Everyone makes mistakes throughout their lives. Our podcast platform and publications are crafted to address the various challenges we encounter both personally and as parents. We recognize that social media often portrays an idealized version of life, showcasing only the most remarkable moments of our relationships and families. Our book delves into the profound lessons and experiences of our parenting journey. We discuss the vital role parents play in supporting their children and the unique dynamics each child brings to the relationship. As a parent, have you ever felt envious of the bond your kids share with your partner? Let’s talk about it… 🗣️🗣️. Pre order our new book here: Abrams Books https://store.abramsbooks.com/product... Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1419770152?... •THE CASEY CREW IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE 👀😜🧨 •Tap on the blue highlighted link in bio to SUBSCRIBE so that you will be the first one to know when a new episode drops!!! 🔉 •To listen👂🏼, tap on the same link ✨ • Or download on SoundCloud by entering SoundCloud.com/TheCaseyCrew in your google search bar • Or find us on /iTunes/Spotify/Tidal/IHeartRadio or any other major podcast platform #ComeOver 🏡 #YOUREINVITED 💌‼️ #TheCaseyCrew 🖤
Our purpose is grounded in family, love, and faith." This quote from the Casey's upcoming book, set for release on April 16th, serves as a comprehensive guide for raising a family. This episode emphasizes the crucial importance of fostering trust with your children by always being truthful. It's essential never to lie to your kids, as dishonesty may seem like an easy solution but ultimately causes more harm than good. Parents must lead by example, and the Caseys share their own experiences on how this approach has positively impacted their family. Patience is vital in building trust, regardless of how long it takes to address issues. Often, parents lack the time to explain why certain actions are wrong. The Caseys also discuss their "family mission" statement, a set of rules everyone agrees upon to navigate their shared journey as a family. Does your family have a mission statement? Comment below, let's talk about it… 🗣️🗣️. Pre order our new book here: Abrams Books https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXprUENCNlRZREVxVDRHaUhwNlB6X2Nic1Nrd3xBQ3Jtc0tueHVTalVlTzBSYzNtUjhiam9jTDhDcUpBcXJhSzRidW11N2dUb2tjVV9Wc0pJVEJRbl9XakJaRml3bkplUEtqYWk1WDAyZ3hWQTVnaUlsRWE5WjRrRmVlYkdDRkM3YkVuQ1pIdVRUYlk0aTNsQVhWNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fstore.abramsbooks.com%2Fproducts%2Freal-life-real-family&v=QTJDrYaa-b4 Amazon https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGpzOFpFTm5QQ1k5Zm5pQ0RIa3RJbUU4NzZDZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuYkx4WC1fRVFUeWtuaURjOTA5ZE9mZVpuVXFHYjhXc0JVMHNIcmJocmU3Qk1FTFN2YUo3a0hIeVpsM1h5bHNOYVowekdpODZJdHlBSmJUdWp4RWZFOGJ4WTRHZk5fdi1qWUpqcDNYcURxcElsektuZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fdp%2F1419770152%3Fref%3Dcm_sw_r_ffobk_cso_cp_apin_dp_DC7T4RRT3JD3GD0B7TZ9%26ref_%3Dcm_sw_r_ffobk_cso_cp_apin_dp_DC7T4RRT3JD3GD0B7TZ9%26social_share%3Dcm_sw_r_ffobk_cso_cp_apin_dp_DC7T4RRT3JD3GD0B7TZ9%26peakEvent%3D5%26starsLeft%3D1%26skipTwisterOG%3D1%26bestFormat%3Dtrue&v=QTJDrYaa-b4
Many parents eagerly anticipate their children reaching the age of 18, a milestone often recognized by society as the transition into adulthood. As a parent, do you expect your children to contribute to household responsibilities once they secure a job, regardless of the family's financial situation? Should the burden of responsibility and financial obligations fall on an 18-year-old or any child capable of earning an income? This discussion also extends into more personal realms, such as whether it is acceptable to work alongside an ex-partner. Let's talk about it… 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Pre order our new book here: Abrams Books https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXprUENCNlRZREVxVDRHaUhwNlB6X2Nic1Nrd3xBQ3Jtc0tueHVTalVlTzBSYzNtUjhiam9jTDhDcUpBcXJhSzRidW11N2dUb2tjVV9Wc0pJVEJRbl9XakJaRml3bkplUEtqYWk1WDAyZ3hWQTVnaUlsRWE5WjRrRmVlYkdDRkM3YkVuQ1pIdVRUYlk0aTNsQVhWNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fstore.abramsbooks.com%2Fproducts%2Freal-life-real-family&v=QTJDrYaa-b4 Amazon https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGpzOFpFTm5QQ1k5Zm5pQ0RIa3RJbUU4NzZDZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuYkx4WC1fRVFUeWtuaURjOTA5ZE9mZVpuVXFHYjhXc0JVMHNIcmJocmU3Qk1FTFN2YUo3a0hIeVpsM1h5bHNOYVowekdpODZJdHlBSmJUdWp4RWZFOGJ4WTRHZk5fdi1qWUpqcDNYcURxcElsektuZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fdp%2F1419770152%3Fref%3Dcm_sw_r_ffobk_cso_cp_apin_dp_DC7T4RRT3JD3GD0B7TZ9%26ref_%3Dcm_sw_r_ffobk_cso_cp_apin_dp_DC7T4RRT3JD3GD0B7TZ9%26social_share%3Dcm_sw_r_ffobk_cso_cp_apin_dp_DC7T4RRT3JD3GD0B7TZ9%26peakEvent%3D5%26starsLeft%3D1%26skipTwisterOG%3D1%26bestFormat%3Dtrue&v=QTJDrYaa-b4
During many of our upbringings, our parents or caregivers often spoke their minds freely regarding our intellectual, athletic, or artistic abilities. In other words, they gave us “the real”. In contrast, contemporary parents tend to adopt a more permissive approach, frequently neglecting to provide honest feedback about their children’s strengths and weaknesses in order to comfort them and inadvertently provide a false sense of security. Which one of these ideologies describes your parenting approach best? Are you a realist or a “Yes Mom”? Let's talk about it… 🗣️🗣️🗣️ We also get into the email of the week!!! Tune in 😜
How would you feel if your partner charged you interest on money that they borrowed from you? It's widely recognized that financial matters often spark significant disagreements in relationships and are the leading cause of divorce in the USA. How do you and your partner manage your household finances together? When one partner is experiencing financial success while the other is struggling, do you anticipate that they will support you? Let's talk about it… 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Pre order our new book here: Abrams Books https://store.abramsbooks.com/product... Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1419770152?...
Trauma is not a choice; it reflects how an individual reacts to distressing experiences. Past traumas in relationships can significantly affect new connections. Mistrust can undermine the foundation of any relationship. It's crucial to understand that acting on insecurities, such as checking your partner's phone, only serves to deepen feelings of distrust. How does it make you feel when your partner consistently monitors your activities, examines your phone, and questions your every move? Let's talk about it…🗣️🗣️🗣️
Change is crucial for growth. In best case scenarios, we learn from our past decisions. A rough history doesn’t inevitably define our future. In your opinion - Can a person’s dating history (or any history) dictate who you perceive them to be today, or who you believe they will become in the future? Do you believe in change and self-betterment or do you hold a person hostage to their past? Let’s talk about it…🗣️🗣️ Pre order our new book here: Abrams Books https://store.abramsbooks.com/product... Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1419770152?...
Happy New Year! As 2024 came to a close, the Casey family enjoyed ample quality time together, with everyone under one roof. This period was filled with family photos, gift exchanges, shared dinners, and, of course, exciting game nights. We all know how family game nights can unfold—has a game ever taken an unexpected turn in your home? When it comes to classics like Uno and Monopoly, do you find that there are no universally accepted rules? What constitutes fairness in your household games? This week's email centers around an intriguing topic: the implications of having a child outside of a committed relationship. What are your non-negotiables in such situations? Let's talk about it…🗣️🗣️
Many people revisit the same annual resolutions, reflecting their desire for growth. Common themes include health, personal development, financial goals, and relationship improvements. Couples often focus on better communication and quality time. It's crucial to set realistic, measurable resolutions and break them into smaller steps to stay motivated. What changes in the new year do you envision for yourself or your relationship?🗣️🗣️
Attention is a fundamental need for many individuals, and children are no exception. It is crucial to prioritize one-on-one time with each child, especially when managing the demands of a larger family. "Dating your kids" – dedicating focused attention and quality time with each child individually – can help ensure that the attention and care they receive does not diminish when they are grouped together. Do you agree that this personalized approach to attention and engagement is essential for nurturing healthy, thriving children, even in larger families? Let’s talk about it…🗣️🗣️
This episode, probes, a few questions… 1.) Has the ticking of your biological clock forced you to SETTLE into unhealthy relationship relationships? 2.) Do single people eventually reach a point in life where they have to start lessening their standards to ensure that they don’t end up alone? Have you ever had to remove items from your “Wish List”? 3.) Is it healthy to remain in an unsatisfying relationship “ just for the kids”? LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!! 🗣️🎙️
At what age is it suitable for your young child to begin dating? As an adult, can you recall the age at which you first developed feelings for someone of the opposite sex? Do you believe that societal norms regarding appropriate dating ages have shifted significantly over time? Let’s talk about it..🗣️🗣️ Chapters 00:00 The Importance of Health Checkups 02:54 Vlogging for Health Awareness 05:56 Understanding Heart Health 09:13 Encouraging Regular Health Screenings 10:11 Navigating Conversations About Dating with Kids 13:07 The Right Age for Dating 20:09 Building Trust with Children 29:51 Family Dynamics and Humor 34:31 Mike Tyson's Legacy and Financial Decisions 41:04 The Impact of Boxing on Personal Identity 44:15 Navigating Relationship Challenges 49:30 The Importance of Sexual Compatibility 01:00:00 Deciding the Future of a Relationship
In this episode, Gia and Envy discuss Lamar Odom’s choice of a sex doll and explore challenges around appreciating one’s partner. They also examine the difficulty of prioritizing couple time over parenting, the importance of collaborative parenting, and whether young boys are becoming overly sensitive, highlighting the need for active father involvement. Let's talk about it... 🗣️🗣️
The Halloween celebration at the Casey's gained significant attention and sparked considerable discussion. While everyone is entitled to their opinions, at what point does criticism cross the line? When did the innocent enjoyment of children become a contentious issue? Hip hop lyrics, fashion, and music are often deemed inappropriate to varying extents, yet both children and adults engage in them, either separately or together. What distinguishes these interactions? Let's delve into this topic. 🗣️🗣️
When dating someone who has children, it's important to consider the appropriate timeframe for allowing that person to take on a disciplinary role with your kids. What does discipline mean to you when it comes to someone else’s children? It's widely acknowledged that children can be quite challenging these days. Let's talk about it, and a bunch more!!! 🗣️🗣️
Fellas, do you notice that women often offer apologies followed by justifications for their actions? The concept of "man-spect" is significantly undervalued in our society. Do you agree? Or do you believe that sometimes justifications are warranted? Let's discuss…
In your relationship, do you constantly find yourself arguing about the little things? Does it feel like, “THERES ALWAYS SOMETHING!” ? When everything is said and done, do you feel as though the conflict was warranted? And, under what circumstances should you just let it go??? Let’s get into it! 🗣️🗣️
Are you open to the idea of a threesome with your partner? If so, would it be with a stranger or with someone you already know? Let’s talk about it…
“I tried to break up with him 18 times, but he won’t leave…” Do you believe in giving your partner space when the two of you are at an impasse? Or do you believe that space can lead to permanent separation? Let’s talk about it…🗣️🗣️
What would you do if you found another woman’s panties in your man/husband’s hotel room and he said he didn’t know how it got there? Let’s discuss… •THE CASEY CREW IS AVAILABLE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE 👀😜🧨 •Tap on the blue highlighted link in bio to SUBSCRIBE so that you will be the first one to know when a new episode drops!!! 🔉 •To listen👂🏼, tap on the same link ✨ • Or download on SoundCloud by entering SoundCloud.com/TheCaseyCrew in your google search bar • Or find us on /iTunes/Spotify/Tidal/IHeartRadio or any other major podcast platform #ComeOver 🏡 #YOUREINVITED 💌‼️ #TheCaseyCrew 🖤
very good podcast
Saprina McGill
I think you can be in love with 2 people if you aren't committed to either one.
This is everything.... Thank you for this. I can totally relate. We have a 13yr old boy and it's the exact same issue.
You guys are so awesome! I wish I could sit and talk with you all sometime. So profound!
Oladipupo Abodunrin
This was actually good, I thought I would be bored to death. I think I've found another podcast to add to my collection.