from Chris Cuomo. After Travis attacks CNN, Ryan gets as hot as Hunter Biden's crack pipe. Will Starbucks become the next Casey's? brought to you by 


We Aren't Outsourcing Manufacturing We Are Outsourcing The Pollution

Ryan talks about the upcoming Best Buddies Friendship Walk and how Travis will go on a Monster Truck ride. These gas prices are insane, but the equation to fix it is even crazier. The Russian Ukrainian War is like watching a squirrel fight a gorilla. First Covid Dick, and now its Covid Brain. Does your life really flash before your eyes when you die? Find out now. @Tee_Platt@IAmRyanLacosse@TheCTZPodcast


Normal Is Just A Term For Acceptable - With David Stotz

In today's episode, Ryan and Travis welcome David Stotz into the studio. David is a Creative Director for a global brand, Master Gardener, and a Culinary Savant, among other things. Ryan talks to Travis and David about disability awareness and the stigmas held towards people with disabilities in honor of Disability Awareness Month. Then, Travis and David go down a rabbit hole of Mental Health. 


From Russia Without Love

Stop calling it a Ukraine Crisis; It's a war, idiot. Sean Penn is on location in Ukraine. It looks like Britany is making trends; Amanda Bynes wants out of her conservatorship. Ukraine isn't the only place under attack, so are Walmarts... 


TikTok Orgy: A Smashing Success

Why choose one Valentine? This TikToker chose 65 and invited them over. Did China let the skater skate as not to provoke Putin? What's new with Kanye? The Tinder Swindler may have a new enterprise. Should Travis take his career to TV? Civil Action comes at Alec Baldwin. 


It's Valentine's Day And We Have Leftovers, What You Doin? 😉

We had our first #boycotthectz. Ryan and Travis talk about the Olympics. Ryan pitches a new international dating tactic to Travis. The Meta Verse just became a safe place by following the science, the computer science. Who can start a bigger war, Putin or Kanye? TikTok girl goes down in history as the worst interview since Step Brothers. Travis talks about cyber security, and then Ryan announces Travis' password. New Developments in the Bob Saget Saga. Another Insta Influencer bites the dust. 


Mainstream Media? Let's Call It Siloed Bull Sh*t

Ryan has not been watching the Playboy Documentary #Airquotes. Punishment is getting expensive with these gas prices. Hide your kids hide your wife; Meta got rapey. Ryan goes all out for Harambe. War, what is it good for? Ryan spills some tea on Peoria. No one is fighting over Katie Couric's book, but they are over Golden Corral's steak. 


Southern Comfort Gets Uncomfortable

Travis puts a new spin on throat shots. Ryan goes back to radio. Ryan and Travis try to buy an NFTs for their PFPs. Ryan and Travis both strongly agree on one side of the Spotify Joe Rogan Extortion trend. 


Is Sleepy Joe Biden On TikTok? If So He Probably Won The #SleepyChicken Challenge.

Ryan and Travis clarify their joke with Adam Sandler. The cold has hit level deadly. Walmart is going massive into Meta. Millie Go Lightley's NFTs go live as we speak. SNL decided to be funny again. Another TikTok challenge proves how dumb society is. 



Ryan still hasn't figured out that we started Season 4. United Airlines fired enough employees that no one is left to die. CBD seems to stop COVID in its tracks, but if you aren't into that sort of thing there is a nasal spray. Ryan talks NFTs and Travis brings technology to the table. COVID Dick is the new Whiskey Dick, but much like every sequel, it's worse.


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