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The Chat

Author: C. G. Cooper & Robert J. Crane

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Ever wonder what bestselling authors talk about when they get together? Listen in every week on the musings of two good friends, C. G. Cooper and Robert J. Crane. Check out their writing and other work at: &
49 Episodes
#49 Once More, With Lorenz

#49 Once More, With Lorenz


Mike Lorenz returns for another wide-ranging chat with Robert about all the problems of the day. And there are so many problems.
48 - The Master Debaters

48 - The Master Debaters


Chatting about Robert's travels, reading, writing, genre fiction, the debate trainwreck (we couldn't avoid it), Carlos's vacation plans, the death of the pickup game for kids, the brutality of partisan politics, and the shocking lack of wisdom inherent in the perineal suntanning fad.
#47 Lorenz Explains It All

#47 Lorenz Explains It All


Friend of the show Mike Lorenz returns! He and Robert chat about the heat of summer, not letting your smart phone run your life, nuclear power, tailwinds of growth, and money, money, money.
Friend of the podcast Robyn Haines returns to ask Robert many, many fan questions about Girl in the Box, with a few peppered in about Sanctuary and Southern Watch. Part 2 of 2. SPOILER WARNING! If you're not up to date on Girl in the Box, Sanctuary, and Southern Watch, you should probably sit this one out.
Friend of the podcast Robyn Haines returns to ask Robert many, many fan questions about Girl in the Box, with a few peppered in about Sanctuary and Southern Watch. Part 1 of 2. SPOILER WARNING! If you're not up to date on Girl in the Box, Sanctuary, and Southern Watch, you should probably sit this one out.
Episode #44 - Chatting about Robert's monomaniacal obsession with owning books, why Carlos has given up on being a dictator, why our kids are our greatest joy, Carlos's new AI bestie, and why fans make better Facebook friends than other authors.
Robert and Carlos chat about Robert's latest ailment, the benefits of genetic testing, the plethora of AI tools, the ups and downs of book publishing, and interlude with a garage door. If you're an author looking for a manager/agent (CGC's manager has one, maybe two openings) to take care of ALL writer business stuff so you can focus on WRITING, email Carlos at and he'll whisk your info to his rockstar manager/agent for consideration.
This week Robert welcomes guest Matt Davis and they chat about stand-up comedy, Matt's dog Cali (yes, that one), the shocking rise of anti-semitism over the last few years, rigged games, the downsides of the justice system, and the gangs of South America.
#41 The Boys Are Back

#41 The Boys Are Back


Reunited and it feels so good! Carlos and Robert are back with a extra-long conversation that wanders through some of the favorite topics on their minds: AI and how it may save or obliterate us, how Hollywood is constipated, why the kids aren't growing up, and the business of authoring.
NOTE: This episode was recorded February 18th, when the price of Bitcoin was around $51,000. Returning guest and friend of the podcast Mike Lorenz returns to discuss AI, money, Bitcoin, and the financial messes we live with.
#39 Face Off

#39 Face Off


Chatting about rising chaos, fantasy football drafts, things that bring the TSA down on you, the radicals of the sixties, and how Robert is allergic to his own face.
Chatting with guest Mike Lorenz about Bitcoin, how CFOs sped up smartphone adoption, the urban doom loop in San Francisco, 'zombie companies', the abuses of private equity investing, and the implications of eradicating morality from social and business relationships.
Chatting about writing Westerns, the creative process, maintaining steady success, the trials of parenting during summer, taking inspiration from the Fast and Furious movies, the realities of international relations, solo travel and New York City's reputation through the decades.
Part 2 of Carlos's conversation with Brad Warren, on half of the hit songwriting duo The Warren Brothers.Ever wondered what the journey of a song looks like, from the writing room to the radio? Well, my good friend and Grammy-nominated songwriter, Brad Warren, is here to unravel the mystery. Together, we navigate the intricate process and share stories of unexpected breakthroughs in the music industry - like how rapper Connor Price and his wife spun a globe for their next collab decision and ...
Part 1 of Carlos's conversation with Brad Warren, half of the hit-writing duo The Warren Brothers. Get ready to be captivated by the life and journey of none other than Brad Warren, the multi-number one writing and Grammy-nominated songwriter from Nashville. This chat with Brad is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. Starting from his initial dream of pursuing a rock star career, forged by the powerful chords of classic rock, to his battles with addiction, and his rise as a successful songw...
Join us as we unravel the mysteries of creativity, drawing inspiration from Elizabeth Gilbert's book, 'Big Magic'. We dive into the importance of seizing ideas when they occur and the liberating feeling of discarding ones that don't resonate. We also share how we've adapted our writing approach, creating a sticky note system that fosters a vibrant idea pool.Think back to the last time you accomplished a manual task. Maybe it was mending a broken fence or even baking a loaf of bread. Remember ...
Chatting about Christopher Nolan, the genius behind the films like 'Following', 'Insomnia', and 'Memento', diving into the depth and layers of his narratives. It's not just about the films, we also explore how his creations stand apart from modern cinematic norms. Shifting gears from Nolan's cinematic world, we delve into the changing landscape of Hollywood. (Carlos wonders what the hell its all about) Ever thought about how streaming services have disrupted traditional compensation mo...
Carlos & Robert chat: Have you ever wondered how the Mission Impossible series manages to deliver one thrilling installment after another? We unpack this mystery in our latest episode, discussing director Christopher Macquarie's captivating style and Tom Cruise's ability to drive a story. We also draw comparisons between the practical effects of the Mission Impossible series and the CGI of Marvel movies. Plus, get ready to experience the nostalgia as we revisit the legendary Harrison Ford...
Robert & Carlos chat: We take you from Orlando, to the green of Alaska, and through riveting tales of family reunions in Michigan and food in Chattanooga. Scenic hikes and gaming events.Avid film buffs, we don't just stop at travel tales. We venture into Hollywood, dissecting the trend of deconstructed hero tropes and their impact on characters we hold dear. We share our insights on films like Force Awakens and Indiana Jones 5, and mull over Harrison Ford's comeback and the intriguing rol...
Robert and Carlos chat: We've all had those chaotic summers where life feels like a whirlwind, and this year was no exception for us. Amidst dance recitals, in-law visits, and writing struggles, we decided to take a break and have a heart-to-heart about everything from navigating the dangers of sugar addiction to which movie to watch.