Welcome to the premiere episode of The Care OACES, hosted by Dr. William Cooper. In this heartfelt launch, Dr. Cooper, affectionately known as Dr. Coop, dives into a deeply moving story of a woman’s delayed and fragmented healthcare journey, due to lack of insurance, tragically ended in her passing, underscoring crucial issues in the healthcare system. Dr. Coop unveils OACES, a groundbreaking platform designed to provide seamless access to care, medical experts, and essential services for eve...
The Ultimate podcast bringing clarity, comfort, and better access to your healthcare journey. Hosted by Dr. William Cooper, "The Care OACES" helps you navigate the complexities of healthcare, offering practical solutions and expert insights to achieve better care and a healthier tomorrow. OACES stands for (O)mnipresent (A)ccess to (C)are, (E)xperts, and (S)ervices.The Care OACES Show Website - https://thecareoaces.com/OACES Health Website - https://oaceshealth.com/Dr. William Cooper LinkedIn ...