The Caldwell Commentaries Podcast

The Caldwell Commentaries dive deep into the Bible to reveal the amazing truths God has shared with mankind about HIStory, salvation in Christ, and the future! Be prepared for some spiritual heartburn!

Genesis Lesson 13: Creation vs. Evolution {Seventh Day} - When did Lucifer fall? The Significant Sabbath Rest. The Amazing Human Body.

Genesis 2:1-7 The second chapter of Genesis is not only a record of the seventh and final day of the Creation Week, but it provides some details about the prehistoric earth and the creation of the first man and woman not included in the first chapter.  The chapters do not contradict, as some have claimed - and we discuss why they do not. We also discuss the timing of Lucifer's fall.  We talk about why God created everything in stages, rather than all at once, and the answer is interesting and another testimony to His care and concern for man.  From this look at Genesis 2:1-7, we talk at length about the Sabbath rest.  Also included in this study is a brief look at how wondrously the human body is - and what a testimony to the Creator we are!  


Genesis Lesson 12: Creation vs. Evolution {No More Monkey Business} A Vital Lesson for Entire Family!

Okay, you HAVE to listen to this message, "No More Monkey Business"!  In this critical lesson, we give documented evidence about the various  hominids or "ape men" (aka "missing links" between apes and humans) that have been used by evolutionists in their attempt to disprove the Biblical account of man's origin, from God.  We discuss, with documentation, the truth about all these pieces of "evidence" (i.e. Ramapithecus, Australopithecus, Peking Man, Homo Erectus, Java Man, Piltdown Man, Neanderthal Man, Nebraska Man, etc.).  This is AN EYE-OPENER, for this world has been greatly "hoaxed"!  We also discuss and analyze another great hoax that has been put upon the world - the age of the earth!   This is a lesson for you, your children, and grandchildren!  It is time for the truth to be known!


Genesis Lesson 11: Creation vs. Evolution {Sixth Day} Four Ways Man Differs from Animal World

Genesis 1:26-41 This is the account of the crowning summit of God's creation, man.  We discuss the inter-Trinitarian conversation of Genesis 1:26 ("Let Us make man is Our image," which proves God's multiple Persons in One Godhead (we analyze why He was not speaking to anyone outside Himself).  Then, we look at His creation of man, His commission to man (i.e. man's privilege to reproduce and his privilege of responsibility, called "the cultural mandate"), His cuisine for man, and His closing creation comment (1:31). Included in this study are four ways in which man differs from the animal world.  We discuss what it means that we (humanity) are made in the image of God.


Genesis Lesson 10: Creation vs. Evolution {Sixth Day} Animals that Baffle Evolutionists!

Genesis 1:24, 25a This is Part I of the sixth day's creation activity regarding land animals.  We discuss all kinds of amazing creatures and how they testify of an Intelligent Creator.  Share this lesson with the whole family - together learn how God's creatures, from the smallest to the largest, testify against evolution!  Learn about the incredibly complex self-defense system of the Bombardier Beetle, the mimicry phenomenon of many creatures, which baffle evolutionists and testify to a Creator.  Learn about the sophisticated vibration sensors of moles, the upside-down pouch of the female wombat, the communication frequencies of frogs, the hibernation process of ground squirrels, the duckbill platypus, the elephant's built-in cooling system, the incredible neck of the giraffe, fire-breathing "dragons," and much more!


Genesis Lesson 9: Creation vs. Evolution {Fifth Day} The Fossil Record re Dinosaurs. How DNA defies Evolution

Genesis 1:20-23 In this lesson on God's fifth day of the Creation Week, we discuss how the Biblical record of creation clashes "head on" with the naturalistic theories of origins.  There can be no compromise between the two.  We talk about Louis Pasteur (a creationist) and his work to prove the fallacy of the spontaneous combustion concept.  We also discuss the important Law of Biogenesis!   How does the creation account of Genesis, as well as the Book of Job, tell us dinosaurs did not live on millions of years before people?  And how does the fossil record provide evidence that men and dinosaurs lived contemporaneously? We discuss the amazing DNA super-molecule, which stores all the coded hereditary information for every living organism (and how it defies evolution).   Ever hear of the cleaning symbiosis arrangement between certain creatures?  It is a process that would never have "survived" the "trial and error" process offered by evolutionists!  What about the migratory instincts of many fish and fowl?  Again, it  totally disallows a piecemeal "trial and error" evolutionary process over millions of years.   If man wants to truly understand where life came from, he merely has to look around at creation; it will tell him in abundant ways!  "But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will explain it to you!" (Job 12:7, 8).  


Genesis Lesson 8: Creation vs. Evolution {Fourth Day} Learn about Big Bang, Fission, and Steady-State Theories of Evolution

Genesis 1:14-19.  God created the heavenly bodies on the fourth day of the Creation Week.  This means the sun was created after the earth according to Biblical Creationism.  This directly contradicts evolutionary teaching that the earth was either thrown off from the sun or that both the earth and sun condensed from a huge "protosun" of whirling dust and gas billions of years ago.  We discuss why any attempt to compromise creationism with evolutionism does NOT work! Also discussed in this lesson are the following Cosmogonies (evolutionary theories about the origin of the universe):  The Big Bang Theory, The Fission Theory, and The Steady-State Theory".  We also discuss how the two laws of thermodynamics, "the Law of Mass-Energy Conservation" and "the Law of Energy Decay" refute any theory that the universe somehow randomly created itself - that matter and energy came from nowhere.


Genesis Lesson 7: Creation vs. Evolution {Third Day} Filling the Earth!

Genesis 1:9-13.  God finished His formation work and began His filling work!  See what He filled it with in this lesson!


Genesis Lesson 6: Creation vs. Evolution {Second Day} - The Tri-une aspects of our World!

Genesis 1:6-8 This lesson is on the Spirit's inspired account of the second day of the Creation Week.  We discuss how absolutely perfect this planet we call "Home" is!  Everyone should be thankfully amazed about the incredible details that had to "come together" for Earth to be a livable place.  Forethought, planning, and design are everywhere abundantly evident!  We talk about the creation of the atmosphere and hydrosphere of our uniquely designed planet.   We also mention more "tri-unities" in our world - you will be excited to realize how MANY there are!  I guarantee you won't hear about them from the secular world, for they present too much obvious evidence of their Tri-une Creator!


Genesis Lesson 5: Creation vs. Evolution {First Day} - We Discuss ”The Day-Age Theory/Progressive Creationism

Genesis 1:3-5. We discuss God's first set of "Ten Commandments" and His principle of separation (found from day one of creation until the end of Revelation), and the "Day-Age Theory".  We discuss what the light of day one was, since the sun was not created until day four.  We also discuss some of the vast differences between belief in Creationism from Evolutionism and how it is literally impossible to attempt to compromise the two in such ways proposed by "The Gap Theory," "Progressive Creationism," and "Theistic Evolutionism".    The stages of creation found in Genesis chapter one follow a natural sequence; each creative act was necessary before the next creative act could take place.  It was all done in a precise and orderly process.  Man could not have survived if the order of creation was rearranged or in a different sequence.   


Genesis Lesson 4: Creation vs. Evolution {Triune Universe Created} - What about the Gap Theory?

Genesis 1:1b and 1:2.  We discuss the creation of the heavens and Earth, giving a serious critique of two creation theories: 1.  The Gap Theory and 2. The Unshaped Earth Theory.  Also discussed is the Holy Spirit's part in the creative work - the movement of the Spirit is extremely fascinating when we discover the meaning of the Hebrew word for "move" in Genesis 1:2.


Genesis Lesson 3: Creation vs. Evolution {In the Beginning}

Genesis 1:1a  This is the first in our "Creation versus Evolution" series.  It is packed with interesting and informative vital information found in simply half a verse: Genesis 1:1a.  If we are going to understand anything else in Scripture or in the world, we need to first understand the teaching of the first sentence of the Bible, for it answers the two most basic questions of humanity: when was the universe created? and where did the universe come from? Learn how the first of many names for God used in the Scripture is a uni-plural proper noun - the name Elohim.  Elohim is plural, but is used with a singular verb ("created"); this testifies of a Tri-une Godhead.  We discuss how there is simply one alternative to believing in a Self-existent, eternal Creator God, and it is to believe in eternal matter.  However, the concept of eternal matter cannot go "hand-in-hand" with the scientific law of cause and effect, since random particles of matter could never, by themselves, generate a complex, orderly, intelligible world and universe, much less generate living persons who are able to apply intelligence to the understanding of the complex order of the universe!  Scientifically, the concept of eternal matter is impossible.   


Genesis Lesson 2: Introduction to Book of Beginnings {Includes a Fascinating Comparison of Genesis and Revelation}

In this second half of our Introduction to Genesis, the book of beginnings, we discuss the three main purposes for the book: the historical purpose, the spiritual purpose, and the Christological purpose (we have an entire series of finding "Christ in Genesis" - see podcast tag).  We also discuss many special features of this unique and all-important first book of God's Word (i.e. it is the book of the Creation account, of human ancestry, of the patriarchs, of Israel's beginning - and it begins to teach us about God's grace, His covenant promises, and man's pilgrimage of faith).  In this study, we do a fascinating comparison between the first and last books of Scripture - the Book of Genesis and the Book of Revelation, and that amazing comparison surely shows how the whole of Scripture has one Divine Author!


Genesis Lesson 1: The Foundation of History

This is the first lesson in our study of the Book of Genesis, "the book of beginnings".  Genesis lays the foundation of history; it gives us the critical information needed to know about origins.  Genesis is "the seed plot of the Bible" because all "the forests" of Scripture find their beginning as "seedlings" in it.  Actually, it presents the beginning of everything in existence except God Himself (i.e. the origin of the universe, of order and complexity, of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, of life, of man, of marriage, of evil, of God's plan for salvation, of government, the nations and people groups, of the nation of Israel). In this Part I of our Introduction to Genesis, in additional to discussing how the book is foundational to history, we talk about the author of the book (we discuss "The Documentary Hypothesis" which teaches that Moses was not the author - and why we disagree).  We also discuss the method involved in writing Genesis and the dating of the book (when it was written).


Ruth - Part II {An End Times’ Prophetic Perspective!}

Since Israel's return to her land, the Book of Ruth is now seen with even deeper prophetic significance than ever before.  It is far more than a picture of Christ and His redemptive love for His mostly-Gentile "Bride," the Church.  There are two additional "love stories" in this account; they are between Naomi and Ruth (i.e., Israel and the Church) and Boaz and Naomi (Christ's love and eventual restoration of Israel).  Find out the importance of Leviticus 23:22 - a verse that does not seem to belong in the middle of God's instructions regarding the seven Jewish feast days; yet it does fit - plus it connects us to the Book of Ruth!  SO MUCH NEW INSIGHT TO AN OLD, FAMILIAR STORY - YOU WILL LOVE THIS STUDY!


Book of Ruth - Part 1 {Three Love Stories in One}

Although you may be very familiar with the small Old Testament Book of Ruth, you will come away from this two-part study of it with a brand-new understanding of its prophetical significance.  There is so much more to be "gleaned" than a romantic, redemptive "love story" between Boaz and Ruth and how their relationship pictures Christ and the Church!  As history has progressed, new revelation from an old book has come to light! 


Acts Lesson 26: Stephen’s Martyrdom {A Standing Ovation!}

Stephen's message of Acts 7 was the masterpiece of a skilled artist painting pictures of Jesus Christ from Old Testament characters; it was the discourse of a Scriptural scholar, the keenly selective historical dissertation of a Spirit-filled prophet, and the work of a lethally skilled warrior using the two-edged sword of truth!  It was also Stephen's death warrant.  He had lived like Jesus, he had spoken like Jesus, and he was to die for Jesus. Stephen, whose face glowed like that of an angel, was bound for Heaven.  There are causes worth dying for, and Stephen found the best.  He died for the sake of the only message on earth that saves the eternal souls of men, the Gospel of Christ.  Stephen was the first person to die for the truth of Jesus' atonement work.  When his spirit was about to depart from his body, he looked up to see the resurrected Lord standing on the right hand of God!  He was not in His seated "finished-work of redemption" position!  It was the body language of the Redeemer saying, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"!  Stephen finished his course; he ran the race to the finish line and was the first to cross - and the Lord gave him a standing ovation!


Acts Lesson 25: Stephen’s Message VIII {Israel’s Indictment}

This is the conclusion of the longest sermon in the Book of Acts - and likely the most important.  Stephen had reviewed Israel's history and the great contributions of some of her most honored leaders (Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, and Solomon).  The High Court of Israel had gotten a quick overview of her history, which the men permitted Stephen to present because they loved to hear about themselves.  However, slowly, his selective presentation started to get uncomfortable as they began to realize where his focus on their "rejection of deliverers" pattern of behavior was going.  Was he really going to indict them for having rejected (and killed) Jesus?!  Would he dare to go that far!? Yes, he would, even though he knew it would likely cost him his life.  Realizing his listeners were reaching the end of their tolerance of him and were about to make him stop, Stephen catapulted into his application-rebuke - and it was BOLD and BLUNT!  After calling them "stiff-necked" and uncircumcised in heart and ears, He told them, ". . . ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye" (Acts 7:51)!  He also accused them of the betrayal and murder of "the Just One" - and they knew he spoke of Jesus and used for Him a title only reserved for God! Stephen's phenomenal use of his two-edged sword, the Word of God, hit its target.  The Sanhedrin Council members "were cut to the heart" (7:54).  Their hypocritically pious masks were torn off and they were exposed for the false shepherds they were.  Yet, rather than repent, they gnashed their teeth in seething anger.  THEY had been the ones on trial, and they were guilty of having blasphemed everything God had ever given them!  They could not defend themselves, so they decided they would silence the one who spoke the truth about their depraved hearts.  Saul of Tarsus was among them; little did they know he would soon pick-up where Stephen left off!  Truth cannot be silenced, much as men might try.


Acts Lesson 24: Stephen’s Message VII {The Temple}

Acts 7:44-50; Stephen's defense against the charge that he had blasphemed the Temple.  Tensions are beginning to rise in the Council members listening to his powerful message!  He is coming close to his conclusion.  Stephen had evidently spoken a lot (in his past debates in the Greek-speaking synagogues) about the One (Jesus) Who was greater than the Temple, which is why he was accused of blaspheming the Temple.  In his sermon, Stephen stressed how the Tabernacle (later the Temple) served as a witness of that which was Greater!  It was a picture-type witness of the day when the Messiah would tabernacle with men and open the way for God to bring a redeemed people boldly into His holy Presence to tabernacle (dwell) with Him forever! Stephen's point was that he was not blaspheming the current Temple by his understanding that its purpose was ended, and it would give place to the next stage: God dwelling in His people.


Acts Lesson 23: Stephen’s Message VI {The Law}

In Acts 7:38 to 43, Stephen shifted from demonstrating his respect for Moses to demonstrating his respect for the Law.  He was again claiming "not guilty" to the charge brought against him that he blasphemed the Law.  He affirmed his absolute faith in the Law by declaring God was its Author and Moses its recipient. In summarizing the final 40-year period of Moses' life, Stephen went on the offensive.  He reminded the Council how quickly Israel had turned her heart back to Egypt and her "gods" once Moses ascended Mount Sinai.  With him out of sight, they readily dismissed the very one who delivered them.  Stephen's point was that this was exactly what Israel's religious rulers did.  The One Who came and did the work of deliverance for them was now also "out of sight" - for He had ascended much higher than Mount Sinai!  They turned from the Prophet like unto Moses, their Messiah, and were, in effect, clinging to the works of Aaron's hands, pictured by their whole priestly system of Judaism.  With the completed atonement work of Christ, Judaism was a dead religion.  The reality had come, so the patterns and shadows were no longer needed.  But the hearts of Israel's leadership were focused on the world (Egypt) - and Stephen said, they "rejoiced in the works of their own hands" (Acts 7:41).  They did not worship God; they worshipped a "god" of their own making. It was the members of Israel's High Court who broke the Law, just as their forefathers had done at Sinai and throughout their entire history!


Acts Lesson 22: Stephen’s Message V {Moses' Divine Commission. Also how the Burning Bush Symbolizes Israel}

In Stephen's historical narrative regarding Moses, he came to his Divine Commission at the Burning Bush.  Learn how the thorny bush is a picture of Israel! Stephen's message about Moses was powerfully applied to the Lord Jesus and Israel's rejection of Him when he got to verses 35 to 37.  Dr. John Phillips wrote that Stephen "skillfully dropped his brush and pallet and picked up his sword" as he brought home to the Council all he had been saying about Moses in light of Jesus!  With Moses, God honored the one Israel had rejected.  He sent them the very one they had rejected to be their ruler and deliverer.  His implication was that the Jews had done to Jesus what their forefathers did to Moses. It is often said, by Jewish people today and others, as well, that if Jesus was their Messiah, the leaders of Israel would have known and recognized Him.  However, that would not be consistent with her spiritual leaders throughout her history.  This was the point Stephen was making in Acts 7.  It was their typical response NOT to accept the men God sent to deliver them, as exemplified with Joseph and Moses - and how God's prophets were treated.  What they did to Jesus was exceedingly more serious, for in having rejected Him, they rejected the Great I AM of the Burning Bush - they only One Who provides spiritual deliverance!


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