The Chillout Lounge Mix

133 Episodes
Ibiza mix, creativity blooms making music on this inspiring island. Go to the website for playlists and info.
You can make anything you’re passionate about an art, I love music, it is why I’m on this planet. Go to the website for playlists and info.
Another extended mix full of blissful music and an extra energy boost for the year ahead. Go to the website for playlists and info.
Let's take our time, go deep and long, sharing my thoughts through sound in this special extra length mix. Check out my new album Dreams which I did with the inspirational Mozez and his profound voice and lyrics. Go to the website for info, links and playlists.
Music can express powerful emotions and a profound sense of connection and feeling within us. I have a new album with the sublime singer Mozez called Dreams which goes deeper than anything I’ve done before. Go to the website for playlists and info.
A mix full of memorable, dramatic and varied feelings. Every emotion can be used to invent amazing, beautiful creative musical art. Go to the website for playlists and info.
This extended mix aims to give you energy and drive, to truly chill takes hard work and physical movement beforehand. If you have a plan now is often the best time, you don’t need eyes to see, you need vision. Go to the website for playlists and info.
This mix attracts without chase, combining atmosphere with bass, if something doesn’t work, learn, move on or replace. Go to the website for playlists and info.
This mix moves with grace, life can be a game, a race, a fight, or you can dance through it with kindness into the night. Go to the website for playlists and info.
Sharing what’s inside, deep, expansive, varied, emotional, devotional, warm, atmospheric, cinematic, elated, poetic. Go to the website for playlists and info.
The Chillout Lounge Mix podcast is now available on YouTube. There are also single releases like this video of Nocturnal. If you want to connect and have a chat, I'd love to see you there.
Music for when the sun has set, a great time to connect with yourself and people you care about. Go to the website for playlists and info.
I feel good and want the same for you, sharing music and this mix is the best way I know how. Go to the website for playlists and info.
The world is better with more kindness, if music is the answer, let’s make love unquestionable. Go to the website for playlists and info.
People are amazing, the things we are capable of doing, and the difficult times we can grow through are remarkable. Go to the website for playlists and info.
My gift to you to show my appreciation, is an extended mix filled with new sounds. Thanks to all for listening to my music, and I wish you a wonderful 2024. Go to the website for playlists and info.
This mix is made to give you drive, positive energy and inspiration. Whether that is to change the world for the better in some way or to just get out of bed and face a new day. Go to the website for playlists and info.
Halloween special with fiendishly wicked new music. Go to the website for tracklists and info.
Bringing you elegant and classy music in this mix, let’s move with style. Go to the website for playlists and info.
This mix shares the energy and power of believing in yourself, I hope it inspires and you can love again. Go to the website for playlists and info.
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Искал информацию о допустимых температурах в квартире и нашел полезную статью на сайте Tion: . В статье подробно разобраны нормы для разных помещений в зависимости от сезона. Например, зимой в жилых комнатах температура должна быть не ниже 18 °C, а в угловых – не ниже 20 °C. Также узнал, что температура в ванной комнате должна быть выше, чем в других помещениях – от 24 °C. В статье есть ссылки на актуальные ГОСТы, а также советы по поддержанию комфортного микроклимата. Особенно полезно оказалось упоминание о влиянии температуры на здоровье: слишком холодный или слишком жаркий воздух может вызвать дискомфорт, а также негативно сказаться на самочувствии.
Amazing mix .. Favorite!
Blissed out
it's fucking amazing!!!
that's a cool 🥶
great from 50:20
relaxing tunes for road tripping.
good working.
Early Christmas Present. Thank you.
27я минута! о привет
Loving it
Awesome chillout, gratitude for sharing 🙏
Amazing chillout session, gratitude for sharing 🙏
Sehr gut, ruhig und entspannt genau das richtige zum Feierabend. 👍
sehr Gefühlvoll...... schön Klasse mix.
sehr Gefühlvoll...... schön Klasse mix.
Amazing Mix 😎