The Chris Cuomo Project
Author: Chris Cuomo
Subscribed: 6,199Played: 185,577Description
The Chris Cuomo Project is the official podcast of award-winning veteran broadcast journalist Chris Cuomo. Chris’ independent voice provides listeners with an up-close view of politics, global affairs, and American culture from a vantage point uniquely shaped by decades of insider experience.
Every Tuesday, Chris presents his signature take on today’s pressing current events — and explores how these stories are being covered by all sides of the media — through in-depth interviews with newsmakers, tastemakers, and other influential figures.
On Thursdays, Chris shares insights into subjects that deeply matter to him personally, and answers YouTube comments and listener phone calls.
Free from the constraints of a traditional media organization, The Chris Cuomo Project is home to independents, free agents, and those who don’t fit nicely on one side or the other.
Let’s get after it.
Apparently any clown can be president now. 🤡
what 'side' where these people on 1 yr ago??? where were these comments then??
Chris. I don't know if you see these comments or not. you are absolutely a million percent correct. am I devastated yes. am I going to let it run my life and worry about everything that he does, no. I had an obsessive unhealthy relationship with social media and the news from all sources Democrat and Republican. I came to realize that after the election and I have promptly gotten rid of every social and every news app on my phone. I guess I'm blissfully ignorant. thanks for all you do.
Totally agree, great analysis, Chris!
Kaitlyn Jenner is against trans women In women sports...
I want more info on vaccine side effects and what to do about them when your doctors brush you off
I am a 78-year-old woman who received the COVID vaccine as well as all boosters but stopped getting them as of the fall of 2023 due to illnesses I developed that I believe are due to the vaccine. These are AFib as well as leukocytic lymphocytosis. I mentioned to my GP, cardiologist, and oncologist that I believe these were a result of the vaccine, and none of them took me seriously.
Mehdi is right. The believers in trump are definitely a cult.
Is the show that has been canceled available to listen to anywhere online? I would love it if they were shared either in a podcast or on youtube so I could figure out why his ideas were so scary to msnbc
Chris, I have watched you for years. I missed you when you were off the air. I didn't always agree with you , I respect you enough to know everyone has their own protective. I just finished listening to the episode about enough. During this episode,I actually was tearing up for myself because this is what I wanted to hear my whole life. It would be a long comment to give you the reasons, so I will just thank you for making me realize to me I am enough. Please don't go away again. Wendy
I unfortunately don't see value in this podcast. Selling supplements and whining about how tough life is... I love you for your interviews and perspectives on actuality. Stop pretending you're Tony Robbins and focus on how actuality affects us. No more preaching please. Sorry for the arshness but I miss the Cuomo I used to see on CNN and unfortunately I don't have access to the News Nation something you're on. Thanks for reading me.
Unfortunately program is impossible to listen to because the translator is talking over President Zalensky. what a shame
Merry Christmas 🎄🎄 from New Hampshire, Chris!
Degrasse Tyson is the G.O.A.T of wokness.
wish there were more charles barkleys
Sorry, but this a**hole is not truthful. The national archives has been after #iq45 for over a year with requests to return the documents. Chris, for this one you need to be more robust on your questions. He's lying. it's all 🐂💩.
Welcome back! We enjoyed your CNN spot and we were hoping to hear your voice on the world situation again!
I guess Rivers Cuomo isn't the only perv Cuomo among us
"You are the same as what you oppose." That's a good one.
Mr. Cuomo, you are exactly what is need. Joe was on my shit list, because of your podcast I have to apologize.